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Dear Sarah Kyle,

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to let you know about an important update regarding our
Spanish class next week. Our regular teacher, Ms. Leslie Williams, will be attending a conference in Spain
for teachers of modern languages from September 23rd to September 27th, 2019. During her absence,
another Spanish teacher, Mr. Aaron Abdool, will be teaching our class.

As a result, we have been assigned specific readings from the textbook Vamos Amigos for that week. It's
essential that you catch up on the material to stay on track with our studies. The readings will be covered
by Mr. Abdool during class discussions, so it's important to familiarize yourself with the content.

If you have any questions or need any additional guidance regarding the assigned readings, feel free to
reach out to me, Mr. Abdool, or any of our classmates. We're here to support each other and ensure that
everyone stays up to date with the coursework.

I hope this information helps you stay informed about the temporary change in our class schedule and
the assigned readings. Please let me know if you have any concerns or if there's anything else I can assist
you with.

Wishing you all the best and looking forward to seeing you in class next week!


Jason Singh


Once upon a time in a small, peaceful town, lived a young boy named Kodi. Kodi was an imaginative and
curious child who had a heart filled with excitement and wonder. He lived with his parents, cherishing
the love and care they provided. However, there was a void in his life—the absence of his uncle Brandon.

Uncle Brandon had always been a mysterious figure to Kodi. He had heard fascinating tales from his
parents about his uncle's adventurous spirit and his love for exploring the world. Kodi often wondered
why his uncle had decided to spend his retirement years with him.
One sunny afternoon, while Kodi was exploring the attic, he stumbled upon an old chest filled with dusty
journals and photographs. Eager to unravel the mystery behind his uncle's choice, he sat cross-legged on
the attic floor and opened one of the journals.

The pages were filled with vivid descriptions of breathtaking landscapes, encounters with diverse
cultures, and heartfelt reflections. Kodi's eyes widened with every word he read, and his heart
overflowed with a mix of admiration and yearning for such adventures.

As Kodi delved deeper into the journal, he discovered a hidden letter addressed to him. It was a letter
from Uncle Brandon, revealing the true reason behind his decision to spend his retirement years with his

Education is the cornerstone of personal and societal growth, providing individuals with the tools and
knowledge to shape their future. However, in the pursuit of academic excellence, some students may
encounter challenges that lead to disciplinary actions, including the possibility of expulsion. This essay
aims to discuss why no student should be expelled from school and highlight the importance of
providing support, guidance, and second chances to foster growth and development.

Expulsion often serves as a punitive measure without addressing the root causes of student misbehavior.
Rather than pushing students away, educators should strive to understand the underlying reasons
behind their actions. Every student has unique circumstances, and by offering support and guidance,
schools can facilitate personal growth and create opportunities for positive change.

Education is a fundamental right, and by expelling students, we deny them the opportunity to learn and
grow academically. Rather than turning our backs on struggling students, we should explore alternative
disciplinary measures, such as suspension, community service, or targeted intervention programs. These
measures can provide students with a chance to reflect on their actions, learn from their mistakes, and
eventually reintegrate into the educational system.

Expulsion perpetuates a punitive culture, often leading to a cycle of exclusion and disengagement.
Instead, restorative justice practices can offer a more empathetic and effective approach to address
student misconduct. Through dialogue, mediation, and community involvement, restorative justice
fosters understanding, empathy, and personal accountability, enabling students to make amends, learn
from their actions, and rebuild trust within the school community.

In conclusion, no student should be expelled from school as it contradicts the principles of nurturing
growth, providing support, and ensuring equal access to education. By creating a supportive
environment, addressing underlying issues, and embracing restorative justice practices, schools can
guide students towards personal and academic growth, enabling them to overcome challenges and
become productive members of society. Let us prioritize the inherent worth and potential of every
student, providing them with the second chances they need to thrive and contribute positively to their
education and the wider community.

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