Free Script Template

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Scene 1

Page # [Put your page number here]

[ The ([ ]) is used to hold the scene direction. Here you put everything your characters are doing
or any important details that you are showing and not telling. This can go anywhere in your
script that would need some visual parts explained to remind yourself or the artist.]  

-NOTE [ The ([ ]  can also be used for narration for things that the narrator says its pretty good
to use that as well).

Character1- Here is where the dialogue goes: put what the people are saying here. 
Scene 2

Page # [Put your page number here]

[ The ([ ]) is used to hold the scene direction. Here you put everything your characters are doing
or any important details that you are showing and not telling. This can go anywhere in your
script that would need some visual parts explained to remind yourself or the artist.]  

-NOTE [ The ([ ]  can also be used for narration for things that the narrator says its pretty good
to use that as well).

Character1- Here is where the dialogue goes: put what the people are saying here. 

Scene 3

Page # [Put your page number here]

[ The ([ ]) is used to hold the scene direction. Here you put everything your characters are doing
or any important details that you are showing and not telling. This can go anywhere in your
script that would need some visual parts explained to remind yourself or the artist.]  

-NOTE [ The ([ ]  can also be used for narration for things that the narrator says its pretty good
to use that as well).

Character1- Here is where the dialogue goes: put what the people are saying here. 

Closing Notes
Lastly if you have more scenes you can copy and paste the above ones to add more and even
with the pages as well. But I would write out the dialogue for each scene before creating the
pages of your manga. 

I do hope this was useful thanks for downloading it. 


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