NACR FurtherReading M2

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Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

Further Reading
Module 2
Topic 1
Mintu‐Wimsatt, A. (2002). Personality and negotiation style: the moderating effects of cultural
context. Thunderbird International Business Review, 44(6), 729-748.
Bell, C., & Song, F. (2005). Emotions in the conflict process: An application of the cognitive appraisal
model of emotions to conflict management. International Journal of Conflict Management, 16(1), 30-
Widner, J. (2005). Constitution writing and conflict resolution. The Round Table, 94(381), 503-518.

Topic 2
Youtube video by Robert Mnookin on his Harvard university class on negotiation – tone language key
to a successful negotiation - clip.

Topic 3
Brett, J F, Pinkley, R L, & Jackofsky, E. F 1996, ‘Alternatives to having a BATNA in dyadic negotiation:
The influence of goals, self-efficacy, and alternatives on negotiated outcomes’. International Journal
of Conflict Management, 7(2), 121-138.

Topic 5
Jennings, N R., Faratin, P, Lomuscio, A R., Parsons, S, Wooldridge, M J., & Sierra, C 2001, ‘Automated
negotiation: prospects, methods and challenges’, Group Decision and Negotiation, 10(2), 199-215.
Sycara, K P 1990, Negotiation planning: An AI approach. European Journal of Operational Research,
46(2), 216-234.

Topic 6
LeBaron, M & Carstarphen, N 1997, ‘Negotiating intractable conflict: The common ground dialogue
process and abortion’. Negotiation Journal, 13(4), 341-361.
Rothman, J., & Olson, M. L, 2001, ‘From interests to identities: Towards a new emphasis in
interactive conflict resolution’. Journal of Peace Research, 38(3), 289-305.

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Topic 7
Bacharach, S. B., & Lawler, E. J 1981, Bargaining: Power, Tactics and Outcomes. Jossey-Bass Inc., 433
California Street, San Francisco, CA 94104.
Deutsch, M., Coleman, P. T., & Marcus, E. C Eds 2011, The handbook of conflict resolution: Theory
and practice. John Wiley & Sons.
Ramsbotham, O., Miall, H., & Woodhouse, T 2011, Contemporary conflict resolution. Polity.

Topic 8
Ross, L., & Stittinger, C 1991, Barriers to conflict resolution. Negotiation Journal, 7(4), 389-404.
Pruitt, D G & Kim, S H 1998, Social conflict. The handbook of social psychology, 2, 470-503.

Topic 9
Yousufi, M & Khan, M 2013, ‘Conflict Resolution: Military Operation or Peace Deal’. Journal of
Educational and Social Research, 3(3), 309.
Adair, W. L., & Loewenstein, J 2013, ‘Talking it through: communication sequences in negotiation’,
Handbook of Research on Negotiation, 311.

Topic 10
Jehn, K A & Mannix, E A 2001, ‘The dynamic nature of conflict: A longitudinal study of intra-group
conflict and group performance’, Academy of management journal, 44(2), 238-251.
Wade-Benzoni, K A Hoffman, A J Thompson, L. L, Moore, D A., Gillespie, J J & Bazerman, M H 2002,
Barriers to resolution in ideologically based negotiations: The role of values and institutions.
Academy of Management Review, 27(1), 41-57.

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