NACR FurtherReading M4

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Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

Further Reading
Module 4
Topic 1
Lewicki, R J Weiss, S E & Lewin, D 1992,’Models of conflict, negotiation and third party intervention:
A review and synthesis’, Journal of organizational behaviour, 13(3), 209-252.
Bendersky, C 2003, ‘Organizational dispute resolution systems: A complementarities model’,
Academy of Management Review, 28(4), 643-656.

Topic 2
Deutsch, M 1998, ‘Constructive Conflict Resolution: Principles, Training, and Research,’ in The
Handbook of Interethnic Coexistence, ed. Eugene Weiner, New York: Continuum Publishing

Youtube video by Robert Mnookin on his Harvard university class on negotiation – tone language key
to a successful negotiation - clip.

Topic 3
Brownell, J 1986 Building active listening skills. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Topic 4
Learner, H 2001, Dance of Connection, New York: Harper-Collins Publishing

Topic 5
Argyle, M 2013, Bodily communication. New Yorkj:Routledge.
Martin, J N & Nakayama, T K 2004, Intercultural communication in contexts. London : McGraw-Hill

Topic 6
Putnam, LL & Holmer, M 1992, ‘Framing, reframing, and issue development’. in Putnam L. and
Roloff, M.E. (Eds.), Communication and Negotiation, Newbury Park, CA: Sage, Vol. 20. pp.128-155.
Nair-Venugopal, S 2009,’ Interculturalities: Reframing identities in intercultural communication’,
Language and Intercultural Communication, 9(2), 76-90.

Topic 9
Hall, ET 1977, Beyond culture. Random House Digital, Inc

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