CSC Assignment

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Reg no:U1/22/MBBS/1474
Course: Introduction to Computer science
Course code: CSC1301


1. Describe the purpose and function of the following computer components: CPU (Central Processing
Unit), RAM (Random Access Memory), and ROM (Read Only Memory). How do these components work
together to execute tasks and enhance the performance of a computer?

2. Compare and contrast low-level programming languages (e.g., assembly language) and high level
programming languages (e.g., Python, Java). Discuss their advantages anddisadvantages, and provide
examples of use cases for each type of language.


Question 1 . Describe the purpose and function of the following computer components: CPU (Central

Processing Unit), RAM (Random Access Memory), and ROM (Read Only Memory). How do

these components work together to execute tasks and enhance the performance of a


CPU (Central Processing Unit):

The CPU, often referred to as the brain of the computer, is responsible for executing instructions and
performing calculations. It carries out the essential tasks required for the functioning of a computer. The
CPU consists of various components, including arithmetic logic units (ALUs) that perform mathematical
operations and control units that coordinate the execution of instructions.
RAM (Random Access Memory):

RAM is a volatile form of memory that provides temporary storage for data and instructions that the CPU
needs to access quickly. It acts as a workspace for active programs and data being processed. When a
program is launched, the instructions and data are loaded from permanent storage (e.g., hard drive) into
RAM. The CPU fetches instructions from RAM, executes them, and temporarily stores the results back in
RAM. Unlike permanent storage, RAM allows for rapid reading and writing of data, which contributes to
the overall speed and performance of a computer. It is important to note that when the computer is
powered off, the data stored in RAM is lost.

ROM (Read-Only Memory):

ROM is a non-volatile memory that stores permanent instructions or data that are essential for booting
up the computer and initializing hardware components. It contains firmware or software instructions
that are permanently written during manufacturing and cannot be modified or erased by normal
computer operations. ROM provides the computer with the necessary instructions to start up and load
the operating system. It plays a critical role during the computer's startup process by providing the initial
set of instructions needed to initialize hardware components and load the operating system into RAM.
Unlike RAM, the data stored in ROM is not lost when the computer is powered off.

How These Components Work Together:

The CPU relies on RAM to store the instructions and data it needs to access quickly. When a program is
launched, the instructions and data are loaded from storage (e.g., hard drive) into RAM. The CPU then
fetches instructions from RAM, executes them, and temporarily stores the results back in RAM. This
back-and-forth data transfer between the CPU and RAM allows for efficient and fast execution of tasks.

ROM plays a critical role during the computer's startup process. When the computer is turned on, the
firmware instructions stored in ROM initialize hardware components and load the operating system into
RAM. Once the operating system is loaded, the CPU can execute tasks using the instructions and data
stored in RAM.

In summary, the CPU performs the actual processing and execution of instructions, while RAM provides
temporary storage for data and instructions required by the CPU. ROM contains permanent firmware
instructions necessary for booting up the computer and initializing hardware components.
Question 2. Compare and contrast low-level programming languages (e.g., assembly language) and high
level programming languages (e.g., Python, Java). Discuss their advantages anddisadvantages, and
provide examples of use cases for each type of language. :

Low-Level Programming Languages (e.g., assembly language):

Low-level programming languages are closer to the hardware and provide more direct control over the
computer's resources. Assembly language is an example of a low-level programming language.
Programmers write code using mnemonic instructions that correspond directly to the machine code
understood by the computer's CPU.

Advantages of Low-Level Programming Languages:

- Precise control over hardware resources: Low-level languages allow programmers to have fine-grained
control over the hardware, making them suitable for tasks that require direct manipulation of hardware

- Efficient code execution with minimal overhead: Since low-level languages operate closely with the
hardware, they have minimal overhead, resulting in more efficient code execution.

Disadvantages of Low-Level Programming Languages:

- Steeper learning curve and more complex syntax: Low-level languages have more complex syntax and
require a deeper understanding of computer architecture, making them more challenging to learn
compared to high-level languages.

- Lack of portability between different hardware architectures: Code written in low-level languages is
often specific to a particular hardware architecture, making it less portable across different systems.

High-Level Programming Languages (e.g., Python, Java):

High-level programming languages are designed to be more user-friendly and abstract away the
complexities of the underlying hardware. They provide a higher level of abstraction and readability.
Python and Java are examples of high-level programming languages.

Advantages of High-Level Programming Languages:

- Easier to learn and use, with simpler syntax and a wide range of libraries and frameworks: High-level
languages provide a more user-friendly environment for programming, with simpler syntax that is closer
to human language. They also offer extensive libraries and frameworks that simplify development tasks.
- Platform independence and portability across different operating systems: High-level languages are
typically designed to be platform-independent, allowing programs written in these languages to run on
different operating systems without significant modifications.

Disadvantages of High-Level Programming Languages:

- Less direct control over hardware resources compared to low-level languages: High-level languages
abstract away the low-level details, limiting the programmer's control over hardware resources. This can
be a disadvantage when direct hardware control is required.

- Increased overhead and reduced efficiency compared to low-level languages: High-level languages
often introduce additional layers of abstraction and runtime environments, which can lead to increased
overhead and reduced efficiency compared to low-level languages.

Use Cases:

Low-level languages like assembly are often used for system-level programming, device drivers, or
situations where fine-grained control over hardware resources is necessary. These languages are
commonly employed in embedded systems or when optimizing critical code sections for performance.

High-level languages like Python and Java are commonly used for a wide range of applications, including
web development, data analysis, scientific computing, and artificial intelligence. They provide a higher
level of abstraction and productivity, making them suitable for rapid development and large-scale
software projects. High-level languages are often preferred for their ease of use, code readability, and
extensive libraries and frameworks.

It's important to note that the choice of programming language depends on the specific requirements of
the project, the available resources, and the trade-offs between control, performance, and development

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