Vishwakarma Institute of Technology: Issue 01: Rev No. 00: Dt. 01/08/22

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Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 00 : Dt.


Title : Project Registration & Progress Review FF No. 180

Department: AI & DS Academic Year: 2022-23

Semester : 1 Group No. : 13

Project Title: Satellite Image Dehazing

Project Area: Deep Learning

Group Members Details:

Sr. Class Roll G.R.No.

No & Div. No. Name of Student Contact No. Email ID
C 55 12111328 jay.wanjare21@
Jay Wanjare 9405885676
C 59 saket.waware21
12110646 Saket Waware 7887940986
3 C 63 12111124 prafulla.yash21
Yash Wagh 8329467848
4 C 64 12110958 aditya.yeole21
Aditya Yeole 9923723341
C 65 yuvraaj.susatkar
5 12110258 Yuvraj Susatkar 8669899065

Name of Internal Guide: Prof. Kuldeep Vayanade

Contact No. & Email ID:

Project approved / Not approved

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 00 : Dt. 01/08/22

Guide Project Coordinator Head of Department

FF No 180

Project Synopsis:
This paper proposes deep CNN model based on dehazing algorithm using U-NET,
dynamic U-NET and Generative Adversarial Networks (CycleGANs). CycleGAN is
a method that comprehends automatic training of image-to-image transformation
without associated examples. To train the model network, we use SIH dataset as the
training set.
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 00 : Dt. 01/08/22

FF No 180

Group No.

Progress Review
Activity Review Schedule Signature of Guide
Report submitted

Review 1 Mid Sem. Semester Yes / No

Review 2 End of Semester Yes / No

Format of Progress Review Report:

Review No.: 1 Group No.: Date:

Progress Review Report

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 00 : Dt. 01/08/22

Signature of Guide:

Review No.: 2 Group No.: Date:

Progress Review Report

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 00 : Dt. 01/08/22

Signature of Guide:

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