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Political Science Lecturer

MROMCOs Persona 41
tculr wall (ci Not densely
eat much
(d) People dun tfollowing does Rousseau
had a huniber of detractors Which of the undermine the
it might
ong whor Russean hmsell should be ppose becauso
cluted Vhat was thr te of hus traternty of the people?
seeningy and ulobqaphy (a) Governrnent
lnes (b) Finance
1 My lie and
The l:nph ot Reason (c) Monarchy
Yon Only Have Io (d) Representat1on every
ue Paranod
e Roht Once must the peopie vote on at
38 What
he Confesstons of JeanJacques popular assernbly? shouid take
SUsseau When the next assernbly
asseau beleved that man n he "state of place tne soGial
not to disband
aure was naturally good Stll he (b) Whether or
sfed that a true state of nature probably contract government shouid
sted except as an deal a standard for (c) Whether or not the
-mparnson His method for deal1ng with be kept in power *
hs dscrepancy belween reality and theory leader of the people
(d) Who will be the Rousseau favor
39 In what cases does
a lay the factsS aside as they do not election by lot?
affect the question "* (a) !n aristocracies
He blamed a maid and remained silent (b) In electing military
when she was punished
(C) In democracies
He immediately confessed administrative affairs
(d) In deciding on
O He ran away but not before returning
Which of the following does Rousseau NOT
the stolen ttems 40. c1rcumstances?
According to Rousseau what is legitimate Support under any
(a) Capital pun1shment
2olitical author1ty based on?
(b) Slavery *
a SlaveryY (c) Dictatorship
D A sOCial contract *
(d) Monarchy
C Nature
d Force 41 What is an example of "religion of the
Which of the following is NOT a danger (a) The Catholic Church
Rousseau associates with monarchy?
(b) The gods of ancient Greece*
a The monarch will govern in his own
important Western Thinkers 41 (c) Apersonal relationship with God
nterests and not those of the people (d) Theravada Buddhism
0) The corporate will and the general will 42 Who wrote the book Black water?
might be confused* (a) Small, Melvin
is A monarch will not delegate authority (b) Morgan, EdmundS
well (c) Jeremy Scahill *
16) It takes a great deal of strength lo (d) None of these
govern single- handedly 43 Who wrote the book The Assault on
hch does Rousseau think is thè best Reason?
lotm of arnistocracy? (a) Thompson, J W., and SK Padover
a) Naturai ar1stocracy
(b) Drew Westen
tb) ElectJe aristocracy k (c) AlGore *
(C) Heredilary ar1stocracy
(d) None of these
(0) Different forms are best under different
44 Banker to the Poor book is written by:
CaICumstances (a) Muhammad Yunus t
0In which of the following circumstances
does democracy thrive? (b) Gabriel A. Almond
(a) There is a small (C) Morgan, Edmund S
(b) A southern
surplus *
climate (d) None of these

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