Polite Refusals Worksheet and Actiivity Fun Activities Games - 44850

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Hi Susan,

Hitomi and I are

going to the movies
Intermediate Communications tonight do you want
to come with us?
I’m afraid I can’t go
out tonight. I have
other plans, but
thank you for asking

Polite Refusals

The following expressions can be used to politely refuse offers:

 No, thanks.
 I’m afraid I can’t…
 I’d really rather not…
 I’m ok for now. But thanks.
 No, thanks. I’m fine. Really.
 That’s really kind of you, but I really have to…
 Sorry, I’m not really fond of…
 No, thanks. I’m good.

Using the examples given, fill in the blanks with the appropriate refusals:

Susan: Hi Yu, would you like to go for lunch at Chopsticks tomorrow?

Yu: That’s really kind of you, but I really have to study for my grammar test.

Mary: Hey Sam, some of us are going to a party in Nelson this weekend do you want to
come with us?
Sam: , because I have already made plans to go to
Trail on the weekend.

Carol: Hitomi, would you like to come over to my house for dinner on Tuesday? I am
making grilled shrimp.
Hitomi: ,

Sally: Patty, would you like ?

Patty: No, .

Angie: Yuka, do you want to study for our communications exam tonight?
Yuka: .

Fred:: Mone, would you like to go dancing at the Element tonight?

Mone: .
\Polite Refusal Activity: Create your own dialogue

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