Iscsi Troubleshuting

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SVC/Storwize iSCSI connectivity: support education guide Objective This document explain SVC/Storwize iSCST high level architecture, best practices and then based on these understanding delve into debugging aspect. Content 1, svC/storwize iSCSI high-level architecture. 2. Configure and customize iSCSI host attachment. 3, Best practices and typical Perf numbers. 4. Troubleshooting with logfiles - login/logout issues Multi session/ Host multipathing issues. ; Performance issues . Review Ethernet stats file 5. Dump analysis Host ign table and wwpn mapping I/O tracing in HRCB : Errors at iSCSI layer target failover events 6. Known issues and current status a. Duplicate ign b. TCP Delayed Ack ¢, High CPU utilization and performance issues 7, Detail Leg collection a. Linux b. Windows ESX pore 1. SvC/Storwize iSCSI high-level architecture In an iSCSI network, host servers use a conventional IP fabric to communicate with the storage subsystems. iSCSI network have analogous components to a Fibre Channel SAN: ascst Fibre Channel iSCSI Host Bus Adapter Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter NIC and iSCSI software initiator Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter IP Switch FC Switch TON wn The NIC cards on an SAN Volume Controller node will carry both iscsi traffic and be used for configuration UT traffic. iSCSI target supports TPv4 and IPv6 concurrently (port 3260) Storwize supports 1]Page SVC/Storwize iSCSI connectivity: support education guide iSNS: This allows iSCSI initiators to locate appropriate storage resources using the Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) protecol CHAP based authentication: The command line interface associates iSCSI authentication information with a host object In accordance with iSCSI standards, IPsec is used for encryption and CHAP for authentication. Note we support CHAP. ASCSI uses either ign names (223 bytes) ASCII names or eui (64 bit identifier) to represent a worldwide unique naming scheme for iSCST initiators. IQN are generated automatically using svc node name and cluster name Hence, for a user, to be able to start an iSCSI target on a node, all it has to do is to assign it at least one IP. Each SVC node contains a single iSCSI target (and hence has a single IQN) and hence in an iogroup there will be two iSCSI targets Each SVC/Storwize node is a single iSCSI target which has following unique charectersitic - iSCSI qualified name (IQN) - Associated IP addresses Unique implementation: IP take over facility in an I/O group should be ensured. In an 1/0 group if one of the SAN Volume Controller nodes acting as iSCSI target fails, then the other node should be able to take over the failed node IP addresses, so the iSCSI initiator will still be able to continue its operations. During takeover the iSCSI initiator will be logged out from the failed node and a new session/login needs to be established with the working node with the IP address of failed node. | multipathing drivers are not required to do cluster maintenance (when SAN Volume Controller nodes are removed or replaced in an TO group). Multipathing host drivers are however required for load balancing and for surviving NIC, link or network failures. is SI IP addess. SI target can be deleted by removing all is 2|Page SVC/Storwize iSCSI connectivity: support education guide 2. Configure and customize iSCSI host attachment. a. Set up your SAN Volume Controller cluster for iSCSI. - Configure the node Ethernet ports on each node - Verify that you have configured the node - Create VDisks - Create a host object - Map the VDisk to the host b. Set up your host server. - Ensure you have configured your IP interfaces on the server - Install the software for the iSCSI software initiator The iSCSI initiator service must be restarted following changes to the initiator nane Examples: ign. 1986-03. com. sy pln nate need fatter Bin ses a[Page SVC/Storwize iSCSI connectivity: support education guide SE sic sts ae 2 Fore channel [target 0 Port 2} ADD_TARGET [target 0 Port 2] ADD_TARGET ‘SCSI Configuration re=0 name Look at audit log and SvCout for this configuration information. When a node failover : [target 1 Port 2] ADD TARGET [target 1 Port 2} ADD_TARGET When failback: [target 1 Port 1] TP_pow [target 1 Port 2} DET TARGET (Note it is target 1) re=0 name e.g. Nodel warmstart, hence the iSCSI configuration failover to node2. 4|Page SVC/Storwize iSCSI connectivity: support education guide Most Name (rine indowrs80 Port Definitions ign 3981-08 .com mierosoRuwindons-rS9u10 x | use CHAP authentication (all ports) Advanced Settings Host Type © Generic fefaut) Hears © Opens Tevaneed] S|Page SVC/Storwize iSCSI connectivity: support education guide Similarly for Linux # cat /etc/isesi/initiatorname.iscsi ER stort cone ltteer Drie | atc ee oll eee ‘Neto HCHLO2 por | Target cscoverymethods: Sore Targets, ttc Tenge A © nh kool © ont -seftwers Bvbate Properties <<< eto ders se lies rates poets eu uw ener 8 ihe recnroraten etches Sado \esitichre etsLacion west ‘pemnecnne Abetan vB Dot Hse n Then create and map volumes: echo Link encap:Bthernet ineté addr inet addr inet addr: ef3: Leff: fefS: 6404/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:150983 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:4039 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:18179145 (17.3 MiB) TX bytes:2880348 (2.7 MiB) Interrupt:16 Memory: £be00000-£be20000 HWaddr SC:F3:FC:F5:64:C4 ethO:1 Dink encap:Ethernet HWaddr 5C:F3:FC: 4 inet addr: Bcast: Mask:25$.255.255.255 UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metri Interrupt:16 Memory: fbe00000-fbe20000 6|Page SVC/Storwize iSCSI connectivity: support education guide eth0:10 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 3C:F3:FC:F5:64:C4 Lnet addz: Beast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 Interrupt:16 Memory: #he00000-fh=20000 Link encap:Bthernet lNaddr 3C:F3:FC:F5:64:C4 inet addz: Bcaat: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 Interrupt:16 Memory: fbe00000-fbe20000 IBM_Stozrwizereducation:superuser>cfgportip -mtu 9000 1 [target 0 Port 2) ADD_TARGET [target 0 port 2] ADDLTARGET ro-0 name 210002 0000:05:00.0: Disabling ASPM LL 210002 0000:05:00.0: ethO: changing MIU from 1500 to 9000 [target 0 Port 1] TP_Dow [target 0 Port 1] IP Down 210002: ethO NIC Link is Up 1000 Mops Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx [Target 0 Port 1] IPP echo Link encap:Ethernet Hiladdy $¢:F3:FC:F5 Enet6 addr: 2002:976:2c08:202:5e83:£eee Inet6 addr? 2002:976:2608:207:5ef3: Fett: fer5:64e4/64 Scope: ineté addr: fe80: :5ef3:foFt:FeF5:6ic4/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:9000 Metric:1 167117 exzors ppedi0 overruns:0 frame:0 5519 errore:0 dropped: 0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:20206665 (19.2 MiB) TX bytes:3286875 (3.1 MiB) Interrupt :16 Menory: fhe00000-£he20000 6arce fe£5:64c4/64 Scope:Global ech Link encap:Ethernet Hiaddr 5¢:P3:FC:F5:64:¢4 inet addr: Beast: Mask:25$.255.255.255 UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:9000 Metric:1 Interrupt:1€ Memory: fhe00000-fhe20000 echt Link encap:Ethernet Hiladdr 5¢:F3:FC:F5:64:¢4 Enet addei192.168.53.41 Beast:192.168.53,255 Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST UTU:9000 “Metric:1 Interrupt :16 Menory:fbe00000-rbe20000 eth0:20 Link encap:Bthernet HWaddr $0: F3:FC:FS:64:c4 Inet adar: Beast : Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:9000 ‘Metric:1 Interrupt :16 Menory: fhed0000-fhe20000 education > Hosts > Hosts + io [ni at MEE Qonne Geren 1 yee iw Qomne corer 1 ye Iindowe. ru Qottne erate 1 vei 7\Page SVC/Storwize iSCSI connectivity: support education guide # iscsiadm -m discovery ~t st -p,1 .education.nodel # iscsiadm -m discovery “t st ~p 192, 168,53.21:3260,1 ign. 1986-03 145 -education-node? # iscsiadm -m no: Logging in to (iface: default, target:, portal:, 3260) Logging in to [iface: default, target:, portal:, 260) Login to [itace: default, target:,ibm:2145,education.nodel, portal:, 3260]: successful Login to [izace: default, target:, portal:, 3260]: successful ¥ fdiek -2 Disk /dev/sdb: 1099.5 G8, 1099511627776 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 133674 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 225280 bytes # iscsiadm -m session -P 3 iSCSI Transport Class version 2.0-871 version 2.0-871 Target:, Current Portal:,1 Persistent Portal:,1 Interface: Iface Name: default Iface Transport: te Iface Initiatorname: Iface IPaddress: Iface FWaddress: Iface Netdev: SID: 72 4SCSI Connection State: LOGGED IN ASCSI Session State: LOGGED _IN Internal iscsid Session State: NO CHANGE Negotiated iSCSI params: HeaderDigest: CRC32C DataDigest: None MaxRecvDataSegmentLength: 262144 MaxXmitDataSegmentLength: 32768 FirstBursthength: 32768 MaxBurstLength: 32768 ImmediateData: No InitialR2?: Yes MaxOutstandingR2T: 1 Attached SCST devices B| Page

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