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Student No: 67805647

Academic Language and Literacy in English

Assignment 03 - Exam

Free education is abundant, all over the internet.

It's the desire to learn that's scarce. (, n.d.)
Table of Contents
Students' desire to learn beyond their prescribed syllabus...................................................................3
The motive of the University...........................................................................................................3
Online Education.............................................................................................................................3
Reference list...................................................................................................................................4
Students' desire to learn beyond their prescribed syllabus

The motive of the University

The primary aim of University or further education is to increment the student's knowledge in their
fields of interest and enable them to develop research capabilities to further explore their interests.
However, the aliment between the student's passion and evaluation metrics becomes contradictory
due to time limitations and this causes an intense opportunity cost of prioritizing between the two,
especially if the content is irrelevant relative to the student's interests and plans - this could diminish
the value of expanding their knowledge beyond the prescribed curriculum.

Every student has factors affecting them during the course of their studies besides just academic
commitments, these factors include extracurricular activities and personal commitments that further
reduces the time available to spare to research beyond the prescribed material, and is worsened if
the student is digitally incompetent due the barriers to online education caused by the digital divide
(, n.d.).

Online Education

As a result of technology, learning is easier with the convenience of searching online journals for
concepts and gaining a deeper understanding of them by searching online for sources, this is not the
case for students with insufficient exposure technology, internet, relevant software's and inadequate
digital literacy training – the unreliable digital infrastructure worsens the situation.

Unfortunately, the abundance of digital education on the internet has fundamental requirements and
skills, which creates an uneven distribution of digital efficiency, especially in South Africa were
private education is advanced relative to rural and urban public schools in addition to high costs of
Internet data bundles, which makes digital literacy the fundamental aspect of online learning.

Another obstacle to the establishment of a self-directed learning is the institutions of higher learning
themselves, because of their Evaluation-oriented approach as a measure of competency, this leads to
students prioritizing to achieve high grades instead of delving deeper into the curriculum since time
is limited, this may diminish the student’s academic self-efficacy, which is required to achieve the
learning persistence (Lee and Song, 2022).
Online learning can be achieved without interaction, but interaction may be necessary to for it to be
fruitful because of the personal and emotional reasons, the interpersonal connection between the
teacher and leaner is enhanced through frequent interaction (Lee and Song, 2022), this highlights
the importance of having reliable technological infrastructures to efficiently simplify the online
learning experience, the suggested remedy to this issue is virtual classrooms (Gutte, 2021), which
will enable the teacher to directly engage with students and for students to also engage with each

It is evident that online education is evolving, and the desire to learn requires certain conditions to
succeed. In addition, online reliability can help ease the time constraint to simultaneously achieve
academic excellence while flexibly attaining knowledge beyond the scope of their prescribed
curriculum. Hopefully, the necessary skills and resources are acquired to reduce the digital divide in
order to attain academic self-efficacy.
Reference list

Gutte, N. (2021). What are the Biggest Challenges Facing Online Education Today? [online] Hurix
Digital. Available at:

Lee, Y. and Song, H.-D. (2022). Motivation for MOOC learning persistence: An expectancy–value
theory perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. doi: (n.d.). Free education is abundant, all over the internet. It’s the. [online] Available at: (n.d.). The digital divide: Overcoming barriers to digital learning in post-
Covid-19 South Africa - EDGE Education. [online] Available at:

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Name and student number: …………67805647…………

I declare that this ENG1503 examination is my own original work. Where

secondary material has been used (either from a printed source or from the
Internet), this has been carefully acknowledged and referenced in
accordance with departmental requirements. I understand what plagiarism
is and am aware of the pertinent policies in this regard. I have not allowed
anyone else to borrow or copy my work.

Signature/ initials: ……………O N………………………………………

Date : ………………24 May 2023…………

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