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Connectrix: How to troubleshoot Fibre Channel node to switch port or S...

How to troubleshoot Fibre Channel node to switch port or SFP communication problems by means of elimination?

Too many pro-active SFP replacements.

Link failure.

G port.
No light.

NOS (Not Operational Sequence).

Off Line Sequence (OLS).

Loss of Signal.

Faulty SFP

Too many SFP pro-actively replaced while the problem lies outside the SFP / switch.

1 of 8 10/25/2021, 11:22 AM
Connectrix: How to troubleshoot Fibre Channel node to switch port or S...



Example 1           ENC OUT  with LINK FAIL and LOSS SYNC:

porterrshow :


frames enc crc crc too too bad enc disc link loss loss frjt fbsy c3timeout pcs

tx rx in err g_eof shrt long eof out c3 fail sync sig tx rx err

xx: 849.1k 493.2k 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.3m 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0

Example 2           ENC OUT:

porterrshow :

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Connectrix: How to troubleshoot Fibre Channel node to switch port or S...


frames enc crc crc too too bad enc disc link loss loss frjt fbsy c3timeout pcs
tx rx in err g_eof shrt long eof out c3 fail sync sig tx rx err

xx: 849.1k 493.2k 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.3m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Example 3     CRC and CRC G_EOF:

porterrshow :


frames enc crc crc too too bad enc disc link loss loss frjt fbsy c3timeout pcs
tx rx in err g_eof shrt long eof out c3 fail sync sig tx rx err

xx: 849.1k 493.2k 0 1.2k 1.2k 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

statsclear and slotstatsclear c

Example 4     CRC:

porterrshow :

frames enc crc crc too too bad enc disc link loss loss frjt fbsy c3timeout pcs

tx rx in err g_eof shrt long eof out c3 fail sync sig tx rx err

xx: 849.1k 493.2k 0 1.2k 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Connectrix: How to troubleshoot Fibre Channel node to switch port or S...

Example 5     PCS ERR with LINK FAIL and LOSS SYNC:

porterrshow :


frames enc crc crc too too bad enc disc link loss loss frjt fbsy c3timeout pcs

tx rx in err g_eof shrt long eof out c3 fail sync sig tx rx err
xx: 849.1k 493.2k 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 466

Example 6     PCS ERR:

porterrshow :


frames enc crc crc too too bad enc disc link loss loss frjt fbsy c3timeout pcs

tx rx in err g_eof shrt long eof out c3 fail sync sig tx rx err
xx: 849.1k 493.2k 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 466


Example 1:

Errdisabled - no interface errors incrementing

fc1/1 is down (Error disabled - bit error rate too high)

Hardware is Fibre Channel, SFP is short wave laser w/o OFC (SN).
5 minutes input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec

5 minutes output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec

179 frames input, 7668 bytes

0 discards, 0 errors

0 CRC, 0 unknown class

0 too long, 0 too short

23 frames output, 1320 bytes

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Connectrix: How to troubleshoot Fibre Channel node to switch port or S...

0 discards, 0 errors

1 input OLS, 1 LRR, 0 NOS, 1 loop inits

2 output OLS, 0 LRR, 0 NOS, 1 loop inits

Interface last changed at Thu Jun 5 01:51:00 2014

General Reason:

Expected Actions:


Example 2:

CRCs incrementing

fc13/1 is down (Initializing)

Port description is ***

Hardware is Fibre Channel, SFP is long wave laser cost reduced

5 minutes input rate 32 bits/sec, 4 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec

5 minutes output rate 32 bits/sec, 4 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec

162 frames input, 6136 bytes

0 discards, 17 errors

17 CRC, 0 unknown class

0 too long, 17 too short

74 frames output, 6304 bytes

2 discards, 0 errors

108 input OLS, 54 LRR, 2 NOS, 0 loop inits

83 output OLS, 26 LRR, 56 NOS, 0 loop inits

Interface last changed at Tue May 27 08:37:20 2014

General Reason:

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Connectrix: How to troubleshoot Fibre Channel node to switch port or S...

Expected Actions:

Clearing stats on Cisco switches:

MDS-9509# clear counters interface all

MDS-9509# clear counters interface port-channel <1-256>

MDS-9509# attach module 1

Attaching to module 1 ...

To exit type 'exit', to abort type '$.'

Bad terminal type: "ansi". Will assume vt100.

module-1# clear asic-cnt all

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Connectrix: How to troubleshoot Fibre Channel node to switch port or S...

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Connectrix: How to troubleshoot Fibre Channel node to switch port or S...

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