Head TO Toe Summary

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Head to Toe 15.

Pain, tenderness
16. Inspect ear (ant + post)
1. Introduction, dress
17. Inspect bone (mastoid process)
2. Wash hands
18. Tug helix and tragus = inflammation
3. Clean bed
19. Bone tenderness
_________Head_________ 20. Otoscope: cone of light, umbo, incus, short process of
malleus, manubrium of malleus, pars tensa, pars flaccida;
= partner erythema, exudates
4. Head-deformities, ecchymosis, lesions, Hair- texture, 21. CN 8- vestibulocochlear: hearing acuity -> whisper test:
distribution, Scalp christmas, Weber (forehead), Rinne (bone, air)
5. Tenderness? _____________Nose & Sinuses_________________
6. Palpate- tenderness, deformities, masses
=On model, unilateral
__________Eyes __________________
22. Inspect: deformity, asymmetry, inflammation
=Perform on model + verbalize = UNILATERAL 23. Palpate: tenderness, (close one nostril, breathe in)
7. Acuity- Glasses? Snellen chart, read reverse 24. Otoscope: nasal mucosa, septum, turbinates, hematoma
8. Fields- Wiggle test “say now” – CN II 25. Palpate: maxillary + frontal sinus
9. Inspect- eyebrows, eyelids, eyelashes, iris, pupils, sclera, 26. Percuss: maxillary + frontal sinus
lacrimal glands, ducts, conjunctiva (bulbar + palpebral) 27. CN 7- facial: movements -> smile, frown, puff cheeks, raise
10. Alignment – penlight to nose brows, show teeth, close eyes + resist
11. Pupillary reactions (direct + consensual) – CN 3, 4, 6 28. CN 5- trigeminal: clench jaw I’ll palpate temples, jaw side to
12. Extraocular movements – H – CN 3,4,6 (oculo, troch, abduc) side, Pain= in ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular w/ Q-tip
13. Pupillary accommodation (Far & near object)- watch pupils (sharp, dull) , Light touch= same process, Corneal reflex: CN
14. Ophthalmoscope-> Optic disc - color, clarity of outline, 5 (sensory), CN 7 facial (motor) -> Q-tip & look up + away ->
physiological cup, size, symmetry, papilledema. Retina- touch cornea with whisp -> blinking
arteries + veins, av junctions, lesions, masses, hemorrhage _____________Mouth & Throat____________________
or exudates. Fovea & macula – hemorrhage, cysts (look into
light) =On model, unilateral

__________Ear________________ 29. Inspect: lips-> color, moisture, lesions, cracking

30. Inspect inside: Gloves -> hard + soft palate, buccal mucosa,
= partner, unilateral gingiva, teeth, airway patency, Tonsils ->symmetry,
hypertrophy + edema, erythema + exudates, pharynx, 44. Palpate: Thrills using MCPs -> Aortic, Pulmonic, R.
Tongue w/ gauze -> dorsal, right, left, sublingual, CN 12- ventricular, L. ventricular, Epigastrium
Hypoglossal -> tongue fasciculations, tongue out + palpate 45. Palpate: Pulsations using finger pads -> Aortic, Pulmonic, R.
cheek ventricular, L. ventricular, Epigastrium
31. Inspect: Teeth -> tap crowns w/ tongue blade 46. Auscultate: w/ diaphragm (palpate carotid) -> Aortic,
32. Wiggle teeth Pulmonic, Erb’s point (deep breath), Tricuspid, Mitral >10s +
33. CN 9, 10 (glossopharyngeal, vagus) = Voice: say ah -> rise of apical rate, L. axilla
soft palate, Gag reflex -> tongue blade posteriorly to lateral 47. Auscultate: w/ bell (palpate carotid) -> -> Aortic, Pulmonic,
+ dorsal surface Erb’s point (deep breath), Tricuspid, Mitral, L. Axilla

________Neck & Lymph nodes___________ ___________Peripheral vasculature___________

=bilateral on partner = UNILATERAL partner

34. Inspect: neck + trachea 48. Pt supine, arms side

35. Neck pulsations w/ sitting up 49. Auscultate: w/ bell for bruits -> carotid, abdominal aorta,
36. Auscultate: carotid renal, iliac, femoral
37. Palpate: trachea 50. Inspect: arms, hands, fingers, fingernails, legs, feet, toes &
38. Gloves. Palpate Lymph nodes: preauricular, postauricular, toenails -> size, symmetry, texture, cyanosis, clubbing,
occipital, parotid, tonsillar, submandibular, submental, a. edema, vascular pattern, hair distribution
cervical, p. cervical, supraclavicular, infraclavicular, 51. Palpate: pulses -> carotid (x1) , brachial, radial, ulnar, abd
epitrochlear aorta, femoral, popliteal (x1), dorsalis pedis, posterior
39. Inspect: Thyroid -> swallow water + extend neck (tangential tibialis
lighting), palpate: thyroid isthmus- front & back w/ 52. Palpate: legs + feet -> edema @ dorsum, ant ankle, distal
fingertips -> thyroid + cricoid cartilage. Feel size, shape, tibia shin, proximal tibia, calf – tenderness
consistency, tenderness, nodules. If enlarged, auscultate for
bruits, palpate thrills.
53. Pt sit up, expose thorax
40. Expose chest
54. Eval A-P diameter.
41. Pt supine, arms side
55. Inspect: BEHIND Pt -> tidal respirations, thoracic shape,
42. Inspect: chest + epigastrium tangentially
symmetry, contour, trauma or abnormalities
43. Palpate: PMI -> location, amplitude, duration
56. Respiratory symmetry -> deep breath
57. Respiratory expansion -> hands on posterior base, watch 73. Percuss: Liver – RLQ in MCL, Inferior border w/ pen, 3 rd ICS
thumbs in MCL, mark superior border, measure liver span with
58. Palpate: tenderness? -> apices, posterior & lateral thorax, measuring tape.
deformities 74. Percuss: Spleen -> L costal margin in AAL, pt deep breaths.
59. Percuss: apices (hook fingers), posterior & lateral thorax Change in note?
(ladder-like) 75. Palpation: pt supine, legs straight, knees flexed, deep
60. Auscultate: pt deep breath via mouth, w/ bell -> apices, w/ breaths. Pain/tenderness? -> facial expressions. Light
diaphragm - >5s lat vertebral column, scapular @ lung base, palpation using finger pads + one hand. Deep palpation
>2s PAL, full breath using both hands. (4 quadrants)
61. Inspect: INFRONT pt –> tidal respirations, thoracic shape, 76. Palpation: Abdominal aorta
symmetry, contour, trauma or abnormalities 77. Palpation: Lower liver border -> right hand RLQ in MCL,
62. Respiratory symmetry -> deep breath superiorly + deep breaths. Move hand after exhalation
63. Palpate: tenderness? -> anterior & lateral thorax, 78. Palpation: Spleen -> right hand palpate, left hand support
deformities lumbar. RLQ to L costal margin in AAL, deep breaths. Move
64. Percuss: anterior thorax (ladder-like) hand after exhalation.
65. Auscultate: pt deep breath via mouth, w/bell - >3 sites 79. State: Rectal exam is the last part of abd exam.
lateral to sternum, >2 sites along anterior axillary line
(ladder-like, full inspiration + expiration
80. TMJ- Inspect. Palpate TMJ in auditory canal, open & close
66. Pt supine, arms side, legs straight, knees extended- stand on
mouth. Assess ROM (active)– chin, mouth, jaw
Right side
81. Neck- Inspect ant, post, lateral. Palpate -> spinous process
67. Pain, tenderness
of C spine, paraspinal muscles, SCM, trapezius ms. ROM
68. Expose abdomen
(passive) & strength= flexion, extension, lateral bending,
69. Inspect: contour, symmetry, lesions/skin changes, striae,
distension, vascular dilation, ecchymosis, pulsations,
82. CN 11, spinal accessory nerve. Shoulder shrug against
resistance, neck rotation w/ resistance on cheek
70. Auscultate: w/ diaphragm, 4 quadrants for BS -> hepatic rub
83. Spine: stand w/ feet together. Inspect lateral + posterior.
@ R- MCL, splenic rub @ L-AAL
Palpate -> spinous processes, paravertebral ms, SI joint.
71. Auscultate: w/ bell for bruits -> abdominal aorta, renal,
ROM (active) flexion, extension, lateral bending, rotation
72. Percuss: 4 quadrants -> tympany, dullness
84. Shoulders: Inspect shoulders, hands to side, shoulder plantarflex, toe flexion & extension (active), inversion +
girdles, scapulae. Palpate: L hand -> sternoclavicular joint, eversion of subtalar (hold calcaneus, move foot),
spinae of scapulae, clavicle, acromioclavicular joint, inversion/eversion of tarsal joint (hold calcaneus, move
coracoid process, medial border of scapulae, greater foot), strength: dorsiflex, plantarflex
tubercle, bicipital groove, deltoid. 90. CN 1 (olfactory) = smell, patency of nares, 2 different
-ROM (active, passive) arms up, behind, lift laterally, in aromas (essential oils)
front, behind hips elbows out, behind head elbows out. 91. CN 2 - done
-Adduction: abducted w/ resistance, abducted w/ resistance 92. CN 3, 4, 5 - done
85. Elbows: Inspect anterior/posterior. Palpate extensor surface 93. 6 - done
of ulna, lat + medial epicondyle, olecranon process + 94. 7 -done
grooves. ROM (active, passive) = flexion, extension, 95. 8 -done
supination, pronation. Ms strength= flexion, extension, 96. 9, 10 - done
supination, pronation 97. 11 – shrug shoulders against resistance, neck rotation w/
86. Hands and wrists: Inspect -> Palpate: distal radius, ulna, hand on dorsum
anatomical snuff box, carpal bones, 1-5 MCP, Phalanges, 98. 12 – done
thumb IP, all IP, PIP, DIPs. ROM (active), make fist, extend
fingers, abduct + adduct, wrist flexion + extension (active,
passive), ulnar + radial deviation palm up. Thumb position,
grip strength.
87. Hips: Inspect -> pt standing, anterior + post. Palpate, pt
supine = greater trochanter, ASIS. ROM (active, passive) ->
knee flexion, abduction, adduction, internal rotation,
external rotation, extension (active) standing). Ms strength
(flex, abduct, adduct)
88. Knees: Inspect -> standing, anterior + post. Palpate + name,
patella, tibial plateau, popliteal space, patellar tendon, tibial
tuberosity, medial & lateral collateral ligaments. ROM
(active, passive) -> flexion, extension, ms strength
89. Feet and Ankles: Inspect -> arch (sitting, standing), Palpate -
> pt sitting, tibia, fibula, achilles tendon, tarsal bones, 1-5 th
metatarsals, PMD phalanges, All MTPs, DIPs, PIPs, great toe
IP, plantar surface. ROM (active, passive) dorsiflex,
___________________Motor Function_____________ 109. Pallesthesia (vibration) -> eyes closed -> DIP on
index fingers (C6,7), IP of great toe (L5) – DORSAL . If
99. Inspect: Muscles -> limbs + trunk: bulk, atrophy, contours,
abnormal, proceed proximally along joints of the affected
involuntary movement, abnormalities in position or posture
extremity and note affected dermatomes
100. ROM -> Shoulders (abduction, adduction), Elbows
110. Proprioception (position sense) -> eyes closed)
(flexion, extension), Wrist (flexion, extension), Hand (grip
grasp index finger, IP of great toe. Up or down. If abnormal,
strength), Fingers (abduct, adduct, thumb opposition), Hip
proceed proximally along joints of affected extremity and
(flexion, abduction, adduction), Knee (flexion, extension),
note affected dermatomes.
Ankle (dorsiflex, plantarflex).
111. Stereognosis -> eyes closed. Hand patient cotton
101. Already done
ball. Don’t tell them what it is, ask them to identify it
102. Gait: Pt walk across room: posture, balance, arm
112. Graphesthesia-> close closed. Draw letter on palmar
swinging, leg movement, Pt to tandem walk, check for
surface, ask pt what letter it was
113. Two-point discrimination- eyes closed -> cotton tip -
103. Leg strength: toe walk + heel walk, rise from sitting
Index finger, great toe- PALMAR. Did you feel 1 or 2 stimuli?

104. Tap my finger at various locations (3- eyes open),
heel to shin (open, closed) 114. DTRs Biceps, Triceps, Brachioradialis, Quadriceps,
________________Sensory Function_______________________
115. Superficial reflexes-> plantar/Babinski
105. Pain (cotton end)-> “sharp or dull” , test sensation
first to see if patient appreciates the difference. Close eyes,
begin assessing sites. C5, T1, C6, C7, C8, T4, T10, L2, L3, L4, 116. Clean bed
L5, S1 (I will use these same points for question 105 to 108) 117. Cover up patient
106. Crude touch (cotton wisp) -> say “now” , test
sensation to see if patient appreciates difference. Close eyes
107. Point localization (finger) -> identify location of
stimuli. Close eyes
108. Point extinction (finger)-> can you feel this on one
side or both sides?. Close eyes
CN I – Olfactory
CN II – Optic
CN III – Oculomotor
CN IV – Trochlear
CN V – Trigeminal
CN VI – Abducens
CN VII – Facial
CN VIII – Vestibulocochlear
CN IX – Glossopharyngeal
CN X – Vagus
CN XI – Accessory
CN XII – Hypoglossal

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