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Monica F.


Middle School Teacher

[School Name]

[School Address]

[City, State, ZIP]

Email: [Your Email]

Phone: [Your Phone Number]

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Mrs. Allee, and I am excited to be your child's teacher this
academic year at [School Name]. As a graduate of the University of North Texas, I am committed to
fostering a positive and engaging learning environment that nurtures the growth and development of
each student.

Grading Rules and Scale:

Throughout the school year, your child will be assessed based on various criteria, including class
participation, homework, quizzes, projects, and exams. To ensure clarity and consistency, the following
grading scale will be used:

- A: 90-100%

- B: 80-89%

- C: 70-79%

- D: 60-69%

- F: Below 60%

Homework Assignments Guidelines:

Homework assignments are an essential part of the learning process, as they reinforce classroom
concepts and help build a solid foundation for academic success. I encourage all students to complete
their homework on time. Late work will be accepted, and there will be a designated bin for turning in
late assignments. To facilitate organization, file folders with dates will be available, containing the
corresponding work completed on those dates. If your child is unable to attend a class, they can easily
find and complete the missed work from these folders.

Redo and Retake Assessments:

I passionately believe in the value of learning from mistakes and offering students the opportunity to
improve their understanding. Therefore, if a student receives a low grade on an assessment, they will
have the option to redo or retake the assessment after seeking additional support or clarifications on the

Classroom Procedures:

To ensure a smooth and respectful learning environment, the following procedures will be practiced in
our classroom:

1. Entering the Classroom Quietly: Students are expected to enter the classroom quietly and begin
working on a Bell Ringer activity, which will kickstart our daily lessons.

2. Hand Signals for Requests: To minimize interruptions during instruction, students will use hand signals.
Placing their hand on their chest and pointing at their chin indicates a need for a bathroom break.
Raising their hand signifies a question, and raising their pencil indicates a need to sharpen it.

To Visit with Me:

I value open communication and encourage both students and parents to reach out to me whenever
necessary. If you have any concerns, questions, or would like to discuss your child's progress, please do
not hesitate to schedule a meeting. I am available for in-person meetings at [designate specific
days/times] or can be contacted via email or phone.

I look forward to a wonderful and successful academic year with your child. Together, as a team, we can
provide a positive and enriching learning experience that will empower your child to thrive academically
and personally.

Thank you for your continued support.


Monica F. Allee

Middle School Teacher

[School Name]

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