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12/21/22, 2:08 PM Accelerate Education

Module 6 Exam
 Student: Khairallah, Ahmed
Course: Chemistry A (EWW 22-23) - FT - 22-23 SY


check1. Which type of chemical bonding involves the sharing of valence electrons?

metallic bonding

covalent bonding

ionic bonding

hydrogen bonding


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check2. What is the strongest type of intermolecular force present between separate water molecules?
dipole-dipole forces

hydrogen bonding

covalent bonding

dispersion forces


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12/21/22, 2:08 PM Accelerate Education

check3. Which is a property of molecular compounds?

ability to exist as solids at room temperature

ability to conduct electricity in the solid phase

ability to conduct electricity when dissolved in water

low melting/boiling points


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check4. What is the strongest type of intermolecular force that would exist between CH4 molecules?
dispersion forces

hydrogen bonding

dipole-dipole forces

metallic bonding


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5 Which pair of elements would form a polar covalent bond together? 2/11
12/21/22, 2:08 PM Accelerate Education
5. Which pair of elements would form a polar covalent bond together?

oxygen and sodium

fluorine and fluorine

copper and carbon

sulfur and chlorine


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6. What is the name of H2CO2 (aq)?

carbonic acid

hydrocarbonous acid

carbonous acid

hydrocarbonic acid


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12/21/22, 2:08 PM Accelerate Education

check7. Describe the electronegativity differences between the atoms involved in ionic, polar covalent, and
nonpolar covalent bonds.

Ionic bonds contain large electronegative difference, causing a transfer of electrons. Polar bonds
contain small electronegative difference, causing the sharing of electrons unequally. Nonpolar
bonds contain equal electronegativity, causing the sharing of electrons exactly equal.  


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check8. What is the formula for diphosphorus pentabromide?






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check9. How do hydrogen bonds form between water molecules?

The partially positive end of one water molecule is attracted to the partially neutral end of another
water molecule.

The partially positive end of one water molecule is attracted to the partially positive end of another
water molecule.

The partially positive end of one water molecule is attracted to the partially negative end of another
water molecule.

The partially negative end of one water molecule is attracted to the partially negative end of
another water molecule.


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check10. Explain, in terms of intermolecular forces, why an ionic compound like salt (NaCl) dissolves in
water by dissociating, while a polar molecular compound like sugar (C12H22O11) also dissolves in
water but does not dissociate.

Because ionic compounds are structured in a crystalline lattice format, they break up, causing the
positive ends and negative ends to connect to their opposites in the water in an ion-dipole bond.
Polar molecular compounds are harder to break, so they simply dissolve without disassociating.


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check11. What type of intermolecular force forms during the solvation process when a polar molecule like
OF2 dissolves in water?

covalent bonding

dipole-dipole forces

ion-dipole forces

hydrogen bonding


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check12. What anion is present in hydrofluoric acid?

fluoride ion

fluoric ion

fluorite ion

fluorate ion


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12/21/22, 2:08 PM Accelerate Education

check13. What is a good definition of intermolecular forces?

repulsion forces between protons

attraction forces within a molecule

repulsion forces between electrons

attraction forces between molecules


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check14. Why is PCl5 a nonpolar molecule, but PCl3 is a polar molecule?

Because phosphorus pentachloride is more neutral and stable, the phosphorus trichloride. 


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check15. Explain when the “mono-” prefix is and is not used when naming molecular compounds. Include
the name of the compound CO as part of your explanation.

The prefix "mono-" is not used for the first element in the compound, it is only used if it is "di-, tri-,
tetra-, penta-, etc." It is however used in the following elements.
In this example, CO would be carbon monoxide.


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check16. What is the molecular shape and polarity of carbon tetrabromide, CBr4?

CBr4 is a T-shaped nonpolar molecule.

CBr4 has a tetrahedral shape and is a polar molecule.

CBr4 is a T-shaped polar molecule.

CBr4 has a tetrahedral shape and is a nonpolar molecule.


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check17. This image depicts two water molecules. Identify which lines (solid or dashed) represent the
intramolecular and intermolecular forces.

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Dashed lines are intermolecular and solid lines are intramolecular.


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18 Which Lewis structure represents a molecule with a bent geometry? 9/11
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18. Which Lewis structure represents a molecule with a bent geometry?

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check19. Which statement describes the electrons in a polar covalent bond?

Electrons are delocalized.

Electrons are transferred.

Electrons are shared equally.

Electrons are shared unequally.


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20. What is the shape of a molecule with four bonded atoms and one lone pair on the central atom?

trigonal bipyramidal


trigonal pyramidal



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