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Project management

- Goals: objectives
- Aims: intentions
- Scope: extent
- Q&A: abbreviated form of “Questions and Answers”
- Range: assortment
- Key market: essential for extending a company’s market position, its economic growth

- A thing for sale: product

- Feedback: information about reactions to a product
- Market research: information about the target or customers
- Design: a plan or a drawing
- Full production: the action of being produced

During the first meeting, Jack from the sales department introduces the new peoject to the team
who will have some time for Q&A. The ompany Core Industries aims at developing a new
product line to attract a new range of customers who are business travelers.
After talking about the goal, aims and scope, the team members will be assigned tasks.
The team will have feedback from Innovation Street to know what this key market is looking for
in a luxury travel bag. With the information, a new design will be made.


- Guidelines: rules or instructions

- Estimated delivery date: an idea of the date the project will end
- Scope – extent
- Deadline – a point in time when something must be done
- Estimated budget – an idea of the money that will be spent
- Deliverables – products to be ready for the customers
- Task – a piece of work that someone has to do
- Subtask – a smaller part of task
- To follow up – to add to something but you have just done by doing something else
During the second part of our meeting, Oliver talks abut the guidelines. The deadlines are tight
and the estimated delivery date for the prototype is in two weeks.
Oliver intoduces the triple constraint as a way to guarentee the quality of the product which
based on scope, time and cost. Then, the deliverables are divided into tasks and subtasks with a
Work Breakdown Structure.
A WBS is composed of five steps and each step must be completed before to move to the next


- Scope – extent
- Full production – the action of something being producted
- Input – ideas, knowledge
- To integrate – to include
- A follow-up – an action that continues something already started
- To require – to demand
- Guidance – advice
- Executing- carrying out

During the meeting, the team is discussing the planning. The final prototype has to be ready for
full production in two weeks.
The first version must be presented during the review meeting with Jack and Amelia.
This team will get both feedback and guidance about the features integrated for this first version.
They will have another week to modify it if necessary.
For the moment, the team does not know the total number of babgs that will be required. The
scope of the project can grow over time.


- Financing – providing money

- An estimate – a rough calculation
- Doable – feasible
- Estimated cost – an idea of the cost of something
- Keep you in the loop – give you updated information
- Options – choices
- World-class – the best in the world
- News – information
- Care – attention, concern
- To finalise – to complete
- To modify – to change
- Allotted – given money

When talking about financing, the team must create an estimate about how mucb money needs to
be spent in the design phase. The team members discuss the overall budget for the luxury uktra-
light carry-on bag and agree on $17,500 budget. Oliver will have to convince senior management
and will keep them in the loop. The CFO is OK with the estimated budget. The goal, for every
project, is to stay under budge.


- Deliverables – products to be ready for customers

- To focus on – to concentrate on
- Keep us in the loop – give us updated information
- Progress – movement forward
- Aligned – lined up
- Sturdy – strong, robust
- Woven – interlaced to form a fabric
- Available – things that you can get
- Shipping – the activity of moving people or goods

You have heard Oliver assigning tasks to the other team members according to the deliverables.
Emily is working on the initial design using the input from Innovation Street. The features she
will choose for the bag may impact the budget. That is why she needs to inform regularly of her
progress to keep the budget aligned.
Victoria is in charge of marketing and has to srudy their target market and improve the customers
satisfaction. Harry will help with every step of the project. He will give feedback about, for
example, the choice of materials and shipping.

- To last – to continue to exist, to function well
- Besides – in addition to something
- Refined – elegant
- A supplier – a person or company that provide goods
- An issue – a problem
- Used to – familiar with
- Get in touch – contact
- To pass on – to give to somebody else
- So far – until now
- A couple – some
- Sturdy – strong, robust
- At least – minimum

During the meeting, the team discuss both the material for the luxury bag and the final budget.
The material is high quality and looks refined and will last a long time. The supplier on hand is
used to work with Core Industries so meeting the deadlines and shipping will not be an issue.
With this last piece of information, Oliver will pass on the final budget to senior management.
Emily will have a couple of designs to present to Jack and Amelia for the review meeting.


- To come up with – to find or produce an answer

- The floor is yours – you are given the right to speak
- CAD – Computer Aided-Design
- Adjustments – small changes
- Completed – finished
- Full – containing, as many things as possible
- To move around – to pass the other side of
- Also – too
- Somewhere else – in another place, location
- To grab – to take firmly with your hands
- To lift – to raise to a higher position

The team is ready ro present the designs they come up with Jack and Amelia. Emily is using
CAD software to showcase both prototypes and gives information about the features of the travel
bag. The review meeting is necessary to modify the project. Some minor adjustments will be
made to meet the exceptations of the Sales department. For the project manager, the milestones
are respected and the first phase of the WBS, the inition phase, has been completed. Everything
is on track!

- To reach out – to contact
- In-house – existing in the company
- Duly noted – understood
- Straightforward – not complicated
- Overall – in total
- Keeping thing down – making something stay at a low level
- Win-win – profits each partner
- Fixed – arranged

Taking into account Jack’s and Amelia’s feedbacks, the team is going to reach out to their
supplier for the monotube handle. The modifications for the size handles are done in-house. With
a proper market research for the rest of the line, changes will not be necessary. The main concern
for Victoria is to meet short deadlines but the team has managed to respect the milestones and
schedule so far. Everything is under control!


- Showcasing – presenting
- Manufactured – produced in large quantity using machines
- Room – space
- Items – things
- Belongings – things that you own
- To conduct – to organise
- To rely on – to depend on
- To gather – to collect
- Postponed – delayed
- To overcome – to succeed in dealing with problems
- Anxious – worried, nervous

The project is now coming to an end as the team showcases the final prototype. Jack and Amelia
are happy with the manufactured product corresponding to their specifications,
The team thinks about the difficulties they had to overcome: the short deadlines and the market
research. They need to gather as much data as possible about the target market for the rest of the

- Instant messaging (IM) – type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over
the Internet.
- Features – components, description elements
- Awesome – wonderful
- Leaflet – brochure, flyer
- Tips – suggestions, advice
- Wondering – being curious, questioning
- Ages – very long period of time
- Screenshots – picture of the data displayed on the screen of a computer
- Desktop – ordinary office computer, as opposed to laptop/portable computer
- To have something on your plate – to have a large amount of importsant things to deal
- Running – working, switched on

Hi there Jim! What project have you been working on lately?

We’re organizing this year’s Sales Convention. I’m in charge of the guests.
Ooh tha’s a tough one. But what will you have to do exactly?
Well first, I’ll have to make the lists of guests, then send out the invitations and eventually
welcome them with badges and breakfast.
Sounds fun .. and a lot of work!


- Put someone through – connect someone, reach them by phone

- IS/IT – the information systems/information technology department
- Copies – prints, duplicates
- Time frame – period of time
- Due date – last limit, closing date
- Final proofs – a copy that you print and sign for validation
- Ahead – earlier
- Tight – dense, contracted
- Schedule – agenda, programme
- No way – impossible
- Suitable – satisfactory, applicable
- Blurry – hard to see clearly
- To speed things up – making something happen or go faster

So, how is the video going?

Well, I’m afraid I’ve gone behind schedule.
What do you mean? Will it be ready on time?
I’m not sure. I’ve been overload lately.
This can’t be true! If we can’t show the video, there’s no point in making the Conference at all!
Let’s find a solution.


- On the bright side – the good part

- Milestone – event or action set at a specific date or time
- In-house – internal, domestic
- Tough luck – misfortune, bad news
- Though – nevertheless
- Deal – agreed
- Time flies – time goes by quickly
- IT – information technology department
- Contractor – provider with fixed-term contract
- Broadcast – annoucement, transmission (TV, Radio)
- To miss out on something – ignore, bypass
- Turning back – to go backwards, reverse, cancel
- To meet deadlines – respect the planning, be on time

Today I found out the order was not passed to the catering company for next weel’s event.
What? How did this happen?
It’s my fault, I forgot to check my outbox and the email never got through.
This is dreadful! Will the caterer be able to deliver?
I’m afraid not. But I remember we called a deli shop for last minute orders. They might be able
to step in.


- To cope – to manage, to handle, to put up with

- Relieved – reassured, comforted
- Beforehand – earlier, sooner
- Altogother – generally, totally
- Fire away – go, let’s start, I’m ready
- To go bonkers – to go crazy
- Hustle – rush, hurry
- To be suited for – to be adapted to, to be appropriate for
- To host – to receive, to accommodate
- Adamant – determined, firm
- To sneak in – to move secretly, to hide


- Overall – generally, globally

- Typo – short for typographical error, a mistake made when typing
- Positive – absolutely sure, certain
- To figure out – solve, find a solution
- Issue – a small problem that can probably be solved
- Bear with me – be patient, wait
- To make it up to someone – to do something good for someone you have upset or failed
- Stickers – adhesive labels sometimes marked with text or images

I’m afraid we have another issue with the quantities of stickers delivered. Can you please tell me
what is going on?
I’m so sorry to hear that. Our delivery orders got mixed up.
I don’t understand your organisation. You had better come up with a solution.
Right, let me think.. What if I send you the missing boxes today?
I want express delievery, free of charge. Are we clear?
- To reflect on – to analyse, evaluate
- Throughout – all through, during the whole
- Smooth – easy, flowing
- Last but not least – last in order of mention but not of importance
- Prior to – before (formal)
- Misstep – mistake, wrong move
- Drawbacks – difficulty, obstacle, weakness
- Rate – ratio, percentage
- Overwhelmed – submerged, defeated
- Loop – circle, circuit
- Eventually – finally
- Paths – ways, runs
- To back someone up – to support, encourage
- To steer – drive, guide
- Tracks – trail, route

The annual Convention was a success this year! 70% of the people invited came.
Yes, good job. It’s too bad the spanish team couldn’t make it.
Well, their bank holiday fell on the same date, but next week it would have been the Australians.
I had to choose the smallest team..
We need to find a way to get everyone, though; this Convention is important.
Yes, I’m wondering if we could broadcast the Conference live for people who couldn’t join. This
way we would really have a World Convention!


- Stalled – to be on standby
- To allocate – to distribute
- To assess – to measure
- To assign – to give a job or duty
- Aknowledge – to admit something
- Subscription – agreement to pay money in exchange for services

I will be in charge of coordinating everything and making decisions in case of unexcpected

events. My startegy plan will be discussed with my team. I will allocate a role to everybody.
Roberto, based in Buenos Aires will receive the khol from Moussa in South Africa. Bryan is the
last step. There will be budgetary ups and downs. I will assess the risks with the people involded.


- To allocate – to use in a particular way

- Haggle – negotiate
- Assembly line – line of workers in a factory
- Skills – talents
- Postpone – delay
- Exhausted – very tired
- A blast – a success

As I am based in south africa, I supervide the extraction, assess the quality of the product and
haggle the shipping costs. Once the khol reaches Argentina, I take care of the paperwork. The
khol has to enter the country legally for insurance consideration. Then, the khol is treated in our
factory in Buenos Aires suburbs. Once manufactured and ready to be used, the khol is shipped to
the usa, where bryan takes over.
How long does it take to ship a cargo of khol in argentina?
I guess between three days and a week, depending on the weather.

- Call for tenders – when a company selects a service provider for a specific mission
- Delegated – entrusted the task to someone else
- Repugnant to – repelled to do something
- Aforesaid – previously mentioned
- Wit – cleverly humorous person
- Freight – cargo
- Coup – a sudden illegal taking of government power
- Tax waiver – an agreement that you do not have to pay a specific tax

I hope everybody is on track as we have plenty of work to do. Today’s meeting is dedicated to
the call for tenders.
I have some experience in that matter. I’ve been doing this for years.
This call for tenders aims at reducing the costs of the project as a whole.
In Africa, the costs cannot be reduced anymore. We have the best and most reliable provider,
which can deliver less than 24 days after ordering.

- To cope with – to deal with
- To abide by – to obey a decision or a rule
- Upheaval – a violent unrest
- Civil servants – people working for the government

Bryan will be joining my meeting this afternoon, so that we can coordinate everything.

- Hence – the reason for

- To bind someone – to force someone to do something or keep a promise
- Gridlocked – unable to make progress
- Fire at will – fire when ready, to use actions as they wish

We cannot afford to let strikes thwart our project!

We have to handle some domestic issues in Argentina and South Africa, but those issues are
affecting us. Hence the need for this emergency conference call.
To what extent?
The situation worsened the minute I hung up yesterday. The strike has spread like wildfire.
The situation is very problematic to the point that we may consider options we did not consider
in the first place.


- Adage – a wise saying

- Blackout – electricity failure
- Worst case scenario – most serious thing that could happen in a situation
- In the flesh – in person
- Skyrocketing – rising rapidly
- Ballistic – extremely angry
- To take for granted – to assume something is true without questioning it.
Didn’t you tell me yesterday that everything had been dealt with?

The pleasure is mine Maria, nice to see you in the flesh! Shall we talk in my office? I am a little
worried about the turn of events since the beginning of the project. I am accountable to my
shareholders, and the least to say is that they are not pleased with the situation.
My team and I are handling things with, I think, the most cold-blooded manner. We took some
“worst case scenarios” measures and have some manufactured khol stored in a safe place ready
to be shipped.


- In as much as – why or how much something described in another part of the sentence is
- Thicker – bigger
- Panacea – something that will solve all problems
- State-of-the-art – very modern

In the wake of the election, I decided to contact my Embassy.

- Sin – breaking a religious or moral law

- Flawless – without flaws, perfect
- Availability – the fact of someone being free to do something
- Dependable – reliable

Have you ever had any inconvenience during the last 10 years?

Good news at last, this is unexpected! How did you manage?

I introduced myself as an business person willing to settle in Morocco. I used this strategy,
otherwise the cost could have increased considering the emergency of the situation.
As I understand, he can deliver on a deadline, and guarantee the quality of your raw material?
One hundred per cent. Not only the quality, but also the ecofriendly qualities of the products. I
asked my contact to hire more people to speed up the production.
You can start the drafting of the contract paperwork and confirmed what you agreed upon

- Two folds – twice as much, double

- Switch – to change from one thing to another
- A fine – an amount of money paid in punishment for not obeying a rule
- Gridlock – a situation where no progress can be made
- Status quo – actual situation or condition
- Hereby – with these words
- To summon – to order someone to be present
- To skyrocket – to rise extremely quickly
- Leeway – freedom to act within particular limits
- Upheavals – great changes that cause difficulties
- To swallow – to take away a large part of
- Among – in the middle of
- To be ready to roll – to be ready to leave or to start soon

Beware of the fact that only second class ticket will be considered for reimbursement

Since the project started, and with the extra money I ask for today the cost increased almost two
folds, but I am positive about the fact that we couldn’t do otherwise.
How come we reach such figures? It sounds like we’re throwing money out the window!
Far from this Sofia! The recent events in Argentina raised the budget to 5%. The switch to
ethanol and its importation from Chile to Argentina caused a 10% raise of the initial budget.
Roberto had no other options but to look toward Chile as for the ethanol.


- In flesh – in person
- From scratch – from the beginning
- Trustworthy – able to be trusted
- Notwithstanding – despite the fact
- Gratefulness – gratitude, recognition
- In the meantime – until then
- To dazzle – to impress
Maria: It’s been a long way before today. We achieved a lot of things, but so much is left to be
done. Let me first, congratulate all of you for your involvement in this project. You showed the
best of yourself, and this, at every step of the project, struggling against unexpected
circumstances that could have this project start from scratch. But instead, you all reacted with
impressive calm and professionalism. I have been summoned by the Board of directors to
explain in details the whole processs we’ve been through.


- Distinguished – respected and admired person

- To equal – to be equivalent
- Ordeals – problems, unpleasant experiences
- Foresee – to predict, to be aware of beforehand
- To be scrutinized – to be looked at critically
- To excel – to be exceptionally good
- Interference – involvement where you’re not helpful
- To be stated – to be explained, to be described
- On behalf of – in representation of someone

Ladies and gentlemen of the Board, 3 months ago, I received a call from our distinguished Sofia,
asking me to take over the project. My enthusiasm equalled the ordeals my team and I would
experience the following weeks. There was no particular way to foresee what was going to
happen, but the product is ready to be presented on the deadline.
We are pretty impressed by how managed everything, I hope you don’t feel scrutinized by this


unprecedented - never done or known before

to spare - to refrain
to drop the ball - to fall, to abandon
keep the fire on - keep doing what you’re doing
epiphany - a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand
to monopolize - to control something, to talk a lot

- To thrive – to grow , to develop well

- To make up for – to compensate
- To exonerate – to release someone from a duty, an obligation
- To solicit – to ask for, to try to obtain

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