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29 MC questions (1 pt) | 6 TF questions (.

5 pt) | Total time: 75 mins

Module 5 (Human Development)

1. Prenatal Development
a. What are the 3 stages? (The names of each)
b. The key characteristics of each stage (basically, what are the main things that should
happen at each)
2. First Year of Life
a. Visual: sight based milestones/characteristics
b. Auditory: language milestones
c. Memory/Learning: milestones
3. Piaget’s Cognitive Development
a. Stages (The names, ages of each)
b. Characteristics, milestones, key terms: for example, conservation, seriation, logical
thinking, etc)
4. Attachment Theory
a. Types of Attachment: names, characteristics of each type
b. Factors that influence the type: how they formed, why the baby has that type
c. Long term effects: common behaviours based on each attachment
5. Identity: Marcia’s Phases
a. The Four Phases: names, description
b. What a person in each does.
6. Erikson
a. Names of Crisis at each stage
b. Examples of the types of behavior shown, for both possible outcomes. For example: in
the challenge of intimacy vs isolation, what types of behaviours would you see in a
person overcoming it? Or one who is not?

Module 6 (Social Psychology)

1. Conformity: what is it, how it works.

2. Asch’s’ Study
a. What did he do? Why?
b. What were the findings?
c. Contributing or important factors?
3. Milgram
a. What was his study? How did he got about doing it? Why?
b. What were the findings? What do the findings mean?
c. Contributing or important factors to obedience?
4. Zimbardo
a. What are roles? How do they work?
b. What did Zimbardo do? Why?
c. What were his findings?
d. Contributing or important factors?

There are also a number of specific terms used in the modules, so just make sure you know what they
mean. Of course, any other key concepts not mentioned specifically but relevant to the above
should be clear too.

Good luck studying!

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