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Collapse Calderas Workshop IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 3 (2008) 012026 doi:10.1088/1755-1307/3/1/012026

Tectono-volcanic control of fissure type vents for the 28 Ma Panalillo

Ignimbrite in the Villa de Reyes graben, San Luis Potosí, México.
Tristán-González, Margarito 1-2, Labarthe-Hernández, Guillermo 1, Aguirre-Díaz,
Gerardo J.2, Aguillón-Robles, Alfredo 1

Instituto de Geología/DES Ingeniería, UASLP, Av. Dr. Manuel Nava #5, Zona
Universitaria, C.P. 78240, San Luis Potosí, S.L.P., MÉXICO. E-mail:
Centro de Geociencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Campus
Juriquilla, Querétaro, 76230 MEXICO. E-mail

keywords: caldera, structure, collpase, tectonics

1. Introduction.
In the SE portion of the Sierra Madre Occidental, near Sans Luis Potosí, central
Mexico, there are several grabens and half-grabens developed during the Basin and
Range extensional event. (Stewart 1978, 1998; Aguirre-Díaz et al., 2008). One of these
is the Villa de Reyes graben (Fig. 1), which is 200x15 km and with two main
orientations, a southern sector oriented NE-SW and a northern sector oriented NNW.
This work describes the geology and structure of this graben and its relationship with
widespread ignimbrite volcanism.

2. Geology and Structure

Along the main fault scarps of the Villa de Reyes graben (VRG) it is exposed a
mid-Tertiary volcanic sequence (32-21 Ma) corresponding to the Sierra Madre
Occidental province. According to Labarthe et al. (1982), this sequence overlies marine
Mesozoic sedimentary rocks that can be observed at the base of the graben’s fault
scarps. The volcanic sequence (Fig. 2) includes 32.5 Ma rhyolitic ignimbrites (Santa
María ignimbrite), 31.5 Ma dacitic lava domes (Portezuelo dacite), 31 Ma rhyolitic lava
domes (San Miguelito rhyolite), 29 Ma ignimbrites (Cantera and San José ignimbrites),
and 29 Ma rhyolitic domes (El Zapote rhyolite). Small undated gabbroic plutons are
observed cutting the sequence.
In another small graben, Bledos (Fig. 1), oblique to VRG and oriented NW, the
exposed sequence includes the Panalillo ignimbrite (Labarthe et al., 1982), a widespread
marker unit in this region that is dated at 28 Ma (Torres-Hernández et al., 2008). In the
Bledos area also crops out the 28 Ma La Placa basalt. This basaltic-rhyolitic volcanism
at around 28 Ma has been interpreted as bi-modal volcanic event (Torres-Aguilera,
2005). Another oblique graben to VRG, also NW, is Las Enramadas graben (Fig. 1).
Las Enramadas depression was filled with the nonwelded member of the Panalillo
ignimbrite. Pyroclastic feeder dykes along the Las Enramadas graben master faults were
the vents for the Panalillo ignimbrite in this locality (Aguirre-Díaz et al., 2008).
However, the same fissural style has been observed for the nonwelded Panalillo
ignimbrite at other sites in the Río Santa María region (Torres-Hernández et al., 2006;
Aguirre-Díaz et al., 2008).

c 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd 1
Collapse Calderas Workshop IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 3 (2008) 012026 doi:10.1088/1755-1307/3/1/012026

On the basis of water well logs in the VRG, we know that the Mesozoic marine
basement is 300 to 574 m deep. At the fault scarps (Figs. 3 and 4), basement exposures
occur at the base of them and can reach up to 100 m in elevation. Thus, vertical offset
for the VRG faulting is in the order of 600 m. The age of faulting is constrained by the
28 Ma Panalillo ignimbrite that filled portions of the VRG and Enramadas grabens;
therefore, faulting initiated before 28 Ma. However, in the area there are tilted plateaus
made of Panalillo ignimbrite, indicating that faulting has continued after eruption of
Panalillo ignimbrite.

Figure 1. Regional index map (inset) of the Villa de Reyes graben, and geologic
provinces Sierra Madre Occidental, Sierra Madre Oriental, Mesa Central, and
Transmexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB). Also shown are the locations of Bledos and
Enramadas grabens, as well as other features mentioned in text.

Collapse Calderas Workshop IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 3 (2008) 012026 doi:10.1088/1755-1307/3/1/012026

Figure 2. General stratigraphy of the Villa de Reyes graben and surrounding area.

As mentioned above, the nonwelded member of Panalillo ignimbrite was erupted

from fissural vents along the faults of the NW-SE oriented grabens that are transversal
to the VRG, such as Las Enramadas or at Bledos grabens. There is no evidence that the
same happens with the NNW to NE faults of VRG. In the NW Las Enramadas and
Bledos grabens there are both pyroclastic dykes made of the same material as the
nonwelded Panalillo ignimbrite and co-ignimbrite lithic breccias near these fissural
vents (Aguirre-Díaz and Labarthe-Hernández, 2003).

Collapse Calderas Workshop IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 3 (2008) 012026 doi:10.1088/1755-1307/3/1/012026

Figure 3. Outline of the general structure of the Villa de Reyes graben and location of
geologic cross sections shown in Fig. 4.

Collapse Calderas Workshop IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 3 (2008) 012026 doi:10.1088/1755-1307/3/1/012026

The VRG originated during the continental scale extension event known as Basin
and Range, which has been related to the mid-Tertiary ignimbrite volcanism that formed
the Sierra Madre Occidental province (Aguirre-Díaz and Labarthe-Hernández, 2003).
For the area of VRG it is confirmed the overlapping in space and time of both provinces
at the time range of 28-26 Ma (Labarthe-Hernández et al., 1982, Tristán-González,
1986; Torres-Hernández et al., 2008). The volcano-tectonic events at VRG are
summarized as follows:
1. A regional NNE fault system developed before 32 Ma, which is the age of
the oldest rocks affected by this faulting. It is better observed to the
North-Northeast of the City of San Luis Potosí.
2. This pre-32 Ma faulting controlled the emplacement of 31.5 Ma dacitic
domes (Portezuelos dacite).
3. NE faulting at 28 Ma that displaced the 31.5 Ma dacitic domes and
formed the VRG, as well as the oblique grabens of Bledos and Enramadas
oriented NW.
4. Emplacement of Panalillo ignimbrite at 28 Ma filling the VRG and
erupting from fissures related to the oblique grabens, and eruption of
Placa basalt apparently also from fault-controlled vents.
5. Filling of VRG by continental clastic sediments.

Figure 4 Representative geologic cross sections of the Villa de Reyes graben (see Fig. 3
for location).

Collapse Calderas Workshop IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 3 (2008) 012026 doi:10.1088/1755-1307/3/1/012026


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