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Name: Nancy Betún

Code: 717

1. Business Negocio.

Occupation, activity or work that is carried out to obtain a profit, especially that which

consists of carrying out commercial operations, buying and selling goods or services.

2. Promises promesa

A solemn offering that a person makes to fulfill a certain duty with righteousness and

fidelity, using a fixed formula.

3. Approach acercarse

to a place, especially if you are near or passing through.

4. Interview entrevista
Conversation that a journalist has with a person and that is based on a series of

questions or statements posed by the interviewer and on which the person interviewed

gives their answer or opinion.

5. Manager gerente

Person who occupies the position of address of a company or a specific area. In the

traditional conception handles the part operation of the coordination of personnel and

resources to achieve business goals

6. Hostess :Anfitriona.

Who organizes an activity or event and receives at its headquarters or territory

representatives of another entity or State, to whom it provides certain attentions.

7. Advent: Adviento

It is the four week period that precedes Christmas

8. Discuss: Discutir

Defend [two or more people] opposing opinions or interests in conversation or


9. To flatter: Halagar
Praising a person in an exaggerated and generally self-serving way to satisfy their

pride or vanity.

10. To go wrong: Equivocarse

This term refers to the act and the consequence of being wrong or wrong (making a

wrong decision, considering something incorrectly, making a mistake).

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