Chin-Pi Lu - Spectra of Modules

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COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA, 23(10), 3741-3752 (1995)


Chin-Pi Lu

Department of Mathematics
University of Colorado
Denver, Colorado 80217-3364

In this p p e r all rings are commutative with identity and all modules
are unitary. By a semi-local (resp. a local) ring, we mean a ring with only
a finite number of maximal ideals (resp. a unique maximal ideal).
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Let M be a module over a ring R. A proper submodule P of &I with

P : R M = p is said to be prime (or p p r i m e ) if r e E P for r E R and
e E M implies that either e E P or r E p (cf. [B], [9]). The set of all prime
submodules of hf is called the spectrum of M and denoted by Spec(M), and
that of all maximal submodules of hf is denoted by Max(M).
Let S be a multiplicatively closed subset of R. In section 1, we introduce
a useful relationship between Spec(M) and Spec(Ms) (Proposition 1) and
exhibit its applications through the entire paper.
For any ring R , it is known that Spec(R) # 0 if and only if R # (0).
The primary purpose of this paper is to point out that "Spec(M) f 0 if and
only if k I # (0)" is not necessarily true for all modules M. In section 2,
we present an example of a non-zero module M with Spec(M) = 0. It is
proved (Theorem 1) that if Ii is the field of quotients of a n integral domain
R, then the R-module Ii has Max(IC) = 0 and Spec(K) = {(0)). We prove
that if i\/l is a finitely generated R-module, then there exists a surjection d
from Spec(hf) onto Spec(RIAn11( A d ) ) so that Spec(M) # 0. Faithfully flat
modules, faithful modules over integral domains, and multiplication nlodules
are all proved to have non-empty spectra (Theorem 2). Later in section 4,
the above-mentioned mapping $ is shown to be a bijection if and only if the
nodule A$ is a multiplication lnoclule (Theorem 6).

Copyright 0 1995 by Marcel Dekker, Inc.

In section 3, we characterize maximal submodules of a finitely generated
module over a local ring in terms of minimal generating sets of the module
(Theorem 3).
Section 4 is devoted to an investigation of those modules M each of
whose Max(M) is a non-empty finite set, i.e., semi-local/local modules. We
prove (Corollary 1 to Theorem 4) that an Artinian module M is finitely
generated if and only if M is semi-local and Rad M is finitely generated.
For any nonzero ring R, we know that Rp is a local ring for every p E
Spec(R). In contrast with this, we obtain that if M is a finitely generated
faithful R-module, then M,, is a local Rp-module for every p E Spec(R) if
and only if h.1 is a multiplication module (Corollary to Theorem 6).

1. S p e c ( M ) and Spec(Ms)
Let M be a module over a ring R. The collection of all prime (resp.
maximal) submodules of M is called the spectrum (resp. the maximal spec-
trum) of M and denoted by Spec(M) (resp. Max(M)).
It may happen that Spec(M) = 0 for M # (0). We will study about
this case in section 2.
Assume that R is an integral domain and let K be its field of quotients,
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F = Rn, and B a submodule of the free R-module F. In based on the

relationships I< @ R B KB = KF I<g R F and I i B # K F , various
results related to (B : F ) and B being prime are obtained ([l o,
Theorem 1.5,
Theorem 1.6, Theorem 1.7, Lemma 1.8, Theorem 1.91).
Now let M be a module over any ring R and S a multiplicatively closed
subset of R. In this section, we will present two fundamental facts (Propo-
sition 1 and Proposition 2) about i) a relationship between Spec(M) and
Spec(Ms), and ii) those submodules N of M such that N s # Ms. Apply-
ing these propositions to modules over integral domains, we will generalize
the above-mentioned results of [u] for finitely generated free modules over
integral domains.
The following Proposition 1 is a specialization of [u, p. 160, Theo-
rem 101, which will prove useful throughout the paper:
PROPOSITION 1. Let S be a multiplicatively closed subset of R, p a prime
ideal of R such that p n S = 0, and M an R-module. Then there exists
a one-to-one correspondence between the p-prime submodules P of A! and
the p,-prime submodules W of Ms. This is such that when P and W
correspond, W = Ps and P = W n Ad.
PROOF:By [ll,p. 160, Theorem 101, there is a one-to-one correspondence
between the p-primary subnlodules P of M and the p,-primary submod-
ules W of M s , where W = Ps and P = T/V n M . Hence we need to
show that, under this correspondence of primary submodules, P is prime
if and only if W = Ps is prime. According to (8, p. 62, Proposition 1, (a)],

a primary submodule N o f any module E is prime i f and only i f N : E

is a prime ideal. Therefore, we prove that P : R M = p i f and only i f
Ps : R hlS~ = p, provided that p = and p, = d m as P and
Ps are, respectively, p-primary and p,-primary. I f P : M = p, then p, =
( P : M ) s C Ps : M s C d m = p, whence Ps : M s = p,. Conversely,
i f Ps : &Is = pa, then p,MS C Ps so that ( x / s ) ( e / t )E Ps for every x E p,
e E M , and s , t E S . Since ( x e / s t ) ( s 2 t 2 / s t=
) ( s 2 t 2 x e ) / ( s 2 t 2E) P S , xe E P
for every e E h l . It follows that x E P : M for every x E p = JP:iZ/I.
Thus, P : IVI = JP:M = p.
COROLLARY1 ( c f . [ll,p. 152, Proposition 8 ) ) . Let S be a multiplicatively
closed subset o f a ring R and &I an R-module. I f P is a prime submodule
o f M , then ( P : = Ps : M s .
P R O O F :In the proof o f Proposition 1 we have seen that i f ( P : M ) n S = 0:
then ( P : = Ps : M s . O n the other hand i f ( P : Ad)n S # 0, then
Ps = Ads by [ll,p. 159, Proposition 161 so that Ps : Ms = ( P : M ) s = R s .
COROLLARY2 . Let R be an integral domain, I i the field of quotients o f R,
and ,\/I a faithful R-module. Then ( 1 ) there exists a one-to-one correspon-
dence between the proper subspaces o f the vector space I< @ R 1Z.I = K M
over I i and the (0)-primesubmodules of M , and (2) i f IV is a submodule o f
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hf such that ICN # I i M , then P = I i N n M is a (0)-primesubmodule and

I i P = I<N (cf. [a,
p. 1806, Theorern 1.90.
PROOF: ( 1 ) Put S = R - ( 0 ) and apply Proposition 1. Since M is a
faithful module, I<M # (0). Hence there exists a proper subspace of K M
and, consequently, there exists a ( 0 ) - p i m e submodule o f M corresponding
to the subspace. Note that every proper subspace o f a vector space V is a
(0)-prime submodule o f V . ( 2 ) Since ICN # ICM, I<N is a proper subspace
o f the vector space I<M so that P = I<!V n M is a (0)-prime submodule
of by ( 1 ) above. That I<P = I<N follows from the injectivity o f the
correspondence described in ( 1 ) .
Let M be a module over a ring R with S p e c ( M ) # 0 . For each p E
Spec(R), let T ( p ) be the set o f all p-prime submodules o f 211. Then the
set { T ( p ) ;T ( p ) # 0 , p E S p e c ( R ) } forms a partition o f S p e c ( M ) . For each
p E S p e c ( R ) ,we know that there exists a bijection between the set o f prime
ideals of R contained in p and Spec(Rp). Let S = R - p and p' a prime
ideal o f R contained in p. Since p' n S = 0 , there exists a bijection, f p , say,
between T ( p l )and T ( p l R p )C 1% by Proposition 1. It follows that each f p t
can be extended t0.a bijection f : LrplcpT(p')i C$tGpT(p'R,) = Spec(M,),
for T ( p l )fl T ( p l ' ) = 0 whenever p' and p" are distinct prime ideals of R
contained in p.
COROLLARY 3. Let h/I be an R-module and p E Spec(R). Then the prime
submodules o f the Rp-module MP are in a one-to-one cosrespondence with
those prime submodules IV of hl with iV : ibf C: p.
The next proposition is a combination of [11,p. 158, Proposition 131
and [u,p. 159, Proposition 161 with a slight generalization.
PROPOSITION 2. Let S be a multiplicatively closed subset of a ring R and
N a submodule of an R-module M. If Ns # Ms, then ( N : M) n S = 0.
Conversely, if ( N : M ) n S = 0, then Ns # Ms provided that either i) M is
finitely generated or ii) N is a primary submodule.

PROOF:Suppose that ( N : Ad) n S # 0 and let x E ( N : 11/11 n S. Then

xe E N for each e E M so that e/s = (xe)/(xs) E N s for any s E S, which
proves that Ns = Ms. As for the second statement of the proposition, we
refer to [ll,p. 158, Proposition 131 and [ll,p. 159, Proposition 161. Note
that ( N : M) n S = 0 if and only if d ' m n S = 0 for any submodule N
of A'!!.
COROLLARY. Let Ad be a module over an integral domain R, I<the field of
quotients of R, and B a submodule of M. If K B # I<M, then B : M = (0).
The converse is true if either i) M is finitely generated, or ii) B is primary
(cf. 110, Theorem 1.5, Theorem 1.6, Theorem 1.7, i)]).

PROOF:Take S = R - (0) and apply Proposition 2.

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If N is a prime submodule of an R-module M , then N : M is a prime

ideal of R. However the converse is not necessarily true. For example, if M
is the free Z-module Z x Z and N = (a, 0)Z for any integer a > 1, then
N : M = (0) but N is not a (0)-prime submodule of M.
Here we consider those submodules N of a module M such that each
N : M is either a primary ideal or a prime ideal.
PROPOSITION 3. Let N be a submodule of an R-module PI such that N : M
is a p-primary ideal (resp. N : Ad = p) for some prime ideal p of R. Then N
is a p-primary (resp. p-prime) submodule of M if and only if Np n M = N.
PROOF:The necessity is due to [ll,p. 159, Proposition 161 (resp. Proposi-
tion 1). To prove the sufficiency, let ax E N , where x E M - N and a E R.
Suppose that a $ p. Then n: E Np f i M = N , a contradiction. Thus, a E p
so that N is a p-primary (resp. p-prime) submodule of M .
COROLI,AKY. Let -&Ibe a module over an integral domain R, Ii the field of
quotients of R, and P a submodule of M . Then P is (0)-prime if and only
if I i P n IW = P (cf. [lo ,1806, Lemma 1.81).

PROOF:The necessity follows directly from Proposition 3. Assume that

I i P n M = P . Then I<P # I i M , so P :I; M = (0) by Corollary to
Proposition 2. Now applying Proposition 3, we can see that P is a (0)-
prime submodule of M .

2. Existence of Spec(M)
For any ring R , it is known that R # (0) if and only if Spec(R) # 0
(or Max(R) # 0). However, as we can see in the following example and
Theorem 1, for a module M it is not always true that if M # (0) then
Spec(M) # 0 (or Max(M) # 0).
EXAMPLE. Let p be a fixed prime integer and No = Z + U (0). Then M =
E ( p ) = { a E Q / Z ; a = r / p n Z for some r E Z and n E No) is a nonzero
submodule of the Z-module Q/Z. For each t E No, set G t = { a E Q / Z ;
a = r l p t + Z for some r E 2 ) . The following facts are proved in [l2,p. 126,
(i) Gt is a cyclic submodule of E(p) generated by llpt Z for each t E No,
(ii) each proper submodule of E ( p ) is equal to G, for some i E No, and
(iii) E ( p ) is a n Artinian, non-Noetherian Z-module with a strictly increasing
sequence of submodules

We claim that Gt :zE ( p ) = (0) for every t E No. Suppose that G t : E ( p ) #

(0) for some t and let 0 # 1. E Gt : E(p). Put r = p k a , where a E Z and k is
the largest integer in No such that pk divides r . Let a' = l/p"*'+Z. Then
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r a ' = (pka)/pk+t+' Z = alpt+' + Z belongs to G t , which is impossible
because p t a . Therefore Gt : E ( p ) = (0) for every t E No. However no Gt
is a prime submodule of E(p), for if i is any positive integer then pi $ Gt :
+ +
E(p) = (0) and p = llpi+' Z @ G t , but p1/3 = llpt Z E G t . Now,
in view of (ii) above, we can conclude that Spec(M) = Spec(E(p)) = 0 =
In the next theorem, we study the spectrum of the field of quotients of
an integral domain.
THEOREM 1. Let R be an integral domain which is not a field and Ii' the
field of quotients of R . Then the R-module Ii has Maxjli) = 0 and Spec(Ii')
= ((0)).
PROOF: Since rIi' = Ii for every non-zero element 1. of R, N : Ii = (0)
for every proper submodule N of M. Consequently Max(Ii) = 0,for if L
is a maximal submodule of Ii, then L : I< = q for some maximal ideal q
of R ([e, p. 63, Proposition 41) whence L : K = q # (0), a contradiction.
Clearly (0) is a (0)-prime submodule of I i . To show that (0) is the only
prime submodule of Ii, we assume the contrary and let P be a nonzero
prime submodule of I<. Then, as we have seen above, P : Ii = (0). Since
P is a nonzero submodule, there exists a = a/b # 0, where a , b E R,
such that a E P and, therefore, ba = w E P. On the other hand, there
exists 0 # x E R such that l / a 6 P because P # I i . Now we have that
ax @ P : Ii and l / x @ P, but (ax)l/x = a E P. This contradicts the fact
that P is a prime submodule. Thus, Spec(K) = ((0)).
The 2-module Q has Max(Q) = 0 and Spec(Q) = ((0)) (cf
[z,p. 36, Ex. 80.
Let M be any R-module and p a maximal ideal of R. If p M # M ,
then p M is a prime submodule. Thus we can say that if pM # M for some
maximal ideal p of R, then Spec(M) # 0. We remark that the converse of
this statement is not true in general in view of the above Theorem 1 and its
LEMMA.Let M be a non-zero finitely generated R-module. Then for each
prime (resp. maximal) ideal p of R containing Ann (M), there exists a p-
prime submodule of M (resp. a maximal submodule L of M with L : M =
PROOF:Since M is a non-zero finitely generated R-module and p is a prime
ideal containing Ann (M), Mp is a non-zero finitely generated Rp-module
with Ann (Mp) = (Ann and Ann (Mp) pRp ([3,p. 82, Corollary 2 to
Proposition 41). According to [8,p. 65, Corollary 3 to Proposition 81, pMp #
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&Ip so that pMp is a pRp-prime submodule of &Ip. Applying Proposition 1,

we can conclude that pMp f l M is a pprirne submodule of M. To prove
the case that p is a maximal ideal of R, let T(p) be the set of all p-prime
submodules of M. In the proof above, we have seen that T(p) # 0. With
the aid of Zorn's lemma, we can see that there exists a maximal element L
in T(p). Since L : M = p is a maximal ideal, L is a maximal submodule.
The above lemma is a generalization of (8, p. 65, Corollary 4 to Propo-
sition 81 where M is assumed to be a finitely generated Laskerian module.
It is also proved in [lO,p. 1811, Theorem 3.31 using a different method.
An R-module M is called a multiplication module provided that for
every submodule .N of M there exists an ideal I of R such that N = I M .
In the next theorem, we list modules with non-empty spectra or non-
empty maximal spectra.
THEOREM 2. Let M be a non-zero R-module, where R # (0).
(1) If M is finitely generated, then there exists a surjection from Spec(M)
to Spec(R/Ann (M)) and, similarly, a surjection from Max(M) to
Max(R/Ann (M)). Consequently, Spec(M) # 0 and Max(M) # 0.
(2) If M is faithfully flat over R, then there exists a surjection from Spec(M)
to Spec(R). Hence, Spec(M) # 0.
(3) If M is a faithful module over an integral domain R, then Spec(h.1) # 0.
(4) If M is a multiplication module, then Max(M) # 0 so that Spec(M) #

PROOF: (1) is a direct result of Lemma. If M is faithfully flat over R , then

pM # M for every p E Spec(R) whence ph/l is a p-prime submodule of h.1
by [8, p. 66, Theorem 31. This proves (2). Let K be the field of quotients
of a n integral domain R. Then the vector space K M over I< is not (0)
as M is a faithful R-module. Hence (3) follows from (1) of Corollary 2 to
Proposition 1, and (4) is due to [A,p. 762, Theorem 2.51.
Under the surjection, which is mentioned in (1) and (2) of Theorem 2
respectively, each p E Spec(R/Ann (Ad)) corresponds to a p-prime submod-
ule of M. We remark that in case (3) of Theorem 2, where M is a faithful
module over an integral domain, such a surjection may not exist. For ex-
ample, the 2-module Q has no p-prime submodule for each non-zero prime
ideal p of 2.In case (4) of Theore~n2, where M is a multiplicative module,
we can say that such a surjection exists if and only if M is finitely generated
(cf. [4,p. 768, Theorem 3.1)).

3. Maximal Submodules
Let ,Z.l be a free R-module e t E 1 R a , and m a maximal ideal of R.
If a proper submodule L of M can be expressed in the form that L =
m a ; BjZ,Ra1 for some i E I, then L is a maximal submodule with L : M =
in. We consider a similar characterization of maximal submodules of finitely
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generated moclules over local rings, which may not be free.

If a module h.1 is generated by a set B of elements of M and if no proper
subset of B generates M , then we call B a minimal generating set of M.
The smallest cardinality of minimal generating sets of M will be denoted by
If R is a local ring with maximal ideal 7n and M is a finitely generated
R-module, then possesses a minimal generating set; any two minimal
generating sets contain the same number 11 of elements so that p ( M ) = n ,
where 11 is the dimension of the vector space Mlnahl over Rlm ([G, p. 1161).
THEOREM 3 . Let R be a local ring with maximal ideal m, and A I a nonzero
finitely generated R-module with p ( M ) = n . Then a submodule L of 1bI is
maximal if and only if there exists a minimal generating set { e l , e z , .. . , e,,)
for h.1 such that L = nae, + Re, for some z E { 1 , 2 , . . . , n). Conse-
quently, there exists at least maximal submodules in M .
PROOF: Suppose that L is a maximal submodule of M. Then L : $1 = in
so that m.ld C L and L,/mM is a maximal subspace of the vector space
M / m M over k = Rlnz. Since p ( i k f ) = dimk hd/nzb!! = n , dimk L/in!l/l =
12 - 1. Hcnce these exists a basis, { E l , E 2 , . . . ,e,,-l) say, for L / m M which
can be extended to a basis {El,E2,.. . , ~ , - 1 , ~ , )for M/mi\I[, where each
ei = e; + 172hI for some e; E $1. Consequently, { e l , ez,. . . , e n ) is a minimal
generating set for M ([G, p. 115, Theorem 1581) and, therefore, L = mAI +
Re; = me, + c:=;' Re;. Conversely, we assume that there exists a
minimal generating set {el, el?,. . . , e n ) for M and let Li = me, f x. I+.
, Rej
for some i. Since i n M = C f = , me, L i , L i / m M = C j + , kej is an
n - 1 dimensional subspace, a maximal subspace of MImA4. It follows
that L; is a maximal submodule of Dl. To prove the last statement of the
theorem, we assume that {el, ez, . . . , e n ) is a minimal generating set for M
and that Li = L j for some i # j . Both 1; = L i / m M and = L j / m M are
subspaces of M / m M over k with bases (el , & , . . . Z;+l,. . . , e n ) and
{el,E 2 , . . . ,zj-l , ej+l,. . . , en), respectively. L; = L j implies that ei E
- -
z, -
L; and, therefore, ei is a linear combination of Zl, F z , . . . , ei-1, e i + l , . . . , e n ,
a contradiction to the fact that {el, &, . . . ,&, . . . ,en) is a basis for M / m M .
Thus, L, # L j if i # j .
We remark that when 12 = 1 in Theorem 3, the expression L = me, f
CjZIRe, is simply L = m e l .
The last statement of Theorem 3 is also proved in (2, p. 10, Proposi-
tion 141 in a different way.
COROLLARY 1. Let R be a local ring and M a finitely generated R-module.
(1) if A4 has at most t maximal submodules, then p ( M ) does not exceed t,
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(2) M has only one maximal submodule if and only if M is cyclic, i.e.,
p ( M ) = 1.
COROLLARY 2 . Let M be a finitely generated module over a ring R, and
nz a maximal ideal of R. Let I be an ideaa of R such that m is a unique
maximal ideal containing I and that I M = (0). Then a submodule L of
M is a maximal submodule with L : 11.1 = m if and only if there exists a
minimal generating set { e l ,e z , . . . , en} for M such that L = me; +El+Rej
for some i E {1,2,. . . ,n ) .
PROOF:The ring R / I is a local ring with maximal ideal m / I , and we can
consider Af as a finitely generated module over R / I . Thus we can apply
Theorem 3.

4. Semi-local Modules
A module Ad is called a semi-local (resp. a local) module if Max(M) is
a non-empty finite (resp. a singleton) set.
Clearly, every cyclic module over a semi-local (resp. a local) ring is a
semi-local (resp. a local) module. The direct product of a finite number
of local R-modules is a semi-local R-module. If M is a finitely generated
semi-local module over a local ring, then M has minimal generating sets.
According to Corollary 1 to Theorem 3, the unique cardinality p ( M ) of

minimal generating sets does not exceed the number of maximal submodules
of M.
Local modules play an important role in the theory of finitely presented
modules over serial rings ([GI).Some other studies of local n~oduleshave
been done in [5]and [I]respectively.
PROPOSITION 4. If a finitely generated module M over a ring R is semi-local
(resp. local), then R/Ann ( M ) is a semi-local (resp. a local) ring.
PROOF:This is an immediate result of Lemma in section 2.
If M is a semi-local module with the family {Pi);=l of maximal sub-
modules, then M I R a d M r llr='=, ( M I P ; ) ,where Rad M is the radical of
M, i.e., the intersection of all maximal submodules of M. Applying this, we
can easily see t h e following Proposition 5 which will be needed later:
5 (cf. p. 116, Proposition 16)). For any module M with
M a x ( M ) # 8, the following properties are equivalent:
(a) M is a semi-local (resp. a local) module;
(b) M I R a d M is the direct decomposition of a finite number of simple
modules (resp. is a simple module).
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4. Every finitely generated Artinian module is semi-local.
PROOF: If M is a finitely generated Artinian module, then Max(M) # 0
and = M I R a d M is an Artinian module with Rad % = (0). So % is a
- module of finite length due to (2, p. 69, Theorem 41. Therefore,
M is the direct decon~positionof a finite number of simple modules. It
follows that M is a semi-local module from Proposition 5.
We remark that the assumption made in Theorem 4 that the Artinian
module is finitely generated is essential. In Example of section 2, we have
seen an Artinian, non-Noetherian 2-module M = E ( p ) with Spec(M) = 0 =
Max(M). Hence, M = E ( p ) is a n Artinian module which is not semi-local.
COROLLARY 1. For any Artinian R-module Ad, the following conditions are
equivalent :
(a) M is finitely generated;
(b) M is semi-local and Rad M is finitely generated.
PROOF: If M is a finitely generated Artinian module, then R/Ann (114)
is an Artinian ring so that Al is a Noetherian module. Tllus Rad Ad is
finitely generated. Combining this with Theorem 4, we can see that (a) i
(b). Conversely, if Jd is se~rii-localand Rad &I is finitely generated, then
evidently Ad is finitely generated because M/Rad A4 is the direct decoxm
position of a finite nuniber of simple (cyclic) modules due to Proposition 5.
Thus (b) ==+ ( a ) .
COROLLARY 2. ([4, p. 764, Corollary 2.91). Every Artinian multiplication
module is semi-local and cyclic.
PROOF:Let M be a non-zero Artinian multiplication module. To show that
M is semi-local, in view of Theorem 4, it suffces to prove that M is finitely
generated. Suppose that M is not finitely generated. Then by [s,
p. 768,
Theorem 3.11, A4 = m M for some maximal ideal m of R containing Ann
(M). Hence, Mm is also a non-zero Artinian multiplication module over R,
such that Adm = nzM,,. According to [4, p. 762, Theorem 2.51, Mm must
contain a maximal submodule E* say. Then E* : R , Mm = mR, so that
E* = inM, = Mm which is a contradiction. Thus we can conclude that M
is finitely generated, so M is semi-local. That M is cyclic follows from that
M is a multiplication module over the semi-local ring RIAnn ( M ) and (1,
p. 175, Proposition 41.
In the rest of this section, we exclusively investigate local modules.
In (2) of Corollary 1 to Theorem 3, we have seen that a finitely generated
module M over a local ring is a local module if and only if M is cyclic. We
remark that this fact can also be proved directly without using Theorem 3
(cf. Proof of [ I ,p. 9, Corollary to Theorem 131).
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PROPOSITION 6. Let M be a finitely generated local R-module with max-

imal submodule P. If P : M = p, then the canonical homomorphism
M -+ Mp is bijective.
PROOF: Since M is a finitely generated local module over R, R/Ann ( M )
is a local ring by Proposition 4. The unique maximal ideal of RIAnn ( M ) is
p/Ann ( M ) , for p is a maximal ideal of R containing Ann (M). Accordingly,
p is the only maximal ideal of R containing Ann (M). Now the proposition
follows frorn (3, p. 110, Proposition 81.
For any prime ideal p of a ring R, Rp is always a local ring. However,
for an R-module M , M p is not necessarily a local Rp-module. Here, for any
finitely generated R-module M , we consider a condition under which M p is
a local module over R,.
Let M be an R-module and h an ideal of R. Following [a,p. 1810],
we call a submodule N of h.1 h-maximal (or h-max) if i) N : M = h, and
ii) N is maximal in the set of all submodules L of M such that L : M = h.
It is shown in [lo ,1811, Lemma 3.2) that if p is a prime ideal of R and
N is p-max, then AT is a p-prime submodule.
THEOREM 5. Let h/l be an R-module with ap-prime submodule P for some
prime ideal p of R. Then &Ip is a local Rp-module with maximal submodule
P'= PR, if and only if P is a unique p-max prime submodule of Ad.
PROOF:.Applying Proposition 1 again, we can see that P' = PR, is a
maximal submodule of the R,-module Mp P = P'n M is nlaximal

among the p-prime submodules of M P is one of the y-max subrnodules

since all p-mas submodules of M are p-prime as we remarked above. Thus,
we can conclude that Pi is a unique maximal submodule of Mp if and only
if P is a unique p-max prime submodule of Ad.
COROLLARY. Let M be an R-module with Max(h1) = {P, : z 6 I) # 0 and
p u t P, : M = p, for each i E I. Then Mp, is a local module over Rp, for
every i if and only if p, # p, whenever z # 3 .
PROOF: We use the facts that every maximal submodule Pi of M is a p,-
max submodule, ancl that each maximal submodule P, is a unique p,-max
submodule if and only if pi # pj whenever i # 3.
In Theorem 2, ( I ) , we have seen that if M is a finitely generated module
over a ring R , then there exists a surjection from Spec(M) onto Spec(R/Ann
(M)). Here, we consider the case that this surjection is also injective.
THEOREM 6. Let M be a finitely generated R-module, and let $J : Spec(A4)
-+ Spec(R/Ann (Ad)) defined by + ( P ) = ( P : M)+ Ann (M) for every P E
Spec(M). Then the following statements are equivalent:
(a) &Ip is a l o c d RRp-modulefor every p 6 Spec(R/Ann (M));
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(b) &I is a locally cyclic module over R/Ann (Ad);

(c) M is a multiplication module;
(d) 1C, is bijective.
PROOF: The equivalence of (a) and (b) is a result of Corollary 1 to Theo-
rem 3 and that of (b) and (c) is due to [l,p. 175, Proposition 51. Suppose
that hf is a finitely generated multiplication module. Then 1C, is bijective by
19, p. 216, Property 11, so (c) * (d). To prove (d) ==+(a), we assume that
11, is bijective and let p E Spec(R/Ann (M)). Then = P is a unique
p-prime submodule of M ,whence MP is a local Rp-module with maximal
submodule Pi = P R , by Theorem 5. Hence (cl) * (a) and this completes
the proof of Theorem 6.
COROLLARY. Let AJ be a firlitely generated faithful R-module. Then MI,
is a locaa module over R,,for. every prime ideal 11 of R if ancl only if M is a
multiplication rnocl~ile.

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Received: April 1994

Revised: February 1995

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