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Increasing Sales – Existing Clients

All Comments –

Charlotte – Purple
Ben – Blue
Kevin – Red
Sarah – Green

Slide 2 –
 Charlotte - 04.07.2023 - CEO – with Jack (working towards) taking a step back I’m
not sure he should be on here or making “sales” calls
 Ben – 05.07.2023 - Agreed this has been removed to be more realistic and Georgina
has been added in along with yourself.
 Charlotte - 04.07.2023 - This is everyone’s job, not just AM’s and HO’s – me,
George, anyone with client contact. It doesn’t just have to be those with technical
knowledge. If George picks up the phone and touches base with 10 clients a month
just to see how they are, this could make all the difference customer service wise…
leading to more sales eventually.
 Ben - 05.07.2023 - Agreed that it doesn’t have to be someone with technical
knowledge, it wasn’t my intention for that to come across, but I do think that we need
to have a pre-determined list of who and when will be called, a clear schedule for this
will need to be discussed and worked on

Slide 3 –
 Tracking mechanism –
 Charlotte – 04.07.2023 - this is Odoo. Currently, logging notes and scheduling
activities, opportunities etc, is the only way to track this. With the Odoo developments
pending over the next 12-24 months, I would be implementing a better tool to track
this. It isn’t a quick fix and I won’t promise one. It’s a target of mine though.
 Ben 05.07.2023 - We will have to see how this one develops from here on out.
 Dedicated time –
 Charlotte – 04.07.2023 - how much time would you foresee? This doesn’t really work
with consultants in the field such as Charlie and Lee. HO’s can have dedicated time
on a Monday for example but Lee and Charlie get pulled pillar to post – that isn’t go
to change for the next 6 months at least. Part of the issue is having too much work
and not enough people. When we have more people, I could allow half a day a
month to make these sorts of check in calls etc. they would need to be tracked
though if I was to allow time to ensure they are making calls and not having their hair
 Ben - 05.07.2023 - A dig about haircuts in there eh! Again, this would need to be
determined and then put into action, obviously people that have priorities to complete
work will be out of this, but for us that have some spare time then we need to be
scheduling in time to make this happen
 Email check in system –
 Charlotte – 04.07.2023 - I’m not entirely keen on this. if we’re checking in, I’d say pick
up the phone. Otherwise, Sarah’s marketing shoots capture this in a way (as a touch
 Kev 04.07.2023 - Phone call and log notes on Odoo for an audit trail.
 BP 05.07.2023 - This can be removed from this and be left with Sarah and what is
developing from the email system.
 Sarah 04.07.2023 - Check in system – agree with Charlotte, this can be done via
email automation.  We could look at this not just for CSA clients.

Slide 4 –
 Charlotte – 04.07.2023 - It’s worth noting that I do try and follow up following every
piece of workplace work. it may not be at the most appropriate time but I do it once
a month. I pick up the phone and/or email depending on who it is and what I’m
trying to upsell. They all get a call eventually though. These are logged on Odoo. It
could be so much better on Odoo though once changes have happened.
 Kevin - 04.07.2023 - This needs to be firmed up with a process and done by either
yourself or the respective HO at pre-determined frequencies – i.e. every fortnight
 Ben - 05.07.2023 - This would only be with certain clients and for certain things, I
think that if we had a way of exporting action trackers then we could essentially
create a checklist of what the client needs based of what we have already found – It
would be worth talking about this with Karen to see what can be done on Altitude.

Slide 5 –

 Kevin – 04.07.2023 - Need a sensible arrangement for Teams calls – who attends?
Weighing up cost of our meetings vs. likelihood of return on investment etc.

Slide 6 –

 Charlotte - 04.07.2023 - I think we are missing a trick with a few of these clients.
The only ones with active AMS (account management strategies) are Peldon Rose,
sort of Iconic, A2O, sort of BSB, sort of Diamond Build. (Sort of’s meaning they
have an account manager and strategy but I don’t feel they’re being as worked as
good as they can be).
 Charlotte - 04.07.2023 - The account management strategies need looking at in
detail. They need rolling out again with a lot more focus on it across the whole top
10 clients.
 Charlotte – 04.07.2023 - Example – Tom AM’s SBC however I constantly need to
remind him of stuff, he doesn’t reach out to them very often (it would appear, happy
to be told otherwise), there was a new construction manager/director there and Tom
didn’t even know. It took for them to reach out and ask for a meeting… in my
opinion, that is poor from us. When other consultants complete their site
inspections, Tom doesn’t check them, he doesn’t approach me to ask about them
either. More ownership needs to come from consultants. I do recognise that they
are very busy at the moment though and a time allowance is needed for this to work
properly. –
 Kevin – 04.07.2023 - AMS review meeting held with KR/LM today – All clients
existing AMS will be reviewed and converted into new template. An AMS tracker will
be required. Some new clients may require an AMS – this is all currently WIP but
100% agree on all of this.
 Kevin - 04.07.2023 - BP – as mentioned, the introduction of an annual ‘Havio Day’
at, for example – Swingers Club – inviting key personnel, PM’s/CM’s, Management,
decision makers from our big spenders to make them feel loved and put more faces
to names.
 Sarah – 04.07.2023 - Agree with Charlotte – so much to improve on at this account
management level.  Are people aware of these numbers?  Of the importance of
these clients?  If we lost Peldon Rose tomorrow it would cause serious issues. It
comes back to the point above about thinking commercially.  We don’t need
everyone to be sales people but basic check-ins with these clients regularly is so
 Sarah – 04.07.2023 - There should be a “high” client account strategy and a “mid
 Ben - 05.07.2023 - I think that this will be a big step forward and can be rolled out
sooner rather than later, this will be key to ensuring our bigger clients that they are
valued. I believe that this should be discussed soon to get the ball rolling and to
start getting ideas in place.
 Ben - 05.07.2023 - On all of the above I think that these need to be looked at
quickly and something implemented sooner rather than later, we need to start as we
mean to go on with this and ensure these types of clients that they are cared about,
and with the small things like people starting and leaving that we are aware of it. I
agree that this is poor from us and with that in mind it would be good to know if the
Account Management strategies have been updated

Slide 7 –

 Charlotte – 04.07.2023 - Who would do these lunch and learn sessions? Love the
idea. Also getting clients to our London Offices could be good to put faces to names
for me and George.
 Kevin – 04.07.2023 - I’d do some CDM sessions, BP can do some, SF, and as many
people that can contribute to a series of sessions and we can advertise for them,
book them in, bring food in etc.
 Ben – 05.07.2023 - Kev, Sophie, Kelly, whoever is comfortable delivering
training/presentations to be honest, so I think that you’ll be doing some Char! But
these can be decided on and rolled out once we are in the new office. We will be able
to get communications about these events out quite quickly and will only start small
to begin with.

Slide 8 –

 Sarah - 04.07.2023 - All clients who sign up for our CSA service (both new and year
on year renewals) will be entered into an automation funnel and receive 5 emails
across the year.
 Sarah – 04.07.2023 - Emails will be different for new clients and renewals.
 Sarah – 04.07.2023 - Emails will also be different per business unit.
 Sarah – 04.07.2023 - These emails will form touch bases across the year, provide
industry related (relevant) articles and be soft touch sales up selling opportunities.  I
want them to be more informative rather than ram additional services down their

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