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4 Steps to Quit Weed / Get Sober


1. Find Community
If you’re ready to quit, it’s time to set up accountability. Find a community you interact with at
LEAST once a week. This could be a 12 step group, an online sober community, or another
sober group. Attend a meeting at least once a week with others who are going through
something similar. It is critical to START GOING even if you haven’t quit yet. Below is a list of
meetings / groups to attend:

1. Natural Highs Community (Meetings in our Facebook community with a different

topic each week for creating a sober life you LOVE)
2. Recovery 2.0 (A spiritual Yoga based outlook on Recovery)
3. Narcotics Anonymous (12 steps)
4. Alcoholics Anonymous (12 steps)
5. Marijuana Anonymous (12 steps)
6. Al-Anon (12 steps for family and friends of addicts / alcoholics)
7. The Phoenix (Sober Active Community, free fitness classes & meetings)

2. Shift to a Simplicity Mindset

Keep your life as simple as possible and take it one day at a time. Don’t worry about making a
big decision to get clean and sober forever for the rest of time. Just choose to be sober for one
day. Get through one single day. Keep it simple.

Take things off your plate as much as possible and give yourself a break. Be kind and gentle to
yourself. Here is a good poem to help you tune into this mindset.

The only thing you have to do in life right now is stay sober. As long as you do that, you’re
succeeding. Make it the #1 priority. Just choose to be sober today. Rinse and repeat.

3. Tell Everyone
When we are truly ready to get sober, we become willing to set up accountability for ourselves.
Choose 3 or more people who are very close to you and tell them you have decided to get
sober and why. Create a situation where drinking or smoking again (whatever addiction you are
trying to break) would mean breaking a promise to them. Otherwise it’s far too easy to break our
own rules.

4. Get Rid of Everything

When we are truly ready to get sober, we become willing to take bold actions. Throw out
everything in the house. If you can’t bear the thought of throwing it out because it cost money,
give it to someone who DOESN’T struggle with addiction who might appreciate it.

If it’s not yours, ask if it could be kept elsewhere or out of sight. Take this action during a
stronger moment when you feel a rush of willpower. It will help you make it through the weaker
moments later on. In fact, I challenge you to TAKE THIS ACTION RIGHT NOW!

If you have a dispensary or bar down the street from you and it’s just “too easy” to get it, tell
your bartender or the dispensary staff that you’re struggling and you’re going to get sober, and
you’re excited for the journey. Make it really hard for yourself to go back on your word.

Suggested: Explore Coaching

*If you’re truly ready and you’re interested in hearing how Jake can help you create a
sober life you LOVE, book a call here. We’ll go over your “why”, solidify your resolve,
and come up with an action plan for you - together.

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