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Current Environmental Health Reports


An Integrated Socio-Environmental Model of Health and Well-Being:

a Conceptual Framework Exploring the Joint Contribution
of Environmental and Social Exposures to Health and Disease Over
the Life Span
Hector A. Olvera Alvarez 1 & Allison A. Appleton 2 & Christina H. Fuller 3 & Annie Belcourt 4 & Laura D. Kubzansky 5

# Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

Purpose of the review Environmental and social determinants of health often co-occur, particularly among socially disadvan-
taged populations, yet because they are usually studied separately, their joint effects on health are likely underestimated. Building
on converging bodies of literature, we delineate a conceptual framework to address these issues.
Recent findings Previous models provided a foundation for study in this area, and generated research pointing to additional
important issues. These include a stronger focus on biobehavioral pathways, both positive and adverse health outcomes, and
intergenerational effects. To accommodate the expanded set of issues, we put forward the Integrated Socio-Environmental Model
of Health and Well-Being (ISEM), which examines how social and environmental factors combine and potentially interact, via
multi-factorial pathways, to affect health and well-being over the life span. We then provide applied examples including the study
of how food environments affect dietary behavior.
Summary The ISEM provides a comprehensive, theoretically informed framework to guide future research on the joint contri-
bution of social and environmental factors to health and well-being across the life span.

Keywords Total environment . Social determinants . Cumulative exposures . Life course . Health disparities

Introduction crossover despite a common goal of promoting and

safeguarding human health. Social and environmental risks do
Researchers evaluating social and environmental determinants not exist in isolation but rather co-occur and disproportionately
of disease have historically worked in parallel with little affect socially disadvantaged individuals and populations

Hector A. Olvera Alvarez and Allison Appleton are co-leading authors.

This article is part of the Topical Collection on Food, Health, and the

* Hector A. Olvera Alvarez 1

School of Nursing, University of Texas El Paso, 500 W. University Ave, El Paso, TX 79968, USA
School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology and
Allison A. Appleton Biostatistics, University at Albany, 1 University Place, Rensselaer, NY 12144, USA
School of Public Health, Division of Environmental Health, Georgia
Christina H. Fuller
State University, P.O. Box 3995, Atlanta, GA 30302, USA
School of Community and Public Health Sciences/Pharmacy
Annie Belcourt Practice, University of Montana, 32 Campus Drive, Missoula, MT 59812, USA
Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Harvard T.H. Chan
Laura D. Kubzansky School of Public Health, 677 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA
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experiencing health disparities. As such, traditional siloed re- 10••, 11••]. These perspectives share key attributes in that they
search likely underestimates or misidentifies the joint complex consider multiple exposures simultaneously, incorporate both
effects of social and environmental exposures on health. As physical and social factors, and often seek to describe health
social and environmental exposures may have synergistic disparity-related processes [12–15].
health effects that accumulate and drive disparities over the life Two of these perspectives have been particularly influential
span (from conception to death) [1, 2], major granting and to the development of ISEM. Both focus specifically on child
professional organizations like the National Institute of and maternal health [10••, 11••]. Morello-Frosch and Shenassa
Environmental Health Sciences and the Environmental (2006) proposed a model of how place-based stressors (e.g.,
Protection Agency are increasingly calling for research and poverty, low social capital) increase an individual’s susceptibil-
services that jointly address the health consequences of social ity to environmental pollutants and adversely impact maternal
and environmental exposures [3, 4]. This emergent interdisci- and child health outcomes [10••]. The model explicitly con-
plinary research approach focuses on the totality of factors with- siders multi-level interactions between community- and
in the environment that impact health. This includes conceptu- individual-level stressors and buffers, and outlines a mechanis-
alizing not only social and environmental factors that increase tic pathway linking exposure to environmental pollutants to
risk but also factors that are protective, and focusing on both adverse health outcomes. Clougherty and Kubzansky (2009)
disease and healthy states. Moreover, identifying mechanisms drew on this model to further delineate pathways through which
through which these processes affect health over the life span is combined exposure to air pollution and psychosocial stress
critical for recognizing opportunities for intervention during might affect respiratory health [16•]. In contrast, a model pro-
potential sensitive periods. To promote this perspective, we posed by Tulve and colleagues [11••] takes a more
have developed a conceptual model we refer to as the system-based approach to describe child health as the result of
Integrated Socio-Environmental Model of Health and intrinsic biological factors, activities and behavior, and expo-
Well-being (ISEM). The model examines how environmental sure to social and environmental factors. This model provides a
and social factors may jointly contribute to health and well-being total environment perspective that encompasses both the phys-
across the life span. It is designed to have broad applicability ical and social environments, defines chemical and
across populations and life stages, and to facilitate the study of non-chemical stressors, and integrates proximal and distal ef-
biologic and behavioral mechanisms linking exposures to dis- fects across time (life course) and space (e.g., individual, com-
ease and health disparities, while explicitly considering the role munity), but has less focus on underlying mechanisms.
of positive factors in promoting health and well-being. Research in this emergent field has grown to encompass
Here, we identify the components of ISEM, while also more complex pathways, interactions between multiple expo-
reviewing prior frameworks and empirical evidence that in- sures, cultural factors, resources and susceptibilities occurring
formed the development of this model. Next, we illustrate at the individual and community level, positive and adverse
how ISEM might guide research on how food environments health outcomes, and differences in effects across the life
affect dietary behavior, and further provide two additional ex- course. Existing frameworks may not accommodate this ex-
amples of how ISEM can guide the integrated study of social panded set of issues because they do not capture one or more
and environmental factors across a range of health problems. of following domains: (a) clear testable mechanistic pathways,
We conclude by discussing the limitations of the ISEM and (b) multiple pathways through which social and environmen-
identifying needs and priorities for future research in this area. tal factors could interact, (c) behavioral pathways, (d) positive
health outcomes or potential health-promoting factors, and (e)
potential intergenerational transmission of effects. The ISEM
Previous Models and Frameworks was developed drawing on insights of earlier models, with the
purpose of expanding applicability to many populations and
A number of conceptual frameworks and models describe contexts.
how environmental (e.g., air pollution, access to parks, cli-
mate change) [5, 6] or social (e.g., early-life adversity, harsh
family conditions) [7•, 8] factors independently affect physical The Integrated Socio-Environmental Model
and/or mental health outcomes [1, 9]. These frameworks often of Health and Well-Being
provide detailed descriptions of the pathophysiologic or so-
ciocultural pathways through which each factor impacts Model Overview
health. However, the co-occurrence and potential interactions
between environmental and social factors have received less The ISEM was developed through a yearlong series of meet-
attention. Other frameworks have explicitly considered the ings and discussions among an interdisciplinary team of envi-
totality of environmental exposures via perspectives described ronmental health scientists, epidemiologists, and social scien-
as total environment, cumulative risk, and the exposome [1, tists; collaborative activities to develop the model were
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supported by the Harvard JPB Environmental Health behavioral (e.g., diet) responses that ultimately drive health
Fellowship Program, an interdisciplinary program for re- or disease. Furthermore, biologic and behavioral responses
searchers working at the intersection of environmental and to exposures can be independent or may also be interrelated.
social determinants of health. The team reviewed prior con- Resources and susceptibilities, produced either by intrinsic or
ceptual models and framework papers, conducted literature extrinsic factors, can shape biologic and behavioral responses
reviews, and identified gaps in the evidence base to develop and mediate and/or modulate effects of social and physical en-
the model. A preliminary version of the ISEM was presented vironmental factors on health. Adding complexity, these re-
at a JPB Fellowship supported workshop titled “What is the sources and susceptibilities are also patterned by physical and
joint contribution of environmental and social determinants of social environmental factors at individual and community
health in explaining health and disease over the life course? levels. For example, accessibility and availability of healthy
Building the field and identifying research priorities” food may be more limited in lower- versus higher-income com-
(October 2017; Saratoga Springs, NY). The model was re- munities which in turn affects dietary behaviors with down-
vised according to feedback provided by workshop attendees, stream implications for health. Overtime, interactions between
which included experts in fields such as social epidemiology, access and behaviors involved in diet and nutrition can influ-
environmental health, epigenetics, and exposure science. ence the cultural practices of a community. One example, from
The ISEM illustrates how environmental and social factors the experience of indigenous communities, stems from the in-
combine and potentially interact, via multi-directional path- troduction of the Food Distribution Program on Indian
ways, to affect health and well-being over the life span and Reservations authorized under Section 4(b) of the Food and
across generations (Fig. 1). The ISEM starts by characterizing Nutrition Act of 2008 and Section 4(a) of the Agriculture and
individuals via intra-individual factors (e.g., sex, age) and as Consumer Protection Act of 1973. These foods tended to be of
part of a community which is further embedded in a larger lower nutritional quality (high in carbohydrates, fat, and sugar).
social and physical environment shaped by both policy and Foods made from these products have since come to be viewed
culture. Communities are comprised of culturally based norms as traditional foods, thereby adding to the complex set of risk
and practices that can shape and be shaped by the larger social factors facing many Native communities.
and environmental contexts. Thus, intra-individual, In addition, ISEM explicitly notes that biological and behav-
community-level, social, and physical environmental factors ioral responses can have either adverse effects and contribute to
independently and jointly play a role in the health of individ- disease onset and ill being, or protective effects and contribute
uals. At any given moment, individuals are both exposed and to positive health and well-being. Finally, ISEM recognizes that
responding to an array of interrelated physical environmental exposures and outcomes may be connected by dynamic pro-
factors (e.g., natural, built) and social-structural factors (e.g., cesses that are evident at and continually operate across all life
race, socioeconomic position). These factors in turn jointly or stages and may transcend generations. Model components are
independently influence biologic (e.g., inflammation) and described in detail in the following sections.

Fig. 1 The Integrated Socio-Environmental Model of Health and Well-being (ISEM)

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Model Components and provides a context in which the downstream components

of the model take place. For example, neighborhood zoning
The Total Environment policy could directly affect the density of alcohol outlets,
availability of grocery stores, and access to safe and affordable
The ISEM adopts a total environmental perspective and brings housing in communities, which may in turn drive
a sharp focus on how individuals are embedded within com- individual-level behaviors and subsequent health outcomes.
munities and what aspects of these communities may be useful
to consider in more detail [11••]. The model further notes that Resources and Susceptibilities
culture wraps around all aspects of the environment and often
provides the lens through which policies and experiences are We define resources as factors (e.g., biological, sociocultural,
interpreted. Culture refers to collectively held behavioral emotional, and economic) that help individuals adaptively
norms, traditions, worldviews, and beliefs, which may shape cope with socio-environmental challenges, and define suscep-
socio-environmental factors and their health effects in system- tibilities as factors that impair individuals’ ability to cope
atic ways. Culture can shape the ways communities view adaptively. Resources and susceptibilities may be shaped by
causes of health problems as well as potential solutions [17]. aspects of the total environment (e.g., SEP, climate, and cul-
Cultural factors are perhaps the least well studied in this arena, ture) and can be identified at the individual and community
but represent a unique source of either strength or potential levels. Resources may be considered protective and restor-
susceptibilities within communities and individuals [18]. ative factors and susceptibilities as risk-inducing factors.
The ISEM also distinguishes the physical and social envi- Accordingly, resources and susceptibilities can mediate or
ronments, and further subdivides the physical environment modulate biological and behavioral responses to physical
into two domains, natural and built. We define the physical and social environmental exposures and ultimately their effect
environment as constructed foundational, chemical, and bio- on health and well-being.
logical stressors that emerge from both built (i.e., anthropo- In addition, resources and susceptibilities may be either
genic) and natural processes. A wide range of factors that intrinsic to the individual or extrinsic. Examples of intrinsic
emerge from the built environment, such as air pollution, have factors include genetic susceptibilities, mental health factors,
been linked to adverse health outcomes including cardiovas- and cognitive and psychological abilities. Examples of extrin-
cular disease (CVD), respiratory disease, and mortality [19, sic factors include differential exposures to biological toxins,
20]. Stressors originating from the natural environment have chemical pollutants, social support, or stigma. Resource and
been less well studied, but are also important [21, 22]. For susceptibility factors may modulate effects of
example, extreme heat events are associated with increases socio-environmental exposures by altering the magnitude
in mortality and there appear to be regional differences, with and trajectory of biologic and behavioral responses to expo-
stronger effects seen in low-income areas [23, 24]. sures. For instance, an intrinsic factor like genetic propensity
The social environment encompasses those determinants for certain diseases can amplify the adverse effect of a psy-
tied to collective human interactions and activities that influ- chosocial stressor (e.g., financial stress) on health, while an-
ence health through culture, norms, and controls [25, 26]. The other intrinsic factor, effective stress coping skills, could pro-
social environment is shaped by social structures that impact tect against it [32]. Similarly, an extrinsic factor like social
resource distribution and allocation within a society, which in support may mitigate adverse effects of the built environment,
turn pattern exposure to stressors or protective factors. Perhaps for example, protecting against exposure to food deserts (low
one of the best studied structural factors is a person’s position in availability to healthy foods) by providing the means (e.g.,
the social hierarchy, typically referred as socioeconomic posi- transportation) to access healthy foods, reducing the risk of
tion (SEP) [27, 28]. Lower SEP has been linked to adverse obesity, and the sequelae of health problems [33].
outcomes including reduced life expectancy as well as higher
incidence of many chronic conditions, such as cancer, respira- Biologic and Behavioral Responses
tory disease, and CVD [26]. Another common social environ-
mental exposure is psychosocial stress, which has been inde- Numerous biologic processes and behaviors are sensitive to
pendently associated with adverse outcomes such as depres- social and environmental exposures, and in turn contribute to
sion, CVD, and life expectancy [29–31]. Psychosocial stress health. We define response as any behavioral or biologic al-
results when external conditions overwhelm an individual’s teration that is attributable to upstream exposures and stimuli,
capacity to manage negative effects of external stressors [31]. and which may function as a mechanism linking exposures to
Other social environmental exposures include factors like in- health outcomes. Following this broad definition, many bio-
come distribution, social capital, and discrimination. logic processes are candidates. For example, elevated blood
Finally, the ISEM explicitly recognizes that policy shapes pressure may occur in response to higher levels of perceived
various aspects of both the social and physical environment stress and also to air pollution exposure, and these joint effects
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in turn contribute to hypertensive disease [34, 35]. Numerous modulate the epigenome and influence later health. For example,
other processes, including inflammation, alterations to the epi- several epigenome-wide association studies have linked prenatal
genome, and microbiome composition, have been identified exposure to neurotoxic metals (e.g., arsenic, mercury) to meth-
as potential mechanisms [36]. Likewise, numerous health be- ylation across a number of loci [42–46], including sites related to
haviors such as smoking, diet, and physical activity may be central nervous system development and behavioral disorders
responses to socio-environmental stimuli and thus may lie on [47, 48]. Other work has linked methylation at these sites to
the pathway linking socio-environmental exposures and adverse child neurodevelopment [48] and lower birthweight
health outcomes. For example, environmental (e.g., availabil- [47], both considered sentinels of cognitive-behavioral problems
ity and accessibility of supermarkets) and social (e.g., SEP) and later life health [49, 50]. Likewise, studies have found
factors might jointly influence intake of healthy fruits and that depression and related markers of social adversity dur-
vegetables, and thereby contribute to disease risk [37–41]. ing pregnancy contribute to epigenome-wide DNA meth-
ylation [51], and in particular to genes involved in the
Health and Well-Being Versus Disease and Ill-Being hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis [52–56], which regu-
lates the body’s response to stress. Such gestational HPA-related
ISEM posits that both positive and negative health outcomes epigenetic changes are associated with restricted fetal growth
are a product of the interactions between socio-environmental [57], and contribute to poor neurodevelopment and dysregulation
factors. The model goes beyond a deficit and disease-based of the child’s stress response systems [56, 58–62]. Although
approach to health to consider positive health outcomes and studies rarely consider combined effects of social and environ-
provides a framework for identifying not only risk but also mental exposures on the epigenome, taken together, these paral-
protective, restorative, and health-promoting factors. lel lines of research highlight the epigenome’s sensitivity to both
social and environmental exposures and suggest that epigenetics
may provide a fruitful avenue for research on the joint effects of
Applications of ISEM these exposures to lifelong health.

Identifying Novel Pathways Microbiome

The ISEM can facilitate the identification of novel pathways for The human microbiome, which comprises all microorganisms
exploration by providing a broad scope as well as an emphasis (e.g., bacteria, archaea, and fungi) found in human tissues and
on mechanisms underlying the synergistic effects of the social biofluids, is shaped by social and environmental factors. The
and physical environment on health. Critical to note is that more microbiome plays an integral role in optimal human health.
detailed and fine-grained aspects of the ISEM, such as feedback Dysbiosis, meaning microbial imbalance or maladaptation,
loops between various systems or specific bio-behavioral pro- affects host immunity [63] and has been associated with the
cesses, were purposely left out to allow for the key model pathology of several illnesses including asthma [64, 65], in-
elements to be presented in a clear and parsimonious way. In flammatory bowel disease [66], multiple sclerosis [67], anxi-
this regard, the ISEM is intended to serve as a framework from ety [68], and depression [69]. The composition of the
which more detailed models can be derived. For example, the microbiome is shaped by exposures at multiple levels, includ-
model promotes consideration of behavioral and biological re- ing individual-level diet or medication use, as well as psycho-
sponses along with resources and susceptibilities, thereby sig- social factors (e.g., psychological stress, social interactions)
naling the critical importance of delineating underlying mech- [70–73]. Moreover, composition and diversity of the gut mi-
anisms. However, detailed discussion of mechanisms would crobiota also vary according to aspects of the social and phys-
more likely be available in models inspired by ISEM, but spe- ical environment such as ethnicity and geographical location,
cific to a particular research question. Here, we consider exam- partially due to dietary customs (i.e., an aspect of the socio-
ples of two mechanisms that can be explored with the ISEM, cultural environment) and food availability (i.e., and aspect of
epigenetics, and the microbiome. the natural environment), and to other environmental expo-
sures (e.g., heavy metals) [74–76]. These variations have in
Epigenetics turn been linked with health outcomes. For instance, among
populations with Western diets (e.g., high in animal protein,
The burgeoning field of epigenetics indicates that the switches sugar, fat), a depleted microbial diversity in the gut has been
on our genes are heavily influenced by social and environmental linked to rising incidence of obesity, coronary heart disease,
exposures and the resulting pattern in gene expression can in turn metabolic syndrome, and certain types of cancer [72].
affect health outcomes. The sensitivity of the epigenome is per- Conversely, gut microbes can have protective properties by
haps greatest during fetal development, with evidence rapidly modulating human toxicity of environmental pollutants via
accumulating that environmental and social exposures can metabolic processes [71]. Taken together, these findings
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suggest that the microbiome may serve as a critical pathway obesity risk may be under-appreciated. The ISEM framework
connecting joint exposure to socio-environmental factors to can encourage examination of the multilevel determinants,
health and well-being. moderators, and pathways through which the food environment
increases the risk of obesity.
Identifying Joint Contributions of Multiple Aspects
of the Total Environment: Guiding Diverse Research Example 2—Childhood Adversity, Inflammatory Pathways,
Questions and Vulnerability to Air Pollution Exposure

Research guided by ISEM would start with the premise that Some investigators have recently hypothesized that severe stress
both social and environmental factors matter, and considering exposure early in life promotes a pro-inflammatory phenotype
effects of these factors in combination is likely to be fruitful. (PIP) that heightens individuals’ reactivity and responsiveness to
Here, we consider how the model might guide research aimed factors that upregulate inflammation [90••]. The ISEM promotes
at understanding how social and environmental factors might consideration of how these kinds of toxic early life social expo-
jointly influence diet and obesity; we then provide two addi- sures might interact with other environmental exposures to exac-
tional examples of research questions ISEM might inform. erbate risk of chronic disease later in life. Thus, early life stress
might promote a PIP, which then increases vulnerability to other
Example 1—Food Environment, Dietary Behavior, exposures that can separately induce inflammation, a major risk
and Obesity factor for numerous chronic diseases, including asthma, cardio-
vascular disease, depression, and certain types of cancer.
Investigators seeking to understand the role of the environment Across their life span, socially disadvantaged individuals are
in risk of obesity have identified the food environment as critical. disproportionately more likely to experience severe psychoso-
Research has consistently demonstrated that a poor neighbor- cial stress, and are also more likely to live in environments with
hood food environment (defined according to level of availabil- more air pollution. Both psychosocial stress and air pollution
ity and accessibility to healthy food [77]) as well as the quality of have been linked to chronically elevated inflammation. For
food are significant risk factors for obesity [41, 78]. In contrast, example, in an observational study with healthy adults, expo-
greater availability of and accessibility to supermarkets and sure to chronic stress was associated with increased expression
higher quality of foods are associated with higher consumption of NF-κB and glucocorticoid receptor-β [91]. Likewise, toxi-
of fruits and vegetables and overall healthier diets [79, 80]. cologic work mostly in animals has shown that the inflamma-
However, recent reviews suggest that effects of the food envi- tory response to air pollution is mediated by the activation of
ronment on obesity risk are mixed or have effects that are rela- NF-κB via oxidative stress [92, 93]. Studies in both humans
tively small in magnitude [81]. The ISEM framework suggests and animals have demonstrated that increased expression of
that considering the food environment in isolation as a risk factor glucocorticoid receptor-β can lead to cellular insensitivity to
for poor dietary behaviors and obesity may be insufficient. glucocorticoids, including in airway cells, creating a physiolog-
Other work has demonstrated that a variety of other up- ic environment that favors the production of pro-inflammatory
stream social structural factors influence the food environment cytokines and increases systemic inflammation [94, 95]. Taken
and subsequent dietary behaviors [79, 82]. For example, together, this work suggests that children who are exposed to
low-income and racial/ethnic minority groups are more likely high levels of early life stress may be more likely to have in-
to be exposed to poor food environments characterized by an creased expression of NF-κB as well as glucocorticoid
increased availability and accessibility to fast-food restaurants receptor-β and a propensity to produce pro-inflammatory cyto-
and convenience stores [83, 84], whereas individuals living in kines, which could in turn potentiate a subsequent inflammato-
higher-income neighborhoods have increased availability and ry response to air pollution [93]. The ISEM framework may
access to supermarkets and grocery stores [80, 83, 85]. suggest important next steps for testing this hypothesis; for
Moreover, psychosocial resources and susceptibilities that are instance, investigators might consider whether children who
patterned according to race/ethnicity and SES may modulate experience early adversity and exhibit epigenetic modulation
effects of food environmental exposures on dietary behaviors, also appear to be more susceptible to developing higher levels
which in turn influence obesity risk. For example, psychosocial of chronic inflammation after exposure to air pollution.
stress and depression are more prevalent among those with low
SES [86], and these experiences are also associated with greater Example 3—Indoor Pollution and Health Disparities
consumption of unhealthy foods and obesity [87–89]. Thus, Among American Indian and Alaska Native Communities
individuals with low SES may experience the “double jeopar-
dy” of being more prone to consume more unhealthy foods as Guided by ISEM, research seeking to identify factors that either
well as having less access to healthy food. Absent considering potentiate or buffer health risks associated with toxic environmen-
these modulating factors, the role of the larger environment in tal exposures might start with an explicit consideration of
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community; this perspective may provide novel insights into the physical exposures, and longitudinal and spatially resolved
myriad pathways by which social disadvantage may influence data are required. A particularly informative design would
population health. For example, American Indian and Alaska be prospective cohort studies that collect data on as many
Native (AIAN) populations experience disproportionate health ef- elements delineated by ISEM as possible, for prolonged pe-
fects of social disadvantage [96–99]. Numerous studies have also riods of time. Such studies would include a wide range of
documented that AIAN communities are highly exposed to multi- social and environmental factors that tend to typically
ple stressors within cultural (e.g., high levels of discrimination), co-occur, evaluate interacting bio-behavioral pathways across
environmental (e.g., high levels of indoor pollution), and psycho- the life span, and consider effects of both adverse and protec-
social (e.g., high levels of unemployment) domains [9, 100–105]. tive factors on health and well-being.
The ISEM might suggest considering cultural and social As such data-intense research may not always be feasible, a
factors as moderating factors that increase risk of adverse health strategic alternative could be to focus research on specific pro-
outcomes within AIAN populations [106, 107]. For example, cesses that connect joint exposures to socio-environmental fac-
previous research has identified elevated indoor PM2.5 concen- tors to health and well-being. Key elements of the ISEM can be
trations in AIAN communities [108, 109]. A number of cultural used to define these sub-areas of research focus (see Table 1).
and social factors contribute to sustaining high levels of indoor Specifically, we suggest that future research focus on character-
air pollution in AIAN and rural communities including the use izing the interdependence and interplay of the physical and social
of woodstoves to heat homes [108, 110, 111]. Severe economic environmental factors. Some of these interactions are complex
limitations and geographic location often limit members of the and take place through bi-directional pathways that extend across
AIAN community access to electricity or natural gas as does the life span, instead of primarily resulting from concurrent ex-
geographic location (many AIAN communities live in colder posures over short periods of time. Thus, such research will also
regions). Traditional cultural (ceremonial use of wood stoves or need to incorporate a life course perspective. An example would
plant medicinals) and other economic (in rural communities, it be the interaction between childhood adversity, inflammatory
can be less expensive to gather wood than pay for electricity pathways, and vulnerability to air pollution exposure discussed
and natural gas) factors are also at play. Further contributing to in the previous section. A fruitful research approach to tackling
indoor air pollution among AIAN is the high prevalence of these questions could consist of strategically designed experi-
smoking commercial forms of tobacco. Cultural and ceremoni- mental research to test specific causal hypotheses regarding
al uses of tobacco likely shaped current social norms around whether and how interactions between social and environmental
tobacco, which in turn resulted in less restrictive policies (e.g., factors directly alter biological functioning and behavior. Both
smoke-free policies), as compared to other communities. human studies animal models may be informative. For example,
Finally, other historical traditions in many tribal communities in humans, natural experiments (e.g., near highway or commuter
include burning certain plants for ceremonial and spiritual pur- exposure) can be used to determine if stress across the life span
poses that can also increase indoor air pollution. exacerbates the biological responses (e.g., inflammation) to air
The ISEM model suggests that considering potential synergis- pollution exposure. While in animals, control-exposure experi-
tic effects of these community-related factors may provide addi- mental designs can be used to study the interactions of stress and
tional insight into effects on health and potential interventions to air pollution exposure in more detail and discern relevant mech-
mitigate these exposures. Some AIAN community research col- anistic pathways. For example, one study exposed 24 rats to
laborations have started working to promote best burn practices, either air pollution only, stress only, or air pollution and stress,
use of indoor air filtration units, and implementation of commer- and found that stress mediated the effect of air pollution on re-
cial tobacco cessation projects and policies, while still recogniz- spiratory patterns [112]. While few studies in this area have been
ing the importance of continuing spiritual traditions [108, 111]. conducted, greater insight may be gained with more work like
However, as suggested by the ISEM model, more factors may be this; such studies can more directly test causal hypotheses related
at play. For example, given high levels of social stress in these to the interplay between stress and environmental toxicants on
communities, the role of various forms of stress (e.g., experiences specific health outcomes.
of discrimination, psychological distress, or social support) in Research that focuses on potential protective or mitigating
maintaining or changing practices that influence indoor air qual- effects of combined socio-environmental exposures is also
ity and the health sequelae may be worth a closer look. greatly overdue, as is exploring the role of culture. In this
regard, the ISEM is ideally structured to support the study of
pathways of resilience, specifically to delineate the processes
Next Steps and Future Directions or factors that can change the path of a joint exposure to
socio-environmental factors ways that determines if an out-
One challenge to implementing research guided by ISEM is come is positive or not. To this end, we propose that future
the intense data requirements. Data collected at multiple levels studies focus not only on identifying protective factors but
(e.g., individual, community, environment), data on social and also on exploring the pathways that lead to positive outcomes.
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Table 1 Key characteristics of

ISEM and how it can support Strengths of ISEM Priorities for future research
future research
Explicitly considers the interdependence and joint Characterize the nature of the relationship between
contribution of physical and social environmental physical and social environmental factors with
factors to health outcomes health outcomes (e.g., synergies, mediation,
Adopts an ecological perspective in which the Explore the role of culture in the exposure-outcome
individual is nested within communities and continuum at the individual and community level
embedded in a larger culture
Incorporates moderating effects by resources and Determine how social and physical environmental
susceptibilities that can be intrinsic to the individual factors can interact by shaping the resources and
as well as shaped by the environment (contextual) susceptibilities that could augment or diminish the
response to each other
Outlines a progression connecting exposure to Construct and test plausible bio-behavioral pathways
outcome to support study of pathways and through which exposure to specific social and
mechanisms of action environmental factors impact health and well-being
Recognizes that environmental factors can lead to Distill modifiable bio-behavioral factors that can cause
either adverse or protective outcomes depending on a joint socio-environmental exposure to lead to a
the pathway positive outcome (e.g., pathways of resilience)
The applicability of the model extends to processes Understand how physical and social environmental
that are relevant across the life span or factors can interact to engrain susceptibilities that
transgenerationally drive health disparity across generations

Understanding the mechanisms underlying how the total sophisticated technical and analytic capacity, this model can help
environment embeds lifelong susceptibilities that drive health to establish a solid foundation for rapid advancements that can
disparities across generations is imperative. Given the increas- inform policy, public health, and practice.
ing technical capability for “omics” research and for obtaining
such data via sensors and monitors, as well as the rapidly Acknowledgments This work was funded by the JPB Environmental
Health Fellowship Program granted by The JPB Foundation and man-
burgeoning literature suggesting the insights to be gained from
aged by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The authors
these processes, one important first step is to begin to assess the thank the JPB fellows for the helpful discussion in developing the ideas
role of the epigenome and microbiome as central mechanisms put forward here. The authors also thank Nicolle Tulve (EPA), Rachel
underlying synergistic effects of social and environmental fac- Morello-Frosch (UC-Berkeley), Madeleine Scammell (Boston
University), and Jose Ricardo Suarez (SDSU) for their helpful comments
tors and on health and well-being. This type of work is valuable,
on the manuscript.
as it will increase our understanding of how joint
socio-environmental factors can produce susceptible or resilient
Compliance with Ethical Standards
phenotypes that shape health and well-being throughout the life
span. Finally, studies are urgently needed that focus on how Conflict of Interest Hector A. Olvera Alvarez, Allison A. Appleton,
combined exposures to socio-environmental factors can imprint Christina H. Fuller, Annie Belcourt, and Laura D. Kubzansky declare that
lifelong and even trans-generational susceptibilities that drive they have no conflict of interest.
and potentially perpetuate health disparities across social strata.
Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article does not
contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any of
the authors.

The ISEM draws from multiple research disciplines to build a

broad perspective on how social and physical environmental
factors may jointly impact health and well-being across the life
span. Building on existing frameworks, the ISEM contributes to Papers of particular interest, published recently, have been
this emerging field of research by delineating clear testable path- highlighted as:
ways (e.g., mechanistic, behavioral) through which interacting • Of importance
social and environmental factors could induce both adverse and •• Of major importance
positive health outcomes, including across generations. In this
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regard, the ISEM expands the applicability of previous frame- view of the interplay between social determinants and environ-
works to many populations and contexts. With a more compre- mental exposures for early-life outcomes. Curr Environ Health
hensive framework that can accommodate increasingly Rep. 2016;3(3):287–301.
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