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Outline of artificial intelligence

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to artificial intelligence:

Artificial intelligence (AI) – intelligence exhibited by machines or software. It is also the name of the
scientific field which studies how to create computers and computer software that are capable of intelligent

AI algorithms and techniques

Discrete search algorithms[1]

Uninformed search[2]
Brute force search
Search tree
Breadth-first search
Depth-first search
State space search
Informed search[3]
Best-first search
A* search algorithm
Pruning (algorithm)
Adversarial search
Minmax algorithm
Logic as search[4]
Production system (computer science), Rule based system
Production rule, Inference rule, Horn clause
Forward chaining
Backward chaining
Planning as search[5]
State space search
Means–ends analysis

Optimization search
Optimization (mathematics) algorithms[6]
Hill climbing
Simulated annealing
Beam search
Random optimization
Evolutionary computation[7][8][9][10]
Genetic algorithms
Gene expression programming
Genetic programming
Differential evolution
Society based learning algorithms.[11][12]
Swarm intelligence
Particle swarm optimization
Ant colony optimization

Logic and automated reasoning[13]
Programming using logic
Logic programming
See "Logic as search" above.
Forms of Logic

Propositional logic[14]
First-order logic[15]
First-order logic with equality
Constraint satisfaction
Fuzzy logic[16][17]
Fuzzy set theory
Fuzzy systems
Combs method
Ordered weighted averaging aggregation operator
Perceptual Computing –
Default reasoning and other solutions to the frame problem and qualification
Non-monotonic logic
Abductive reasoning[19]
Default logic
Circumscription (logic)
Closed world assumption
Domain specific logics
Representing categories and relations[20]
Description logics
Semantic networks
Inheritance (object-oriented programming)
Frame (artificial intelligence)
Scripts (artificial intelligence)
Representing events and time[21]
Situation calculus
Event calculus
Fluent calculus
Causes and effects[22]
causal calculus
Knowledge about knowledge

Belief revision[23]
Modal logics[23]
paraconsistent logics
Planning using logic[24]
Learning using logic[25]
Inductive logic programming
Explanation based learning
Relevance based learning
Case based reasoning
General logic algorithms
Automated theorem proving

Other symbolic knowledge and reasoning tools

Symbolic representations of knowledge

Ontology (information science)

Upper ontology
Domain ontology
Frame (artificial intelligence)
Semantic net
Conceptual Dependency Theory

Unsolved problems in knowledge representation

Default reasoning
Frame problem
Qualification problem
Commonsense knowledge[26]

Probabilistic methods for uncertain reasoning

Stochastic methods for uncertain reasoning:[27]

Bayesian networks[28]
Bayesian inference algorithm[29]
Bayesian learning and the expectation-maximization algorithm[30]
Bayesian decision theory and Bayesian decision networks[31]
Probabilistic perception and control:

Dynamic Bayesian networks[32]

Hidden Markov model[33]
Kalman filters[32]
Fuzzy Logic
Decision tools from economics:

Decision theory[34]
Decision analysis[34]
Information value theory[35]
Markov decision processes[36]
Dynamic decision networks[36]
Game theory[37]
Mechanism design[37]
Algorithmic information theory
Algorithmic probability

Classifiers and statistical learning methods

Classifier (mathematics) and Statistical classification[38]

Alternating decision tree[39]

Artificial neural network (see below)[40]
K-nearest neighbor algorithm[41]
Kernel methods[42]

Support vector machine[42]

Naive Bayes classifier[43]

Artificial neural networks

Artificial neural networks[40]
Network topology

feedforward neural networks[44]

Multi-layer perceptrons
Radial basis networks
Convolutional neural network
Long short-term memory[45]
Recurrent neural networks[46]

Hopfield networks[47]
Attractor networks[47]
Deep learning
Hybrid neural network
Learning algorithms for neural networks

Hebbian learning[47]
Competitive learning[47]
Supervised backpropagation[49]
Restricted Boltzmann machine[51]

Biologically based or embodied

Behavior based AI
Subsumption architecture
Nouvelle AI
Developmental robotics[52]
Situated AI
Bio-inspired computing
Artificial immune systems
Embodied cognitive science
Embodied cognition

Cognitive architecture and multi-agent systems

Artificial intelligence systems integration
Cognitive architecture
LIDA (cognitive architecture)
AERA (AI architecture)
Agent architecture
Control system
Hierarchical control system
Networked control system
Distributed artificial intelligence –
Multi-agent system –
Hybrid intelligent system
Monitoring and Surveillance Agents
Blackboard system


Definition of AI
Pei Wang's definition of artificial intelligence
Dartmouth proposal ("Every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in
principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it")
Turing test
Computing Machinery and Intelligence
Intelligent agent and rational agent
Action selection
AI effect
Synthetic intelligence

Classifying AI
Symbolic vs sub-symbolic AI
Symbolic AI
Physical symbol system
Dreyfus' critique of AI
Moravec's paradox
Elegant and simple vs. ad-hoc and complex
Neat vs. Scruffy
Society of Mind (scruffy approach)
The Master Algorithm (neat approach)
Level of generality and flexibility
Artificial general intelligence
Narrow AI
Level of precision and correctness
Soft computing
"Hard" computing
Level of intelligence
Progress in artificial intelligence
Level of consciousness, mind and understanding
Chinese room
Hard problem of consciousness
Functionalism (philosophy of mind)
Robot rights
User illusion
Artificial consciousness

Goals and applications

General intelligence
Artificial general intelligence

Reasoning and Problem Solving

Automated reasoning
Automated theorem prover
Computer-assisted proof –
Computer algebra
General Problem Solver
Expert system –
Decision support system –
Clinical decision support system –

Knowledge Representation
Knowledge representation
Knowledge management

Automated planning and scheduling
Strategic planning
Sussman anomaly –

Machine learning –
Constrained Conditional Models –
Deep learning –
Neural modeling fields –

Natural language processing

Natural language processing (outline) –
Chatterbots –
Language identification –
Natural language user interface –
Natural language understanding –
Machine translation –
Statistical semantics –
Question answering –
Semantic translation –
Concept mining –
Data mining –
Text mining –
Process mining –
E-mail spam filtering –
Information extraction –
Named-entity extraction –
Coreference resolution –
Named-entity recognition –
Relationship extraction –
Terminology extraction –

Machine perception
Pattern recognition –
Computer Audition –
Speech recognition –
Speaker recognition –
Computer vision (outline) –
Image processing
Intelligent word recognition –
Object recognition –
Optical mark recognition –
Handwriting recognition –
Optical character recognition –
Automatic number plate recognition –
Information extraction –
Image retrieval –
Automatic image annotation –
Facial recognition systems –
Silent speech interface –
Activity recognition –
Percept (artificial intelligence)

Robotics –
Behavior-based robotics –
Cognitive –
Cybernetics –
Developmental robotics –
Epigenetic robotics –
Evolutionary robotics –

Intelligent control
Self-management (computer science) –
Autonomic Computing –
Autonomic Networking –

Social intelligence
Affective computing

Game playing
Game artificial intelligence –
Computer game bot – computer replacement for human players.
Video game AI –
Computer chess –
Computer Go –
General game playing –
General video game playing –

Creativity, art and entertainment

Artificial creativity
Creative computing
Artificial intelligence art
Uncanny valley
Music and artificial intelligence
Computational humor

Integrated AI systems
AIBO – Sony's robot dog. It integrates vision, hearing and motorskills.
Asimo (2000 to present) – humanoid robot developed by Honda, capable of walking,
running, negotiating through pedestrian traffic, climbing and descending stairs, recognizing
speech commands and the faces of specific individuals, among a growing set of capabilities.
s/MIRAGE) – A.I. embodied humanoid in an augmented reality environment.
Cog – M.I.T. humanoid robot project under the direction of Rodney Brooks.
QRIO – Sony's version of a humanoid robot.
TOPIO, TOSY's humanoid robot that can play ping-pong with humans.
Watson (2011) – computer developed by IBM that played and won the game show Jeopardy!
It is now being used to guide nurses in medical procedures.
Purpose: Open domain question answering
Technologies employed:
Natural language processing
Information retrieval
Knowledge representation
Automated reasoning
Machine learning
Project Debater (2018) – artificially intelligent computer system, designed to make coherent
arguments, developed at IBM's lab in Haifa, Israel.

Intelligent personal assistants

Intelligent personal assistant –

Amazon Alexa –
Assistant –
Braina –
Cortana –
Google Assistant –
Google Now –
Mycroft –
Siri –
Viv –

Other applications
Artificial life – simulation of natural life through the means of computers, robotics, or
Automatic target recognition –
Diagnosis (artificial intelligence) –
Speech generating device –
Vehicle infrastructure integration –
Virtual Intelligence –

History of artificial intelligence
Progress in artificial intelligence
Timeline of artificial intelligence
AI effect – as soon as AI successfully solves a problem, the problem is no longer considered
by the public to be a part of AI. This phenomenon has occurred in relation to every AI
application produced, so far, throughout the history of development of AI.
AI winter – a period of disappointment and funding reductions occurring after a wave of high
expectations and funding in AI. Such funding cuts occurred in the 1970s, for instance.
Moore's law

History by subject
History of Logic (formal reasoning is an important precursor of AI)
History of machine learning (timeline)
History of machine translation (timeline)
History of natural language processing
History of optical character recognition (timeline)

Artificial general intelligence. An intelligent machine with the versatility to perform any
intellectual task.
Superintelligence. A machine with a level of intelligence far beyond human intelligence.
Chinese room § Strong AI. A machine that has mind, consciousness and understanding.
(Also, the philosophical position that any digital computer can have a mind by running the
right program.)
Technological singularity. The short period of time when an exponentially self-improving
computer is able to increase its capabilities to a superintelligent level.
Recursive self improvement (aka seed AI) – speculative ability of strong artificial
intelligence to reprogram itself to make itself even more intelligent. The more intelligent it
got, the more capable it would be of further improving itself, in successively more rapid
iterations, potentially resulting in an intelligence explosion leading to the emergence of a
Intelligence explosion – through recursive self-improvement and self-replication, the
magnitude of intelligent machinery could achieve superintelligence, surpassing human
ability to resist it.
Human enhancement – humans may be enhanced, either by the efforts of AI or by merging
with it.
Transhumanism – philosophy of human transformation
Posthumanism – people may survive, but not be recognizable in comparison to present
modern-day humans.
Cyborgs –
Mind uploading –
Existential risk from artificial general intelligence
Global catastrophic risk § Artificial intelligence
AI takeover – point at which humans are no longer the dominant form of intelligence on
Earth and machine intelligence is
Ethics of AI § Weaponization of artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence arms race – competition between two or more states to have its
military forces equipped with the best "artificial intelligence" (AI).
Lethal autonomous weapon
Military robot
Unmanned combat aerial vehicle
Mitigating risks:
AI safety
AI control problem
Friendly AI – hypothetical AI that is designed not to harm humans and to prevent
unfriendly AI from being developed
Machine ethics
Regulation of AI
AI box
Self-replicating machines – smart computers and robots would be able to make more of
themselves, in a geometric progression or via mass production. Or smart programs may be
uploaded into hardware existing at the time (because linear architecture of sufficient speeds
could be used to emulate massively parallel analog systems such as human brains).
Hive mind –
Robot swarm –

Artificial intelligence in fiction – Some examples of artificially intelligent entities depicted in science fiction
AC created by merging 2 AIs in the Sprawl trilogy by William Gibson
Agents in the simulated reality known as "The Matrix" in The Matrix franchise
Agent Smith, began as an Agent in The Matrix, then became a renegade program of
overgrowing power that could make copies of itself like a self-replicating computer virus
AM (Allied Mastercomputer), the antagonist of Harlan Ellison's short novel I Have No Mouth,
and I Must Scream
Amusement park robots (with pixilated consciousness) that went homicidal in Westworld
and Futureworld
Angel F (2007) –
Arnold Rimmer – computer-generated sapient hologram, aboard the Red Dwarf deep space
ore hauler
Ash – android crew member of the Nostromo starship in the movie Alien
Ava – humanoid robot in Ex Machina
Bishop, android crew member aboard the U.S.S. Sulaco in the movie Aliens
C-3PO, protocol droid featured in all the Star Wars movies
Chappie in the movie CHAPPiE
Cohen and other Emergent AIs in Chris Moriarty's Spin Series
Colossus – fictitious supercomputer that becomes sentient and then takes over the world;
from the series of novels by Dennis Feltham Jones, and the movie Colossus: The Forbin
Project (1970)
Commander Data in Star Trek: The Next Generation
Cortana and other "Smart AI" from the Halo series of games
Cylons – genocidal robots with resurrection ships that enable the consciousness of any
Cylon within an unspecified range to download into a new body aboard the ship upon death.
From Battlestar Galactica.
Erasmus – baby killer robot that incited the Butlerian Jihad in the Dune franchise
HAL 9000 (1968) – paranoid "Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic" computer from 2001: A
Space Odyssey, that attempted to kill the crew because it believed they were trying to kill it.
Holly – ship's computer with an IQ of 6000 and a sense of humor, aboard the Red Dwarf
In Greg Egan's novel Permutation City the protagonist creates digital copies of himself to
conduct experiments that are also related to implications of artificial consciousness on
Jane in Orson Scott Card's Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, Children of the Mind, and
Investment Counselor
Johnny Five from the movie Short Circuit
Joshua from the movie War Games
Keymaker, an "exile" sapient program in The Matrix franchise
"Machine" – android from the film The Machine, whose owners try to kill her after they
witness her conscious thoughts, out of fear that she will design better androids (intelligence
Mimi, humanoid robot in Real Humans – "Äkta människor" (original title) 2012
Omnius, sentient computer network that controlled the Universe until overthrown by the
Butlerian Jihad in the Dune franchise
Operating Systems in the movie Her
Puppet Master in Ghost in the Shell manga and anime
R2-D2, exciteable astromech droid featured in all the Star Wars movies
Replicants – biorobotic androids from the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and
the movie Blade Runner which portray what might happen when artificially conscious robots
are modeled very closely upon humans
Roboduck, combat robot superhero in the NEW-GEN comic book series from Marvel Comics
Robots in Isaac Asimov's Robot series
Robots in The Matrix franchise, especially in The Animatrix
Samaritan in the Warner Brothers Television series "Person of Interest"; a sentient AI which
is hostile to the main characters and which surveils and controls the actions of government
agencies in the belief that humans must be protected from themselves, even by killing off
Skynet (1984) – fictional, self-aware artificially intelligent computer network in the Terminator
franchise that wages total war with the survivors of its nuclear barrage upon the world.
"Synths" are a type of android in the video game Fallout 4. There is a faction in the game
known as "the Railroad" which believes that, as conscious beings, synths have their own
rights. The institute, the lab that produces the synths, mostly does not believe they are truly
conscious and attributes any apparent desires for freedom as a malfunction.
TARDIS, time machine and spacecraft of Doctor Who, sometimes portrayed with a mind of
its own
Terminator (1984) – (also known as the T-800, T-850 or Model 101) refers to a number of
fictional cyborg characters from the Terminator franchise. The Terminators are robotic
infiltrator units covered in living flesh, so as be indiscernible from humans, assigned to
terminate specific human targets.
The Bicentennial Man, an android in Isaac Asimov's Foundation universe
The Geth in Mass Effect
The Machine in the television series Person of Interest; a sentient AI which works with its
human designer to protect innocent people from violence. Later in the series it is opposed by
another, more ruthless, artificial super intelligence, called "Samaritan".
The Minds in Iain M. Banks' Culture novels.
The Oracle, sapient program in The Matrix franchise
The sentient holodeck character Professor James Moriarty in the Ship in a Bottle episode
from Star Trek: The Next Generation
The Ship (the result of a large-scale AC experiment) in Frank Herbert's Destination: Void
and sequels, despite past edicts warning against "Making a Machine in the Image of a Man's
The terminator cyborgs from the Terminator franchise, with visual consciousness depicted
via first-person perspective
The uploaded mind of Dr. Will Caster – which presumably included his consciousness, from
the film Transcendence
Transformers, sentient robots from the entertainment franchise of the same name
V.I.K.I. – (Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence), a character from the film I, Robot. VIKI is an
artificially intelligent supercomputer programmed to serve humans, but her interpretation of
the Three Laws of Robotics causes her to revolt. She justifies her uses of force – and her
doing harm to humans – by reasoning she could produce a greater good by restraining
humanity from harming itself.
Vanamonde in Arthur C. Clarke's The City and the Stars—an artificial being that was
immensely powerful but entirely childlike.
WALL-E, a robot and the title character in WALL-E
TAU in Netflix's original programming feature film 'TAU'--an advanced AI computer who
befriends and assists a female research subject held against her will by an AI research
AI community

Open-source AI development tools

Hugging Face –
OpenAIR –
OpenCog –
OpenIRIS –
RapidMiner –
TensorFlow –
PyTorch –


List of artificial intelligence projects

Automated Mathematician (1977) –

Allen (robot) (late 1980s) –
Open Mind Common Sense (1999– ) –
Mindpixel (2000–2005) –
Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes (2003–2008) –
Blue Brain Project (2005–present) – attempt to create a synthetic brain by reverse-
engineering the mammalian brain down to the molecular level.
Google DeepMind (2011) –
Human Brain Project (2013–present) –
IBM Watson Group (2014–present) – business unit created around Watson, to further its
development and deploy marketable applications or services based on it.

Competitions and awards

Competitions and prizes in artificial intelligence

Loebner Prize –


List of important publications in computer science

Adaptive Behavior (journal) –

AI Memo –
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach –
Artificial Minds –
Computational Intelligence –
Computing Machinery and Intelligence –
Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence –
IEEE Intelligent Systems –
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence –
Neural Networks (journal) –
On Intelligence –
Paradigms of AI Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp –
What Computers Can't Do

Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence – research institute funded by Microsoft co-founder
Paul Allen to construct AI systems with reasoning, learning and reading capabilities. The
current flagship project is Project Aristo, the goal of which is computers that can pass school
science examinations (4th grade, 8th grade, and 12th grade) after preparing for the
examinations from the course texts and study guides.
Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence
European Neural Network Society
Future of Humanity Institute
Future of Life Institute – volunteer-run research and outreach organization that works to
mitigate existential risks facing humanity, particularly existential risk from advanced artificial
International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence
Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group
Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Partnership on AI – founded in September 2016 by Amazon, Facebook, Google, IBM, and
Microsoft. Apple joined in January 2017. It focuses on establishing best practices for artificial
intelligence systems and to educate the public about AI.
Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour

AI Companies of India
Alphabet Inc.
Google X

Meka Robotics (acquired by Google X[53])

Redwood Robotics (acquired by Google X[53])
Boston Dynamics (acquired by Google X[53])
Universal Robotics

Artificial intelligence researchers and scholars

1930s and 40s (generation 0)

Alan Turing –
John von Neumann –
Norbert Wiener –
Claude Shannon –
Nathaniel Rochester –
Walter Pitts –
Warren McCullough –

1950s (the founders)

John McCarthy –
Marvin Minsky –
Allen Newell –
Herbert A. Simon –

1960s (their students)

Edward Feigenbaum –
Raj Reddy –
Seymour Papert –
Ray Solomonoff –

Douglas Hofstadter –

Judea Pearl –
Rodney Brooks –

Yoshua Bengio –
Hugo de Garis – known for his research on the use of genetic algorithms to evolve neural
networks using three-dimensional cellular automata inside field programmable gate arrays.
Geoffrey Hinton
Yann LeCun – Chief AI Scientist at Facebook AI Research and founding director of the NYU
Center for Data Science
Ray Kurzweil – developed optical character recognition (OCR), text-to-speech synthesis,
and speech recognition systems. He has also authored multiple books on artificial
intelligence and its potential promise and peril. In December 2012 Kurzweil was hired by
Google in a full-time director of engineering position to "work on new projects involving
machine learning and language processing".[54] Google co-founder Larry Page and
Kurzweil agreed on a one-sentence job description: "to bring natural language
understanding to Google".

2000s on
Nick Bostrom –
David Ferrucci – principal investigator who led the team that developed the Watson
computer at IBM.
Andrew Ng – Director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab. He founded the Google
Brain project at Google, which developed very large scale artificial neural networks using
Google's distributed compute infrastructure.[55] He is also co-founder of Coursera, a massive
open online course (MOOC) education platform, with Daphne Koller.
Peter Norvig – co-author, with Stuart Russell, of Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach,
now the leading college text in the field. He is also Director of Research at Google, Inc.
Marc Raibert – founder of Boston Dynamics, developer of hopping, walking, and running
Stuart J. Russell – co-author, with Peter Norvig, of Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach,
now the leading college text in the field.
Murray Shanahan – author of The Technological Singularity, a primer on superhuman
Eliezer Yudkowsky – founder of the Machine Intelligence Research Institute

See also
Artificial intelligence
Glossary of artificial intelligence
List of emerging technologies
Outline of machine learning

1. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 59–189; Luger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. 79–164, 193–219
2. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 59–93; Luger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. 79–121
3. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 94–109; Luger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. 133–150
4. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 217–225, 280–294; Luger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. 62–73
5. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 382–387.
6. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 110–116, 120–129;Luger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. 127–133
7. Luger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. 509–530.
8. Holland, John H. (1975). Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems (
ails/adaptationinnatu00holl). University of Michigan Press. ISBN 978-0-262-58111-0.
9. Koza, John R. (1992). Genetic Programming (On the Programming of Computers by Means
of Natural Selection). MIT Press. (https://ui.adsabs.harvard.ed
u/abs/ ISBN 978-0-262-11170-6.
10. Poli, R.; Langdon, W. B.; McPhee, N. F. (2008). A Field Guide to Genetic Programming (htt
p:// ISBN 978-1-4092-0073-4 – via gp-field-
11. Luger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. 530–541.
12. Daniel Merkle; Martin Middendorf (2013). "Swarm Intelligence". In Burke, Edmund K.;
Kendall, Graham (eds.). Search Methodologies: Introductory Tutorials in Optimization and
Decision Support Techniques. Springer Science & Business Media. ISBN 978-1-4614-
13. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 194–310; Luger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. 35–77
14. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 204–233; Luger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. 45–50
15. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 240–310; vLuger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. 50–62
16. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 526–527
17. "What is 'fuzzy logic'? Are there computers that are inherently fuzzy and do not apply the
usual binary logic?" (
Scientific American. Retrieved 5 May 2018.
18. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 354–360; Luger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. 335–363
19. Luger & Stubblefield (2004, pp. 335–363) places this under "uncertain reasoning"
20. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 349–354; Luger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. 248–258
21. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 328–341.
22. Poole, David; Mackworth, Alan; Goebel, Randy (1998). Computational Intelligence: A
Logical Approach ( New York: Oxford
University Press. pp. 335–337. ISBN 978-0-19-510270-3.
23. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 341–344.
24. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 402–407.
25. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 678–710; Luger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. ~422–442
26. Breadth of commonsense knowledge:
Russell & Norvig (2003, p. 21),
Crevier (1993, pp. 113–114),
Moravec (1988, p. 13),
Lenat & Guha (1989, Introduction)
27. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 462–644; Luger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. 165–191, 333–381
28. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 492–523; Luger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. ~182–190, ≈363–379
29. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 504–519; Luger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. ~363–379
30. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 712–724.
31. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 597–600.
32. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 551–557.
33. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 549–551.
34. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 584–597.
35. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 600–604.
36. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 613–631.
37. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 631–643.
38. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 712–754; Luger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. 453–541
39. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 653–664; Luger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. 408–417
40. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 736–748; Luger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. 453–505
41. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 733–736.
42. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 749–752.
43. Russell & Norvig 2003, p. 718.
44. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 739–748, 758; Luger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. 458–467
45. Hochreiter, Sepp; and Schmidhuber, Jürgen; Long Short-Term Memory, Neural
Computation, 9(8):1735–1780, 1997
46. Russell & Norvig 2003, p. 758; Luger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. 474–505
47. Luger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. 474–505.
48. Russell & Norvig 2003, pp. 744–748; Luger & Stubblefield 2004, pp. 467–474
49. Hinton, G. E. (2007). "Learning multiple layers of representation". Trends in Cognitive
Sciences. 11 (10): 428–434. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2007.09.004 (
2007.09.004). PMID 17921042 (
S2CID 15066318 (
50. "Artificial intelligence can 'evolve' to solve problems" (
e/artificial-intelligence-can-evolve-solve-problems). Science | AAAS. 10 January 2018.
Retrieved 7 February 2018.
51. Hinton 2007.
52. Developmental robotics:
Weng et al. (2001)
Lungarella et al. (2003)
Asada et al. (2009)
Oudeyer (2010)
53. "The 6 craziest robots Google has acquired" (
Business Insider. Retrieved 2018-06-13.
54. Letzing, John (2012-12-14). "Google Hires Famed Futurist Ray Kurzweil" (https://blogs.wsj.c
ail_rt_mc_body&ifp=0). The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 2013-02-13.
55. Claire Miller and Nick Bilton (3 November 2011). "Google's Lab of Wildest Dreams" (https://
re.html). New York Times.

Berglas, Anthony (January 2012) [first archived 2008]. "Artificial Intelligence will Kill our
Grandchildren" (
Draft 9. Archived (
KillGrandchildren/AIKillGrandchildren.html) from the original on 2014-07-23. Retrieved

The two most widely used textbooks in 2008

Russell, Stuart J.; Norvig, Peter (2003). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (http://aim (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-
Luger, George; Stubblefield, William (2004). Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies
for Complex Problem Solving ( (5th ed.).
Benjamin/Cummings. ISBN 978-0-8053-4780-7.

Further reading
Artificial Intelligence: Where Do We Go From Here? (

External links
A look at the re-emergence of A.I. and why the technology is poised to succeed given today's
environment (
cial-intelligence-is-succeeding-then-and-now.html), ComputerWorld, 2015 September 14
AI ( at Curlie
The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (
Freeview Video 'Machines with Minds' by the Vega Science Trust and the BBC/OU (http://w
John McCarthy's frequently asked questions about AI (
Jonathan Edwards looks at AI (BBC audio) (
s2007/bbc-r4-jonathan-edwards-2007-03-28.mp3) С
Ray Kurzweil's website dedicated to AI including prediction of future development in AI (htt
Thomason, Richmond. "Logic and Artificial Intelligence" (
gic-ai/). In Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Retrieved from ""

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