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Disasters Classification of Disaster (Natural Disaster Risks (Effects)

or Man -made)
1.Typhoon Natural Landslides ,floods
2.War conflicts Man-made Emotional effect ,death and
injuries, destruction of social and
economic systems.
3.Volcanic eruptions Natural Negatively affect agriculture and
the global climate and disrupt air
4.Chemical leakages Man-made Cause people illness, injury or
disability. Contaminate critical
resources in the food chain.
5.Vehicular accident Man-made Emotional distress and life-long

6.Earthquake Natural Liquefaction, landslides, tsunami

and severely damaged of
7.Drought Natural Resulting in a water shortage,
rising of the risk of disease and
threatens people’s livelihood.
8.Thunderstorms Natural May bring heavy rain, strong winds
that may damage facilities and can
cause widespread power outages.
9.Tuberculosis Man-made Higher risk of transmission to

10.Rainfall-induced landslide Natural Substantial risk to people and


11.Floods in rivers and coastal Natural Deterioration of infrastructure


12.Avalanche Natural Causing death or injury, power

supplies can be cut off and destroy
13.Tsunami Natural Erosion, collapse of bridge and
seawall, loss of life and inundation.

14.Bomb explosion Man-made Can cause environmental damage

and can cause sudden death.

15.House Man-made Lack of adequate infrastructure

and unsafe housing.

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