Joanna Rica R

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C- During the first quarter, we focused on quadratic equations, inequalities, and quadratic
functions. It was all about understanding and working with these mathematical concepts.

In the second quarter, our attention shifted to variations. We explored different types of
variations, including direct, indirect, inverse, combined, and joint variation. We also dove into
the world of exponents and radicals, learning how to manipulate and solve problems
involving them.

As we entered the third quarter, our exploration took us to quadrilaterals and similarity. We
examined the properties and characteristics of different types of quadrilaterals and studied
the concept of similarity in geometric shapes.

Finally, in the fourth quarter, we delved into the realm of trigonometry. Trigonometric ratios
became our focus, and we learned how to use the mnemonic Soh Cah Toa to remember the
relationships between sine, cosine, and tangent. We also explored angles of elevation and
depression, as well as the laws of sines and cosines. Another important topic in this quarter
was oblique triangles, where we examined triangles with non-right angles.

To wrap up our curriculum, we dedicated some time to statistics. We covered various

statistical concepts and techniques, gaining an understanding of how data can be analyzed
and interpreted.

E- my journey through Mathematics 9 involved both hurdles and triumphs. It was a learning
process that required adaptability, perseverance, and collaboration with classmates. Despite
the difficulties, I found satisfaction in overcoming challenges and deepening my
understanding of various mathematical concepts. During the second quarter, I found it
relatively easier to grasp the formulas and concepts. However, as we progressed to the next
quarter, I anticipated greater difficulty. Simplifying and solving radical equations proved to be
a complex task for me. It required extensive analysis and the application of multiple methods.
Despite the challenges, I persevered and worked hard to understand the topic. Approaching
the final quarter, I initially expected it to be the most challenging. However, it turned out to
be manageable. Thanks to the mnemonic "SOH CAH TOA," I gained a solid understanding of
trigonometry concepts. Although certain aspects of trigonometry were difficult, overall, I was
able to grasp the content well.

R- Participating in group activities throughout my Mathematics journey has truly highlighted

the value of teamwork. Reflections from my experiences in Mathematics have provided me
with valuable life lessons. They have taught me the significance of comprehending the
interconnected concepts within a subject and how they build upon each other. Additionally,
I've learned firsthand the importance of teamwork and active involvement in achieving
success and making a positive impact together.

A- The knowledge I have gained throughout my Mathematics journey in grade 9 holds

practical applications in my daily life. The concepts I learned in the first quarter, such as
quadratic equations, provide me with problem-solving skills that can be applied to real-life
situations. I am now equipped to tackle quadratic problems that may arise in various
scenarios. Additionally, I have acquired the ability to properly identify and understand terms
related to direct, joint, combined, and inverse variation. This knowledge enables me to solve
problems involving these types of variations, including simplifying and solving problems
related to radicals. It equips me with valuable tools for simplifying complex equations and
simplifying mathematical expressions. Moreover, my understanding of geometric concepts,
particularly in parallelograms, enables me to accurately illustrate structures and determine
proper measurements and placements of shapes. This skillset becomes especially valuable if I
pursue a career in architecture or engineering, as I will need to accurately depict and design
structures. Lastly, the knowledge gained in the final quarter of grade 9 Mathematics holds
practical implications as well. It allows me to find and solve for unknown sides in specific
areas and determine angles of elevation and depression. These skills prove beneficial in
various fields, such as surveying or any situation that requires calculating measurements and
angles. Overall, the practical applications of the knowledge I have acquired throughout grade
9 Mathematics extend beyond the classroom. They equip me with problem-solving abilities,
understanding of variations, geometric skills, and the capacity to calculate measurements and
angles in real-life situations.

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