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Journal of Parenteral and Enteral


Validation of 2 approaches to predicting resting metabolic rate in critically ill patients

D Frankenfield, JS Smith and RN Cooney
JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 2004 28: 259
DOI: 10.1177/0148607104028004259

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0148-6071/04/2804-0259$03.00/0 Vol. 28, No. 4
Copyright © 2004 by the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition

Original Communications
The following article is one of two articles offered for continuing education credit in this
issue. Please see page 285 for details.

Validation of 2 Approaches to Predicting Resting Metabolic Rate in

Critically Ill Patients

David Frankenfield, MS, RD*; J. Stanley Smith, MD†; and Robert N. Cooney, MD†

From the *Department of Clinical Nutrition and †Division of Trauma, Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, Pennsylvania State University,
Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, Pennsylvania

ABSTRACT. Background: Indirect calorimetry is the crite- large errors. Results: Forty-seven subjects were measured. A
rion method for determining resting metabolic rate for nutri- larger percentage of subjects were estimated accurately by
tion support in critically ill patients. However, calculation the Penn State equations (72% in the best equation) than by
equations are more commonly used. In the current study we the Ireton-Jones equations (60% in the best equation; not
tested the validity of 2 such calculation systems. Methods: significant). The incidence of errors ⬎15% of measured was
Indirect calorimetry was performed with an open-circuit significantly lower in the Penn State equation (11% of sub-
device in mechanically ventilated surgical, trauma, and med- jects) compared with the Ireton-Jones equation (32% of sub-
ical patients at rest. Feedings were not stopped for the mea- jects) (p ⬍ .05). Conclusions: The Penn State equation for
surements. Two predictive equations by Ireton-Jones and 3 resting metabolic rate in mechanically ventilated intensive
versions of a multivariate equation developed at our institu-
care patients receiving nutrition support appears to be a
tion (referred to as Penn State equations) were then used to
valid clinical tool for determining energy goals in the absence
estimate resting metabolic rate. These estimates were com-
pared on a percentage basis with the measured value of of or as a supplement to indirect calorimetry. The Ireton-
resting metabolic rate. Estimated resting metabolic rate Jones equation performed less well, especially in that a
within 10% of measured was considered accurate, whereas higher number of large errors occurred. ( Journal of Parenteral
estimations ⬎15% different from measured were considered and Enteral Nutrition 28:259 –264, 2004)

Although metabolic rate can be measured using indi- calculated. Two questions were posed: (1) Which equa-
rect calorimetry in most critically ill patients, the tion resulted in the highest percentage of accurate
equipment is expensive, and therefore most nutrition estimations (wherein calculated metabolic rate was
support patients receive feedings according to esti- ⱕ10% different from measured); and (2) Which equa-
mated metabolic rate. Methods of prediction can be tion had the smallest number of large errors (wherein
divided into 2 types. In the first, healthy resting metab- calculated metabolic rate was ⬎15% different from
olism is calculated and then adjusted by a stress factor measured)? Special attention was paid to performance
according to injury type or severity. The second of these equations in young vs elderly and nonobese vs
approach is to calculate metabolic rate from a regres- obese subjects.
sion equation that incorporates healthy resting metab-
olism (or its determinants) and clinical markers of MATERIALS AND METHODS
illness (such as body temperature and minute ventila-
tion) as dependent variables. Numerous such equa- The data used in the current study were compiled
tions have been published,1– 6 but validation studies of during the course of routine clinical care in the surgical
these equations are few.3,7,8 and medical intensive care units of a tertiary medical
In the current study, we undertook a validation of center that includes a Level I trauma center (data
one of the more well-known calculation equations3,4 collected between 2000 and 2003). Our Human Volun-
and a regression equation developed at our own insti- teer Protection Office approved release of these data in
tution from previous indirect calorimeter studies6 to an anonymous form. Measurements of resting meta-
determine how reliably resting metabolic rate can be bolic rate, ordered by critical care teams, were
obtained, along with supporting, clinically available
data (eg, body temperature, minute ventilation, admis-
Received for publication June 27, 2003. sion height and weight, history of hospitalization). All
Accepted for publication February 26, 2004. subjects were mechanically ventilated.
Correspondence: David Frankenfield, MS, RD, Department of Clin-
ical Nutrition, H-1307, Penn State’s Milton S. Hershey Medical The indirect calorimeter used in this study was the
Center, PO Box 850, Mail Code H124, Hershey, PA 17033. Electronic Deltatrac 101 Metabolic Monitor (open-circuit calorim-
mail may be sent to eter; Sensormedics, Yorba Linda, CA).9 All tests were


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260 FRANKENFIELD ET AL Vol. 28, No. 4

performed by one of the investigators with experience weight in the Harris-Benedict equation was not appro-
performing indirect calorimetry (DCF). The device was priate (leading to routine underestimation of metabolic
calibrated before each test. Studies were performed if rate in healthy obese people). We therefore recomputed
the patient was at rest, there were no air leaks, and the our regression equation from the original database6
fraction of inspired oxygen was 60% or less. Rest was using actual body weight in all Harris-Benedict calcu-
defined as a period of time where the subject was not lations (Penn State 2003a), and again substituting the
moving and had not been significantly disturbed (eg, Mifflin St. Jeor equation for the Harris-Benedict equa-
physical therapy, bathed, gotten out of bed) for the tion (Penn State 2003b):
previous 20 minutes. Per clinical protocol at our insti-
tution, continuous feeding methods were used, and RMR 共kcal/d兲 ⫽ Harris-Benedict 共0.85兲 ⫹ VE 共33兲
these feedings were not stopped before undertaking
⫹ TMax 共175兲 ⫺ 6433 (4)
calorimeter measurements. Individual tests were
accepted for inclusion in the current study if the coef-
R 2 ⫽ .67
ficient of variation for oxygen consumption and carbon
dioxide production on a 30-minute test was ⬍10%, or if
RMR 共kcal/d兲 ⫽ Mifflin 共0.96兲 ⫹ VE 共31兲
this standard was not met, a 5% coefficient of variation
on a 5-minute test was accepted.10 The first 5 minutes ⫹ TMax 共167兲 ⫺ 6212 (5)
of data were automatically discarded in all tests.
Upon completion of each study, data were entered R 2 ⫽ .69
into a computer database (Minitab Release 12;
Minitab, Inc, State College, PA). Standard resting met- For all equations, the body weight used in the calcu-
abolic rates for health were calculated using the Harris lation was current body weight if current weight was
Benedict and Mifflin St. Jeor equations. Predicted rest- less than or equal to admission weight, and admission
ing metabolic rates for illness were then calculated body weight if current body weight was greater than
using several multivariate predictive equations. The admission (implying excess body water).
first 2 equations were those of Ireton-Jones, both as Bias and precision of each equation were evaluated
originally published in 19923 and as amended in 1997.4 after the methods of Sheiner and Beal.15 An equation
The original equation3 was as follows: was considered unbiased (not prone to underestima-
tion or overestimation) if the 95% confidence interval of
RMR 共kcal/d兲 ⫽ wt 共5兲 ⫺ age 共10兲 ⫹ male 共281兲 the mean difference between predicted and measured
⫹ trauma 共292兲 ⫹ burn 共851兲 ⫹ 1925 (1) resting metabolic rate included zero. Precision was
defined as a 95% confidence interval for absolute dif-
The amended 1997 equation4 was: ference between measured and predicted resting met-
abolic rate ⱕ10% of the measured resting metabolic
RMR 共kcal/d兲 ⫽ wt 共5兲 ⫺ age 共11兲 ⫹ male 共244兲 rate.
⫹ trauma 共239兲 ⫹ burn 共804兲 ⫹ 1784 (2) On a more clinical level, each calculation was eval-
uated against measured resting metabolic rate by tak-
For both equations, RMR was resting metabolic rate, ing the difference (calculated-measured) as a percent-
wt was weight in kilograms, age was in years, and age of measured resting metabolic rate. A calculated
male, trauma, and burn were 1 for yes and 0 for no. value ⱕ10% of measured metabolic rate (rounded to
The next set of equations consisted of an equation the nearest whole number) was considered accurate,
developed at our institution from earlier data6 and 2 whereas a value ⬎15% of measured was considered a
permutations thereof. As originally described in 1998,6 large error. Differences in accuracy rates among equa-
the equation (Penn State 1998) was: tions were analyzed with analysis of proportions
(2-tailed test; Minitab Release 12.21; Minitab Corp).
RMR 共kcal/d兲 ⫽ Harris-Benedict 共1.1兲 ⫹ VE 共32兲
⫹ TMax 共140兲 ⫺ 5340 (3) RESULTS

In this equation as originally described, Harris-Bene- Forty-seven subjects were measured (28 men, 19
dict was healthy resting metabolic rate calculated from women). Thirty percent of studies were performed on
the Harris-Benedict equations11 using actual weight in trauma patients, 57% on surgical patients, and 13% on
nonobese patients and adjusted body weight in obese medical patients. There were no burn patients in the
patients (obesity was defined as a body weight ⬎125% study sample. Thirty-eight percent of subjects were
of ideal; adjusted body weight was 25% of the actual obese and 6% were underweight. Forty-three percent of
less the ideal weight added to the ideal weight). VE was the subjects were at least 65 years old, with a mean age
minute ventilation in liters/minute (read from the ven- of 77 ⫾ 7 years and a range of 65 to 87 years. The
tilator, not the calorimeter), and TMax was maximum remaining subjects had a mean age of 44 ⫾ 15 years
body temperature (degrees centigrade) in the previous (range 16 to 64 years). Among the elderly subjects, 30%
24 hours read from clinical flow sheets. Recent were obese, whereas in the younger subjects, incidence
research from our institution13 suggested that the of obesity was 44% (not significant). The mean day of
Mifflin St. Jeor equation for resting metabolic rate in hospitalization at the time of study was 19.8 ⫾ 18.7,
healthy people14 was more accurate than that of Harris with a range of 2 to 105 days and a median of 15 days.
and Benedict11 and that use of obesity-adjusted body Fifty-eight percent of subjects were febrile within the

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TABLE I often than did the revised 1997 Ireton-Jones equation.4

Demographic data for 28 men and 19 women entered into study The 1997 Ireton-Jones equation was particularly prone
Variable Mean ⫾ SD Range to underestimating measured resting metabolic rate.
Height, cm 170 ⫾ 9 147–188 The percentage of large errors (ie, errors in excess of
Body weight, kg 82 ⫾ 26 45–177 15% of measured) was significantly lower in the Penn
Ideal body weight, kg 65 ⫾ 11 43–86 State equations than in the Ireton-Jones equations.
Percent ideal body weight 127 ⫾ 39 84–288
Body mass index, kg/m2 28 ⫾ 9 19–61 Division of the study sample by obesity status (Table
Age, y 58 ⫾ 20 16–87 III) showed that the Ireton-Jones 1992 equation3 was
Oxygen consumption, mL/min 287 ⫾ 70 189–472 accurate significantly more often in the obese than in
Carbon dioxide production, mL/min 252 ⫾ 62 161–396 the nonobese subjects. The Penn State 1998 equation
Respiratory quotient 0.88 ⫾ 0.11 0.67–1.17
Resting metabolic rate, kcal/day 2013 ⫾ 479 1360–3260 accuracy rate and large error rate was similar in non-
Maximum body temperature, °C 38.1 ⫾ 0.7 35.7–39.3 obese and obese subjects. The other two Penn State
Minute ventilation, L/min 12.4 ⫾ 3.8 6.6–21.1 equations had higher accuracy rates and lower large
error rates in nonobese compared with obese subjects.
Table IV shows the distribution of errors among
young (⬍65 years old) and elderly (at least 65 years
24 hours before study. Other descriptive data for the old) subjects. The Ireton-Jones equations tended to be
subjects are located in Table I. accurate more often in young than in elderly subjects
All equations were linearly associated with mea- and also tended toward more large errors in the elderly
sured resting metabolic rate. The unmodified Harris- than in the young. The Penn State equations on the
Benedict and Mifflin St. Jeor equations correlated with
other hand tended to accurately predict resting meta-
resting metabolic rate with an R2 of 0.69. The Penn
bolic rate more often in elderly than young subjects,
State equations, which use the Harris-Benedict equa-
with somewhat lower incidence of large errors in the
tion, increased the R2 to 0.81. The Ireton-Jones equa-
elderly. The accuracy rate in elderly subjects using the
tion correlations were R2 0.57 (1992 equation)3 and
0.54 (1997 equation)4 (p ⬍ .05 for all). Ireton-Jones 1997 equation was significantly lower
Mean differences and mean absolute differences than for all other equations. Large errors were statis-
between each calculation and measured resting meta- tically more common using the Ireton-Jones 1997 equa-
bolic rate are shown in Table II. Mean differences were tion than either Penn State 2003a or 2003b equations
low for all equations except Ireton-Jones 19974 equa- in young subjects. The 2003a Penn State equation sig-
tions. Absolute differences were lowest for the Penn nificantly reduced large errors in the elderly compared
State equations (p ⬍ .05). As with mean difference, the with both Ireton-Jones equations, whereas the 1998
mean absolute difference for the original 1992 form of and 2003b Penn State equations significantly reduced
the Ireton-Jones equation3 was lower than that for the large errors compared with Ireton-Jones 1997 and
revised 1997 equation.4 Bias and precision were calcu- tended to do the same compared with the 1992 Ireton-
lated from differences and absolute differences Jones equation.3,4
between measured and calculated resting metabolic A further division of the sample by age and obesity is
rate (Table II). The 1998 and 2003a Penn State equa- shown in Table V. Only Ireton-Jones 1992 and Penn
tions were unbiased and precise (Table II). The Ireton- State 2003a equations are shown, as they were the
Jones (1992)3 equation was unbiased but not precise most accurate forms of each equation set. The n-values
(95% confidence interval for absolute difference was within each subdivision were small, so these data can
10% to 16% of measured resting metabolic rate), only be considered trends. The Ireton-Jones 1992 equa-
whereas the 1997 Ireton-Jones equation4 was neither tion was accurate more often than the Penn State
unbiased nor precise (Table II). 2003a equation in young obese subjects, whereas the
Table III shows the distribution of errors for each Penn State 2003a equation was accurate more often
equation for all subjects. The 1992 Ireton-Jones equa- than Ireton-Jones in young nonobese, elderly non-
tion3 and all of the Penn State equations accurately obese, and elderly obese subjects. Similarly, in terms of
predicted resting metabolic rate significantly more large errors, the Ireton-Jones equation outperformed

Bias and precision parameters for each predictive equation*
Precision, 95% CI for
Bias, 95% CI for Absolute difference, Absolute difference,
Equation Difference, kcal absolute difference,
difference, kcal kcal % of RMR
% of RMR

Ireton-Jones (1992)3 3 ⫾ 316 (⫺814 to 760) ⫺90 to 96 257 ⫾ 197 13 ⫾ 10 10–16

Ireton-Jones (1997)4 ⫺237 ⫾ 326a (⫺1051 to 487) ⫺333 to ⫺142 316 ⫾ 248 15 ⫾ 10 12–18
Penn State (1998) 4 ⫾ 208 (⫺606 to 439) ⫺57 to 65 156 ⫾ 136b 8 ⫾ 6b 6–9
Penn State (2003a) ⫺15 ⫾ 211 (⫺433 to 468) ⫺78 to 46 166 ⫾ 128b 8 ⫾ 6b 6–10
Penn State (2003b) ⫺13 ⫾ 226 (⫺408 to 503) ⫺79 to 54 183 ⫾ 131b 9 ⫾ 6b 7–11

CI, confidence interval; RMR, resting metabolic rate.

*An equation is considered unbiased if the 95% CI for the difference between predicted and measured RMR includes zero. The equation is
considered precise if the 95% CI for absolute difference as a percentage of measured RMR is ⱕ10%. ap ⬍ .05 vs all other equations; bp ⬍ .05
vs Ireton-Jones 1992 and 1997.

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262 FRANKENFIELD ET AL Vol. 28, No. 4

Percentage of all subjects and subjects subdivided by obesity status whose predicted metabolic rate was within 10% or 15% of measured resting metabolic
Percent of predictions within 10% of measured Percent of predictions ⬎ 15% different from measured
All (n ⫽ 47) Nonobese (n ⫽ 29) Obese (n ⫽ 18) All (n ⫽ 47) Nonobese (n ⫽ 29) Obese (n ⫽ 18)

Ireton-Jones (1992)3 60a 52 72d 32 34 28

Ireton-Jones (1997)4 36 41 28 40 34 50
Penn State (1998) 68a 69b 67d 15a 14c 17d
Penn State (2003a) 72a 79c 61d 11e 0c 28d
Penn State (2003b) 57a 66 44 13e 7c 22d
p ⬍ .05 vs Ireton-Jones 1997, all subjects.
p ⬍ .05 vs Ireton-Jones 1997, nonobese group.
p ⬍ .05 vs Ireton-Jones 1992 and 1997, nonobese group.
p ⬍ .05 vs Ireton-Jones 1997, obese group.
p ⬍ .05 vs Ireton-Jones 1992 and 1997, all subjects.

the Penn State equation in young obese subjects, but in Ireton-Jones equations are in regression form, but the
all other categories the Penn State equations had a stress modifiers are categorical (ie, trauma yes/no,
lower rate of large errors.3 burn yes/no) and therefore act more like stress factors
than ␤-coefficients. The Penn State equations are true
DISCUSSION examples of the multivariate regression method in that
Prediction of metabolic rate is a clinical necessity, they use noncategorical dependent variables (body
even though measurements are more accurate. This is temperature, minute ventilation) that correlate with
so because the calorimetry equipment for measure- the degree of hypermetabolism and that can change
ment is expensive, and the procedure can be time- from day to day as hypermetabolism fluctuates.
consuming. Therefore, many institutions do not use The 1992 Ireton-Jones equation3 was developed from
measurement of resting metabolic rate during nutri- a sample of 65 ventilator-dependent intensive care unit
tion assessment and nutrition support. Given the lim- patients, 52% of whom were burn patients. The coeffi-
itation on calorimetry use, there is a need to develop as cient of determination (R2) for this equation against
accurate and safe predictive equations as possible. No the measured data were 0.43 (ie, 43% of the variation
predictive equation will accurately predict resting met- in the measured metabolic rate was explained by the
abolic rate in every patient. The question is which equation). Ireton-Jones validated this equation in 36
equation will predict resting metabolic rate accurately other ventilator-dependent intensive care unit
in the most patients with the smallest number of large patients, finding no statistically significant difference
errors. between measured and predicted resting metabolic
There are 2 approaches to calculating resting meta- rate. The mean difference was 160 ⫾ 138 kcal/day (note
bolic rate in sick patients. The first involves calculating that this is a mean difference and not a mean absolute
healthy resting metabolic rate and multiplying by a difference, which almost certainly would have been
stress factor for the patient’s diagnosis (eg, sepsis, higher). In 1997, Ireton-Jones published corrections in
trauma, burns, surgery). The earliest calculation sys- the equation, changing the ␤-coefficients but not the
tems are of this type,2 and this approach is probably dependent variables.4 In a validation study in 1999,
the one that clinically is most often used.1 The second Flancbaum et al7 found a low coefficient of determina-
method is to use a multivariate regression equation tion for the original 1992 Ireton-Jones equation3
that includes healthy resting metabolic rate or param- against measured resting metabolic rate (R2 ⫽ .07) and
eters associated with resting metabolic rate plus clin- noted that the equation underestimated resting meta-
ical variables that relate to the degree of inflammatory bolic rate in 89% of the 36 subjects measured. Mean
response independent of the patient’s diagnosis. The absolute difference between calculated and measured

Percentage of subjects subdivided by age group whose predicted metabolic rate was within 10% or ⬎15% of measured resting metabolic rate
Percent of predictions within 10% of measured Percent of predictions ⬎ 15% different from measured
Young (n ⫽ 27) Elderly (n ⫽ 20) Young (n ⫽ 27) Elderly (n ⫽ 20)

Ireton-Jones (1992)3 70 45 26 40
Ireton-Jones (1997)4 48 15a,b 33c 50
Penn State (1998) 63 75 19 10d
Penn State (2003a) 63 85 15 5d,e
Penn State (2003b) 52 65 11 15d
p ⬍ .05 vs Young group, Ireton-Jones 1997.4
p ⬍ .05 vs all other equations in the Elderly group.
p ⬍ .05 vs Penn State (2003b), Young group.
p ⬍ .05 vs Ireton-Jones (1997), Elderly group.
p ⬍ .05 vs Ireton-Jones (1992), Elderly group.

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Percentage of subjects subdivided by age and body composition group whose predicted metabolic rate was within 10% or ⬎15% of measured resting
metabolic rate
Percent of predictions within 10% of measured Percent of predictions ⬎ 15% different from measured
Young Young Elderly Elderly Young Young Elderly Elderly
nonobese obese nonobese obese nonobese obese nonobese obese
(n ⫽ 15) (n ⫽ 12) (n ⫽ 14) (n ⫽ 6) (n ⫽ 15) (n ⫽ 12) (n ⫽ 14) (n ⫽ 6)

Ireton-Jones (1992)3 60 83 43a 50 33a 17 36a 50

Penn State (2003a) 67 58 93 67 0 33 0 17
p ⬍ .05 vs Penn State 2003a equation.

resting metabolic rate was 386 kcal/day (19% of mea- atic underestimation is not surprising. In the current
sured resting metabolic rate). Dickerson et al16 per- validation study, the original Penn State equation
formed a validation on the burn component of the Ire- explained 81% of the variation in measured resting
ton-Jones equation and found an absolute difference metabolic rate and was shown to be accurate to within
between predicted and measured resting metabolic 10% of measured resting metabolic rate in 64% of sub-
rates of 458 ⫾ 356 calories/day, which was 20% ⫾ 20% jects. This was essentially the same as the success rate
of measured. MacDonald and Hildebrandt8 found in of the 1992 Ireton-Jones equation3 (accurate 60% of the
the Ireton-Jones equation a tendency to underestimate time), but the occurrence of large errors (estimate met-
resting metabolic rate (mean prediction value was 85% abolic rate ⬎15% of measured) was significantly lower
⫾ 16% of measured) and a low association with mea- in the 1998 Penn State equation than the Ireton-Jones
sured resting metabolic rate (R2 ⫽ .23). Only 63% of equations (15 vs 32% of subjects). Mean absolute dif-
estimates were within ⫾20% of measured. It should be ference between calculated and measured resting met-
noted that MacDonald compared predicted resting abolic rate (156 ⫾ 136 kcal/day, or 8% of measured)
metabolic rate to measured total metabolic rate (via was significantly lower than that achieved with the
continuous gas exchange monitoring), and so system- Ireton-Jones equations.3,4
atic underestimation by an equation to estimate rest- The revised Penn State equations were developed
ing metabolic rate is to be expected. The current vali- before undertaking the current study. The decision to
dation study was more favorable to the Ireton-Jones revise the equations was based on separate research in
equation than was the study by Flancbaum et al,7 healthy subjects that showed that the Mifflin St. Jeor
Dickerson et al,16 or MacDonald and Hildebrandt.8 The equation for healthy resting metabolic rate was more
R2 between calculated and measured resting metabolic accurate than the Harris-Benedict equation in healthy
rate was 0.57 (actually better than in Ireton-Jones’ subjects13 and that the common practice of using obe-
original data), but not as high as the unmodified Har- sity-adjusted body weight in the Harris-Benedict equa-
ris-Benedict equation in the current study. We found a tion underestimates resting metabolic rate in other-
lower mean absolute difference between calculated and wise healthy obese people.13 The Harris-Benedict
measured resting metabolic rate than did Flancbaum equation was used in the development of the 1998
et al,7 (257 ⫾ 197 kcal/day, or 13% of measured resting Penn State equation, as was obesity-adjusted body
metabolic rate). The percentage of subjects accurately weight in the obese members of the database. We
predicted by the Ireton-Jones equation (60% of sub- therefore felt compelled to recompute the Penn State
jects) was higher than in the study by Flancbaum et equations from the original data6 using the Mifflin
al,7 or MacDonald and Hildebrandt.8 Of note, the 1997 equation for healthy resting metabolism in one case
revisions of the Ireton-Jones equation made the pre- and retaining the Harris-Benedict equation but using
diction of resting metabolic rate in critically ill patients actual body weight instead of adjusted weight in the
less accurate that the originally published version of other. The results were the 2003b and 2003a Penn
the equation. State equations of the current study. Each of these
The original Penn State equation (1998) for resting permutations of the original Penn State equation had
metabolic rate was derived from retrospective analysis as strong a correlation with measured resting meta-
of indirect calorimetry measurements from 169 bolic rate as the original equation. The Penn State
mechanically ventilated, surgical, trauma, and medical 2003a equation was accurate in more subjects than
intensive care unit patients. This equation was pub- was the original 1998 Penn State equation (72% vs 64%
lished in book form in 19986 and explained 70% of the of subjects predicted to within 10% of measured). The
variation in resting metabolic rate in the original data- same was not true for the Penn State equation 2003b,
base. MacDonald and Hildebrandt’s validation study8 with only 57% of subjects measured accurately. The
showed that this equation had an association with incidence of large errors was reduced to 11% in the
measured total metabolic rate (R2 ⫽ .66) but a system- 2003a Penn State equation. Mean absolute difference
atic tendency to underestimate total metabolic rate between measured and calculated resting metabolic
(87% ⫾ 11% of measured total metabolic rate). Only rate was similar to that for the original 1998 equation,
72% of subjects were estimated to within 20% of total and the equation was statistically precise and unbi-
metabolic rate. As noted above, MacDonald and Hilde- ased.
brandt8 compared estimates of resting metabolic rate More than 50% of Americans are overweight or
with measurements of total metabolic rate; so system- obese. Obesity has a negative effect on the accuracy of

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264 FRANKENFIELD ET AL Vol. 28, No. 4

predictive equations for resting metabolic rate in oth- more accurate than the 1997 revised Ireton-Jones
erwise healthy people.13 Additionally, the proportion of equation.4
the population that is elderly is rising. Advancing age
is associated with metabolic and body composition REFERENCES
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