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i ‘PETROLEUM MAINTENANCE SERVICES JOINT STOCK COMPANY ‘WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION 3) (ASME IX Ber re Vessel Code 2019) POST WELD HEAT FREATHENT (QW) WPS No S.180-1876-0012TV__ pate saterza | Tempore Na Revsns x Time Ranee = WA One Wetlng rcees) ~ craw : “het “MANUAL ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OW), Praetite Guat Process ‘StAw KSSaa Soe rmserurcous news | Cae otrty DcEN (OC), = npc tte NI “amperes Rane) ‘SEE TABLE BELOW JOINTS TOW Vore(Rense) SEE TABLE BELOW Jontesen SINGLE & FILLET WELDS ike Yes Vay casiow.108 Backing Mai Ter Metal = | Proce _ — Omer NA Shine Gases) . = Percent Competion = Geeckine = - FASE METATS TOW econ Convention Porno Bie wens. an Fw Rae Th Rane = ‘Trung Shiling wa - ‘rove Percent Compeiion WA ite owas NA ibe Dame Ran: - ‘Gnove TECINTOUE (OWA) file ~ | Proces craw Stinger Weave Bead ‘Sting ior We FICTER EFAES TOW Onitcer ts Cw Be Reema pons Onc Cea Brushing ha ang tos ie cone cra ie scence AWS Class Oscillation * sete = | ee ETN Titenane Coe Dees Berea as) sashes eich hones eT The Ste scram Be mae Feet ame PORTION TOWAET i ats ram Ras aoe acc BaEMions boa ETC esen tee A peroNs aes ie aes ST ean a sun PRETEATOW aT pe bcm Tenens foie " _ TesciacCect Tamora Graven Prone ‘WELDING PARAMETERS Nannon] rom : et = ers “AWS Class | Dia(mm) | Polarity a ¥ ‘imme sateGtain) = [at erst | 24 [ocenoni) a | w- aes 38 =a ‘and Taw | ERSI6L | 24 |DCEN(OC)| 75 - 90 | 10 owe [eran | enaiet | 24 [ocewsoen] m0 -os | 1-13 | a6 70 [oso 29s | eve prea Fs Rete epee NSRP NGUYEN NOOG THUY. | QUANG TUNG persermcgpey | TING — compe owe sexs owe sex fBWATECO CERT No 320713 lowe: a ese ee WELDING PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD (WPOR) Weiers Name TEKHACLINN ‘Samp Ne, 030082008689, No) Poses Olean TOINTSTOWST Rosado Pus.PaR-o0s Due §Mar22 a Wein Proves) raw cn See UANUAL wel rote SSI TENGG NS. ‘S4p0.t676-0012Tv R yy, | ss = 40 TST METATSTOW-IOH OST W ECD ENT FRERTWENT OWS Hoa Seaton astm i902 enue ua more se sretw TP a6. te ia = (Pipe 260.3x3.91mm) Ics y-409) ie ips 2603 34mm FLECTRICAT. CHARACTERISTICS OW: oe Petcare Fras AW Cre iy DoE, TAULER METALSTOWT ‘tmp nan) cae below Pacar Sina See abi Below — te ANe TASOW aH Seaveo Prcas craw awsChse Suatieecanen Seater Percent moatin eile Pe Nane owt Besrouchw unt Setaetne Fis Tne Name — | Ree Convention Xorcom Ee Foe - Niconanale Es Di “ie Sin - TECHMIOUE OWaTOr FOSTTIONTOW=RT ees eco, Senge Wee eas Foi of roe = | Santercer Conse ete fa Pres ase Wald omen Sure Chae {eat Down Net ofc oui ee Orson oct FRETENT (OWT Worn tie Tenpens Mate rine tps Temper ~ | eric) — Neti chsh Mate or Ste = Once Hecrner = we] | wom | Brn evens] aw | T5p | nr ca a a Parte atone fast tet ae 4 Eravet | 24 fpcenoc| row [o | ae [saz ster] ase a$ Ensue | 34 [peewee] fom [oo | ae [te aol ae ‘WELDING PARAMETER. Tow Coon? | tre xara SS a a a a 2 Stan | [Scewoc:| 1 Sy] a [ae Stes toe 5) [Stan | etstec [32 pctues| Se [thal es = opera Pie TE3 | stan - : ae ey comps oly PHATECO cent no. szoris UM MAINTENANCE SERVICES JOINT STOCK COMPANY ‘WELDING PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD (WPOR) ‘TENSILE TESTS (QW-150) Ref, Report No: WP22821032 Tima cara width | Thickness | area | ubimae specimen No tend [Team | toms [reac | Teeter | atest | Rout 1st wa [oe | ae sar rr3z0_ | idea ay inside of 182 3, 3s | a9 coas7 | side ot ‘GUIDE BEND TESTS (QW-160) ‘Ref Report Na: WP2-821032 TEE RENE “Tekst Walk BT ot ax FB 35x19 Ret 35x19 —_ R52 35x19 | NA Tet Tapa a ae VERE Specimen No.| Noth Location NowntTyre — |sanperure|—_emionis) [Shear | Metswenen [Break [Ne Bra FILLET WELD TEST (0W-180), me aT Penetration io Para Saco tomes | Uiststctry Met Type and Canter of Fale Macroseal Visual Examination W198) [No Defects on all welded surfaces Result ace adhozapic Examination QW-191) ——R@f Report No. PMS.POR-RT#280222 Rest nee — omueR Tests Hardness Test Mota: 160 468 HV 10); (HAZ: 160 174 440); (Weld Meta: 168 187 410) (Ret, Report No.: HRO22-061/032) _ - Ferme ~ (Ret Report No.: PMS.POR-FT-001) ~~ ~ ote NA Results a wn (CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE. “Ten Conducted [Bui Due NinwPnateco Laboratory Test No Us 406 We cei tht the satemens made in this record are coreet and that preparation, welding ae testing of the es welds conform the requirement of the projet section Nene NGUYENNGQC THEY Sinarue ods Siva ae OM Dal et te ee Gan bE ofr ote an artes ao ie rioet neifeston Sip 3.4 S GEAT No. 320713 Siem: hme, ‘wv 1. Goods consigned from (Exporters business name, address, country) ‘THALGERMAN PRODUCTS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 99 HOUYFONG-NONGGON ROAD, TAMGON HOUYPONG, AMPHLRMUANG, R2AYONG21150 THAILAND TEL: 2613300 Fax 002612950 TAK 1D; O10752700371 2. Goods consigned to (Consignee's name, address.courtry) IWISU ENGINEERING TRADING COMPANY 1NO.$8, STREET 10, HIP B1Nei CHANH WARD,THU OUC DISTT, HOCH MIN, VEIN eterence No, ORIGINAL 02017-0303081 ASEAN TRADE IN GOODS AGREEMENT/ ASEAN INDUSTRIAL COOPERATION SCHEME CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN (Combined Declaration and Cerificate) FORM D tested in... THAILAND. (Country) ‘See Overeat Notes ‘8. Means of transport and route (as far as known) BY SEA FREIGHT Departure date saton017 Vessels name / Aircraft ete ‘SITO ZHEWANG V.1718N Port of Discharge HAIPHONG, VIETNAM 4 For Ota Use Tretoenial Treatment Given Under ASCAN LL Trace in Goods Agreement #eferoial Treatment Gven Under ASEAN (| Preterenial Treatment Not Given (Pease sate reason’) Industria Cooperation Scheme Signature of Autharsed Signatory ofthe importing County ‘The undersigned hereby dacars tha! he above detals and statement are correct that al the goods were produced in THAILAND, (Country) ‘ane that they comply with the origin (pret thn ASEAN Tear ne vera, Botan ted Ss (importing Country) RAYONG 21150 1602017 Piace and date, signature of authorised signatory 13. D1 exhibition C1 de minimis MA tscued Retoactvely 1 third Country invoicing 1 Accumuiation C1 Back-to-Back Co C Partiat Cumutation Itis hereby certtiod, onthe basis of control carried out, thatthe deceation by the exporters correct ace and date, signature and samp of caring authority MRS. TASSANEE JONGPITAKRAT [5 nem] 6 Marks and 7. Nunberand type of packages description af goods |B. Origin [9. Gross weight | 10. Numberand rune nursbers on {noticing quanty where appropiate ano HS number enterin] or gher aay | "date of packag ofthe importing county) soem) ard vaiue FO8)| invoices Page 12 spol 1 [Nae OF SELLER ws. cone. ron. 30 swarm | sosoonxen | exxizor0i TuLceRN | sessranesssten Pe (nea prooucts | AsTMAat2 Trae, | 0028.87x2.11< comma 2 |petansaspen | H2. CODE. 7am4ns0 vaere | sa2000 xo ae M8 STANLESS STEEL PPE Srenerernnasy | ASTM A312 TIL (0 22.40x2.77« 600 0 =" DATE ; 07017 2 9. e008. 7820 score | arsooo vem OM. STANLESS STEEL PRE (096038 277.000 6m ‘ 9, co0e. 70.40.90 aor | 2soooKom U.S STANLESS STEEL PPE ASTM A312 TOL (0 70.08% 2.05 cone ° 9, cone, 7204020 snerw | osesoovom 11. Dalaran by the exporter 12. Certification | No. 1953283 : ‘ev ORIGINAL 7. Goods consigned from (Exporters business name, address, county) THA-GERMANPRODJCTS FUOLIG COMPANY LIMITED 99 HUYPONG NONGOGN ROH, TAMBONHOLYPONG, AMPHLRMUANS, RAYONG 21150 THALAND TEL 92612000 AX: 02:28:29 TAX 0 O10S8702971 2, Goods consigned to (Consignee's name, address, country) [WSU ENGINEERING TRADING COMPANY 1NO.S9, STREET 10, HIE BINH HANH WAR THAJ OUC DISTRICT, HOCH MINN, vETION Reference No. 2017-0303081 [ASEANTRADE IN GOODS AGREEMENT/ ASEAN INDUSTRIAL COOPERATION SCHEME CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN (Combined Deciarton and Cerificate) FORM D THAILAND. (Country) ‘See Overeat Notes Isaved in ‘2. Means of raneport and route (as far #8 known) 8Y SEA FREIGHT Departure date ssys0r2017 essere name / Aircraft ete, SSITC ZHEWANG V.1719N Port of Discharge HAIPHONG, VIETNAM 4 For Of Use Preferential Treatment Given Under ASEAN (1 Trace in Goods Agreement, Preferential Treatment Given Under ASEAN Indust Cooperation Scheme (C1 Pretererta Treatment Not Given (Please sat reasons) ‘Signaiure of Authorised Signatory of the importing Country ton] 8 Mansand 7 Nonbor and ype packages descnfon af goods [8 Origin ]8. Grose woight | 10. umber and [number ‘numbers on {incuding quantity where appropriate and HS number criterion | rane ery date of peckagea Stteinpatsng our) ESA) esses F08)) invoices pusitr? wie! TONE OF ELLER ons STANLESSTER PPE ver o01 ee |salGnee vias preoucrs | oDenaaxse xomoum™ © | puauicco.ttn, | 48. CODE. 7308.40.20 44.87% 3,690.50 KGM Freacenonan | 83 sraness sree pre Les pans 8. ea | 09 8120130 60M 7 | TOSPTS | cone rensazs vasre | arera0Ko ous oTaNLess TEE. PE pate ne 00 188.6277 00004 mia rou Tora: Twenty THREE syBLNDLES 11, Declaration by the exporter ‘The undersigned hereby daciares that he above delals and statement ‘are correct that al the goods were produced in THAILAND, (Country) ‘and that they comply with the origin (pols diy ASEAN Trait an A VIETNAM ‘importing County) RAYONG 21150 16/02017 lace and date, signature of authorised signatory 13. [1 third Country invoicing (1) Exhibition. 77 peceimiation O Back. CO ramtat cumutaton 771 be minimis Back CO issued Revroactively 12, Centfcation Itis hereby carted, onthe basis of contro carriod out, ‘thatthe deciaration by the exporter is correct. Pace and date, signature and stamp of osrtiying authority MRS. TASSANER JONGPITARR AF No. 1953284 THAI - GERMAN PRODUCTS PUBLIC CO., LTD MILL'S TEST CERTIFICATE ISSUED DATE : 11/10/2017 _ a INVOICE NO. : ae SIN NO. ‘T-SXP-17-00082 ‘CUSTOMER'S REF. NO. : MESSRS. IWISU ENGINEERING TRADING CO..LTD Rech ae edi area [STANDARD SPECIFICATION; _ASTMA S127 S2M- O18 — “GRADE TPS16L = Hydro] Flat- Width of] CRATE DIMENSION |QTY|WEIGHT| _ HEAT? \L COMPOSITION (%) | Hardness Static test|tening_|specimen| NO. | OD.X Thick X Length PRODUCTION Cc Si Ss Ni_| Cr | Mo | (HRB) ATS SEC,| | 0.035 | 1.00 0.030 | 10.007 16.00- - -) UNIT; MM_ Pcs.) (Kes.) NO. Max__Max Max__14.00 18.00 | _- 9) _max| MIN. (Psi| (MM) _| (MM) 1 T14.30X305X6000 | 1 | 46.00] NIROSITASIT 0376 10,005 [10.026 16.11] _~ 3 aa 19__| 114 3053.08 X 6000 | 4_| 18400 | “NIBOBIIASTI | 0.035 [0387 | 1.056 [ .028 | 0.006 [10.035 {is.103[ | 83 19 | 73.03 X3.05 X 6000 | 10 | 29000 | NIR0SI1ASII (0312 11,094 [ 0.028 [0.007 |i0.031 [16137 | 83 20_| 60.33 X3.91 X 6000 | 6 | 129.00_| FYI2880W ‘0204 1.522 [0.030 [0.008 |10.024 |16.109/ =| 83 20 | 60 33% 3.91 X 6000 | 15} 32250 | —FYIZ880W — ‘0295 | 1522 | 0.030" 0.008 | 10.034 [16.109 i 20 | 60.33 X277X 6000 | 30} 64500 | NIBO7IAS 0355 | 1.364 | 0.032 | 0.00 10.030 {16.120 2i_|6033%2.77X 6000 | 36 | 77400 | NIBO7IIAS 0355 | 1.564 | 0032 | 0005 [10.030-| 16.120 21-6033 2.77 X 6000 | 1327950 | NISO7I1AS (0.355 | 1.364 | 0.032 | 0,008 | 10.030 {16.120 22__| 3840277 6000 | 16 | 192,00_| NIBO7ITAO- 0367 [1.599 [ 0028 | 0.005 [10.057 [16.106 22| ~33.40%2.77X 6000 | 18 | 216.00 | NI8O7IIA3 0331 | 1.706 [0028 [0.004 [10033 16120) | 83185] 95 | 42 Z| PROCESS : SMLS FvI2OW HEATTREATMENT: 1010 C WATER QUENCHING FINISH: ANNEALED AND PICKLED SURFACE & DIMENSIONAL CONTROL BY VISUAL ACCORDING TOA999: GOOD TESTING : FLATTENING RESULT: PASS RESULT ‘WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE MATERIAL DESCRIBED HERE IN HAS BEEN MANUFACTUREL RESULT AND TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATION, RESULT. RESULT: ISSUED BY THE SHIPPER Desrption of Gods ‘SMS STAINLESS STEEL PIPE ASTM A312 TP2I6L RF-QA-O11 T-SXP-17-00082.6/7 Rev, 2: 09/50 [ruse vouraGe vaco SADIOGRAPHIG TESTING: FREE rumen) RAPHIC faa mace rHuay en CLIENT PMS [CODE or STANDARD + ASME BPV Sec. IX Edition 2021 rroscoT WELDING PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION |ACOCPTANCE CRITERIA _: ASME DPV Sec. IX Edition 202 Location : HAI PHONG - a INOTEXTENT 100% (Tem : TEST COUPONS: |PROCEDURE : PTC.NDT.POL.ASME MATERIAL A312 TP316L to A312 TPS16L “|PRODUCT TYPE WELDING | seror na ecco PeaTerTe am eae sien SS JFOCAL Size 7 OSURE [SOURCE NUMBER : HCXO25 [mmaLactity 006i [SeNsiriviy REQUIRED: 2.46 mm Rey ae Jexeosune [EWING Ci sinus want [SURFACE CONDITION AS WELD TEMPERATURE: AMBIENT PWT (1 Before PTT __ClARer MNT NA [Maxrocaleze 132mm SHURFD 200mm OFD 1603) mm _GEOMEIHIU UN-SHARPNESS (U3) 03am [FIONWANUFACTURER Fug FLMTYPE «X60 jarryee ASTM IAG LI SINGLE FILM CipouslE FIM ———C*YQILOCATION C]SOURCESIDE ——s—s=*~*«wY LW SIDEE JSCREEN USES: PouAzeDomsige FILTER USED : NONE [DEVELOPMENT [7 MANUAL Dastomane Ci panoramic Ti pouste mace _| [Technique used: Technique class B source [Oo Mt Source File fp ‘Source Gs rn EXAMINATION RESULTS ices =] ccna one oF [ener Toe cts | | ES [rane [nor [rocannn| MENT | roms [| oe 7 | eusron [ansane] 22 [01 [ace 018 nee | eae | @ [10 ma | oe coven 5 2a_[aet [aco] or6 moe | ascama | 6 | 10 o 20 [aor [reo] 076 nee | ascam | | +0 ‘Tae TOTAL NOWBER OF AADOGRIE@ Hee heped Gack 2 Sap ron area ort iin Oe sen tc FED Ropeed 0: Loy Omsk 304 Mocon = Lach eaten 206 hen at treet RS Resist 102: Tae Guck tt Lato aewa on $01 Unre cotnaes 10 than Dit poe a chaff) S12 Unie ote ——_=518 atc 2015 Eusdeoy Caspca)__218 Wore 204 Cn pom Endo cnt)___‘S17. Perma PHATECO: REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY NeU¥ENi Name & dated sigr nature “Name dated signature Name & dated signature S RADIOGRAPHIC TESTING P= narerariasam te: 22022 PHATESO) REPORT Page :20f2 cet Ps [G0De or STANDARD: as BV See IKON TO PROJECT WELDING PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION [ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: ASME BPV Sec. K Elion 2021 LOCATION HAI PHONG NDT EXTENT 100% (TEM :TESTCOUPONS PROCEDURE : PTC.NDT.PO1.ASME WMATERIAL ASIA TPSTL to ASHE TPSHOL pROOUCT TYPE ETCH WA frases orn EXAMINATION RESULTS weioen [wesoen) vocar-| oon Josrs]aie] —Soeam ON [oe] SATEOE [BER] OF, Ne] io | 0 | ton | coo [ry |e ee [ wee [eoomnon| MENT| {Simin lista] omy | mae® 3 or [am [ace] one mc] waa] [7 © | puseor |ansol 72 [391 [ace] one reef mols] | os 7 Ous'2 | 0068s [2.3 [391 [acc] 0.16 acc | 25.02.22 5 1 a 30 [30% face] ore nec | eam | 6 [4 3 or] 30% face] ors nec | ae | 6 [4 7] moron: foowme] +2 | 200 [ace] ove veel armme Tee | og 11 | Cas | 009689 [23 [3.01 [acc] o16 ace | 250222 | 5 | 4 2 30 301 [ace] 0x6 nec | os00ze | 6 [a Sen TOTAL NOMSER OF OOGRAEE eC Aereped 100 Gack «5 Sten (01: Lact mt ten 52 Eso monet et hepene Log CUE ocean) «MIELE (oe bem nema kee aioe Sulacarette scammam smmenes Ske SiRimiwereetaen aeons meme «bar tema aor Saige ssp ance le umes cerned PHATECO REVIEWED BY ‘APPROVED BY iar “Wiame 8 date signature puareco) FERRITE TESTING REPORT [Repor No. : PMSPORFT-OOT Name & dated signature Name & dated signature ent =PMS [cone rstanaara ASME Section i parn.G Project Tie :WELDING PROGEDURE QUALIFICATION [Acceptance Criera __: Ferite Level Sto 10 FN Location HAI PHONG - VIET NAM INT Extent ‘As per requested hrm “TEST CONPONS, [Praedire PTC NSRP FT Rov [one TNA ‘rca | NIA Product Type Iaterai FAST ASI2TPSTGL Process peciicaion NA [Weis Condiion —_C) Aswelded Ground (eld materal PERSTEL JPWHT State) Before PWHT Gl N/A Equipment "Fischer Feritscope [Calibration Block Base, 0.2, 4.1 and 11.1% Fe del FMP30C Serial No N1-0854 [era No 1408-31735 Probe FGABI SFE We Location & Reading (FN) scnvThk Average| No. Wes No Coupon No. | tranin Resut| Remark * oo | om Tap apap] ele| mre 1 rms PURO nor | 603 | ao |sa]so}si] -|-]-| 55 | acc 2 PMS-POR-003 noe | 603 | a1 |s7/ 57/57] - | - 57 | acc 3 Pus.pnRont nos | 603 | 301 [so] 40|sa| - | - 51 | ace AI =< = Se, ~ ™. Total : 9 Points [Remante PRL Ne 85 TAGE: Resopt Low range FN. REL Reject PHATECO REVIEWED BY "APPROVED BY PHATECO TECHNICAL SERVICES JOINT STOCK COMPANY fice: No SA13 Thin Loi Stet. Vinh Nem Ward. Le Chan Distt, Hal Phong Cit PHATECO) i 055:0225 3270870 Fax (o00 02259 89.08 Ena Website: wnwahatecacom 7 [Contract No. KET QUA THI NGHIEM QUY TRINH HAN Ra WROD RESULTS OF WELDING PROCEDURE TEST a res 4. Cor quan yéu edu (Client) CEng Ty C& Phan Bao Duéng Va Sira Chia Céng Trinh Dau Khi 2, Loai mau (Type of sample) anh gid quy trinh han (Welding procedure qualification) 3. Phuong php han (Welding process): GTAWI6G ASTM A912 TROL (0DG0.92x9,91mm) to AGTM AQ12 TPOTOL 3. VERE (Materia): (0060,32x3,81mm) 5. Ten mu (Name of sample) PMS-PQR-003 6. Thiét bj thi (Testing Equipments) May kéo van nang 1000KN (1000KN Universal testing machine) 1. Phuong phap thi (Vesting Method): ASME Sec IX2021 Ed. 8. Ngay thi nghiém (Date of testing) 02/03/2022 KET QUA KEO (RESULTS OF TENSILE) KICH THUOC MAU GIOTHAN BEN (omersers erst) (ensie stengny vitRiput ‘TEN MAU ‘Chiéu Lyckéo [Ung eudt bén JKIEU KET QUA Ganoieno) | SBMS | rong | Teton | texinum | "(rensie | (Groton | eResuts) (Width) tensile load) strength) | pasition /Type) Tay (om) | tar) RN) Ninn?) Trang mira Ts1 350 | 1310 | 4585 | 3270 | 71320 Accept Tong bib TS2 3.40 13.10 (44.54 29.60 664.57 Inside of weld Accept metal KET QUA UON (RESULTS OF BENDING) TaN MALY ‘KICH THUOC MAU ‘GOC UON ‘DUONG KINH GOI UON GHICHO KET QUA (EMMY | [omensionsofsonpi|(angiecttendng) | Ouneororoondny | oHeHO | KETQUA (mm) (degree) (mm) te 3.50 Udn mat FBI i 19.00 180 14.00 Face Bend Accept t 3.50 Udn mat Fa? we 19.00 159 4g Face Bend peeaee, t 3.50 ‘U6n chan RB1 a 49.00 180 14.00 Root Bend Accept. t= 3.50 Un chan hee we 19.00 160, HAS) Rout Burd ‘Accent Ghi chu (Notice) ét qua nay chi 06 7 nghia trén mu th, Khéng lu mau. ___(Resutt only for the sample. Not reserve sample) 902006 THI NGHIEM VIEN PHONG THI NGHIEM ~~

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