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v Cone 1 mH 19¢ HOA DAU No SON Document Tite: ‘TA Permit to Work Procedure Document Numb MD-O4-MT-TAR-PD.036 Owner: TA Manager Revision Number: cy Effective Date: 18 November 2022 ‘CONFIDENTIALITY ‘The nfrmaton contained in tis documents coniertal to Noh Son Refinery & Petochemical Liitod LUnbity Company (NSRP) Acsorangl, copyright for this document i retained wih NSRP and. no copying In any format of ths document fa permed wihout the writen permisson fom NSRP Management Prepared By Reuiowea By Reviewes by Reviewes By Reviews By Reviewed By Tar Jacaues be a %, ‘Tilelbvsion Manager, HSSEBS Divison ‘Approved By. Akin — Samet Le Nayen Quoc Vn Tile: Retnery General Manager (RGM) "These signatures apply tent document Document No MDOLUT-TAR-PO-094 Te: TAParmitto Work Procedure Date {sthnlovember 2022" ‘Rev.No00 age of 28 NGHSON REFRIERY AND PETROCHEMICAL ULC v CONG TY TMH LOC HOA PAUNGH SON ste AMENDMENT TABLE FORM Rev. or Prepared | Reviewed | Approved Ret | ate | Desert e Ke i 00 | 15.11.22 | Fist Release ‘leash T, [NH Due | Mr. Vinn os “TA Permit o Werk Provedure Document No:a0-4aNT-TARPO.034 Te Rev.No 00, age 20f28 INGH SON REFWIERY AND PEIRCCHEMCALLLC v CONG TV TNHH LOC HOA DAUNGHI SON us AMENDMENT REPORT FORM Rev. Hom Original Revised Reason No. a “Tide: TA Permit to Work Prozedur Effective Datet5" November 2022, Rev. No 00 Nos EOH NERY AND PEROCHEICALLLC v CONG TY WH LOC HOA DAU NGHISON Contents 4. Introduction 2 Purpose. 3 Scope 3.1. Non-PTW required activites: 4°” Abbreviations and Definitions, 4.1 Abbreviations. 42. Definitions 5 Reference Docume: 6 Responsibilities 6.1. HSSE Division 6.1 TAHSSE Lead. 8.12 TAHSSE Officer. 6.2. Maintenance Division 621 TAManager 622 — TAExecution Manager. 62.3 TA Area Manager and Deputy Area Manager. 624 TADiscipline Lead Supervisor. 6.3. Operation Division. 6.3.1 Operation PTW Coordinator. 632 Authorized Gas Tester: 6.4. GMC Management. 64.1 GMC HSE Manager 642 PTWRequestor. 843 GMC PTW Coordinator 64.4 Task Supervisor 645 _ Foreman. 7_ PTWForms and Templates: 7.1 Safety Certificate 72 Isolation / De-solation Certificate 73 Electrical Cerificate / Electrical Permit. 74 Standard Control Sheets (SCS) 7.5 Job Safety Analysis (JSA) 78 LMRA 7.7 Safe Work Wethod Statement (SWMS). 78 Pro- Forma Amendment Sheet. 79 START Card, 7.10 Deviation Form 7.11 Gonfined Space Entry Certificate 712 Ventilation Plan 7.13. Rescue Plan 8 Guidelines for TA PTW Management. 8.1. TAPTWmanagement during normal operation condition Pre-TA and Post-TA)... 82 TAPTWmanagement during Turnaround execution: 9 Tumaround Permit to Work Clustering, 9.1 Type of PTW Clustering 9.1.1 Horizontal Clustering 9.12 Vertical Clustering as Document No:MO-oLT-TAR-PD434 Tile: TA Permit to Werk Procedure Effective Date" November 2022, Rev. No. 00, Page 4 of28 6 8 6 8 7 7 8 8 9 9 8 9 8 9 9 9 NSH SON FETNERY AND PEROCHOMCALLIC ) (CONG TY INHH|LOC HOA DAUNGHI SON im 04.3 Hot Work Clustering 91.4 Blinding / De-binding Clustering 10. Workforce Ratio and Permit to Work... 40.1. Workforee ratio for Low and Medium Risk PTW. 40.2. Workforce Ratio for High-Risk PTW. 41 SIMOPS or Conflicting Activities 12. Permit to Work Proc 12.1. PTW Workflow and actions. 12.2 Permit Re-Validation Process 123 PTWLifetime. 124 Gas Testing 42.5 Work Suspension. 42.6 Permit Closure. 43. Other PTW Conditions:... 13.1. Permit Amendment 43.2. New discovery work or urgent work. 13.3 Transfer of Responsibility. 43.4 Lost PTW Damaged PTW. 135 Archive Permit. 14 PrwAudits 45 PTW Deviations 46 Forms: Neen EEE Document No:MOOLUT-AR-PO494 Tie: TA Permit to Work Procedure Effective Date8" November 2022, Rev. No. 00, Page 5 of 20 CONG TY TNHH LOC HOA DAUNGHI SON ser 4) Introduetion Permit To Work (PTV) System Is a formal written system used to control the Tumaround scope ‘of works which are not enclosed by normal operations Permit to Work System and Operation Procedures. Permit To Work documents are a means of communication and written agreement ‘between PTW authors and execution parte. “The Turnaround Perit to Work procedure Is legal and mandatory requirement to be complied by all company and contractor employees curing the period of turnaround execution phase. PTW procectre isnot act as a final baer, it helps to minimize / eliminate the risk and hazard during the ‘Th execution phase ‘All pates volved in the permit to work conditions have responsible to assuring the safety of ‘employee, environment, and assets during the implementation of the Turnaround PTW system. 2 Purpose ‘The cbjecve of this procedure ie to streamline the permiting process during Turarounds without compromising the safely of our workforce and to improve efcancy as well s to provide the ‘guidance o assure the tunaround scope of works are commenced with compllance of TA Permit to \iork requirements based on the approvals from authorized partes, 3 Scope ‘This Tumaround PTW Procedure applies tothe locations where the area Is declared under tuaround execution phase Normal Operation Permit to Work procedure MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-008 shall 9e applicable forthe following work scopes + GAC work scape during the period of Pre and Post Turnaround + GMC Work activites in Operation Sections § and 6 with some PTW deviations herein + GMC work in inter-connecting piping 1+ Non-TA activites ouside the plant ares, + TA work acites (Le: maintenance routine works; works by other contractors not relevant to GMCs) in the TA-execution declared areas (TA Area Manager to be consulted and fgree fo the activity by Intilng te wark inthe TA look sited pan), 3.4. Non-PTW required activites: ‘+ Any of the operational / maintenance actvty performed under approved standard procedure or work instructions ‘+ Any of the emergency reepense actity performed under the insruction of On Scene Commander (080) Document No:atD-44arT-TAR.POo34 Effective Datet5 November 2022 NGI SON FREY AND PEROCHEMICALLIC v CONG TY INHH LOC HOA DAU NGHI SON 1+ Any of the visual inspection actly In the process unit (except Inside confined space) 1+ Any of the vehicle's movement outside of the process area or tank area which includes the transportation of materials, portable water supply and sewage collection from a portable tlt, ete. However, permit to work shall be apalicable for loading / offleading by means of iting equipment +The Below listed activi: in at TA Execution declared areas (VC Free, compliance with TA Gas Testing requirements: Ay activity inthe site temporary offices and facies tke deaning, repair work with hand fools, manual handling etc. However, PTW shall be applicable forthe ‘maintenance activi that requis power tools and ater equipment. Ratios inside temporary workshops inside plant area during TA execution phase, GNC to dovelop general safety guidelines and shall be approved by Operations, TA, and HSE. Nomintinsically safe mabilly equipment such es mobile phones, cameras, thermal guns, clamp meter, llumination meter, noise met, wind speed meter and others, whieh are nat directly n contact or coneced with any of the process system or process equipment. Al non-iS mobity equipment shall Fequre inspection stickers and other permissions as approved by NSRP. Note: Non-intnsically mobilly equipment shall not be allowed where there is @ potential presence of hydrocarbons and flammable gases (BL of process unt; Seaton & and Section 6 Areas). The use of non-lS equisment shall only be Iited to GMC's, from Projet Managers down to Lead Supervisors evel 4. Abbroviations and Definitions. 41. Abbreviatons [RSSEES | Health Safety Secariy Environment & Social PW Pesto Work TAPTW "Tumaround Permit to Work xy “ob Satay Analysis ‘START ‘Salty Task Analysis Risk Talk SIMOPS ‘Simultaneous Operations: flora oe aa Tae Ou “SwS ‘Safe Work Method Statement CSE ‘Confined Space Entiy PPE Personal Proteave Equipment eee IEEE Document No.uD-DLIT-TARPD.34 Tit: TA Permit to Work Procedure Effective Date" November 2022, Rov. No. 00. Page 7 of 28 ‘CONG TY TNHH LOC HOA DAU NGHI SON INGSEN EPR AND FERCCHEMICALLIC > P ‘Standard Procedure SV ‘Operation Dison’s Shit Supervisor ERT Emergency Response Tearh TRA ast Minute isk Assessment al CHE ‘General Mecharieal Contractor 42 Defnitons Tew DEFINITION. ‘MC ‘An organization or individual hat provides @ sence to NSRP ih a contractual ‘tution with NSRP. Hd Pot iol points are “reminds” to Task Supervisor or PTW Ravalidator regarding ‘mandatory safety checks in the SWMS following requirements of the PTW prior or during execution of works. Conkadior | An organization ornevidual that provides a service to NSRP in a contractual ‘uation with NSRP. 5 Reference Documents ‘+ MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-003: Permit to Work Procedure 7 MD-04-HSE-HS-PL-002: Workers Occupational Health and Safety Management Plan = MD-04-HSE-HS-PL-001: Hazardous Materials Management Plen 7 MD-O4-HSE-HS-PD.022: Hazard Identification, Risk Management & Control Procedure + MD-D4-HSE-HS-PD.004: Job Safety Analysis & Safe Work Method Statement Procedure MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-008: START (Safety Task Analysis Risk Talk) Procedure MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-015: HSSEBS Instructions to Contractors MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-001: Personal Protective Equipment Management Procedure MD-04-MT-PD-108: Excavation Procedures MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-041: Working at Height Procedures. MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-029: Confined Space Entry Procedure MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-020: Radiography Procedure MD-04-HSE-HS-PD.006: HSSE&S Training Procedure MD-04-MIT-PD-104: iting & Rigging Operation HSE Procedure MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-612: Lock-out and Tag-out Procedure MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-042: Electrical Safety Procedure MD-04-MT-PD-100: Scatfolding Procedure MD-O4HSE-HS-PD-O19: Safely Signs, Barricades, Labals management Procedure MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-002: Tools and Portable Equipment Procedure IMD-04-MT-PD-103: Work over Water Procedure MD-04-MT-PD-101: Mobile Equipment & Heavy Equipment Procedure MD-04-HSE-HS-PD.018: Hazardous gas safely management Procedure ae”””'‘*k OSS Oo Document No:MO-oLUT-AR-7O94 ‘Tile: TA Parmit fo Work Procedure Effective Date" November 2022, Rev. No. 00, Page 8 of28 ‘CONG TY TNHH LOC HOA DAU NGHI SON NGHSON RE RERY AND PEROCHEMCAL LIC 1+ MO-04-HSE-HS-PD-048: Hot Work Safety Procedure + MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-014: HSE Non-Compliance Control Procecure + MO-04-HSE-HS-PD-027: Safely Golden Rules + MD-04-HHR-RL-002: Disciplinary Regulations 5 Responsibilities TA PTW shall follow the Normal Operations PTW Procedure Roles and Roopencibiitise, Additional rolee are identified below that are involved in the TA PTW system. 6.4 HSE Division G44 TAHSSE Load ‘The TA HSSE Lead is responsible for, * Reviewing this procedure, + Eneuree that routine PTW inspections and site audit is carried out and recommends improvement (f required) Ensures that this PTW Procedure is properly complied with * Endorse High Risk PTW and JSA * Assign Area Safely Personnel for PTW review, endorsement and support the PTW process, + Coordinate wth TA management for addressing the PTW constraints. 64.2 TAHSSE officer ‘The TA HSSE Officer is assigned to each TA Area and responsibis for: * Review and endorse Low and Medium Risk JSA. * Ensures that routine PTW inspections and site auclt is carved out during TA ‘execution works and recommends improvement (i required). + Ensures that this PTW Procedure is properly complied with. 62. Maintenance Division 6.21 TAManager * Reviewing this procedure, + Ensure plan and procedure are implemented * To ensure euffcient and competent personnel to review the PTW documentations USA, SWIMS, Cerificate, plans, checklist etc.) prepared by GMC. 62.2 TA Execution Manag * Ensure plan and procedure are implemented 1 Ensure that the work execution is implomented safely. + Ensure sufficient and competent personnel for ste supervision. 6.2.3. TA Area Manager and Deputy Area Manager * Organize team for reviewing and approving the SWMS and JSA * Leadership to evaluate and accepting the necessary documents of the PTW. * Review all PTWs assign under clustering strategy of PTW a Document No:MD-24AT-TAR-PD-024 Tile: TA Permit to Work Procedure effective Dates" Novembor 2022, Rev. No. OD. Page 9 of 28 63 CONG TY TNHH LOC HOA DAUNGHI SON NEMISON RFNERY AN PETROCHEMICAL UC = Ensuring the PTW conditions are strictly complied for the TA scope execution. + Communicate the TA lookahead revalidation plan to execution sams, 7 Withdrawal or suspension of PTW due to actual conflicting works, + Acknowledge the update in the Pro forma Amendment sheet 1 Priotize and rearrange work where co-acivity clashes are a concern. {Assign competent personnel to sign on the PTWas ‘Discipline Owner’. 6.24 TADiscipline Lead Supervisor NORP TA Discipline Lead Suporvicorehall + Liaise with respective GMC PTW Coordinator or PTW Reques.or and ensure the PTWie intended forthe identified work pack. + Ensure thatthe Risk Level of the PTW, SWMS and JSA are identified. 1 Enforcement of supervision and monitoring plan and schedule for TA execution ‘compliance. Operation Division 63.4 Operation PTW Coordinator 'An Operations personnel who is appointed by the Operation Section Manat te: + Check and ensure the completeness of the overall content of the PTW packages. Maintains, updates, and’ register incoming PTWS in the PTW Register (spreadsheet + Maintains the list_of NSRP. and Contractor PTW Requestors and Task Supervisors. The list wil include specimen signatures, = Coordinates the scheduling & priorities of turnaround tasks, + Liaise with GMC PTW coordinator during the stage of PTW submission and approval + Coordinate PTW submission plan for operation section's review and approval * Tlage with PTW Requestor and PTW Issuer for PTW clustering as per the ‘approved clustering strategy. = Eneuring the Pro Forma Amendment sheet is attached with PTW and notified in the PTW template comment box + Collect approved PTW trom PTW Issuer/ Approver ‘Maintain a ist clustered PTWs assigned for each Task Supervisor. 7 Arrange PTW at the field PTW office as per day-to-day revalidation schedule (TA lookahead plan. + Confitm the yellow copy of the PTW is available in the Site PTW Office when a PTW Is going out for revalidation. + Collect the pink copy of the PTW from the PTW Revalidator, keep the pink and yellow copy together in the Site PTW Office. + Gummariee the numbor of PTW revalidated and display information in the Site PTW office + Generate the day-to-day PTW revalidation, close out status report for management reporting, + Store the closed out PTWS as per procedure requirement 6.2.2 Authorized Gas Tester = Condut the required gas testing requlrements prior to validation and recording (900 test resus on gas test record sheet. Document No: MDQLMT-AR-PO-34 Tle: TA Permit to Work Procedure Effective Dates November 2022, Rov. No. 00, Page 10 of 28 CONG TY TNHH LOC HOA DAL NGHI SON Gite Management 644 GMC HSE Manager ‘The GMC Health & Safety Manager is responsile to: + Ensure plans and procedures are implemented. {Ensure that prior planned and scheduled PTW compliance evaluation; safety ‘campaign, safety ste supervision, site inspection, safety walkaround, PTW aut. 1 Enuoree Pigh sk JA + Make report for observations and audit finds to share to turnaround teams * Identiy the root causes of repeated violation and follow up the recommendations: 6.4.2 PTWRequestor ‘A Contractor peronnel who is nominated by the GMC management ho shall go through the competency assessment / interview by NSRP TA ‘Area Management. = The PTW Requestor isthe person who iniates the permit-to-work preparation. + The PTW Requestor shall Be a person who represents the work controling group (applicant group) and can be nominated from GMC staff or authorized contractor's personnel, = The PTW Requestor is responsible to visit and inspect the worksite at the planning stage together with the respective tumaround person to identify worksite hazards associates with completing the task as described on the PTW. = Conduct hazard identification and risk assessment to de-ermine mitigation measures and precautions required in preparation ofthe JSA. = Eneure that the PTW have the required documents attached, ‘Ensure PTW screening completed by relevant GMC Manager & HSE Manager before submission * Prepare the supporting documentation and get approval from the respective authorky. + PTW Requestor can also be the Task Supervisor. 6.43 GMC PTW Coordinator ‘A Contractor personnel who is nominated by the GMC management wh shall go through the competency assessment interview by relevant NSRP TA Area Management and HSSE. olehe shal #Be able to communicate, read and understand the English language. + Collect PTW package from the PTW Requestor. 1 Be able to identify the hazard and control measures-related tc the description of work. + Be familar with the hazards of each activity in the PTW Certificate. {Ensure the PTW preparation progress comply as per the TA PTW preparation plan, + Conduct PTW quality check ofthe relevant documentation before registration. SS Document No:MO-D44T-TARPD06 Tit: TA Permit to Work Procedure Effective Dates" November 2022, Rov. No: OD Page 11 of 28 6 CONG TY INHH LOC HOA DAU NGHI SON + Organize PTW package, ensuring the information is accurate in the TA PTW register provided from NSRP. ‘+ Submit PTW to NSRP Operations PTW Coordinator for review and approval Coordinate urgent / addtional support to the Task Supervisor ‘or additional PTW requirement in agreement with Issuing / approving authority = Communicate the changes in the PTW to the NSRP PTW Coordinator and give Update to PTW Requestor. GAA Task Supervisor ‘The Task Supervicor is a person nominated by the GMC management who shall go through competency assessment / interview by NSRP TA Area Management. Helshe Is permitted to accept more than one PTW at a time as per the Clustering strategy as per Permit and TS workforce ratio. ‘The Task Supervisor shall Be able to communicate, read and understand the English langage. + Have detailed knowledge of the activity being supervised and tre related hazards & miigation from the. provided PTW conditions, SWMS, JSA, Pro forma ‘amendment sheet, SCS and LMRA and other relevant information like SDS, ‘suppliers instruction ot. + Conduct pre-revaldation checks with operations (Zero Energy, IDC confirmation, LOTO keys are secured, et.) + Accept PTWs, conducts START meeting before the work commences, and identfies any additional hazards and controls in the LMR. + Ensure that al personnel understand the hazards, mitigation, and their roles in the safe execution & completion ofthe actviy. + Ensure that all requirements in the PTW are complied with prior to starting the \work and that they ave maintained throughout the duration of the activity ‘Stop work when conditions change or in the event of an emergency. Display the PTW in a prominent position at the work location. ‘Suspend the PTW at the end of shit and reports the status ofthe activity to the PTW Re-Valiator. ‘Suspend and sign off the PTW when DFT required and resume the job ifthe PTW 's revalidated again. + Revaldate the PTW after an emergency. Assigns and manage approved Foremen for clustered PTW management and Clustering different aiscipline's work scope 1 Ensure the assigned foremen effectively and safely managing the work. Foreman Delegation "The Task Supervisor is allowed to nominate an approved Foreman from the work. party once initial sign-on in the PTW and LMRA has been carried out. The fominated Foreman must have received ihe PTW Training and must be accepted by the NSRP TA Area Management. The nominated Foreman is then responsible 10 be present at the work location to supervise job execution under a particular pormit‘or clustered work diselpline work activity. The maximum workforce allowed Under Foreman ie 12. 6.4.5 Foreman = Responsible for 100% presence at work site and supervision of the work crew. Nee EE Document No:NO- & 1D. 10 Workforce Ratio and Permit to Work “Tis Isto ensure effective supervision of task supervisor's and task foremen wrkload within the limitation of physleal montering and presents at work location, 410.1 Workforce ratio for Low and Medium-Risk PTW + One Task Superisoris permitted to accept § PTW ata time. * Task Supervisor can assign a Foreman at each work location with maximum number of 12 workforce, oo No:wD-a4AIT-TARPO.094 Tile: TA Permit to Work Procedure jS* Noverber2022° Rev. Nox 00, Page 17 of 28 v CONG TY TH LOC HOA DAUNGHI SON ‘The folowing conditions must apply to this rule. +All actives must be geographically located in the proximity of 50 meters in all rection within one process area, Each activity under a PTW must always have a Foreman present zt the location. '+ Work must be stopped when Foreman leaves the work location. 1 Activites can be cari out on different systems (e.g, 2 NRV's ina steam system + INRVS na process system). 10.2. Workforce Ratio for High-Risk PTW + One Task Supervisors permitted to accept 2 PTW at atime witha combination of 1 High-Risk and 1 Low or Medium-Risk activity. ‘+ Task Supervisor shall be present at the High-Risk work location with @ maximum ‘numberof 12 workforce, ‘Task Supervisor must assign a Foreman at Low or Medium-Risk work location with ‘a maximum numberof 12 workforce, “The following conditions must apply to this rule: + All activities must be geographically located in the proximity of 60 meters in all ‘ection within one process area. + Task Supervisor must transfer the responsibilty to another suponisor ofthe same dscipina when helshe leaves the High-Risk activity work location, The outgoing ‘Task Supervisor wil sign-off Inthe PTW (Suspend the work). The Incoming Task Supervisor shall folow the PTW Revalidation process (including START Meeting) before continuing the work activity "Assigned Foreman shall be always present atthe Low / Medium ~Risk location, ‘+ Task Supervisor shall assign another Foreman of the same ditciptine when the current Foreman leaves the work location. + Work must be stopped when Foreman leaves the work location unsupervised. 414. SIMOPS oF Conflicting Activities For conficting actviies during Tumaround phase, the Area Manager shall identity the ‘confitng activites and the work is planned in the TA look-abead plan, and PTW to be Issued inthe specie date an time. + For identified conflicting activites, a jalnt ste check to be conducted by Task Stperisar and Permit Revaliator othe respective scope of work + TA Discialine Lead Supervisor, PTW Revaldator and Task Supervisor to evaluate the status ofthe PTW revaidated at that conficing activity location. Discuss and confirm the co-actvty by TA Area Manager, Panner and PTW Coordinator + The Last-Minute Risk Assessment to be conducted by PTW Revalidator and Task ‘Supervisr forthe conflicting activities atthe work location. + PTW Revaldator and Task Supervisor Is responsible in ensuring the mitigation plan Document No:MO-ALAT-TARPO434 Title: TA Porm to Work Procedure Effective Dates" Novembar2022, Rov. No. OD. Pago 18 of 8 CONG TY TWH L9C HOA DAU NGHI SON ar |sn place forthe safe execution ofthe confitng activites, CCo- signature shal be obtained from the other affected Area Owners when required, 42 Permit to Work Process + PTWpreparations willbe based on the approved work packs inthe Roser System. + AIPTWs forthe TA execution shall be prepared in advanced prior to TA Execution Phaze flowing the agroed milestone plan, = TAPTWe for dlscovery work shal flow the "urgent PTW" process 121 PTW Workflow and actions ‘Qu rw Regantor tom work xeon ten sa 2. Calc PW reat canes rom GMC Hang team for oer Sete 2. Gide centro pe eine Completeness {HCPT conrahtortat ‘rma 1. Up nomatian nthe TAFT ane rate aa 2. Checeampiturese! he FI la Soi re forts 2 ern reed rn PT Reuse covet ‘Sib ingen onendorsemet yA? Ae Cpe ent ‘hendovement — rventen a 1S iS oAs eino eeepc apg Oe ape eo nun iw wrt is rh wars. ee Fear roe 1 ian wsGMCTW Cora arecton soanens fr ene Operation rv Corto e-TA/ TA Boar / PORTAL eee 2 trae cer stags we ahowed 4 limite rr tonthoraed sro lant Operon Seton ‘feted MW 9 GM PTW ornare. ee TA Pormitto Work Procedure Rev, No: OD. age 19 of 28 INGE SON TE NERY AND FERECHEMCALLIC v CONC TY mH L9¢ Hok DAUNGH SON as “Laevew PW page ra 2 enya ted a mig, {Lrg ro anaftnwltan areste (2) 4 Eee ition pos atest oy Etre sen improement ecard eer upitee by PT. Tegutor nthe ares arena set sh. {enna Ptr apple arene a Sea eee Rew prove Pw opener " Enure at core /stpurs alton ete ue owing 2. bee il pprorf tne 1 lage “Chena rn Mae rein ewan ss Handbackapprved it Opens PW Co dtr ‘pean PH aor (eA) conc spree TM orn PT pie pani erie) (REESE wom npr Patios reat, ne a mma) (rome aeenne ) 2. nye einen pcs ead net the il as tases pln aid oot oan yaa vrata er eter pn nay meer A See ee saan (RA) "crc a ton rts be acordeaoy A Doumeatagecnranrasy fasta hte Won rexaue pamemnamtnanrnas Rach a (CONG TY TNHH LOC HOA DAUNGHI SON : 1 "canara ate che together wth PW eat eadand understand he 1 conn arsed AS, 4 ‘enya poten hs conta manne ‘afm he lton neering eemertton Operatnsaopy ersona dock ant LTO bo, where ene ‘townie codon nd ign one rset, Ses sre hoon caer ‘Sigur an eqred 4a pra elation lan ‘pate hanover ‘Gincou stat nating th eestor ad freak {Ere hound carton bebe PW le Ee ra pas Toa very hob compen an hoses at 2 conte Destin reeset fom) 2 hep ote trot PW coo 2th Pate Oe, Sl cine the [i 42.2 Permit Re-Validation Process ‘= PTWrevalidation shall be coquired before start of each work shit and fllowing noemal operations PTW Procedure, MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-003: Permit to Work Procedure + PTWRe-vaidation for Radiography Works. ‘+ For radiography works during break ime, PTW shall be revadated a least ‘hour to give way to sie preparation works. Upon competion of the RT Shooting. the PTW shall be slgned-of a8 suspended to clve way for the resumption of other activites. “+ For radlography works during working time, prior to revaldatng the RT PTW, ‘al other actuties within the exclusion zane shal be put on hold to give way fo the RT shooting, The affected activites that were put on hald can resume fer completion of RT actives. (PTW Revalldator Shall keep Ure PTW of “on-hold" acviios during RT shooting) 423 PTW Lifetime '+ The PTW ifm for al type of work extends up to the completion of the work (apalies to all Operation Sections during TA Execution) + The Safety Certificate validity coincides withthe PTW valy Document No:MDOLT-TAR-POGD4 ‘Tile: TA Permit to Work Procodue fective Date18" November 2022, Rev. No. 00 age 24 of 26 CONG TY TNHH LOC HOA DAU NGHI SON NOMS ENE AND PETROCHEMICAL UC ar ‘+ PTW revalidation extension sheet shal be utlzed after the revalidation column in the main PTW form Is exhausted ‘+ The PTW Revaldator and Task Supervisor shall ensure that al safety controls are ailn place & thatthe actvty ean be continued safely. 124 Gas Testing Gas testing Is required for: + Work invohing naked flame e.c., welding, grinding. heat stink blowers or lect eile n hazardous areas Work involving spark potential Le., dry git blasting, opening lve electrical Junetion boxes ln hazardous areas. Confined space enty. * Where identified as @ special precaution inthe JSA, Note: 1 Gas testing Is not required for cold wotk, unless specified In the PTW andlor Safety Cerificate, The PTW Issuer specifies: When Gas is test required 1 The Gases to be measured. (Use Additional Requirementsifermation Section ofthe PTW) The Frequency of testing. (Use Addtlonal Requirements/iformation Section of the PTW) When continuous gas monitoring is required at the worksite Note: Only Authorized Gas Testers (AGTs) may conduct gas tests = Gas test result to be recorded inthe Gas Test Result Sheot & atached to PTW, 425 Work Suspension + To follow procedure. MID-04-HSE-HS-PD-003: Perit to Work Procedure 126 PermitClosure "To follow procedure, MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-003: Perit to Werk Procedure 43. Other PTW Conditions: 434. Permit Amendment + Ifthe approved PTW is not rewaldated on the scheduled star dato, the PTW Revalidator can amend the new start date and time with tsi her counter signature + The only amendment allowed in the PTW template is the changes on the start date. The PTW Revalidator ean amend by his! her counter signature. ss “Tio: TA Permit to Work Procedure Rov. No. 00. Page 220128 ‘CONG TV TNHH LOC HOA DAUNGHI SON = ‘Any changes in the SWMS and JSA can be added using the Pro-forma ‘amendment sheet which shall be prepared by PTW Rewuestor without ‘modivng the approved SWMIS and JSA. ISA can also be updated using LMRA before PTW revalidation When there is an unexpected/unavoidable change inthe actly or method, the [PTW must be suspended fist, make amendments then infiate the PTW review ‘approval process. (Same as new PTW application). 1 The PTW Review Process is when changes & corectons can be made. No change Is allowed afer PTWis approved. + Unauthorized PTW amendment automatically inva fates the PTW. 18.2 New discovery work or urgent work Fer any new activity not identified in the TA lookahead PTW, below are ist of actions to be taken 1 PTW Requestor to inte the PTW package preparation. + PTWtobe endorsed by Turnaround team PTW Requestor to personally meet the PTW Issuer and Approve for PTW ‘approv "+ The Operation PTW Coordinator can add the actly in TA lookahead plan ‘agreed by TA Area Management 412.3 Transfer of Responsibility, ‘+ Transfer of Responsibility To follow normal operations PTW Procedure, MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-003: Permit to Work Procedure 4134 Lost PTW/ Damaged PTW In case missing or damaged PTW documentation happensd during TA execution, a replacement PTW shall be applied by execution party as an ‘urgent permit the PTW Requestor shall submit the PTW for approval 43.5 Archive Permit “The archiving period of closed hard copy of the PTW stored fer 90 days and soft copy inthe Roser system shall be stored until the next turnaround. 14 PTW Audits HSSES, Operation Maintenance and Tumaround shall have schedale and plan for ‘conducting daily PTW aude for ensuring the effectiveness of the PTW system in teach Area and make recommendations fo improvement fan. PTW audit evaluation are estegorized into three groups based on th level of PTW ‘compliance as described in the Normal Operations PTW Procedure, 48. PTW Deviations Below information ae PTW deviations as agread by Operatons, TA and HSSE. Neen ee EEE Document No:MO-OLUT-AR-PD34 Tie: TA Permit to Work Procedure ttctive Date18" November 2022 Rev. No. 00, Page 23 of 28 ¢ CONG TY INHH LOC HOA DAU NCH SON = Ne] DeserntonT nya Deviation astra | tenis | Sometionene 7] cero] Sige Vatve Sra witoa | Opwato |. Ra 1 Cad Work ate reauemen | to re | Secon | tr opto a tor cal ectina [tune | pete ne ‘Works ‘TAGs to be paostied te al) 4 (hydrocarbon the BL shall require fn ‘pote an ot (ova lel ores ered ne ‘elon oe corto 2. Ponte | Saaton post The Note: Va shut, and tap ae | ee a ‘are not required to be mae oe eae a Cae eee wae: ia cay leon ewe teaser | ae a avo ahh” tngghgce ae ce todo me dees eae mare eae = hon ae an renal TA Sige on a let tad of pa lake, Stuer cnte oper TRGRING wb van arto up Pa intr elon oh reauroment that be ly come oe must include the valve 2 Cal Vink oy ‘number out of total valves ‘on Live System (PA; (le: 1/10 ; 2/10; ---10/10) LPN; LPS) single fod and TAGENG — pit for PSV remo! ob ‘tout ton lene aime be common BCL Uy elton x he means of ester The coset I port thal be cone at mmealer teas Wert, “Tagpng” 8 Seo tory chet cn be ave Povo 2 | totaiontor| Seige Vane Sha wr Opewto |. Ful] Shale va fat Wort | LOO cee | cortaminator | laton and LOTO Ta se te teanay | 220% |S im | boson Maamorarunemant Tia TA fame Work Proce Perenasaameeanmnenas an Pee hott CONG TY TNHH LOC HOA DAUNGHI SON str Flame) | shall be conducted in| 1-4 | (hydrocarbon | 2. Venting location ‘accordance with | PTW free) shall be minimum 15, requirements (JSA) meters away from 2. Positive | Hot Work locations. Isolation at BL for norutity | Note: = HW that would result 3, Poste | to yarotet activity — isolation for |- Posiive isolaion preservation | shall be required, systems are ir | and standard binds place. shall be sed. Isolation for | Apply closest valve ieolation | Operatio | Only apply for | Confim zero eneray Hot Work | and LOTO Is requied A roroxio gas | and demonstrated to Waked ‘Sections | and non: | Task Suparisor by flame) for 586 | flammable Operations by usiity 1 services. opening nearest Non- drain vale and hazardous pening vets. service (Steam, Water, Plant Air, 1, N2}. Witness for | Ste inspection of PTW] All For Operation | 1. Winess for Hot Work | Approver prior to Hot Work | Operatio | Sections 1-4: | commencement for (Naked | shall not be required for Hot | n Apply tem #2. | HW PTW shall be flame work) | Work Naked Flame Sections verifed by LFO For Operation | (aq Fa Sections 586; | Operator Issuer or femal Higher. Operations Isolation 2, Full time witness requirement for | (Field Operator) hazardous | shall not be required services ane | from Operators. fontacriowe | 2) Aue ae ‘walkerounds shall be caried out by OPT / TAI HSE to check compiances of Hot Werk actives. Document No:Moa4arr-TARPOas6 Effective Datet5 November 2022, “Te: TA Permit to Work Procedure Rev. No: 00. Page 25 of 28 ‘CONG TY TNHH LOC HOA DAU NGH! SON “4. Comply with SCS requirements, First Line | Fist Line Break Checkist | Al Breaking | shall not be required Checklist | Section 1-4 for | Operatio Sections For Operations Sections 1-4: ‘Fu decontamination of unt (rydrocartoon free) 2 Positive isolation at BL for non-ulty streams 3. Positive Isolation fo preservation systems are in piace. 4.Normal Zero. energy check ‘hall be conducted ‘and demonstrated to “Task Supervisor one by one. First Line Broak shall be replaced by the Standard Control Sheet (SCS) for first line break requirements In Section 588 Operation Isolation requirement applies. Teolation | One PTW with multiple | All “Turnaround | Isolations for IR Test ‘and De- | isolation cerficates at | Operato | Window oF Cold Werk in one isolation on | different locations which has | n process area shall oc the same work method | Sections | (Feed-out 0 | sow multiple ‘statement and JSA such as erat isolation cartificates: IR test, Cold Work Is IR Test and | to be canted out in ‘and desolation can conducted one by ‘and do not require to ch (corticate by certificate or isolated location by isolated location). It means that do ot require to do isolate all points before revalidation be fone PTW in which Isolation and de isolation canbe caried out one by Operations can isolate multiple Points at the same Document No:Mpa4arT-AR P0036 Bective Date:t8" November 2022, “Tide: TA Permit to Work Procedue Rev. No: 00 age 26 of 28 v CONG TY WHHLLOC HOA DAUNGHISON PTW by contractor before time, normal practice devisolation can be applied. Using PSV | PSVs can bo used for Cold | Operatio | 1 Ful | Pre-conditons shall without | Work isolations if isolation | n decontamination | be folowed. Isolation | valves arenot avaiable. | Sections | of unt valve 14 | (hydrocarbon (oithout fr00) deviation foal 2 Postve Isolation at BL for nomutity steams excont flare header. 3. Positive Isolaton for preservation systems. are in place. Teolation for | Apply double valve if there | Operatio | Zero energy | 1.Standard Control Cold Work | is no bleed, ® confirmation a | Sheots (SCS) to for Hot, Sections | nearest arain | be applied titty tke | APPIY single valve isolation | 5.5 | valve and vent Condensate | there is only single block fae 2.Do not stand inthe eBRW and | valve. line of fre when breaking containment. 3.Use face shld when breaking containment. ‘Authorized | PTW Revalidator / Verifier /| All Tumaround | List of approved Isolator! | Ieolator shall be a | Operato | Window PTW Revalidators; Verifier | competent Operation | n Isolation Verifies PTW personnel endorsed by | Sections | (Feed-out 0 | ang Authorized Revalldator | Section Managers and Product ou) | jgolators shall be ‘minimum | approved by Operation DM. approved by ‘experience. ‘Operations Division Manager. FFT stand | Standby Rescuers not | All TTumaround | Contractor byforcse | required in CSE actviies | Operatio | Execution Emergency Rescue n Team to be es Document No.uD-ouMT-TAR-PD-O TA Permit o Work rocedtre Effective Dates¥8" Novembor2022° Rev. No. 00 ye 27 of 28 ¢ (CONG TY TNHH LOC HOA DAU NGHI SON Sections | Window strategically located in the field uring ” 11, [Hot work | Hot work certificate not | Operatio | Tumaround | PTW revalidation PTW for | required for vehicle entry | n Execution prior to vehicle entry vehicle | into process area Sections | Window Into the process ‘entry Into 14 rea {he process | NO_gas test required on area. Pw 46. Forms: Wo Code Name MO-OHSEHS-PO-00G ADOT MO-O&HSE-HS-PO-005-ADOZ WOOF SEHE-PODIDIAKOOT Turnaround PTW Pro Forma Amendment Shest HOOF HSEHS-POD03-A008 “Turnaround Revalidation Extension Form Document No:stQ-a4-NT-TAR-PDa34 Effective Dates9® November2022° Rev. No. 00. “Tl: TA Permit to Work Procedure Page 28 of 28

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