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Political Sciience Lecturer
89 is a scheme
hpMCOs Persona Limited Vote Plan which entitles each
The nunority
Repeseptatn fo Dropertied classes
33 representation
total for

ttyo Ahch om a mnonty

of th voter to cast
(a) 0nly one vote
votes as there
are canddates
(b) As rnany

nadutlion Franchise
ote grante N mefhod of to be elerted
iepocouafucY S
rtal an th Seats to be filled
(e) One vote less
>vote favour of any single
td) Cast all hs votes in
defertiv in s0 far
The Lirmited Vote Plan is

vte otegrante to alH

es representatron to each group

as it
ta) ProvIdes representation
minorities alone
to Snall

noton to ts voting (b) Provides representation the

nain det 1e uDounent schemes of prOportiona

eesplaon are
majorties alne
ProvIdes representation
m1norities only *

eonslatciotnos a
cheme and Lst Systen * to the
(d) Provides no representation
versa Adult Franchise and Direct
tiectns Schemes for
35 The three Important
Resevation of Seats and Direct
representation of minorities are
Electon Cumulative /ote
(a) Lumited vote plan
c Direct Election and Communal
Plan and Reservation of Seats *
the Unger the Hare Scheme every voter enjoys
(b) Proportional Represertation, Territorial

hoe a One effective role*

As many votes as there are seats to be

(C) Universal Adult Franchise. Secret Ballot


:One vote less than the number of seats and Functional Representation
to be filied up (d) None
C Only two votes 36 Under the List System there are
Unger the List System each voter enjoys (a) Single-member constituencies
Electoral Process & Theories of (b) TwO member constituencies
Representation 89 (c) Multi-member constituencies *
la Gnly one vole (d) None
t As many votes as there are seatS to be
37. One of the strong
filed up* advocates of Functional
) One vote less than total number of Representation was
Seats to be filled up (a) Rousseau (b) Mirabeau *
o, Two votes (C) Marx
38 (d) Engels
One of the chief merits of functional
Under the List System each voter
a Votes for the list as a whole representation is
D Can pick up (a) It encourages people to
candidates from variOUs of their class think in terms
(t Can (b) It
Indicate preference for candidates ensures equitabie
In the list for wnich he votes the varIous professions representation to
(dj Can prepare his own list from (C) It
the canddates amnongst promotes national unity
(d) It
Under the List System the secures representation to various
contesting list of the interests and makes the
candidates body * parliament
is truly representative a
(a) Each
political party * prepared by
(b) The voters
Second Ballot system, another
(cl The minority representation, implies method for
(d) Mutual consentCommi ssionerpolitical
of the
(a) Each voter has
(b) Voting is held votes
conlesting elections parties as many times as
necessary untii a candidate is
with an absolute elected
(C) Votung is majority of votes
held at tre most for

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