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Politicai Science Lecturer

MBDMCOs Pereona
ia () State
Whh one of the folowing etatements (b) Oovernment
net cor(ect?
(o) Adventurist businessmen
The ighte cen exiel outeide the etate
(d) Co-oparative endesvour#
(b) very ight has a oorreap0nding duty
(0) The nghia are defnile The idea of private property emerged
(6) The phta have a tendency to grOW (a) After the industrial revaiution
Whch one of the follewing eharacteriatic# (b) After people slarted leading seied
of righte has been wrongly listed? life &
Rghis are oreatled by the stale & (o) After the creation of tha stale
b) Rights Are oondiliona of good life (d) After the giorious revgiutgn
() Rights are ininalely relaled with duties 63 The idea gf trusteeship af private property
d) The rghte are not slatic and grow with omerged w;lt
ime (A) People laking to agricultyre
The ldeaiiatio Theary of Rights is alsO (b) Riae of landed glass
(a) Metaphysical Theory
(o) Bpread of Christanity
(b) Personality Theory (d) Estalishent cOnstitutignsl
(c) 8cientifia Theory monarehy
(0) Bocial Contract Theory Which one of the foilewing statemants is
Whieh one of the followings was A
preminent exponent of the 'eocial welere (a) Right to property I8 a nalural figh!
Iheory of ights? (b) Right to preperty neede the backiAg g
(a) Aristotie BOeiety
(b) Plato (e) Right te preperty AeedS ne sanetien af
(e) Marx (d) Bentham #
Which ene of the following cOUntries was seelety
Ihe first to (d) Right te privale preperty is absalule
incorporale a 'Blil of Rights' in lts G6 Landed pYoperty was
censituion? symbel ef seeial
(a) Great Britain slalus during:
(e) USA
(b) Franee (a) Aneient times
(d) UG8R
Which of the (b) Medieval times *
of the Right le failowing
is the lrue meaning
Resiet the slale? (e) Medem tirnes
(a) means the legal ight t9 (d) All lhe abeve times
and disobey the lawWs of the slale 66. Whe said "A man readily
(b) I means a legal right le
governmeAt Gppose the Murder ef his father
his preperty than the fergives the
eOnfisealien ef
(e) I means a maral (a) Hebbes
is guity of against (b) Marx
government which
patent injstice # grave and (e) Machiavelli* (d) Aristatie
67. Which ne of
(d) None he fallewing
9 The mast effeclive defended
its utility? right te thiakers
property en the greund
Infingement of rights is guarantee against
the (a) Bentham *
(a) Gonstitutien (b) Kant
(e) Judieiary # (b) Legislature (e) Marx
60 The eencept ef (d) Publie Opinien Laski epposed (d) Laski
(a) Has been propertyte
the eariest times * the peeple singe
property n the inherilanee
of prIMate
(a) It leads to
(b) Came inte
A exislenge in the 5th (b) eeonomy slagnatien ef
(s) Came inte century Itencerages the
children ta lead ife af
existeRee iuxury witheut werkIng$
Industrial revelutien in the wake ef
(a) Came (6) Olves Fise te
tensian anana variays
inte elaimants
large scale preduetian in the wake ef (d) On al the
preperty is the abeve grounds
Whieh ane gf the
srealien af with Laski's views fallewing
is Agt IA

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