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Aspects to evaluate. 2% 1% 0.


Pronunciation. The student makes minimal The student makes some The student makes several
2% mistakes and it is easy to mistakes and is confused to mistakes and the message is
understand his/her message. understand his/her message. not understandable.
Fluency. The student is able to transmit The student shows difficulty in The student is not competent
2% the message. transmitting a message. to transmit a message.

Usage/ word choice. The student uses the The student uses vocabulary The student shows a lack of
2% vocabulary appropriately. moderately and expresses vocabulary.
himself/herself simply.

Ideas/meaning. The student connects his/her The student connects few The student does not relate
2% ideas using correct vocabulary ideas with vocabulary and his/her ideas to vocabulary
and grammar. grammar. and grammar.

Nonverbal language. The student uses his body and The student shows difficulty The student shows no
2% kinesics to make sense of making sense of his/her connection with his/her
his/her message. household using his or her message and his body.

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