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Name : NurAin

NIM : A1M2 19 103

Class : A


The statement "some people believe pupils should be banned from using mobile

phones at school. Others take a conflicting view and argue that children should be

allowed to use mobile phones to support their learning" presents a contrasting

perspective, with proponents and opponents of mobile phone usage in schools.

According to the author point of view, those who favor prohibiting student usage of

mobile phones make the case that such devices may seriously interfere with attention

and operate as major sources of distraction. Additionally, they raise worries about

potentially harmful phone usage-related behaviors including online bullying and the

spread of improper information. Supporters of the ban contend that by banning

phones from the classroom, kids would be better able to concentrate on their studies

and improve their social skills. However, other opinions exist that contend kids

should be permitted to use mobile devices to aid in their education, according to the
author’s point of view. They contend that mobile devices may be helpful learning

aids. Students may use phones to connect with classmates and instructors, acquire

pertinent information, and use educational programs. Additionally, using a phone

may improve digital literacy and prepare pupils for a technologically linked society.

Supporters of this position contend that banning cell phone usage in classrooms

would limit the variety of teaching strategies and impede technological innovation.

Finding a reasonable middle ground is essential in dealing with this situation. The

advantages of technology, including the use of mobile phones in classrooms, should

be acknowledged in modern education while also taking potential hazards and

obstacles into account.

Therefore, regulations that permit the controlled and advantageous use of

phones in the context of learning while regulating and overseeing their proper use

should be put into place. Teachers should make sure that students use their phones

sensibly and that they don't interfere with learning or positive social relationships.

Phone use may effectively assist learning and help students become ready for an

increasingly linked future in technology with the appropriate strategy.

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