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T H U R S DAY, J U LY 6 , 2 0 2 3 t h e e d g e m a l ay s i a . c o m
ISSUE 598/2023

CEOMorningBrief HOME: EPF explores basic income drawdown option p4

Scientex inks new deal to buy Johor land from S P Setia, now for RM548 mil p5
Proton posts best sales since 2012 in first half of 2023 p6
WORLD: Singapore’s central bank posts net loss of US$30.8 bil for
FY22/FY23 amid depressed market environment p21
Singapore to change tax rules to attract the super rich p22


Report on Page 2.

Ringgit’s depreciation
exposes a structural
issue beyond BNM’s
control, say economists
Report on Page 3.


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EC: State polls fixed on Aug 12

PUTRAJAYA (July 5):The upcoming elec- BY IZZUL IKRAM All six state assemblies were recently dis-
tions for six states, namely Penang, Negeri solved to make way for the state polls, leav-
Sembilan, Selangor, Kelantan,Terengganu ing a total of 245 state assembly seats up for
and Kedah, will be held on Aug 12. been open since June 15 and will close on grabs — 56 seats in Selangor, 45 in Kelantan,
This was announced by Election Com- July 8 for Malaysians residing overseas, July 40 in Penang, 36 in both Kedah and Negeri
mission (EC) chairman Tan Sri Abdul 11 for agencies and organisations, and July Sembilan, and 32 in Terengganu.
Ghani Salleh in a press conference on 26 for media, military, police and election According to Abdul Ghani, a total of 9.77
Wednesday (July 5) after he chaired the personnel. million individuals are eligible to vote in the
commission’s special meeting pertaining The upcoming state polls involve the as- upcoming state elections, with 153,760 elec-
to the key state election dates. semblies of Penang, Negeri Sembilan and tion officials appointed to facilitate.
Abdul Ghani said nomination day is to Selangor, previously led by Pakatan Harapan He said the state elections are estimated
fall on July 29, leaving candidates three — which are now in a bloc with former po- to cost RM420 million.
weeks to campaign. Writ issuance is to be litical juggernaut Barisan Nasional (BN) as This will be the first state elections
done on Wednesday. the unity government — as well as Kelantan, for PH and BN as the unity government
He said early voting is to be held on Aug Terengganu and Kedah, long-time strong- as well as the emergence of PN’s “green
8, while postal voting applications have holds of Perikatan Nasional’s PAS. wave” in GE15.

Run-up to the 2023 state polls

Less than six weeks to polling day

Aug 12 (Saturday)
Early voting: Aug 8 (Tuesday)
Nomination: July 29 (Saturday) Over half of eligible
6 states, 245 seats, 9.77 mil voters voters are under 40
Total voters (’000) Age category
GE14 results PH PAS BN

Selangor - 56 seats Kedah - 36 seats


51 14 18 15 3

Simple majority: 29 Simple majority: 19 1,000


3.75 mil voters 1.59 mil voters


Nov 2022: 3.68 mil Nov 2022: 1.57 mil

21 0
30 9
40 9
50 9
60 9
70 9
80 9
ab 89



Negeri Sembilan - 36 seats Kelantan - 45 seats


*As at July 5, 2023

Source: Election Commission of Malaysia

20 16 37 8
Simple majority: 19 Simple majority: 23 MALE
864,425 voters 1.41 mil voters Total voter (mil) %
Nov 2022: 850,865 Nov 2022: 1.4 mil
4.84 49.50
Penang - 40 seats Terengganu - 32 seats
Total voter (mil) %
Simple majority: 21
12 22
Simple majority: 17
10 4.94 50.50
1.23 mil voters 930,894 voters
Nov 2022: 1.23 mil Nov 2022: 922,856


KUALA LUMPUR (July 5): The deprecia- ferred destination [for investors],” he said.
tion of the ringgit over the past two decades Ringgit’s Noor Azlan also referred to the Interna-
has revealed an underlying structural issue tional Institute for Management Develop-
with the nation’s currency valuation that depreciation ment World Competitiveness report which
is more than what Bank Negara Malaysia saw Malaysia’s ranking at 27th place in the
(BNM) can manage, economists say. exposes a 2023 report, stating that the nation was far
“We are putting too much [emphasis] from being top 15 back in 2010 to 2016.
on BNM. If it is a structural matter, the an- structural issue “My concern is whether this movement
swer is in Putrajaya and not in BNM,” said in the exchange rate is a reflection of the
University Kebangsaan Malaysia economics beyond BNM’s interest rate differential per se or is it telling
professor Tan Sri Dr Noor Azlan Ghazali at us more than that,” he said during the panel
the UOB Asset Management Mid-Year 2023 control, say discussion titled “Malaysia at Crossroads”
Outlook Forum on Wednesday (July 5). with UOB senior economist Julia Goh.
Noor Azlan broke down the ringgit de- economists “BNM has a role to play, they have a
preciation path into two phases since Ma- mandate [but] there is a limit as well. If
laysia stopped pegging the local currency we look at the international reserve, are
to the US dollar at 3.8000 in 2005, saying BY HAILEY CHUNG we crossing below US$100 billion soon?
that the USD-MYR pair has been hovering Things are not looking good, [the empha-
within the first band of around 3.8000 up sis is] less on BNM, more on Putrajaya,”
to 2015, before it moved to the next band, we going to the third band? We have to be said Noor Azlan.
fluctuating between 3.8000 and 4.6000. careful, everyone is talking about the federal UOB’s Goh, meanwhile, added that while
“When you see the shift in the band, that reserve, but no one is talking about whether “BNM’s hands are tied” in mitigating the ring-
is likely more [of a] structural problem, are Malaysia is still there in terms of being a pre- git’s depreciation, the central bank has provid-
ed corporations, businesses and individuals
SAM FONG/ the avenue to hedge if volatility continues.
THE EDGE Based on UOB’s house view, she said the
US dollar strength may start to abate in the
next six months, “and if China’s economy re-
covers, we could see renminbi improve, that is
positive in terms of the spillover to the ringgit”.

Read also:

Despite volatile ringgit, Malaysian

economy remains firm, with access
to credit widely available

University Kebangsaan Malaysia economics UOB senior economist BNM can afford to be more gradual
professor Tan Sri Dr Noor Azlan Ghazali Julia Goh in raising OPR — economists

KUALA LUMPUR (July 5):The US econ- mo said interest rate will then depend on
omy is not anywhere close to recession in No recession the inflation rate.
the next six- to 12 months, with the coun- He believes that the Fed would put a
try’s labour market remaining strong and expected in the pause on interest rate hikes if the inflation
with renewed demand for houses, says rate falls to 3%, cut interest rates if the in-
UOB Asset Management (UOBAM). US over the flation rate falls below 2%, and continue
Dharmo Soejanto, chief investment to raise interest rates if the inflation rate
strategist of UOBAM Invest in Singapore, next 12 months, does not drop.
said that there were 10 million job openings The consumer price inflation in the US
even after the US Federal Reserve (Fed) says UOB Asset declined to 4% in May 2023, the lowest
raised interest rates by 500 basis points since March 2021.
since March 2022. Management “If what I believe [no recession] is true
“It is very difficult for us to envisage a re- and the fact that core inflation remains
cession coming from such a situation when sticky, then the situation would be that
the labour market is still tight; people can BY HAILEY CHUNG the Fed [might] hike rates more aggres-
still demand higher wages,” Dharmo said sively in 2H2023, than what the market is
at the UOBAM Mid-Year 2023 Outlook expecting. That would have implications.
Forum on Wednesday (July 5). activity would be fairly strong in the sec- “In my mind, a 6% Fed funds rate is not
He added that there is a re-acceleration ond half of 2023 (2H2023), which is an- impossible,” said Dharmo, adding that the
of new home sales, as people expect the other engine of growth that would prevent bond market would sell off and equity mar-
interest rates in the US to have stabilised. recession,” Dharmo said. kets would be volatile under the scenario.
“Basically, that suggests construction In light of a no recession scenario, Dhar- CO N TI N UES O N PAGE 4


a social protection standpoint, as the sav-

EPF explores
ings will not last long.
“We have ways to encourage members
basic income to take out their savings periodically. This
means they do not have to take it all at
drawdown option once, maybe each month, enough for their
livelihood while the remaining savings can
be compounded.”
BY SUFI MUHAMAD “That is basic income draw down.” He noted that the compounded savings
could also continue to earn dividends.
KUALA LUMPUR (July 5): The Em- “Schemes such as this will enable our
ployees Provident Fund (EPF) is explor- members to received better returns in the
ing more options to enhance the national future and they may live a better life.”
pensions and retirement landscape, includ- EPF chief executive officer However, Amir noted that the basic in-
ing a basic income drawdown. Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan come draw down needed further study and
“This includes a basic income drawdown will be further discussed with the government.
option to strengthen our decumulation offer- International Social Wellbeing Conference “For now, we focus on encouraging
ings to provide members with an additional 2023 on Wednesday (July 5). members to use existing schemes.”
source of retirement income,” said EPF chief Amir said the EPF’s current disbursal Amir noted that the pension fund is
executive officer Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah of its member’s savings in a lump sum at focused on extending its social protection
Azizan during his opening speech at the 55-years old may not be a wise step from coverage, as well as enhancing members’
retirement savings adequacy.
According to him, the EPF is also look-
No changes in asset allocation strategies amid ing into Pillar 1 of the International Labour
Organisation’s Multi-Layer Framework,
ringgit depreciation, says EPF CEO through the introduction of a contributory
national pension.
BY SUFI MUH AMAD is market volatility and downwards trends, Amir also said that a more inclusive there is still opportunity for us to make form of social protection is needed, as only
money — as long as we pick the right stocks 9.1% of intended beneficiaries are covered
KUALA LUMPUR (July 5): The Em- and we can trade it”. in Malaysia, versus an average of 55.1%
ployee Provident Fund (EPF) said it will “The key for EPF is that it must be flex- for Asia and 12.8% for the world.
remain guided by its Strategic Asset Allo- ible; it must be nimble, so we can manage.” “Old-age dependency is also showing an
cation (SAA) framework, amid the recent When asked about plans to sell assets, increase from every 10 working age adults
depreciation of the ringgit. Amir said such divestments are part and needed to support one older person in 2020,
EPF chief executive officer Datuk Seri parcel of normal business conditions and to three working age adults in 2050.”
Amir Hamzah Azizan said that the weak- would depend on the market price at the He noted that the benchmark used to de-
ening of the local currency would not given time. termine basic savings achievement by age is
dramatically shift its investments, as they “You must remember that EPF is a RM240,000, which served as the minimum
are made for the long-term, based on the long-term investment, so we looked at it target upon reaching the age of 55.
fund’s trading ranges and capabilities. from that — we are guided by our strategic “This translates to RM1,000 per
“For now, about 64% of total assets asset allocation,” he said. month, over a 20-year retirement period.”
are invested locally, so that base is always According to EPF’s annual report of “As of May 2023, only 30% of our ac-
[denominated] in ringgit,” he said at the 2021, the SAA is a framework with a goal tive formal members meet basic savings by
International Social Wellbeing Conference to create a diverse asset mix that can pro- age, while only 18% of our total members
2023 on Wednesday (July 5). vide an optimal balance between expected meet the same threshold.”
He noted that foreign currency ex- risk and return, which has contributed to “To compound matters is the blend of
change only comes into play for its real- the fund’s positive investment performance. other multiple factors, such as a low wage
ised global investments. This is to ensure that the fund remains structure, misalignment between full with-
In terms of market outlook for the sec- resilient to unprecedented shocks to the drawal age and retirement age, inconsist-
ond half of 2023, Amir said: “Even if there financial ecosystem. ent contributions and under-employment,
as well as a low rate of financial literacy.”

FROM PAGE 3 “Bond yields are as high as I have seen in “China is cheap relative to a lot of places
In terms of overall market view, UOBAM a decade. If you buy bonds, you can get 5% from a valuation point of view, in terms of its
Singapore head of multi asset strategy Antho- to 7% type returns over the next year; that economy still growing and monetary policy
ny Joseph Raza said both fixed income and looks pretty safe, with the fact that there is a relaxing. Unfortunately, the whole tension
equities can perform in 2H2023. global slowdown,” he said. between the US and China is dragging part
“Within equities, we believe momentum Dharmo, meanwhile, acknowledged that of that performance,” he said.
in the next few months would be good. Re- China’s valuation is relatively cheap, but there “If that doesn’t resolve, we have a struc-
gion wise, we still like Asia but we have put are still uncertainties that lie in the outlook tural discount on China. Ultimately, it would
a pause on China. For North Asian markets of the world’s second largest economy, amid be too cheap to ignore but for the next six
likeTaiwan, we are still overweight,” Raza said. continued tension with the US. months, it’s probably still uncertain.”


KUALA LUMPUR (July 5): Scientex Bhd to create a vibrant township in Tebrau district
is buying 960 acres of prime freehold land in and contribute to Johor’s development,” said
Tebrau, Johor Bahru from S P Setia Bhd for Scientex chief executive officer Lim Peng Jin.
RM547.65 million, after previously attempting
to buy the same plots of land but having to abort S P Setia to realise an estimated gain
the deal due to a condition not being fulfilled. of about RM438 mil
In 2021, the group’s wholly owned sub- Separately, S P Setia said, the sale consid-
sidiary Scientex Quatari Sdn Bhd proposed eration of RM547.65 million, calculated at
to buy the land for RM518.1 million, but the the rate of RM13.10 psf on gross land area,
purchase was terminated in March 2023 after was arrived at between the parties on a “will-
it failed to obtain a waiver of the bumiputera ing-buyer willing-seller” basis.
equity condition imposed by the Economic Upon completion of the land disposal,
Planning Unit (EPU). the property developer will receive an esti-
In a statement on Wednesday (July 5), Sci- mated gain of approximately RM438.3 mil-
entex said the acquisition is subject to approval lion while its net assets will increase by about
by the Estate Land Board and the EPU of the RM320.3 million and cash balance will rise
Prime Minister’s Department and if required, From left: Scientex chief operating officer — by RM441.4 million, its filing showed.
property Datuk Alex Khaw Giet Thye, Scientex
the approval of Scientex’s shareholders. MD/CEO Lim Peng Jin, S P Setia CEO Datuk The proceeds from the exercise are expect-
Scientex intends to launch a new mixed Choong Kai Wai, and S P Setia chief operating ed to be used for investment into strategic
township development project on the land, officer Datuk Zaini Yusoff project developments and repayment of bank
where an estimated 12,000 affordable homes borrowings, S P Setia said.

Scientex inks
would be built. The project’s gross develop- “The proposed disposal will improve the
ment value is yet to be determined. group’s gearing level and allow acceleration of

new deal to buy

Its indirectly owned Scientex Lestari Sdn project development and growth of S P Setia’s
Bhd on Wednesday inked a conditional sale remaining townships in Johor,” it said, adding

Johor land from

and purchase agreement with Pelangi Sdn that the exercise is in line with the group’s di-
Bhd, a wholly owned unit of S P Setia. rection to optimise and rebalance its land bank

S P Setia, now for

Scientex Lestari is a joint venture between while maintaining an efficient capital structure.
Scientex Quatari, which holds a 70% stake, Less than a month ago, S P Setia signed

RM548 mil
and Datuk Azman Mahmud, who holds the three inter-conditional sale and purchase
remaining 30% stake. agreements with Mah Sing Group Bhd for the
According to Scientex, the proposed ac- disposal of about 500 acres of land in the Be-
quisition will be financed by internally gener- ranang district in Ulu Langat for RM392.04
ated funds and bank borrowings, with com- BY SYAFIQAH SALIM million. S P Setia will receive an estimated
pletion targeted for the first half of 2024. At RM31 million gain on completion of the dis-
end-April, the group had RM621.4 million posal in the second quarter of 2024.
in short-term borrowings and RM250 mil- bilan, Selangor, Perak, Penang and Kedah At Wednesday’s closing bell, Scientex’s
lion in long-term borrowings. — would expand from approximately 6,700 share price was up five sen or 1.46% at
The land is accessible from major high- acres to around 7,660 acres. RM3.47, giving it a market capitalisation of
ways such as the Senai Desaru Expressway, “The anticipated new mixed township devel- RM5.38 billion. S P Setia increased half a sen
and falls under the jurisdiction of the Johor opment in Tebrau district aligns with our vision or 0.89% at 56.5 sen, valuing it at RM2.28
Bahru City Council. of constructing 50,000 affordable homes across billion.
Scientex said the land acquisition will sig- Peninsular Malaysia by 2028. As of June 30,
nificantly expand its property development 2023, we have reached the milestone of deliv-
footprint in Johor. Meanwhile, its total land ering 29,000 homes which reflects our steady Read also: S P Setia launches Setia i-Home
bank — across Johor, Melaka, Negeri Sem- progress. This strategic expansion enables us sustainable features for future homes

Farm Fresh
KUALA LUMPUR (July 5): Farm Fresh Notably, Australia’s Bega Group
Bhd (FFB) clarified that it willingly re- warned earlier this week that it could be

clarifies its UMA

leased information regarding the recent facing a non-cash impairment of between
current market price fluctuation and vol- A$180 million-A$280 million (RM559.5

explanation is
ume of its shares to the public, and not in million-RM870.3 million) due to a de-
response to any unusual market activity cline in milk production volumes and ris-

voluntary, not
(UMA) query from Bursa Malaysia. ing dairy ingredient prices.
“... the announcement made by the In a filing with Bursa Malaysia on Tues-

due to query
company yesterday (July 4) was volun- day (July 4), Farm Fresh clarified that its
tary to provide clarity to the public in re- exposure to falling milk production is less-
lation to the market price volatility and er in Australia, compared to that of Bega,
trading volume of the FFB shares in Bur- which sources 100% of its milk require-
sa Malaysia vis-a-vis the recent develop- BY ISABELLE FRANCIS ment from Australian farmers.
ment concerning Australian milk produc- Farm Fresh’s share price settled at 2.6%
tion as mentioned in Bega Group’s recent lower or three sen at RM1.10 at noon
announcement...” it said in a filing at noon break, valuing the company at RM2.08
break on Wednesday (July 5). billion with 12.9 million changing hands.


Proton June 2023 – Individual model performance (including export)

Proton posts Model No of Total Sales achievement for the month

best sales since

units sold sales 2023
Saga 6,111 33,325 • Highest volume A-segment sedan

2012 in first Persona

• Highest volume B-segment sedan
• Highest volume C-segment MPV

half of 2023 Iriz

• 3rd highest volume B-segment hatchback
• 2nd highest volume C-segment SUV
X50 2,449 17,562 • Highest volume B-segment SUV and
overall best-selling SUV
X90 1,082 1,339 • Highest volume D-segment SUV
Total 14,351 77,321
Source: Proton
KUALA LUMPUR (July 5): National car-
maker Proton Holdings Bhd posted its best
cumulative sales numbers since 2012 in the laysia’s automotive market, which also since 2012 and was also on track for a fifth
first half of 2023, with total sales reaching grew by 9.4% in the first half on the year. consecutive year of sales growth.
77,321 units. Proton said its models performed out- “The numbers show demand for our
In a statement on Wednesday (July 5), standingly in June with five models leading products remains strong despite projections
the company said it sold 14,351 units in sales in their individual market segments. of a reduction in liquidity for consumers, and
June (domestic and export), a 28.6% year- It said the Proton Saga retook the lead this is proven by our growth rate outpacing
on-year increase. for A-segment sedans by going over the the overall market by over three times.
Proton said that for June, total industry 6,000-unit threshold for the third time “For the second half of the year, Pro-
volume (TIV) is estimated to be 61,900 this year and ending the month with 6,111 ton is confident we have the products and
units and as a result, market share for the units. promotional strategies in place to continue
carmaker is estimated at 23.2% while the Cumulatively, 33,325 units have been our growth trajectory.
year-to-date market share figure has in- sold thus far, which is the model’s best “We will also execute our plans to up-
creased again to 21.3%, an improvement performance since 2012. date our range, launch our entry into the
of 3.2% over the corresponding period Proton Edar chief executive officer Malaysian EV market with PRO-NET and
from 2022. Roslan Abdullah said the company’s per- further improve the quality of our products
It added that this is the highest growth formance in the first half of 2023 is note- via investments announced this year to im-
figure amongst the top five brands in Ma- worthy as it achieved its best start to a year prove our production capabilities,” he said.

KUALA LUMPUR (July 5): Koh Poh 500,599 shares or some 0.03% equity in-
Seng, who controls 46.13% in KPS Con- After Bioalpha founder, terest in the company.
sortium Bhd, has emerged as a substan-
tial shareholder of BTM Resources Bhd,
KPS Consortium’s major Another substantial shareholder, Datuk
Woo Thin Choy, has pared down his share-
a day after it was announced that Bioalpha shareholder takes up holdings after disposing of 39.33 million
Holdings Bhd’s founder William Hon Tian
Kok has taken up a substantial stake in the
substantial stake in shares or a 3.13% stake. After disposing
of the shares, Woo was left with a 5.72%
company. BTM Resources stake, comprising a directly held 2.87%
BTM Resources, which tops the most (36 million shares) and an indirectly held
actively traded list on Wednesday follow- 2.85% (35.85 million shares).
ing the news of Hon’s share acquisition, BY JUSTIN LIM BTM Resources has been loss-making
is principally involved in the logging, saw for six consecutive years between FY2017
milling and trading of sawn timber, logs and FY2022.
and plywood. KPS Consortium is primari- ficer, has acquired 60.51 million shares In its latest quarter ended March 31,
ly engaged in the manufacture of tissue-re- in BTM Resources via off-market trades 2023 (1QFY2023), the group’s net loss
lated products. last Friday (June 30). The purchase gave swelled to RM14.84 million, from RM1.86
BTM Resources’ bourse filing on Hon a total shareholding of 95.57 million million in 1QFY2022, due to lower reve-
Wednesday (July 5) showed Koh bought shares representing a 7.606% direct stake nue and its share-based payments under
137.78 million shares or 10.97% stake in in the company. a Long Term Incentive Plan.
the loss-making timber company on July Meanwhile, two other substantial share- The share-based payments under its ex-
3 (Monday). holders have exited the company, accord- ecutive share grant scheme amounted to
The purchase raised Koh’s stake in ing to separate BTM Resources filings on RM11.47 million in 1QFY2023. Revenue,
the company to 13.19% or 165.78 mil- Wednesday, namelyYong Emmy and Mod- meanwhile, dropped 41.38% to RM1.28
lion shares. A back-of-envelope calculation ern Mode Sdn Bhd. million, from RM2.18 million in 1QFY2022.
indicated that the shares could have cost Yong disposed of 12.10 million shares or BTM Resources shares settled 0.5 sen
Koh RM12.40 million, based on BTM a 0.96% stake in the company on Monday. or 5.56% higher at 9.5 sen on Wednesday,
Resources’ closing price of nine sen a share Post disposal,Yong was left with 56.27 mil- giving the company a market capitalisation
on Monday. lion shares or a 4.48% stake in the company. of RM119 million. The stock, which rose
On Tuesday, BTM Resources an- Modern Mode offloaded 97.45 million to 11 sen a share at the start of the year,
nounced that Hon, who is also Bioalpha’s shares or a 7.76% stake in BTM Resourc- dropped to a low of six sen in mid-January,
managing director and chief executive of- es on the same day, leaving it with just before gradually rising to its current level.



unway Medical Centre, the process, he says patients
Sunway City (SMC) be- who require a robotic knee
came the first Southeast replacement will first be given
Asian hospital to run a a consultation before an X-ray
robotic partial knee replace- procedure for diagnosis.
ment surgery using the ROSA The X-ray is conducted with
Robotic System with its first software calibration, which
surgery successfully performed makes precise marking points
on May 31, 2023. on the patient’s bone and pro-
The private hospital in Sun- vides technical measurements
way City, Selangor, is familiar to allow surgeons to calibrate
with using robotics technol- the patient’s size and alignment.
ogy for patient treatment as While the ROSA Robotic
it has treated over 550 pa- System has helped improve
tients in the past three years the effectiveness of a doctor’s
for surgeries involving total practice in knee operations,
Example of a technical measurement done with the ROSA Robotic System
knee replacement, total hip software to determine the resection margin of the defected bone, the size
Suhail says doctors are still
replacement and partial knee of the implant based on the bone cutting, as well as to assess principally in the driver’s seat
replacement. joint balancing and alignment. of the surgery.
In fact, SMC had initiated “As a surgeon, I will run
a total hip replacement with ic surgery and we have expe- to patients’ hospital stays like- through the plan suggested
Mako SmartRobotics in Malay- rienced surgeons doing it,” ly shortened by half,” Suhail by the system and see if this
sia. It was also the first hospital he says. attests. suits my patient. If I want any
to acquire both Mako SmartRo- Suhail himself has per- On average, patients typi- positions changed, I can always
botics and ROSA Knee System formed knee replacements cally get discharged from the overwrite the system, as I am
machines in the country. for over 20 years. His initial hospital within seven days after in control of it,” he explains.
Dr Suhail Suresh, a consult- years involved manual replace- their knee replacement surger- Adopting robotics technol-
ant orthopaedic surgeon at ments before he embarked on ies, depending on their health. ogy in knee operations is vital,
SMC since 2009, says the ro- computer-aided replacements However, Suhail has observed as according to Suhail, statistics
botic knee operations under his in 2005, and now robotic sur- patients who underwent total have shown that 30.5% of peo-
account had a 100% success geries. knee replacement robotic sur- ple aged 50 and above within
rate with zero mishaps. As an expert, he confidently gery being discharged in just Greater Kuala Lumpur suffer
“That’s a testimony to the assures that robotic-assisted three days. from osteoarthritis.
fact that we are used to surgeries brought in finer re- “For patients under partial Partial knee replacement
the system and can sults, providing better align- knee replacement robotics surgery, an alternative to to-
deliver good re- ment, improved placement, treatment, they can even go tal knee replacement surgery
sults. We’re not less blood loss and reduced back as soon as the day after for osteoarthritis knees with
just starting out soft tissue damage in patients. the surgery,” he says. damage that involves one or
on robot- “With its precision, the While a manual surgery two components of medial,
quicker recovery could require revisions for the lateral or patellofemoral com-
of robotic knee re- knee implants within 15 to 20 partments, brings great value,
placement sur- years, he says that research especially for young osteo-
geries led showed robotic-assisted re- arthritis patients and osteo-
placement surgeries had arthritis patients with early
far lower revision rates, diagnosis.
which meant extending However, it is estimated
the longevity of the suc- that only one in ten patients
cessful treatment. will undergo a partial knee
The ROSA Knee Sys- replacement surgery as most
tem used in SMC incor- cases are not diagnosed early
porates artificial intelli- and has shown signs of late rep-
gence (AI) and robotics, resentation. Therefore, SMC’s
with the former making investment in robotic technol-
up a big portion of the ogy is truly a game changer
system. for partial knee replacement
In a walk-through of surgery.
Dr Suhail Suresh


Most firms observing some

CTOS Business Confidence Index (BCI) sustainability practices

sanguine on next
continues to rise, climbing to 54.8 in the Of the 146 firms surveyed in 2Q, about
second quarter (2Q) 2023 from 51.4 in 75% said they had adopted at least one

three months’
the previous quarter, indicating businesses sustainability practice, with waste reduc-
remain sanguine about prospects for the tion and recycling being the most cited.

outlook —
next three months. Not surprisingly, ESG practices are
The improvement in sentiment was led more common among firms that are part

by a positive outlook for sales and profita- of a global supply chain (80%) as they
bility, with the latter finally reverting to a may need to meet clients’ compliance

positive reading (51.6) after languishing requirements versus those that are not
in a pessimistic territory in the last three (68%).
quarters. Energy and resource conservation ini-
“Following a round of price increas- tiatives are also popular among the firms
es in late 2022 to maintain margins, the Bernama surveyed, the statement said.
cost pressure faced by businesses may have Meanwhile, 26% of respondents have
started to ease this year,” said RAM Hold- portant to access credit, Hamburger said. not adopted any sustainability practice.
ings and CTOS in a joint statement on Meanwhile, RAM Holdings GCEO and This is more prevalent among small
Wednesday. executive director Chris Lee said firms may and medium enterprises (27%) and mi-
Commenting on the improved senti- be able to shift from “survival mode” to cro firms (30%) as they face various im-
ment, CTOS Digital Bhd group chief exec- growing their business again with a sales pediments to progress on this front.
utive officer Erick Hamburger said CTOS pick-up in 2023. “A lack of incentives was the most com-
SME subscribers accessed 5% more credit Aside from pursuing operational im- mon hurdle, as cited by 45% of firms sur-
reports in 2Q compared to 1Q to evaluate provements, an increasingly important de- veyed. About 40% of respondents said it
new customers, a good indicator that they velopment that businesses should heed is is too expensive to adopt green practic-
are ramping up operations and produc- sustainability practices. es,” it said.
tivity in line with the improved 2Q BCI “In particular, firms with export deal- However, over half of the firms sur-
sentiment. ings or which are part of the global supply veyed, particularly those with multinational
The average CTOS SME Score rose by chain will have to comply with new global clients, are keen to further adapt to sus-
two points from 307 in 1Q to 309 in 2Q. and domestic environmental, social and tainability initiatives to become ESG-com-
This meas the average Malaysian SME governance (ESG)-related regulations that pliant but the cost of compliance is a con-
has “good” credit standing, which is im- are being rapidly introduced,” he said. cern, it added.

KUALA LUMPUR (July 5): LBS Bina LBS Bina said its indirect wholly-owned
Group Bhd has partnered with a land own- LBS Bina teams up subsidiary Sejuta Bina Sdn Bhd inked an
er to jointly undertake a RM1 billion gross agreement with Saga Tunas on Wednesday
development value (GDV) mixed develop- with land owner (July 5) for the joint development.
ment in Sungai Penchala, Kuala Lumpur. It said Saga Tunas is also a property de-
The development will be carried out to undertake veloper, and its director and shareholder
atop six parcels of land measuring 6.97 Datuk Azizulkhir Abdul Wahab is also a
acres, owned by Saga Tunas Sdn Bhd, in RM1 bil GDV director and shareholder of four of LBS
phases over a five-year period, said LBS Bina’s indirect subsidiaries.
Bina in a bourse filing. mixed development LBS Bina said the development will be
“The development land is strategically funded via a combination of internally gen-
located within notable landmarks such as in Sungai Penchala erated funds and bank borrowings.
Empire Damansara, IKEA Damansara, The group did not disclose any further
eCurve, Bandar Utama, Mont’Kiara and details on the mixed development.
Sri Hartamas,” the property developer said, BY IZZUL IKRAM Touching on the terms of the agreement,
adding that it is 8km and 7km away from LBS Bina said Saga Tunas is entitled to a
Mont’Kiara and Sri Hartamas respectively. cash consideration of RM67 million — form-
ing part of the land cost and 10% gross profit
generated from the development — upon
completion of the project, while Sejuta Bina
is entitled to all remaining sale proceeds.
The group said Saga Tunas’ entitlement
was arrived at based on negotiations after
taking into consideration an internal feasi-
bility study on the development potential
and prospects of the land, as well as the
indicative valuation of the land.
Shares in LBS Bina ended half a sen
or 1.14% lower at 43.5 sen on Wednesday,
giving the group a market capitalisation of
RM674.68 million.


KYM: FY2024
KUALA LUMPUR (July 5): KYM Hold- and orders from existing and new customers.
ings Bhd expects its financial year ending Jan In the next few years, we will see 50%-50%

a difficult year
31, 2024 (FY2024) to continue to be chal- for imports and exports,” he said.
lenging, amid continued volatility in paper KYM also plans to roll out its new sus-

but export sales

roll prices, the rise in the overnight policy tainable and innovative product, its Top
rate and the group’s foreign exchange ex- Daeration Plastic Free Film ESG Sacks,

recovery seen
posure, according to newly appointed chief to the market in the second half of 2023.
executive officer Darren Lee.
Too early to talk about RE, EVs and tech
from 3Q onwards
The group is dependent on paper rolls
it sources from Northern Europe as its raw venture
material, which means a lot of its purchases It is too early to reveal the group’s plans for
are denominated in euros and US dollars diversifying its business into renewable en-
while the ringgit has been declining. BY SYAFIQAH SALIM & KAYLA CHAN ergy (RE), electric vehicles (EVs) and tech-
“It’s a difficult year, but we are cautious- nology sectors. Lee said.
ly optimistic [about our financial perfor- The Edge reported last August that KYM
mance]. was looking to venture into these three busi-
“We see a recovery in 3Q and 4Q as we ness segments in a bid to future-proof the
expect our export sales to pick up,” he told business and effect a valuation shift.
reporters after the group’s annual general “Looking at our current valuation right
meeting on Wednesday (July 5). now, we are trading at a 21.5% discount to
The industrial paper bag maker’s net net assets per share of 65 sen. Price-earnings
profit more than doubled to RM11.37 valuation is only less than six times. So I have
million in the first quarter ended April 30, to go raise cash for my maiden acquisitions.
2023 (1QFY2024) from RM4.69 million a These plans actually take time [because] we
year earlier, mainly due to a one-time gain scout the entire landscape and see where we
on the sale of a piece of land and building. KYM: FY2024 a difficult year but export sales can get the best value and returns,” he said.
Revenue wise, the group saw a decline to recovery seen in 3Q onwards As at end-April, KYM’s short-term
RM22.9 million from RM29.8 million, due investments, fixed deposits with licensed
to lower selling prices and sales volumes as by Indonesia (22%), Thailand (4%), and banks and cash and bank balances stood
the export market weakened. Singapore (4%). at RM23.155 million. Short-term borrow-
Looking ahead, KYM aims to increase “Export is an important strategy that I ings were at RM27.78 million, while long-
export sales for its multiwall industrial paper want to deploy as many countries have not term borrowings totalled RM13.85 million.
bags and gain more customers from over- moved to paper bags yet. We will intensify KYM’s share price closed unchanged at
seas markets, said the CEO. The group’s our business development and marketing 51 sen on Wednesday, valuing the group at
exports amounted to 30% in FY2023, led activities to further increase sales volume RM77.83 million.

KUALA LUMPUR (July 5): A week after “We found out about the purported
claiming that the recent damage to its plant Bahvest secures court order vide the Bursa announce-
site was an act of sabotage by an unidentified ment,” he added.
crew of men, Bahvest Resources Bhd has injunction barring Addressing Bahvest’s claims that an
obtained a court order barring its mining unidentified crew of men disrupted its
lease land owner Southsea Gold Sdn Bhd Southsea from operations, Southsea said it will enforce
from hindering its operations. the implementation of enhanced security
The gold miner said the ex parte (with- hindering ops measures at the two entrances of the min-
out notice to the other party) injunction or- ing lease land.
der issued by the Sandakan High Court on “All individuals wishing to enter South-
Tuesday (July 4) also restrains Southsea from BY IZZUL IKRAM sea’s mining lease land are required to
advancing its demands and resolution with pre-register for a gate pass which must
Bahvest’s wholly owned unit and mining be presented at the security checkpoints
lease land operator, Wullersdorf Resources to pay Southsea as part of the RM20.4 million together with their identity cards or pass-
Sdn Bhd, over their wrongful occupation dis- temporary settlement for the wrongful occu- ports for verification,” the company said
pute, until the full disposal of the injunction. pation of the Bahvest’s mining structures on in its statement, adding the gate pass will
The injunction application will be heard Southsea’s mining lease land after the com- help track a record of all individuals enter-
inter partes (in the presence of both parties) pany’s sublease ended in April. ing the land to be presented to authorities
on July 17, said Bahvest in a filing with Bursa Southsea said Bahvest paid the RM6 mil- as and when required.
Malaysia on Wednesday. lion tranche on May 10, while RM7 million “It is an added measure to protect
Meanwhile, Southsea said in a statement was to be made on May 29. against any wrongful allegations, in light
that it has filed a lawsuit at the Tawau High of recent events, including investigations
Court seeking an order to compel Bahvest to Southsea unaware of injunction order, into alleged missing and/or stolen gold and
pay the remaining RM7 million it is owed, says Fui Ming Bahvest’s announcement of the presence
as well as the removal of Bahvest’s building, In response to Bahvest’s injunction order, of unauthorised crew,” said Southsea.
equipment, machineries and related structures. Southsea’s main shareholder Datuk Lo Fui Bahvest shares closed half a sen higher
The RM7 million is a tranche of the RM13 Ming told The Edge that it came as a sur- at 23 sen on Wednesday, giving the group a
million non-refundable deposit Bahvest agreed prise to Southsea. market capitalisation of RM278.36 million.


must come
up with clear
policy to protect
says Bursa
BY ANIS HAZIM Bursa Malaysia chairman Tan Sri Abdul Wahid Omar said it is important for companies to have a whistleblowing policy, especially to provide trusted channels of communication for employees to
report issues without fear of repercussions.
KUALA LUMPUR (July 5): Corporate He said the whistleblowing policy within a whistleblowing programme were that
entities need to come up with a clear pol- a company should be entrusted to inde- management did not see a need for one,
icy to protect whistleblowers, and en- pendent parties. their organisations were too small, there
courage reporting to address corporate “Most organisations, they will report was a lack of resources and expertise and
misconduct within the organisation, said to someone internal or to an independ- there were no specific legal or regulatory
Bursa Malaysia chairman Tan Sri Abdul ent person in the system, for example to requirements to have one,” the report said.
Wahid Omar. senior independent director, audit com- The survey also showed that about 58%
He said it is important for companies to mittee chairman, chief integrity officer, of respondents see whistleblowing as a high
have a whistleblowing policy, especially to or chief auditor. So these are some of the priority in their organisation, with the ma-
provide trusted channels of communica- people that commonly are the focal point jority of both public listed companies and
tion for employees to report issues without for whistleblowing,” he added. private organisations recognising the im-
fear of repercussions. Meanwhile, according to the Deloitte portance of whistleblowing.
“It is even more important [to create a] survey report, 93% of respondents have Conducted between March 31 and May
culture of trust because the people (em- or plan to have a whistleblowing pro- 1, the survey received responses from over
ployees) must trust the system. They must gramme in the future, while the remain- 500 organisations throughout the Asia Pa-
trust that their identity will be protected ing 7% do not plan to have a whistle- cific region, including Japan, South Korea,
and there will not be any reprisals,” Abdul blowing programme. China, and Southeast Asia. The respond-
Wahid told reporters at the launch of the “The majority of these respondents ents spanned over 10 different industries
Deloitte 2023 Asia Pacific Whistleblow- were from private companies with less and ranged from organisations with less
ing (Conduct Watch) Survey Report on than 1,000 employees. than 1,000 employees to those with over
Wednesday (July 5). “The reasons provided for not having 50,000 employees.

Bursa now the sole reference for investor relations matters

KUALA LUMPUR (July 5): Bursa Ma- BY SYAFIQAH SALIM The exchange is committed to contin-
laysia announced on Wednesday (July 5) ue providing PLCs and IR practitioners
that it will serve as the single point of ref- with the necessary knowledge, training
erence for investor relations (IR) matters Bursa Malaysia PLCs, including former or workshops and other essential re-
to prevent redundancy and duplication Mira members, can expect further capac- sources to effectively engage with their
of functions. ity building support and guidance from shareholders and wider stakeholders,”
In a statement, the exchange said it the exchange to enhance their skills and he added.
has assumed the role of Malaysian In- knowledge. In recent years, Bursa Malaysia has
vestor Relations Association (Mira), fol- “Bursa Malaysia is pleased to assume spearheaded several initiatives to enhance
lowing the discontinuation of the asso- the role previously held by Mira and looks PLCs’ visibility and accessibility to the in-
ciation on July 1. forward to expanding our efforts in ad- vestment community through more active
Mira was established in 2007 by Bur- vancing PLCs’ investor relations capabil- investor relations engagements.
sa Malaysia to develop and enhance IR ities and proactiveness, to raise the PLCs’ “Notable initiatives to elevate best prac-
capabilities of public listed companies stature and appeal to investors globally,” tices from an IR standpoint include the
(PLCs) through effective communica- said its chief executive officer Datuk Mu- PLC Transformation Programme, spe-
tion and the cultivation of stronger rela- hamad Umar Swift. cifically through Guidebook 3 entitled
tionships between PLCs and the investor “Investor relations is a strategic func- Strengthening Stakeholder Management &
community. tion, to importantly communicate in a Investor Relations, as well as the Investor
Bursa Malaysia said investor rela- credible and engaging manner on the Relations and Public Relations Incentive
tions practitioners or professionals in company’s performance and growth plans. Programme,” the exchange said.



Gaming sector
recovery trajectory
remains intact,
says HLIB
“We lower our 3Q2023 and 4Q2023
RHB IB cuts 2023
projections to US$80/bbl and US$85/bbl,
largely premised on stronger fundamentals
Brent crude oil as a result of higher demand.” KUALA LUMPUR (July 5): Hong
“We still expect a balanced market, with Leong Investment Bank (HLIB)
price assumption an average theoretical deficit of 0.1mbpd research has maintained its “over-
in 2023,” it said weight” rating on the gaming sector
to US$81/bbl The research house said that as oil pric- and said although it had a dismal
es are projected to average at USD81/bbl start in 2023, the research house be-
this year, this will continue to encourage lieves the sector’s recovery trajectory
BY SURIN MURUGIAH oil companies to maintain their capex and remains intact as Malaysia and Sin- opex spending plans — a boon for up- gapore’s tourist numbers still have
stream services players. ample legs to go before returning to
KUALA LUMPUR (July 5): RHB Invest- “While we remain upbeat on the overall pre-pandemic levels.
ment Bank research has cut its 2023 Brent level of oil & gas activities, we turn more In its 2H2023 sector outlook,
crude oil price assumption to US$81/bbl selective on stock picks. the research house said with more
(barrel), from US$85/bbl, and maintained “We prefer companies with resilient earn- airlines reinstating capacities for in-
its 2024-2025 projection at US$80/bbl. ings profiles, backed by solid order books. ternational routes (especially from
In a regional sector update on Wednes- “For Thailand, we like Bangchak (BCP), China), it expects casino operators
day (July 5), the research house said global and PTT Oil and Retail Business (OR), to stage a meaningful recovery in
oil demand is estimated to grow by two which should see the positive effects of the 2H2023 as inflow of leisure travel-
mbpd (million barrels per day) this year, recovery of the retail business market,” it said. lers picks up steam.
thereby driving the market to a theoretical RHB IB said Thailand is in an econom- “Meanwhile, lingering fear over
deficit of 0.5-0.6mbpd in 2H2023. ic and tourism recovery, leading to high regulatory risks of number forecast
“While it will take some time for the demand for transportation and retail ac- operators (NFOs) is expected to sub-
market to get past the negative sentiment tivities in these companies’ branches and side in 2H2023 should operations re-
arising from macroeconomic concerns and service stations throughout the country. main status quo post-state polls.
uncertainties, we believe Opec+ is ready The research house, which maintained “Maintain overweight rating on
for more severe production cuts — evi- an “overweight” stance on the sector, said the sector with top picks Genting Bhd
denced by the recent announcement of its top picks are Malaysia Marine & Heavy and Genting Malaysia Bhd,” it said.
the extension of voluntary cuts by Saudi Engineering Bhd, Yinson Holdings Bhd, HLIB said NFOs such as Sports
Arabia and Russia through August.” BCP, and OR. Toto Bhd logged noticeable im-
provements in ticket sales per draw
in 1QCY2023 (+12% q-o-q), re-
covering to circa 89% of pre-pan-
KUALA LUMPUR (July 5): Kenan- demic levels despite the Kedah ban
ga Research has upgraded the utilities Kenanga Research and special draws reduction start-
sector to “overweight” following its up- ing from January 2023, reinforcing
grade on Tenaga Nasional Bhd (OP; TP: upgrades house view that both measures have
RM10.64). minimal impact on its ticket sales.
In a note on Wednesday (July 5), the utilities sector to “We think ticket sales of NFOs
research house said it likes the sector for will remain resilient despite the Perlis
its earnings defensiveness and decent div- ‘overweight’,YTL government’s announcement to stop
idend yields of 4%-6%. renewing operating licenses of NFO
It said that furthermore, their earn- Power top pick outlets in the state in 2024.
ings are backed by a regulated asset base “To note, Sport Toto’s four outlets
model which offers recurring dividends in Perlis merely represent less than 1%
for yield seekers. BY SURIN MURUGIAH of its total 657 outlets in Malaysia, im-
“Recent easing fuel prices are positive plying miniscule impact to ticket sales.
to Tenaga and Petronas Gas Bhd (MP; “However, we understand inves-
TP: RM17.13) but negative for Gas Ma- “Our top pick for the sector is YTL tors are jittery over the policy/regu-
laysia Bhd (MP; TP: RM3.54) as lower Power International Bhd (OP; TP: latory risk due to the impending six
gas prices erode retail margins. RM1.48) for the promising prospects of state polls, which have led to share
“Nonetheless, the earnings impact is PowerSeraya, defensive Wessex’s earnings price of NFOs declining over the
neutral over the long term given the fuel and its exciting new data centre and digi- past year,” it said.
cost pass-through mechanism. tal banking ventures,” it said.


KUALA LUMPUR (July 5): Priceworth assets and the financial position of the com-
International Bhd has proposed a cap- pany,” the group said in a filing with Bursa

plans RM210 mil

ital reduction to eliminate its accumu- Malaysia on Wednesday (July 5).
lated losses. Priceworth said the exercise will also en-

capital reduction
The Sabah-based timber manufacturer hance its financial profile with its bankers,
said the exercise entails the reduction of customers, suppliers, investors and other

to eliminate
RM210 million of its issued share capital, stakeholders following the elimination of
which totalled RM441.85 million as at the the accumulated losses.

latest practicable date of June 6. Upon completion of the capital reduc-
The corresponding credit of RM210 tion, Priceworth will have an enlarged

million, it said, will be used to eliminate the share capital of RM231.85 million, com-
group's accumulated losses of RM202.6 prising 1.45 billion shares.
million as of Dec 31, 2022. The exercise is expected to be com-
“The proposed capital reduction will pleted by the fourth quarter of 2023, the
eliminate Priceworth's accumulated losses BY ANIS HAZIM group said.
via reduction and cancellation of the current Shares in Priceworth closed unchanged
issued share capital of the company to more at 15 sen on Wednesday, valuing the group
accurately reflect the value of the underlying at RM232.27 million.

TA Securities
KUALA LUMPUR (July 5):TA Securities based sports (where participants compete
Research has valued Main-Market bound as individuals) played outdoors during

values Main
MST Golf Bhd at RM1.20 a share — a the Covid-19 pandemic, coupled with
48.15% premium to its initial public offer- increased in interest arising from grow-

ing (IPO) price of 81 sen a share — on the ing popularity of the sport as a result of
back of the group’s strong profit growth, shifting paradigm in leisure activity be-

MST Golf at
coupled with its business plan to widen haviour,” it said.
coverage in existing markets and penetrate From FY2019 to FY2022, MST Golf’s

RM1.20 a share
regional countries amid robust demand for revenue grew steadily by a three-year
golf clubs and other equipment. CAGR of 19.6% to RM300.9 million while
MST Golf, which is slated to be listed net profit similarly grew 41.8% to RM29.1
on July 20, is primarily involved in special- million, mainly driven by the growing num-
ty retail and wholesale of golf equipment BY SYAFIQAH SALIM ber of golf retail outlets, introduction of
which comprises golf clubs, golf appar- the ilovegolf membership programme, and
els, and other accessories in Malaysia and strengthening of the US dollar, which led
Singapore. According to TA Securities, MST Golf to higher selling prices.
“We value the group at RM1.20/share saw a return on equity (ROE) of 40% in In line with the topline expansion, the
premised on PER 22x FY2024F EPS of FY2022 versus MR DIY’s ROE of 36.6%. group’s net profit margin also increased
5.4 sen, in line with the local specialty store Citing a report by the independent from 5.3% in FY2019 to 8.9% in FY2022,
peer MR DIY. market research Vital Factor Consulting, thanks to better cost efficiency after the
“We believe this is fairly justified by the research house said the import value deployment of digitalisation progress.
the stock’s strong earnings growth of of golf equipment in Malaysia grew at a TA Securities forecast the group’s rev-
26.7%/31.8% (which outperform its compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of enue and net profit to grow to RM386.6
peer’s consensus earnings growth of 32.4% to RM132.1 million in 2022, while million and RM36.9 million in FY2023,
21.5%/16.4%) in FY2023/FY2024 and Singapore’s import value of golf equipment while revenue and net profit for FY2024
dividend payout of 30%, albeit the stock grew by 33.8% last year. is estimated at RM471.3 million and
has relatively smaller market capitalisa- “Both region’s import growth was RM48.6 million.
tion,” said the research house in a note mainly attributed by the increase in golf “For FY2025, we expect the group to
on Wednesday (July 5). demand, as golf is one of the singular record higher net earnings of RM60.8 mil-
lion with a steady profit after tax margin
of 10%,” said TA Securities.
MST Golf ’s IPO comprises a public
issuance of 160 million new shares and
an offer for sale of up to 68 million exist-
ing shares. At 81 sen a share, it is expect-
ed to raise RM184.68 million, of which
RM129.6 million is from the issuance of
new shares.
RHB Investment Bank Bhd is the prin-
cipal adviser, sole underwriter, and sole
placement agent for its IPO.

Read also: PIVB assigns 37 sen fair val-

ue to ACE Market-bound DC Healthcare
t h u r s d a y j u ly 6 , 2 0 2 3 14 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e

news In brief

10 Chinese nationals arrested over

Apex Equity announces retirement of newly re-elected director Celine Leong crypto scam
KUALA LUMPUR (July 5): Apex Equity Holdings Bhd announced the retirement of KUALA LUMPUR (July 5): Police has
Datuk Celine Leong Wai Leng as its executive director (ED) with immediate effect, arrested 10 Chinese nationals including the
less than three weeks after the 54-year-old was re-elected, albeit with opposition mastermind in connection with promoting
from certain substantial shareholders. The Kajang-based stockbroking firm made the a cryptocurrency investment scam at two
announcement to Bursa Malaysia on Wednesday (July 5), which came on the heels of its condominiums around Cheras here, on
Monday announcement that it had appointed former Export-Import Bank of Malaysia Monday. All arrested suspects, aged 19
Bhd CEO Norzilah Mohammed, 58, as its new ED. Leong was appointed to Apex’s board to 40, are believed to have been active in
in June last year as group deputy managing director and subsequently redesignated to the scam since May. Cheras district police
group ED in December, when the group appointed Farhash Wafa Salvador as executive chief ACP Zam Halim Mohamed said the
chairman. Her appointment into the board was made on the same day (June 20, 2022) syndicate’s modus operandi was to target
as another ED Lim Kok Eng, independent non-executive directors Woon Wai En, Rozana Chinese customers through phone calls and
Shamsuddin, and Datuk Ahmad Redza Abdullah. Leong was formerly group director of impersonate as customer service officers,
finance treasury at ACE Group, which was the substantial shareholder in Apex through and promote the investment in the Telegram
ACE Investment Bank Ltd (September 2017-July 2019) and ACE Credit (M) Sdn Bhd (July application. Speaking at a media conference
2019- December 2022). She was among five Apex board members offered for re-election at the Cheras district police headquarters,
in the group’s annual general meeting last month and managed to garner 55% support. he said victims who were deceived had to
The others who were re-elected are Farhash, Lim, Woon and Rozana. — by Chester Tay pay RM65 (100 yuan) to open an account on
the Bitcoin website to be
registered. “After opening an account, they
Malaysia’s end-June palm oil stocks seen will be given an username and password to
at four-month high on slow exports access the website,” he said. Zam Halim said
KUALA LUMPUR (July 5): Malaysia’s palm oil victims would be asked after that to make
inventories likely stood at 1.86 million metric a number of financial transactions with an
tons by the end of June, rising by about 10.5% investment package in the currency of the
higher from a month earlier to stand at a four- victim’s choice. He said the syndicate was
month high amid sluggish exports, a Reuters believed to have been operating in China
survey showed on Tuesday. The median and the police is still investigating the matter
estimate for inventories from 10 traders and to determine whether the group that was
analysts polled by Reuters was 12% higher than carrying out activities in Malaysia had any
the 1.65 million metric tons recorded in June connection (with the syndicate in China).
Bestinet appoints Tengku Muda 2022. Production was forecast to fall 0.8% — Bernama
Pahang as board chairman to 1.51 million tons, with growing concerns
KUALA LUMPUR (July 5): Bestinet Sdn over the impact of El Nino-induced hot and Read the full story
Bhd (Bestinet), the sole operator of the dry weather during coming months. However,
government’s Foreign Workers Centralised output in the world’s second largest producer Former MP Abdul Aziz returns to
Management System, has appointed the may improve in the months ahead as estates Destini as independent director
Tengku Muda of Pahang, Tengku Abdul transition towards the peak crop season KUALA LUMPUR (July 5): Engineering
Rahman Sultan Ahmad Shah (pictured) as the around September, Nagaraj Meda, Managing solutions provider Destini Bhd has
chairman of its board. Tengku Abdul Rahman, Director, TransGraph Consulting, said. Exports appointed Datuk Abdul Aziz Sheikh Fadzir
who recently became a shareholder in the in June will likely remain little changed for a (pictured) as an independent and non-
company, has also assumed the mantle of second month, with expectations centring on executive director, effective Wednesday
the company’s director effective June 30, a gain of 0.7% to 1.09 million tons. Imports (July 5). Abdul Aziz, 60, previously held
2023 — taking over from Datuk Seri Mohd were expected to fall by 17%. The impact of the same position at Destini from Aug 30,
Amin Abdul Nor who has resigned as both El Nino weather conditions could put upward 2017 until May 18, 2018, according to the
chairman and director, Bernama reported, pressure on prices in July, as there are some company’s filing. The Umno politician was
citing a statement from Bestinet. Bestinet’s expectations for reduced crop yields over the member of parliament (MP) for Kulim-
chief executive officer Ismail Mohd Noor July-September, particularly in top producer Bandar Bahru from
was quoted as saying that Tengku Abdul Indonesia, said Marcello Cultrera, director at 2013 to 2018, after
Rahman’s fresh perspective is expected to Singapore-based commodities consultancy having earlier served
drive the company to even greater heights. Apricus 8 Pte Ltd. The Malaysian Palm Oil as a one-term Kedah
“Bestinet’s primary objective is to establish a Board (MPOB) is scheduled to release its data State Legislative
strong collaboration with our new chairman, on July 10. — Reuters assemblyman for
aiming to deliver enduring value to all public Kuala Ketil. Abdul
and private stakeholders. “The company Aziz is currently a
has maintained a steadfast commitment to non-independent and
serving clients by providing comprehensive non-executive chairman
information technology solutions, with a of Priceworth
particular focus on security, biometrics, and International
artificial intelligence,” he further said. — Bhd. — by Anis Hazim
t h u r s d a y j u ly 6 , 2 0 2 3 15 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e

PUTRAJAYA (July 5): More than 60% of the Indian community, workers and the
the 156 investigation papers (IP) involv- MACC: Over country’s automotive industry.
ing high-profile and public interest cases Another challenge facing BOK, he said,
opened by the Special Operations Division 150 investigative is when cases being investigated are sen-
(BOK) of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption sationalised by the media and politicians.
Commission (MACC) between 2020 and papers into “This allows parties involved to take the
June 8 this year involved politicians. opportunity to destroy important documents
BOK senior director Datuk Tan Kang Sai high-profile cases such as financial transactions, and to flee.
said the investigation resulted in the arrest of “Today’s technological advancement
a total of 211 individuals, with 91 of them opened since 2020, also presents its own challenges where fi-
brought to court and involving 454 charges. nancial transactions involving local banks
“During the same period, the MACC majority involved and financial institutions and even foreign
also confiscated RM51,132,539 in cash, financial institutions can be carried out
forfeited property and cash amounting to politicians using only mobile phones.
RM10,465,873.39 and issued compound “In view of the challenges, MACC en-
amounting to RM128,968,750,” he told gages experts in accounting, engineering
Bernama recently. Bernama and law as part of the BOK investigation
He said investigating high-profile and team to ensure a comprehensive investi-
public interest cases, especially concern- the edge file photo gation before submitting the IPs to the
ing financial transactions involving banks Attorney General’s Chambers,” he said.
and foreign financial institutions, had its He said BOK also uses Effective Inves-
own challenges. tigation Management (EIM) and Man-
Investigating the money trail becomes dif- agement Team-based Investigation (MTI)
ficult when the money involved is transferred to enhance public confidence in MACC’s
to accounts abroad because each country has authority as a relevant and pre-eminent
different laws to protect its banking system, anti-corruption agency.
he said, adding that the banks and financial BOK is a special investigation unit un-
institutions have the right not to cooperate der the MACC established to investigate
and to refuse to provide information to fa- high-profile and public interest cases as
cilitate the investigation. well as those affecting the country’s security.
“As such, we see that most of the evi- It was established in 2010 and is part
dence on money trail brought to the court of MACC’s transformation initiative to
only involves local banks and financial in- Op Mitra, Op Hire and Op Marii which achieve the objectives of the National Key
stitutions,” he said. involved misuse of funds amounting to Result Area (NKRA) related to large-
Tan said among the high-profile cases hundreds of millions of ringgit provided scale corruption cases on procurement
which had been investigated by BOK were by the government for the development of and enforcement.

the edge file photo

Saifuddin said approvals for matters

Home ministry such as citizenship and birth certificates
do not require any payment.
to submit name “We have a committee in the NRD that
will make decisions based on the law and
of NRD officer in circulars, from verifying the validity of doc-
uments, whether there is merit, to recom-
alleged bribery mending whether to pass them or not.
“Actually, they (applicants) need only
to MACC to come to collect their documents once
approved. If any officer contacts you asking
for money (fees) to approve the document
Bernama and so on, ignore it because this is not a
practice in governance now,” he stressed.
PUTRAJAYA (July 5): The Home Minis- Earlier, Prime Minister Datuk Seri An-
try (KDN) will hand over to the Malaysian war Ibrahim said he had received informa-
Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) tion that there was an element of abuse of
the name of a National Registration De- power in the NRD when the process of
partment (NRD) officer alleged to have obtaining a citizenship certificate required
solicited for money from applicants for to the MACC the name of the individu- a certain fee for those who were eligible
Malaysian citizenship. al for investigations to continue,” he said for citizenship.
Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasu- at a press conference here on Wednesday In response to the prime minister’s
tion Ismail said he himself had received a (July 5). statement, the NRD said in a statement
complaint regarding the alleged corruption He said the individual was alleged to on Tuesday that it is committed to tackling
involving the officer concerned. have contacted applicants and asked for corruption by implementing improvements
“I have contacted Tan Sri Azam Baki a large sum of money if they wanted their to the procedure for issuing identification
(MACC chief commissioner) to hand over applications to be approved. documents.


Azam Baki:
PUTRAJAYA (July 5): The Chinese na- He further said the MACC’s inves-
tionals linked to the commotion at the tigation found that there is a company

Chinese nationals
Kuala Lumpur International Airport responsible for managing travellers who
(KLIA) last week have returned to their had been served with NTL notices at

linked to KLIA
home country on Wednesday (July 5), KLIA since 2017.
said Malaysian Anti-Corruption Com- However, he said the commission

commotion have
mission (MACC) chief commissioner Tan wants to find out whether it was done
Sri Azam Baki. according to procedures or otherwise.

returned home
“We have recorded statements from Azam said 41 Chinese nationals, in-
the two women, and we cannot stop them cluding the woman involved, were is-
from returning home,” he told reporters sued with NTL notices on the day of
here on Wednesday. the incident.
Azam said the MACC had recorded Bernama “MACC is also looking into the system
statements from 14 individuals regard- and procedures concerning the issuance
ing the incident, namely the two Chinese of NTL notices, including the process
nationals, one VIP, eight immigration of- BERNAMA that must be followed until the Chinese
ficers and other witnesses. woman is granted entry (into the coun-
He said the issue of corruption try),” he said.
emerged after one of the women was con- In another development, Azam con-
tacted by a Chinese man who claimed to firmed that the MACC had received in-
be an agent of a company appointed by formation about a National Registration
the KLIA management to handle those Department officer who allegedly asked
who had been given Not-To-Land (NTL) for money to issue citizenship certificates.
notices by the Immigration Department. “We will start an investigation as soon
“I confirmed that there is an external as possible,” he said.
party involved in contacting the woman Earlier on Wednesday, Home Minister
in question for the purpose of helping to Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail
buy a plane ticket and setting a manage- said he had received a complaint regard-
ment fee, so we will conduct an investiga- ing the alleged corruption involving the
tion and track down the agent,” he said. officer concerned.

KUALA LUMPUR (July 5): Former political context of attempts to make this
prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mo- country multiethnic and sideline the inter-

hamad’s claim that efforts promoting a ests of the Malay race, (but) this is difficult
“Malaysian Malaysia” will destroy “Tan- to be implemented because there are con-

rights of
ah Melayu” and replace it with a multira- stitutional provisions which clearly state
cial country is baseless from the aspect of that Malay privileges are protected by the

Malays without
the Federal Constitution, according to a Yang di-Pertuan Agong and Conference
legal expert. of Malay Rulers,” he added.

Professor Dr Nik Ahmad Kamal Nik In dismissing Dr Mahathir’s conten-
Mahmood, the head of National Profes- tion that disunity among the Malays

others — law
sors Council (MPN) Governance, Law and would cause them to lose political pow-
Management Cluster, said Article 153 of er and dominance, Nik Ahmad Kamal

the Federal Constitution recognises the said this was unlikely to happen because
special position and rights of Malays and every government was bound by the Fed-
Bumiputeras without denying others their eral Constitution.
rights, and therefore there can be no op- “In the Malaysian context, Malays form
pression of any race in the country. Bernama the majority race, so the issue of Malays be-
“We live by the Constitution; all rac- ing controlled by other races does not arise.
es enjoy equitable rights but the Ma- Every government that comes to power,
lays enjoy privileges. We do not consider regardless of how many Malay component
this nation as a Malay country; this is a parties it has, is still bound by the consti-
multiracial country where the majority tution,” he said.
is Malay,” he told Bernama when con- Nik Ahmad Kamal said it is indisput-
tacted on Wednesday. able that Malays enjoy dominance in the
The law lecturer at Taylors University country because they comprise the major-
said Article 153 of the Federal Constitu- ity in the Cabinet and the Prime Minister
tion entrusts the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is a Malay.
with the responsibility to protect the rights
and privileges of Malays and Bumiputeras
in the Borneo states as well as the legiti- Read also: Malay NGOs argue High
mate interests of other races as specified Court’s ruling on allowing use of Tamil,
in this provision. Chinese for teaching in vernacular schools
“He (Dr Mahathir) was speaking in the Professor Dr Nik Ahmad Kamal Nik Mahmood is unconstitutional


candidates and internal party issues while

Expect status quo not playing up issues pertaining to race, Selangor polls:
religion and royalty (3R).
in six states after “This is to ensure that the country can Amanah to
move forward and political harmony is
state polls, says maintained. Only then will the next gen- contest eight
eration be able to see this is the mould that
political analyst fits the current situation,” he told reporters seats
when met at Universiti Sains Malaysia here
Sivamurugan on Wednesday.
Meanwhile, Sivamurugan said Paka- Bernama
tan Harapan (PH) and Barisan Nasional
Bernama (BN) need to enlighten voters as many are SHAH ALAM (July 5): Parti Amanah
confused following their alliance after the Negara (Amanah) has confirmed that it
GEORGE TOWN (July 5): The Unity 15th general election (GE15). will contest eight seats in the Selangor
Government is expected to remain in power He said it was important to inform that state election next month.
in Penang, Selangor and Negeri Sembilan the coalition was necessary for political sta- Selangor Amanah chairman Izham
after the state elections on August 12, said bility and that a strong and stable govern- Hashim said the eight seats are the state
political analyst Prof Dr P Sivamurugan. ment is needed to govern the country. constituencies won by the party in the
Sivamurugan said Perikatan Nasional “This is because they (political parties) 14th general election (GE14), name-
(PN), meanwhile, will continue to govern were rivals before suddenly joining forces, ly Sabak, Meru, Pandan Indah, Hulu
Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu. but this is not new, since 1969, this has been Kelang, Morib, Seri Serdang, Sungai
“It will probably be status quo in the happening and it is important that the par- Ramal and Taman Templer.
six states involved in the polls, with proba- ties’ top leadership explain the importance “We (parties in the Unity Govern-
bly reduced majority wins and Malay seats of this cooperation,” he said. ment) have already got our respec-
(constituencies) going to be more shaky. He said the PH and BH machinery must tive number of seats; in the current
“If there is no internal sabotage, the par- also meet and shed light on this matter with phase we are open to swapping seats
ties in the coalition will be able to win, but their loyal voter base and at the same time (with other parties in the Pakatan
each party must also look into the choice of win the support of new voters. Harapan-Barisan Nasional alliance)
but that (process) will be on mutual
“So far, we have heard (regarding
SEREMBAN (July 5): Pakatan Harapan seat swapping) but there is nothing
(PH) is optimistic that its alliance with Ba- PH confident yet, we still have time... We don’t just
risan Nasional (BN) will enable it to retain want to contest but also want to see if
Negeri Sembilan, Selangor and Penang in of retaining three we can win at that place,” he said at a
the coming state elections, said PKR dep- press conference after making a visit
uty president Rafizi Ramli. states in coming to the location of the Persiaran Mo-
He said the findings of monthly research hktar Dahari road-widening project
done in these PH-held states showed a high polls in Puncak Perdana here on Wednes-
level of voter satisfaction with the current day (July 5).
state administrations. He said the seat swapping based on
He said Negeri Sembilan, led by Men- Bernama mutual agreement is expected to be
teri Besar Datuk Seri Aminuddin Harun, completed by the middle of next week.
obtained the highest mark from voters with Commenting further, Izham said the
a 75% approval rating. party is expected to field 50% new fac-
“In the studies done from January es, in addition to maintaining a 30%
to May, one common question asked is quota for female candidates.
whether they support and are satisfied with “Amanah candidates are expected
the existing state government. to be balanced. I can’t announce any
“Seventy-five per cent of voters in Neg- names yet, but I can tell you there will
eri Sembilan say they are satisfied with be a combination of incumbents, new
the current state government, the highest faces and old people who have been
approval rating among the six states. We given a new lease of life,” he said.
pray that this situation will persist,” he said Voters in Selangor, Kedah, Kelan-
when speaking at the MADANI Tour Cer- tan, Terengganu, Penang and Negeri
amah for the Sikamat state constituency said he believed that in line with the for- Sembilan will go to the polls on Aug
here on Tuesday night. mation of the Unity Government at the 12, following the Election Commission
Rafizi did not give the data for the other federal level, the PH-BN cooperation had (EC)’s decision to hold simultaneous
states but said he was confident with the become stronger and could continue to state elections in the six states.
level of support shown by voters, especially lead the state. When announcing this on Wednes-
those aged 30 and above. Aminuddin said PH and BN would day, EC chairman Tan Sri Abdul Ghani
PAS-ruled Kedah, Terengganu and campaign together in all seats to be con- Salleh said nominations would be held
Kelantan are also scheduled to hold their tested by the two coalitions to ensure that on July 29 and early voting on Aug 8.
state elections soon. candidates of Unity Government parties The Selangor State Assembly has
Meanwhile, Aminuddin, in his speech, would win in the state polls. 56 seats.
t h u r s d a y j u ly 6 , 2 0 2 3 18 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e

Low Yen Yeing/The Edge

Rosmah files leave Company director

to appeal on failed gets RM2.4 mil
judicial review to penalty for failure
disqualify Sri Ram to file tax returns
and nullify the
solar graft case

JOHOR BAHRU (July 5): A recycling

company director incurred a penalty of
by Hafiz Yatim RM2,437,433, in addition to a fine of RM18,000 at the Magistrates Court
here on Wednesday (July 5), for her
PUTRAJAYA (July 5): Datin Seri Rosmah where one of the two judges decid- failure to file tax returns for the assess-
Mansor’s lawyers filed a notice of motion ed that the computation of the three ment years of 2021 and 2022, involving
to seek leave (permission) from the Feder- months period under Order 53 Rule a taxable income of more than RM3.3
al Court to appeal over the June 22 Court 3(6) of the Rules of Court should take million.
of Appeal (COA) decision that dismissed into effect from the Federal Court’s de- Magistrate Nurzihan Abdul Reh-
her appeal to nullify her solar hybrid trial. cision, and the other judges disagreed man imposed the sentence on Wong
The motion with five questions of law is preferable? As such, which would be Siew Lan, 49, who pleaded guilty as
was filed by her solicitors from Messrs Ak- the correct interpretation of “when the charged, and ordered an imprisonment
berdin & Co on Tuesday (July 4). decision is first communicated to the of 12 months if she failed to settle the
This follows questions surrounding applicant” under the said rule? fine.
when the judicial review by Rosmah should • Having made a finding that the High Wong was charged under Section
have been filed to challenge the then senior Court judge had erred in the deci- 77A(1) of the Income Tax Act 1967,
deputy public prosecutor Datuk Seri Gopal sion that the leave application has to which requires her to furnish a tax re-
Sri Ram’s (now deceased) fiat. be filed within three months from Nov turn in the prescribed form C for years
15, 2018, the date Rosmah was charged of assessment 2021 to 2022 to the Di-
The five questions are:- in court, or within three months from rector General of Inland Revenue.
• Whether the computation of the three the April 8, 2021 (the date the COA al- She failed to file the returns for the
months period under Order 53 Rule lowed her appeal) with the consent of taxable income of RM1,827,149 for the
3(6) of the Rules of Court 2012, should the senior deputy public prosecutor for assessment year 2021 and RM1,558,176
take effect after the applicant (Rosmah) the applicant to obtain the first version for 2022, which meant she should have
has exhausted a similar application at of fiat dated July 8, 2020, whether the paid a tax of RM812,478 for both the
the criminal court, ie after the decision COA on its own motion impose a three years combined.
of the Federal Court on May 27, 2022, months date line to commence from Under Section 112(1A) of the In-
in keeping with the phrase “when the May 21, 2021, when the applicant was come Tax Act 1967, the offence is
decision is first communicated to the not given an opportunity to be heard on punishable by a fine not exceeding
applicant” under the said rule? the new date? And the respondents had RM20,000, or an imprisonment of up
• Whether the applicant should be granted not raised the issue during submissions to six months, or both, in addition to a
an extension of time under Order 53 Rule On July 22, a three-member COA special penalty of triple the tax payable,
3(7) of the said Rules of Court 2012, to bench, ruled there is no merit in Rosmah’s upon conviction.
file a judicial review application given that appeal, where it ruled the judicial review Prior to sentencing, Wong, a mother
she has given good reasons under the said application was filed out of time and there of five, who was unrepresented, pleaded
rule, that is to exhaust a similar applica- were no valid grounds for the court to ex- for leniency.
tion first at the criminal court. ercise its discretion to grant an extension. She said her children were still in
• Bearing in mind that the primary issue school, and her elderly mother and
in the judicial review application was Rosmah’s lawyers had applied for her mother-in-law depended on her, add-
the illegality of the criminal proceedings criminal appeal, scheduled to be heard ing that she had also paid taxes of
which rendered the entire criminal tri- from July 11 to 14 at the COA, to be ad- RM120,000 (RM60,000 each) for both
al of the applicant to a nullity, whether journed pending the disposal of her leave 2021 and 2022.
the COA having regard to the overrid- to appeal and possibly the apex court to However, Inland Revenue Board sen-
ing interest of justice and not only the hear the merits of her appeal first. ior counsel Norhidayah Yasin request-
technical compliance of Order 53 Rule The COA has fixed Friday (July 7) to ed a commensurate sentence due to
3(6) of the Rules of Court, ought to hear the application to adjourn. the fact that the RM120,000 paid was
have granted an extension of time af- Rosmah, 71, had on Sept 1, last year a mere fraction of the payable tax of
ter invoking the three months date line been found guilty by the High Court in RM812,478.
to commence from May 21, 2021 (the Kuala Lumpur on all three counts of graft Nurzihan then ordered Wong to pay
third version of the fiat). relating to a solar hybrid project for 369 a fine of RM18,000 and a penalty of
• Which of the two conflicting decisions rural schools in Sarawak beginning 2016. RM2,437,433, to be paid in installments
in the case of Menteri Besar Pahang For her guilt, she was sentenced to 10 years to the Inland Revenue, with effect from
vs Seruan Gemilang Sdn Bhd, (2010) in jail and fined RM970 million. July 5.


BEIJING/SHANGHAI (July 5): China’s The Global Times state media tabloid, in
export controls on metals used in making China adviser a separate editorial published late on Tues-
semiconductors are “just a start”, an influ- day, said that it was a “practical way” of
ential trade policy adviser said on Wednes- warns chipmaking telling the US and its allies that their efforts
day (July 5), as it ramps up a tech fight with to curb China from procuring more ad-
the US days before US treasury secretary export curbs are vanced technology was a “miscalculation”.
Janet Yellen visits Beijing. The Chinese commerce ministry
Shares in some Chinese metals compa- ‘just a start’, as did not respond to a request for fur-
nies rallied for a second session, with inves- ther comment.
tors betting that higher prices on gallium Yellen visit looms Curbs on exports to China
and germanium, which Beijing’s export
restrictions target, could boost revenues. Washington is considering new restrictions
Germanium is used in high-speed com- BY BRENDA GOH on the shipment of high-tech microchips
puter chips, plastics, and in military appli- Reuters to China, following a series of curbs over
cations such as night-vision devices as well the past few years.
as satellite imagery sensors. Gallium is used The US and the Netherlands are also
in building radars and radio communica- If restrictions targeting expected to further restrict sales of chip-
tion devices, satellites and light-emitting China’s high-technology making equipment to China, part of ef-
diodes (LEDs). sector continue then forts to prevent their technology from be-
China’s abrupt announcement of con- countermeasures ing used by China’s military.
trols from Aug 1 on exports of some gal- will escalate. A day after China unveiled the curbs,
lium and germanium products, also used Chinese President Xi Jinping repeated a
in electric vehicles (EVs) and fibre optic call for “stable and smooth functioning
cables, has sent companies scrambling to of regional industrial and supply chains”
secure supplies and bumped up prices. in a virtual address to leaders attending
Announced on the eve of US Independ- the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
ence Day and just before Yellen’s planned summit, according to state media reports.
visit to Beijing from Thursday (July 6), ana- Shares in Chinese metals companies
lysts said it was clearly timed to send a mes- such as Yunnan Lincang Xinyuan Germa-
sage to the Biden administration, which nium Industry Co and Yunnan Chihong
has been targeting China’s chip sector and Zinc & Germanium Co surged for a second
pushing allies such as Japan and the Neth- session on Wednesday, with local media
erlands to follow suit. reporting that a rise in germanium prices
China’s move has also raised concerns on would boost revenue growth for the firms.
whether restrictions on rare earth exports On Wednesday, former vice commerce Gallium at 99.99% purity in China was
could follow, they said, pointing to how it minister Wei Jianguo told the China Daily trading at 1,775 yuan (RM1,155) a kg on
curbed shipments 12 years ago in a dispute newspaper that countries should brace for Tuesday, unchanged day-on-day, but up
with Japan. China is the world’s biggest pro- more should they continue to pressure China, 6% week-on-week and 4% year-on-year,
ducer of rare earths, a group of metals used describing the controls as a “well-thought- respectively, Shanghai Metal Exchange
in EVs and military equipment. out heavy punch” and “just a start”. Market data on Refinitiv Eikon showed.
Analysts have described Monday’s (July “If restrictions targeting China’s It was, however, 46% lower from the same
3) move as China’s second, and so far the high-technology sector continue then period a year ago.
biggest, countermeasure in the long-run- countermeasures will escalate,” added Wei, China’s germanium ingot was priced
ning US-China tech fight, coming after it who served as vice commerce minister in at 9,150 yuan per kg on Tuesday, also flat
banned some key domestic industries from 2003-2008 and is now the vice chairman on the day and on the week, Refinitiv data
purchasing from US memory chipmaker of state-backed think tank China Center showed. It was down 4% month-on-month
Micron in May. for International Economic Exchanges. and up 4.6% year-on-year, respectively.

BEIJING (July 5): China has cancelled write off hopes of another attempt at a visit.
a trip by European Union (EU) foreign
policy chief Josep Borrell scheduled for
China cancels planned “We welcome High Level Represent-
ative Borrell to visit China at the earli-
next week, an EU spokesperson said on trip by Europe’s top est time convenient to both sides,” for-
Tuesday (July 4).
No reasons were given for the cancel- diplomat Borrell eign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin
told reporters. “We are willing to maintain
lation, which comes as Europe seeks to communication with the EU about this.”
reduce risks created by its close economic Borrell was due to visit Beijing on July
relationship with China, which Brussels BY YEW LUN TIAN & MARTIN QUIN POLLARD 10 to meet his Chinese counterpart and
has dubbed an “economic competitor and Reuters discuss “strategic issues” including human
a systemic rival”. rights and Russia’s war in Ukraine, the
“Unfortunately, we were informed by in a written statement on Tuesday. EU’s ambassador to China said on Sun-
the Chinese counterparts that the envis- A spokesman for China’s foreign minis- day (July 2).
aged dates next week are no longer possible try declined to say why this visit was can-
and we must now look for alternatives,” celled when asked at a daily briefing in
spokesperson Nabila Massrali told Reuters Beijing on Wednesday (July 5), but did not Read the full story


India in talks
NEW DELHI (July 5): India has dis- None of the officials wanted to be
cussed a possible deal to supply more named, as talks are ongoing.

to supply green
than 11 million metric tonnes a year of India’s renewable energy ministry, an
green hydrogen to the European Union Indian government spokesperson and a

hydrogen to EU,
and Singapore, who in turn would invest communications officer at the EU office
in these Indian clean energy projects, in New Delhi did not immediately reply

Singapore —
three government officials and one in- to requests for comment.
dustry source said. The meetings hosted by the Indian

Reuters reported on Tuesday that New government on Wednesday were also at-
Delhi will consider bilateral agreements tended by Indian renewable companies
which would allow countries to use car- including Avaada Group, Renew Power
bon credits linked to producing so-called and ACME Group.
green hydrogen, which is made using re- BY SARITA CHAGANTI SINGH “The bilateral agreements being dis-
newable energy. Reuters cussed with the EU and Singapore pres-
India and the EU explored green hy- ent a significant business opportunity for
drogen agreements for 10 million metric Indian green hydrogen manufacturers,”
tonnes per annum, under which business- Avaada chairman Vineet Mittal said.
es in the bloc could invest in projects in Singapore is looking Indian companies such as Reliance In-
India and claim carbon credits, one of to get 5 million metric dustries, Indian Oil and Adani Enterprises
the officials, who attended a meeting on tons per annum of have big plans for green hydrogen.
Wednesday in New Delhi, told Reuters. Countries around the globe are turning
Singapore is looking to get 5 million
green ammonia through to hydrogen to drive a transition away from
metric tons per annum of green ammo- bilateral agreements. fossil fuels to address global warming.
nia through similar bilateral agreements, India last year sought to further its am-
which is equivalent to another 1-1.5 mil- bitions to become a major green hydrogen
lion metric tons a year of green hydrogen, exporter through the approval of a 174.9
another official said. billion rupees (US$2.13 billion) incentive
The officials did not give details on plan and a target to produce five million
the length or the starting year of such tonnes of green hydrogen by 2030.
Green ammonia, generally the pre-
ferred form in which the fuel is transport- REUTERS Read also: Singapore’s central bank
ed, is a green hydrogen derivative. pumps US$6 bil into climate transition

Earth keeps
(July 5): Global temperatures have the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
smashed through records this week, un- Change said in March in a report summa-

derscoring the dangers of ever-increasing rising five years of its own research. Global
greenhouse gas emissions generated from greenhouse gas emissions need to be cut to

burning fossil fuels. 60% below 2019 levels by 2035, according
The average worldwide temperature to the report, and climate-related risks are

records due to
reached 17°C on Monday (July 3), just rising with every increment of warming.
above the previous record of 16.9°C in “Our world needs climate action on all

global warming
August 2016, according to data from the fronts — everything, everywhere, all at once,”
National Centres for Environmental Pre- UN Secretary General António Guterres said
diction. The threshold only lasted a day. in a statement at the time. Guterres has urged
On Tuesday (July 4), the average temper- nations to rapidly accelerate plans to phase
ature hit 17.2°C. BY WILL MATHIS & AARON CLARK out the use of fossil fuels.
The new highs illustrate the extremity Bloomberg Attention will focus on the state of efforts
of 2023’s summer in the northern hemi- to limit global warming as nations gather for
sphere, and bring into focus the slow pace Last week saw a dangerous heat dome cov- the COP28 annual UN climate summit in
of global progress on curbing emissions. er Texas and northern Mexico, while the Dubai later this year, with expectations al-
“It’s a death sentence for people and UK baked in its hottest June on record. ready low on the potential outcomes.
ecosystems,” said Friederike Otto, a senior El Nino conditions have developed in Diplomats left a two-week preparatory
lecturer at the Grantham Institute for Cli- the tropical Pacific for the first time in sev- meeting from COP28 held in Germany
mate Change and the Environment. The en years and will trigger a surge in temper- last month disappointed by inter-country
El Nino weather phenomenon is set to atures, according to the World Meteorolog- bickering and what some described as a
push global temperatures higher, she said. ical Organisation (WMO). “The onset of lack of ambition from the United Arab
The heat this summer has already put El Nino will greatly increase the likelihood Emirates, this year’s host nation.
millions of people around the world at risk. of breaking temperature records,” WMO Any failure to achieve progress that sig-
China is experiencing a scorching new heat secretary-general Petteri Taalas said in a nificantly boosts the prospects for holding
wave less than two weeks after tempera- Tuesday statement. the global average temperature below 1.5°C
tures broke records in Beijing. Extreme It’s likely the world will exceed 1.5°C of warming could see some countries, par-
heat in India last month has been linked of warming “in the near term,” with ef- ticularly vulnerable small island states, start
to deaths in some of its poorest regions. forts on climate action still insufficient, to question the multilateral climate process.


Singapore’s est expenses on domestic money market

operations. The MAS tightened monetary
central bank policy three times over the period to damp-
en inflationary pressures.
struggles to fix
posts net loss of This led to a broad appreciation of the
SGD against the currencies that the OFR power market
US$30.8 bil for (Official Foreign Reserves) held, resulting
in significant negative currency translation after wild price
FY22/FY23 amid effects as the MAS’ financial results are
reported in the SGD. swings
depressed market Total expenditure of S$13.7 billion was
largely due to interest expenses on MAS

environment bills and other borrowings for domestic BY ISABEL JOY KUA &
money market operations. As the SGD in- STEPHEN STAPCZYNSKI
terest rates rose together with the increase Bloomberg
in global interest rates, the MAS incurred
BY KHAIRANI AFIFI NOORDIN higher interest expense in its conduct of (July 5): Singapore is struggling money market operations. to attract new players to its vola-
For this financial year, there is no con- tile power market, threatening to
SINGAPORE (July 5): The Monetary tribution to the consolidated fund, nor re- unwind reforms aimed at boosting
Authority of Singapore (MAS) has re- turn of profits to the government. competition and reducing electric-
corded a net loss of S$30.8 billion As a conservative measure to ensure that ity bills for consumers.
(RM106 billion) for the financial year the MAS remains well-capitalised relative Surging spot power prices over
ended March 31, recording a small in- to its assets, the central bank increased its the last two years prompted an exo-
vestment gain amid a challenging market issued and paid-up capital by S$25 bil- dus of retailers, after it became un-
environment of bond and equity markets’ lion to S$50 billion in this financial year. profitable to continue operations.
poor performance. As at March 31, total capital and reserves The nation’s regulator introduced
This was, however, outweighed by neg- of MAS was S$34.3 billion, down from a price cap last month to help tame
ative currency translation effects and inter- S$40.1 billion the year prior. these wild price swings, but partic-
ipants are calling for more action
to help revive the fledgling futures
“I haven’t seen any new entrants
in the last two years,” said Matthijs
Guichelaar, chief executive officer
of Flo Energy, one of the few inde-
pendent retailers still active in the
market along with seven incumbent
power generation companies. “The
futures market has zero liquidity.”
Singapore fully liberalised its
power sector in 2018, for the first
time allowing consumers to choose
electricity providers. This resulted
in a slew of independent retailers
entering the wholesale electricity
market to compete with the state-
owned utility. Most, however, were
forced to bow out from operations
BANGKOK (July 5): Thailand’s parlia- after spot power prices spiked.
ment will vote for a new prime minister Thai parliament The global energy crisis, which
on July 13, house speaker Wan Muhamad started to gain pace in 2021, dealt a
Noor Matha said on Wednesday (July 5). to vote for prime heavy blow to energy retailers not just
The announcement comes a day after in Singapore but across the world in
Wan Noor was endorsed as house speaker, minister on July 13 countries like the UK and Japan. In-
a role in which he is able to call for a joint dependent retailers don’t have power
sitting of the country’s bicameral legisla- plants, and instead purchase electric-
ture to vote on the next prime minister. Reuters ity from the spot market for custom-
The election-winning Move Forward ers, like households and businesses.
party and populist Pheu Thai trounced the next premier to replace the incumbent That leaves the retailers particu-
conservative rivals in a May ballot, secur- Prayuth Chan-ocha. larly exposed as prices have jumped
ing 151 and 141 seats in the 500-member However, with 312 votes the alliance as much as 3,000% intraday. Sin-
lower house, respectively. is short of the 376 votes that Pita needs gapore consumers are somewhat
Together with six other parties they are in the joint sitting, which includes a con- protected, as they are charged at
expected to propose Move Forward lead- servative-leaning 250-member senate, who a fixed rate.
er, the US-educated Pita Limjaroenrat as were appointed during military rule.


Singapore to
(July 5):The Monetary Authority of Singa- nance structures, including those support-
pore (MAS) will change the tax incentives ing the region’s transition to net zero. For

change tax rules

it gives to single family offices in an effort grants that these entities provide to sup-
to boost the hiring of locals and investment port such structures with no expectations

to attract the
in the country’s equity markets. of income or return of principal, author-
Tax incentives will also be adjusted to en- ities will recognise as S$2 (RM6.89) for

super rich
courage these firms to invest in climate-re- every dollar spent, among incentives
lated projects and undertake more philan- • All investments in non-listed Singapore
thropy through Singapore, MAS managing operating companies including private
director Ravi Menon said at a briefing after credit will be recognised
the release of its annual report. BY DAVID RAMLI & • Recognition of twice the amount in-
“Given our great success in being able CHANYAPORN CHANJAROEN vested in Singapore-listed equities, and
to attract so much wealth here, we can af- Bloomberg eligible exchange traded funds, as well
ford to ask wealth to play a bigger role in as unlisted funds that invest primarily
our society and in our economy,” Menon in locally listed equities
said. His comments come after outgoing The bulk of wealth flows into Singapore
MAS chairman Tharman Shanmugarat- Tax incentives will is from institutional investors, rather than
nam said last month that the firms’ contri- also be adjusted to family offices or wealthy people, according
butions to these areas will be recognised. encourage these firms to to Menon. The single family offices, that
Family offices — the firms set up by invest in climate-related apply for and are granted tax incentives,
the ultra rich to manage their affairs and projects and undertake managed about S$90 billion of assets as
investments — are currently able to get more philanthropy at 2021, less than 2% of the S$5.4 trillion
tax exemptions on a range of investments through Singapore. total assets managed in Singapore, he said.
in Singapore. That’s helped fuel a surge in Separately, the MAS said that it will
the number of single family offices based take more action to boost surveillance and
in the city-state from 400 at the end of defence against money laundering risks
2020 to 1,100 in 2022. jobs. The planned measures aim to fix this. in the sector. Among the measures, it will
Even though the increase of family of- Single family offices seeking so-called require all single family offices to notify
fices has boosted the overall assets under 13O and 13U tax exemptions must meet the regulator when they start operations
management, much of that wealth isn’t minimum asset under management and as well as maintain a business relationship
seen to be invested within Singapore — business spending requirements. Some of with a MAS-regulated financial institution.
blunting expectations that their enlarged the changes to the tax structure are: A public consultation on these proposals
presence would result in a flood of local • Encouraging participation in blended fi- will be released soon, Menon said.

Subprime auto
NEW YORK (July 5): The collapse of two through their pandemic-era savings.
US auto dealers and a growing pile of de- The deterioration of the bonds issued by

bondholders face
linquent car loans are threatening to deliver ACC and US Auto Sales comes months after
losses in a corner of Wall Street that, until both companies announced they were clos-

possible first hit

now, has been a sea of calm: the asset-backed ing their dealerships. Both firms transferred
securities market. the collection of payments on their loans,

in decades
Bonds backed by car loans made by US known as servicing, to Westlake Portfolio
Auto Sales and American Car Center, two Management after going bust. A spokes-
used-car dealers that shut their doors earlier person for Westlake declined to comment.
this year, have been veering into distress in “The bonds are deteriorating in part”
recent weeks. Borrowers have been falling BY CARMEN ARROYO because it takes a few months to transfer
behind on payments, and Citigroup believes Bloomberg the servicing of the loans “and meanwhile
that some of the riskiest parts of three differ- consumers may cease making payments,”
ent asset-backed deals could fail to return “The economy is not doing well and Eugene Belostotsky, a securitised products
principle to investors. there’s a flood of shaky issuers that are go- strategist at Citi, said in an interview. “The
Any lost principle would be a rare event ing out of business” in the auto market, John lenders went under because borrowers were
in the ABS market, where subprime auto Kerschner, head of US securitised prod- not paying back the debt, now that’s just
bonds haven’t failed to return investors’ ucts at Janus Henderson, said in an inter- accelerating.”
money since the 1990s, Citigroup said. view. When lenders do fail, “it’s hard to get Moody’s Investors Service further down-
Prices on a bond issued by US Auto Sales, borrowers to pay back their debt, especially graded some of US Auto Sales ABS in late
owned by private equity firm Milestone because sometimes it’s not clear where to June, for moving the E note of the 2022 deal
Partners, have dropped to distressed lev- send the payments”. to a C rating. The ratings firm noted that
els, trading at a little over 18 cents on the Milestone Partners didn’t reply to a re- there are shortfalls in the pools of money
dollar on June 26, according to Trace data. quest for comment, while a spokesperson available to pay bondholders, because deal-
The disruption is a major test for the forYork Capital, which backed ACC before erships haven’t fully reimbursed trusts for
subprime auto ABS market, where issu- the bankruptcy filing, declined to comment. items like unearned vehicle service contract
ance grew by more than 70% to US$40.5 As the Federal Reserve ends quantita- payments.
billion (RM188.5 billion) in the five years tive easing and tightens the money supply,
through 2021, according to data compiled credit is harder to come by across the econ-
by Bloomberg News. omy. Consumers, meanwhile, are burning Read the full story


New players can form into a nationwide bank, according

Japan’s firms
to the statement.

enter Korea’s The government’s move comes after

offer biggest
President Yoon Suk Yeol earlier this year

banking sector criticised banks for having what it called a

pay hikes
“money feast”: booking “easy” profits from

for first time the gap between interest rates on deposits

in 30 years,
and those on loans, while paying their exec-

in 30 years utives big bonuses as borrowers struggled

wage growth
to pay high interest rates.
The top five Korean banks — Kook-

min Bank, Shinhan Bank, KEB Hana
BY SHINHYE KANG Bank, Woori Bank and NongHyup Bank
Bloomberg — posted a combined 12.7 trillion won
(RM45.1 billion) in net income last year,
(July 5): South Korea will allow new do- surging about 18% from the prior year. Reuters
mestic players to enter its banking industry The lenders handed out two trillion won
for the first time in 30 years, a move meant in bonuses to employees last year, accord- TOKYO (July 5): Japanese firms
to boost competition in a sector dominated ing to the regulator. offered the biggest pay hikes in
by five major lenders. Following President Yoon’s criticism, three decades at this year’s negoti-
The country’s financial regulator will al- financial regulators launched a task force ations with workers, the country’s
low financial firms to apply for nationwide to prepare measures to break down what largest trade union group said on
commercial bank licenses, the Financial they view as an oligopoly in the industry. Wednesday (July 5), a develop-
Services Commission said in a statement Meanwhile, the antitrust watchdog began a ment economists say will help re-
on Wednesday (July 5), the first time it’s probe into major lenders to assess whether vive anaemic consumer demand.
doing so since 1992.The move is seen pav- they colluded on loan rates. A survey conducted by Rengo,
ing the way for competition that could help South Korean banks aren’t alone in fac- Japan’s umbrella trade union group,
lower interest rate costs for consumers. ing criticism for excessive profits during showed pay hikes first reported by
Lenders made record profits during the a time of surging inflation and high costs unions at the largest employers
Covid pandemic and “paid their interest for consumers. New Zealand is starting a in March were now broadening
income as bonuses and dividends for em- market study into competition in the sec- to workers at small and medium
ployees and shareholders rather than re- tor for personal banking services to ensure enterprises (SMEs), or those with
turning it to citizens,” the FSC said in the the market is working well for citizens. UK unions of 300 or fewer members.
statement. lawmakers have criticised the largest banks The final survey of 5,272 un-
Daegu Bank, a regional banking unit of for offering stingy savings rates to custom- ions affiliated with Rengo showed
DGB Financial Group Inc, may become ers. And in the US, President Joe Biden an average pay hike of 3.58%, or
the first firm to take advantage of the ex- called out banks, among other companies, 10,560 yen per month, the biggest
panded rule, with an intention to trans- for charging excessive fees. increase since 3.9% seen in 1993.
Among them, SMEs raised wages
by 3.23%, also the fastest pace in
three decades.

TOKYO/SINGAPORE (July 5): Japan’s Wage growth is one of the key
biggest maritime port was crippled by an trends the Bank of Japan (BOJ)

attack hits Japan’s

alleged Russian cyberattack, disrupting is closely watching as it consid-
cargo as operators rushed to prevent a ers if and when it should unwind

biggest port,
wider delay in shipments. its ultra-loose monetary stimulus.
Ransomware — used by hackers to lock BOJ governor Kazuo Ueda

delaying cargo
access to files or systems unless a payment has repeatedly stressed the need
is made — caused a container terminal to keep policy accommodative un-
at the Port of Nagoya in Aichi Prefecture til wages increase enough to keep
to suffer an outage on Tuesday morning, price growth sustainably around
the Nagoya Harbor Transportation Au- BY NICHOLAS TAKAHASHI, ANN KOH its 2% target.
thority said on Wednesday. The authority & GRACE HUANG “Rising prices and a chron-
said operations are expected to resume on Bloomberg ic labour crunch are driving up
Thursday at 8:30 am local time. wages, which will continue to rise
As more Asian ports automate and was responsible for the hack, Kyodo News next year. What’s important from
move away from paper documentation, reported on Wednesday. Ransomware at- now on is to bring real wages to
hackers pose a growing problem to the tackers tend to target vulnerabilities in positive territory,” said Hisashi
region’s shipping networks. Cyber crimi- VPNs and remote desktop protocols, Yamada, economist and Hosei
nals have been targeting European ports said Mihoko Matsubara, NTT Corp’s University professor.
in recent years, with pro-Russia groups chief cybersecurity strategist. She said “Rising wages will help stabi-
claiming responsibility for an attack on such breaches account for 80% of ran- lise inflation at 2% towards next
one of the continent’s biggest ports just somware attacks in Japan. year, keeping the central bank un-
last month. “Its crucial for companies to update or der pressure to scrap yield curve
The Nagoya port authority said Rus- patch software they use for their business control sooner or later.”
sia-based ransomware group Lockbit 3.0 operations,” Matsubara said.


SHANGHAI/HONG KONG (July 5): Meanwhile, China Life Insurance Co

Fresh signs emerged on Wednesday that China property and Dajia Life Insurance Co sent a work-
China is facing yet more challenges in its ing group to Sino-Ocean regarding a holistic
property debt crisis. pain worsens with risk mitigation plan, people familiar with the
Defaulted developer Shimao Group matter said. That added to concerns that
Holdings Ltd failed to find a buyer for a failed auction, even China’s state-backed developers aren’t
US$1.8 billion project at a forced auction, immune to the industry’s unprecedented
even at a heavy discount. Sino-Ocean Group Sino-Ocean rout liquidity squeeze.
Holding Ltd saw its bonds tumble on news Sino-Ocean bonds slumped further
that the state-backed builder told some cred- Wednesday, putting prices at just half their
itors it has been working with two major BY CHARLIE ZHU, EMMA DONG, JACKIE CAI, start-of-week levels. A two billion yuan on-
shareholders on its debt load. WEI ZHOU, DOROTHY MA & PEARL LIU shore note due next month, the company’s
They’re the latest indications that China’s Bloomberg next maturity, plunged 34.6% and saw trad-
two-year real estate crisis is likely to remain ing suspended twice. A Sino-Ocean dollar
one of the biggest drags on the world’s sec- No buyers bid for Shimao’s land port- bond due 2024 fell to a record low at about
ond-largest economy. A brief rebound after folio in Shenzhen, even though the asset 15 cents. Shares dropped as much as 4.4%
the nation scrapped Covid restrictions has was offered at a price 20% lower than its in Hong Kong.
quickly faded, with home sales resuming appraised value, according to results posted This week’s bond selloff at Sino-Ocean
declines and property investment worsen- on online auction site was kicked off by people familiar with the
ing — hurting markets ranging from iron That will likely add hurdles to Shimao’s matter saying that a state-owned sharehold-
ore to high-yield bonds. debt restructuring, Bloomberg Intelligence er-led working group of the developer had
“Investors are disappointed with the slow property analysts Kristy Hung and Lisa Zhou engaged China International Capital Corp
recovery of the housing market,” said Anitza wrote in a note.The developer’s onshore com- to conduct due diligence on the firm.
Nip, Union Bancaire Privee (UBP)’s head mercial property unit purchased the land — China’s renewed housing slump has
of fixed income research for Asia. “The re- spanning an area equivalent to 34 football fuelled expectations for the government
covery path appears to be even longer than fields — in 2017 for 24 billion yuan (US$3.3 to issue more stimulus measures. Adding
what the market had initially anticipated billion), a record in Shenzhen at the time. to the economy’s woes, figures on Wednes-
earlier this year.” Its original plan was to build a landmark day showed China’s services sector slowed
The nation’s second-largest developer by complex with a 500-metre skyscraper, but in June.
sales, China Vanke Co, said last week that the project ran into trouble last year after the Yet, support measures have so far been
the home market is “worse than expected,” company missed some payments on high- modest, keeping pressure on developers fac-
joining a chorus of investors and analysts yield trust products used to fund the construc- ing mounting debts.
who have become bearish on the sector. tion. Citic Trust Co, which manages the trust “Investors are concerned not only about
Goldman Sachs Group Inc recently raised project, seized the asset and sued Shimao’s credit risk on individual names now, but also
its projected default rate for Chinese high- unit, according to the auction documents and about the sector as whole, as the restructur-
yield property dollar bonds. Shimao’s company filing. ing process remains slow,” UBP’s Nip said.

FRANKFURT (July 5): Germany’s mar- finance has reached an end, with a “pro-
ket for commercial real estate plunged to German tracted hangover” now ahead, analysts in-
the lowest level since at least 2017, in the cluding Denese Newton said in the note.
latest sign of the turmoil triggered by soar- commercial Still, there are signs the pace of the con-
ing interest rates. traction in commercial property deals is
Deal volumes in the first half of 2023 property deals slowing, with year-on-year drops getting
declined 50% from the previous six months less severe, according to the JLL data. Halt-
to €14.9 billion (US$16.2 billion), accord- tumble 50% to ing the declines would be the first step
ing to data provided by real estate firm JLL. toward an eventual rebound.
The figure was about two-thirds below the five-year low Certainty about the future path of inter-
average over the past five years. est rates could help get the market going
The standstill in Germany mirrors again by making it easier for buyers and
developments across European countries BY STEVEN ARONS & JACK SIDDERS seller to find common ground. Markets
such as Sweden, Ireland and the UK. Bloomberg currently expect the European Central
Commercial property markets have seized Bank to end the historic series of interest
as buyers and sellers struggle to agree on rate release Wednesday that deals in the rate hikes later this year.
pricing. segment plunged 69% below the 10-year “There is a realistic chance that price
Rising interest rates have driven up bor- average in the first half of the year. expectations could converge by the end
rowing costs, prompting potential property The industry may even face a decade of the year” if the ECB stops raising rates,
investors to demand higher yields. That of limited earnings growth, investment BNP said. This “would significantly im-
results in lower offer prices, and owners bank Stifel said in a note on Wednesday, prove planning security for both buyers
are resisting granting steep discounts to downgrading the ratings on German res- and sellers” and usher in a rebound.
book values on concerns that could cause idential landlords LEG Immobilien SE, Still, deals volumes will likely remain
debt ratios to surge. TAG Immobilien AG and Vonovia SE to at a low level for the rest of the year,since
The effects are also visible in the Ger- sell and prompting their shares to decline. the flagging German economy will provide
man market for residential real estate, with The “seemingly endless party of growth” “very little, if any, tailwind” to the real es-
BNP Paribas Real Estate saying in sepa- in real estate supported by ever-cheaper tate industry, BNP said.


Europe’s biggest Thames Water

ued at about 47 billion lei, is poised to gain
from the increased visibility and potential

IPO raises investors appear

new funding opportunities for its ambitious
renewable energy investments.

US$1.8 bil for reluctant to fork

The boost in liquidity following the list-
ing may help the Bucharest Stock Exchange

Templeton-led out fresh cash,

secure a long-awaited upgrade by MSCI to
emerging-market status. The sale of a mi-

fund says Ofwat

nority stake in the company also fulfills one
of the milestones in Romania’s recovery and
resilience plan, helping to unlock €29 bil-
lion (RM146.86 billion) in European Union
Bloomberg “We have been waiting for this listing for Reuters
over 10 years,” Energy Minister Sebastian
(July 5): Franklin Templeton-managed Fon- Burduja said in a statement. “Listing means LONDON (July 5): Investors in ailing
dul Proprietatea raised 8.1 billion lei (US$1.8 transparency, capitalisation and is an indi- British water company Thames Water ap-
billion or RM8.37 billion) in Romania’s larg- cator of a modern economy.This is the path pear to be reluctant to put in more cash,
est ever initial public offering (IPO) and this to follow for other state-owned companies the country’s regulator Ofwat said on
year’s biggest share listing in Europe. in the energy sector.” Wednesday (July 5), as its boss defended
About 78 million shares, or 17.3%, in hy- The Romanian IPO — the world’s the oversight of the heavily indebted sector.
dropower utility Hidroelectrica SA will be sold third-largest of 2023 — according to data Thames Water, which supplies about
at 104 lei each in the IPO, close to the middle compiled by Bloomberg, could help rekindle 27% of Britain’s population, is seeking to
of the indicated range, according to a regulato- Europe’s market for share listings. Thyssen- raise an additional £1 billion (RM5.91
ry statement onWednesday. Romania’s biggest krupp AG’s Nucera hydrogen unit is raising billion) in equity to help upgrade its in-
producer of electricity is set to start trading €526 million, while transaction processor frastructure and cope with the rising cost
on the Bucharest Stock Exchange on July 12. CAB Payments Holdings aims to raise as of its £14 billion debt pile.
The proceeds of Europe’s biggest public much as £333 million in its IPO. Its fate has shone a light on the wider
offering since Porsche AG will go directly water sector in Britain which racked up
to Fondul’s coffers and are likely to be dis- debt after it was privatised and which
tributed to shareholders. Hidroelectrica, val- Read the full story has sparked a public outcry in recent
years by releasing raw sewage into riv-
ers and seas.
“The company is talking to inves-
tors about securing new equity,” Ofwat
boss David Black said. When asked by
BBC radio if investors were reluctant,
he said: “yes.”
“Thames are looking for new finance
to come to the business in the early part
of next year.”
He added that he expected compa-
nies to want to charge higher consum-
er bills in the next regulatory cycle, to
fund upgrades to infrastructure, and
that while it had been the job of water
companies to control their debt levels,
the regulator now had stronger powers
to manage the sector.

LONDON: American Equity Investment Life Blackstone Inc to KKR & Co and Apollo
Holding Co accepted a US$4.3 billion (RM20 American Equity Global Management Inc have invested in
billion) cash and stock takeover bid from an
arm of Canadian investment giant Brookfield.
accepts Brookfield’s such companies as a way of gathering more
capital they can plow into alternative assets.
Brookfield Reinsurance Ltd agreed to US$4.3 bil takeover Brookfield has emerged as the world’s
buy all the shares in the US insurer it does most acquisitive investment firm this year as
not already own for US$55 apiece, accord- the biggest private equity funds slow down
ing to a statement on Wednesday (July 5). BY DINESH NAIR amid a dearth of financing. The Canadian
The offer represents a 35% premium to Bloomberg group agreed in June to buy Middle Eastern
American Equity’s closing price on June payment processor Network Internation-
23, the last full trading day before Bloomb- viders in the US boosts Brookfield Re- al Holdings plc for £2.2 billion (RM12.98
erg revealed Brookfield’s interest. insurance’s assets under management to billion), and it’s leading a consortium that
The deal to snap up one of the last around US$100 billion. In recent years, struck an A$18.7 billion (RM57.91 billion)
remaining independent annuities pro- private equity heavyweights ranging from deal for Australia’s Origin Energy Ltd.


China banks
(July 5): China’s largest banks cut rates for of the mainland, including to Hong Kong,
the nation’s US$453 billion (RM2.11 trillion) companies have more leeway to do so.

cut rates for

corporate US dollar deposits for the second The China FX Market Self-Regulatory
time in a matter of weeks, according to people Framework didn’t immediately reply to a

US$453 bil
familiar with the matter, as authorities inten- Bloomberg fax seeking comment.
sify measures to shore up the struggling yuan. Chinese banks increased dollar deposit

corporate US
At least nine banks, including the four big rates earlier this year to lure clients, as rising
state lenders, removed the spread they previ- yields on the greenback boosted the appeal of

dollar deposits
ously offered over the US Secured Overnight dollar-denominated assets at the expense of
Financing Rate (SOFR) for corporate clients, yuan securities. Chinese firms held US$453
the people said, declining to be identified dis- billion of foreign currency deposits at the end
cussing private information. Before the latest of May, according to central bank data, while
reduction, banks were offering 5.7% for one- Bloomberg households had US$125 billion.
year deposits, down from 6% about a month The size of corporate deposits may be
ago. The SOFR stands at 5.09%. Chinese authorities are stepping up ef- larger than official data shows. China’s firms
Retail investors have seen even bigger forts to stabilise the nation’s currency after it have around US$912 billion parked as US
reductions. State lenders this week slashed dropped toward the lowest level in 15 years currency deposits in the country’s banking
one-year rates on household deposits to against the greenback amid concern about the system, up from US$758 billion at the end
about 2.8% from 4.5-5% earlier.That com- strength of the economic recovery.While other of 2019, according to a recent research note
pares to 1.65% for similar period yuan de- major economies have been raising bench- by Eurizon SLJ Capital Ltd.
posits. Lower deposit rates may help sup- mark interest rates, China cut policy interest The moves show the People’s Bank of
port the yuan by making it less attractive rates last month for the first time in nearly a China (PBOC) will consider “multiple op-
for companies and consumers to convert year, signalling looser monetary policy. tions” to rein in the pace of yuan deprecia-
their cash holdings into dollars. Banks have limited room to further lower tion, Zhi said.
The move to cut rates on corporate de- the deposit rate for corporate clients due to The PBOC said last week it will adopt
posits “will help narrow the rate differen- the risk companies will shift funds offshore to “comprehensive measures and stabilise ex-
tial to some extent, but the gap is still quite capture the better yield, the people said.The pectations” about the currency. The central
large,” said Xiaojia Zhi, head of research, recent move was made under the guidance bank will also “resolutely prevent risks of big
Credit Agricole CIB Hong Kong Branch. of the nation’s forex market self-disciplinary fluctuations”, it said in its quarterly monetary
“Many clients have some flexibility to move mechanism, they said. policy report.The yuan was last down 0.3%
between onshore/offshore accounts for li- While China’s capital controls prevent in- to about 7.24 per dollar after touching a low
quidity management.” dividuals from moving sizable funds outside of 7.27 last week.

India increases
NEW DELHI (July 5): Africa has become However, Prime Minister Narendra
the second-largest recipient of credit from Modi’s government has pushed for greater

Africa lending
India as the country tries to catch up with reach into Africa, boosting both economic
China in expanding its influence in the re- and diplomatic links. As the continent deals

in the race to
source-rich continent. with the economic fallout of the pandemic
Forty-two African nations received and Russia’s war in Ukraine, New Delhi

counter China
about US$32 billion (RM148.9 billion) or is seeing an opportunity to push deeper
38% of all credit extended by India in the into the continent.
last decade — just a few percentage points In the last nine years, 18 of the 25 new
below its neighbours, Harsha Bangari, the Indian embassies or consulates were in Af-
managing director of India’s Export Im- BY SUDHI RANJAN SEN rica. In February, India hosted 48 African
port Bank said in an interview. Bloomberg countries at the Voice of Global South sum-
The bank is an instrument of India’s mit. Modi has also been championing India
“economic diplomacy”, Bangari said, add- it pledged US$134.6 billion to African as a representative of the Global South and
ing that the South Asian nation has also nations, according to data from Boston using platforms like its presidency of the
opened up 195 project-based lines of credit University’s Global Development Policy Group of 20 nations to draw attention to
worth about US$12 billion across Africa, Center. That’s almost 11 times more than the debt crises in developing economies.
three times the number it has in its own what India has offered. “We are trying to think 25 years from
region in the last decade. China has also made an early move to now,” India’s Foreign Minister Subrah-
“Africa has made good use of credit tap mineral resources in Africa. The North manyam Jaishankar said in a speech on
lines,” extended for projects that include Asian nation is tapping new centres of lith- June 28. “And ask ourselves where are we
health care, infrastructure, agriculture and ium supply, helping it navigate a tight mar- likely to be in 2047 and what should we
irrigation and India is seeing a steady in- ket for a key metal for electric vehicles. be doing now to prepare for it.”
crease in demand, she said. The country is also the biggest buyer of China’s quantum of financing is bigger
Despite the recent efforts by India bauxite from Guinea, which holds one of than India, but New Delhi let’s governments
to engage with countries in the world’s the world’s largest reserves of the ore used to decide what they need and doesn’t burden
second-largest continent, the nation has make alumina and is invested in developing them with the sort of vanity projects Beijing
lagged behind its bigger and wealthier the world’s biggest untapped deposit of high- is often critiqued for, Bangari said.
neighbour in making inroads in Africa. grade iron ore in the West African nation. “If you see the projects which India has
While China’s loans to Africa have dipped The Foreign Ministry in Beijing didn’t supported you will see they bring a lot of
since 2016, overall in the 10 years to 2020, reply to a request for comment. benefits to the economy.”


CPO RM 3,896.0034.00 OIL US$ 76.600.35 RM/USD 4.6520 RM/SGD 3.4407 RM/AUD 3.1041 RM/GBP 5.9148 RM/EUR 5.0682

Top 20 active stocks

(%) (RM MIL)
BTM RESOURCES BHD 71.86 0.005 0.095 11.76 119.4
SARAWAK CONSOLIDATED 67.89 0.005 0.475 227.59 304.10
PARKSON HOLDINGS BHD 52.79 0.025 0.215 59.26 247.0
TWL HOLDINGS BHD 46.55 0.000 0.035 0.00 146.6
WIDAD GROUP BHD 41.09 -0.005 0.415 -3.49 1,216.9
MALAYSIA BUILDING SOCIETY BHD 39.70 0.040 0.695 13.01 4984.2
KNM GROUP BHD 33.92 0.000 0.080 60.00 323.5
CLASSITA HOLDINGS BHD 31.60 0.000 0.085 -76.71 29.9
AHB HOLDINGS BHD 29.11 -0.005 0.150 25.00 91.2
UEM SUNRISE BHD 27.94 0.005 0.310 21.57 1,568.1 World equity indices
BUMI ARMADA BHD 26.70 -0.005 0.49 2.08 2902.1 (%) (%)
CYPARK RESOURCES BHD 26.49 0.065 0.805 71.28 629.6 DOW JONES 34,291.72 -126.75 -0.37 INDONESIA 6,718.98 37.22 0.56
AHMAD ZAKI RESOURCES BHD 25.98 0.000 0.250 51.52 149.1 S&P 500 4,447.94 -7.65 -0.17 JAPAN 33,338.70 -83.82 -0.25
JADI IMAGING HOLDINGS BHD 25.86 -0.015 0.030 -64.71 32.3 NASDAQ 100 15,255.85 47.16 0.31 KOREA 2,579.00 -14.31 -0.55
WCE HOLDINGS BHD 25.58 -0.030 0.650 113.11 1,942.0 FTSE 100 7,446.73 -72.99 -0.97 PHILIPPINES 6,512.39 -2.08 -0.03
MY EG SERVICES BHD 25.29 0.000 0.740 -14.12 5,480.0 AUSTRALIA 7,253.17 -25.87 -0.36 SINGAPORE 3,185.38 -18.39 -0.57
VELESTO ENERGY BHD 24.33 0.015 0.235 56.67 1,930.7 CHINA 3,222.95 -22.40 -0.69 TAIWAN 17,056.43 -84.34 -0.49
FARM FRESH BHD 23.44 -0.040 1.100 -31.68 2,059.1 HONG KONG 19,110.38 -305.30 -1.57 THAILAND 1,508.87 -6.44 -0.42
TANCO HOLDINGS BHD 22.30 0.010 0.525 56.72 1009.2 INDIA 65,446.04 -33.01 -0.05 VIETNAM 1,134.62 2.62 0.23
Data as compiled on Jul 5, 2023 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Jul 5, 2023 Source: Bloomberg

Top gainers (ranked by %) Top losers (ranked by %)

(%) (‘000) CHANGE CAP (%) (‘000) CHANGE CAP
(%) (RM MIL) (%) (RM MIL)
FINTEC GLOBAL BHD 0.010 100.00 1,163.5 0.00 59.2 JADI IMAGING HOLDINGS BHD 0.030 -33.33 25,864.5 -64.71 32.3
DGB ASIA BHD 0.010 100.00 411.5 -33.33 18.8 MMAG HOLDINGS BHD 0.01 -33.33 687.5 -60.00 24.2
XOX BHD 0.015 50.00 1,575.3 0.00 75.8 COMPUGATES HOLDINGS BHD 0.010 -33.33 70.0 0.00 55.0
NEXGRAM HOLDINGS BHD 0.015 50.00 2,672.4 -78.57 9.7 REACH ENERGY BHD 0.030 -14.29 85.1 -33.33 63.9
BCM ALLIANCE BHD 0.015 50.00 22.2 -40.00 30.5 MTOUCHE TECHNOLOGY BHD 0.040 -11.11 164.3 -20.00 37.1
SCOMI ENERGY SERVICES BHD 0.045 28.57 10,337.7 -18.18 21.1 MERCURY INDUSTRIES BHD 0.970 -11.01 39.4 0.52 62.4
CME GROUP BHD 0.030 20.00 310.0 0.00 31.0 JAG BHD 0.305 -10.29 17,996.7 -9.56 193.3
G3 GLOBAL BHD 0.030 20.00 2,870.5 0.00 113.2 KNUSFORD BHD 0.450 -10.00 2.0 -25.00 44.8
SDS GROUP BHD 0.690 15.00 4,738.6 -6.76 282.6 VIZIONE HOLDINGS BHD 0.050 -9.09 832.8 -9.09 102.3
BINA PURI HOLDINGS BHD 0.040 14.29 253.1 0.00 134.8 INGENIEUR GUDANG BHD 0.105 -8.70 634.3 -12.50 145.3
MERIDIAN BHD 0.080 14.29 13.4 -33.33 18.1 SINARAN ADVANCE GROUP BHD 0.055 -8.33 64.1 -26.67 50.3
SAPURA ENERGY BHD 0.040 14.29 1,361.2 14.29 639.2 NETX HOLDINGS BHD 0.065 -7.14 1,152.6 8.33 59.8
EG INDUSTRIES BHD 1.340 13.56 9,722.3 148.15 555.1 CABNET HOLDINGS BHD 0.195 -7.14 29.0 -13.33 34.9
PARKSON HOLDINGS BHD 0.215 13.16 52,794.8 59.26 247.0 LIEN HOE CORP BHD 0.280 -6.67 21.9 -18.84 93.1
YLI HOLDING BHD 0.390 13.04 1,383.3 30.00 40.1 ICON OFFSHORE BHD 0.070 -6.67 880.7 -26.32 189.5
INDUSTRONICS BHD 0.045 12.50 1,144.2 -40.00 31.8 PAN MALAYSIA HOLDINGS BHD 0.070 -6.67 12,863.3 0.00 65.0
GDB HOLDINGS BHD 0.190 11.76 7,076.5 -19.15 178.1 YGL CONVERGENCE BHD 0.140 -6.67 4.0 7.69 35.8
EVERSENDAI CORP BHD 0.145 11.54 7,620.8 -6.45 113.2 SPRING ART HOLDINGS BHD 0.150 -6.25 100.3 -16.67 62.4
PAPPAJACK BHD 0.880 11.39 8,360.5 55.75 676.0 SEALINK INTERNATIONAL BHD 0.075 -6.25 137.0 -25.00 37.5
MULTI-USAGE HOLDINGS BHD 0.540 11.34 5.1 -7.69 30.5 SELANGOR DREDGING BHD 0.450 -6.25 20.0 3.45 191.8
Data as compiled on Jul 5, 2023 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Jul 5, 2023 Source: Bloomberg

Top gainers (ranked by RM) Top losers (ranked by RM)

(RM) (‘000) CHANGE CAP (RM) (‘000) CHANGE CAP
(%) (RM MIL) (%) (RM MIL)
KUALA LUMPUR KEPONG BHD 22.960 0.680 1,467.2 2.68 24,760.9 NESTLE MALAYSIA BHD 130.300 -1.500 60.1 -6.93 30,555.4
SAM ENGINEERING & EQUIPMENT 4.880 0.180 424.2 -1.01 2,643.0 DUTCH LADY MILK INDUSTRIES 21.500 -0.500 26.5 -28.90 1,376.0
EG INDUSTRIES BHD 1.340 0.160 9,722.3 148.15 555.1 PETRONAS DAGANGAN BHD 21.880 -0.320 68.4 -4.24 21,736.8
HENGYUAN REFINING CO BHD 3.200 0.150 406.5 -9.09 960.0 VITROX CORP BHD 7.800 -0.200 132.6 1.96 7,373.1
LPI CAPITAL BHD 11.980 0.140 67.2 -5.22 4,772.6 RAPID SYNERGY BHD 21.100 -0.180 19.1 32.21 2,255.5
BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO 10.260 0.120 68.9 -8.56 2,929.5 MERCURY INDUSTRIES BHD 0.970 -0.120 39.4 0.52 62.4
MALAYSIAN PACIFIC INDUSTRIES 28.700 0.100 117.5 -0.21 5,708.3 GREATECH TECHNOLOGY BHD 4.450 -0.110 904.8 -8.06 5,575.1
FRASER & NEAVE HOLDINGS BHD 25.400 0.100 33.7 17.70 9,316.2 QL RESOURCES BHD 5.290 -0.110 1,085.3 -3.99 12,874.0
PAPPAJACK BHD 0.880 0.090 8,360.5 55.75 676.0 HONG LEONG CAPITAL BHD 6.060 -0.100 2,994.8 -3.50 1,496.2
SDS GROUP BHD 0.690 0.090 4,738.6 -6.76 282.6 HEINEKEN MALAYSIA BHD 26.200 -0.100 21.4 3.97 7,915.0
CHIN HIN GROUP BHD 4.480 0.090 2,406.3 38.70 7,927.0 TELEKOM MALAYSIA BHD 4.870 -0.080 2,372.8 -9.81 18,613.0
AMWAY MALAYSIA HOLDINGS BHD 5.370 0.090 0.3 10.93 882.8 PERTAMA DIGITAL BHD 2.720 -0.070 9,882.2 54.55 1,189.2
MALAYAN CEMENT BHD 3.200 0.090 788.5 50.94 4,192.6 HONG LEONG INDUSTRIES BHD 8.880 -0.060 90.1 -3.48 2,836.9
UWC BHD 3.280 0.080 902.0 -18.41 3,613.5 CI HOLDINGS BHD 3.150 -0.060 22.0 7.51 510.3
ECONFRAME BHD 0.930 0.075 3,447.0 2.76 315.8 MR DIY GROUP M BHD 1.530 -0.060 7,127.4 -23.50 14,433.8
SIME DARBY PLANTATION BHD 4.370 0.070 1,322.5 -6.02 30,221.7 YOONG ONN CORP BHD 1.320 -0.050 3.0 4.76 209.4
CYPARK RESOURCES BHD 0.805 0.065 26,486.9 71.28 629.6 KNUSFORD BHD 0.450 -0.050 2.0 -25.00 44.8
SUNWAY CONSTRUCTION GROUP 1.630 0.060 269.5 4.49 2,101.7 PJBUMI BHD 0.870 -0.050 3,907.8 -3.33 71.3
MALAYSIA SMELTING CORP BHD 2.060 0.060 459.4 34.64 865.2 TENAGA NASIONAL BHD 9.080 -0.050 2,250.1 -5.71 52,549.0
MULTI-USAGE HOLDINGS BHD 0.540 0.055 5.1 -7.69 30.5 NEGRI SEMBILAN OIL PALMS BHD 3.500 -0.050 16 0 245.7
Data as compiled on Jul 5, 2023 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Jul 5, 2023 Source: Bloomberg

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