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Strengthening Management Ability of Operation and Maintenance Company for

The Opening of Urban Railway Line 1 in Ho Chi Minh City


TC2 JET team:

 Mr. Yasunao Koizumi
 Mr. Mitsuhiko Ishida
 Mr. Nguyen Trung Thanh
 Mr. Nguyen Phuong Dong
Place: TC2 meeting space

Time: 9:00 – 12:00, Friday May 27, 2022

Recorded by The JICA expert team

Main topic IT system and Non-CP4 system
1 Progress of CP4
It would be confirmed later by the company leaders

Checklist to review the system design documents prepared by CP4 vendors

According to the previous meeting, we will prepare a checklist regarding IT
system design documents in CP4. However, CP4 has not been started so it is
impossible to detail the contents of the checklist based on the CP4
specifications and will mainly be based on general practices.
Currently, the bidding documents for CP4 are under preparation by MAUR.
However, the specific schedule has not been fixed.
 The checklist will be prepared with general contents.

Workflows for the operational methods before Non-CP4 system

development plan
Mr Thanh commented that Report management and Customer service should be
added into the scope of Non-CP4 system. However, Non-CP4 scope was
approved in 2019 in JCC3 meeting. So it is impossible to change at this time.
Regarding attendance records, in the Japanese case, some companies store both
paper documents (e.g. time cards) and digital documents. But it depends on the
company’s budget, if many digital documents need to be stored on a HDD, the
cost is higher to provide the HDD with a large capacity.
Therefore, it is necessary to select which digital documents are to be stored.

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Strengthening Management Ability of Operation and Maintenance Company for
The Opening of Urban Railway Line 1 in Ho Chi Minh City

Regulation on IT system Security

This regulation is almost completed. Following the completion, work flows and
application forms related to the regulation will be developed. In order to
proceed to it, the two following contents need to be confirmed with CPs:
- CPs should review and give comments on the regulation’s content
- Work flows and application forms need to be developed will be listed

Cost estimate for Non-CP4:

- Mr Dong informed that HURC1 now is considering using fingerprint
devices for attendance management.
- Mr. Koizumi will provide documents for this task and contact
information of an IT company in Vietnam for HURC1 to directly
contact and request a quote.

Other matters
- CPs would like to have a detail schedule of JETs during the time
working in HCMC
 JETs showed the schedule of each task and CPs confirmed.
- Next meeting will be informed on the afternoon of the next Monday.

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