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it is an anatomical area located posteriorly to the pelvic girdle,at the proximal end of the femur.

muscle in this region move the lower limb at the hip joints

The muscles of the gluteal region can be broadly divided into two groups:
superficial abductors and extenders-
group of large muscles that abduct and extend the femur includes,
Gluteus maximus,Gluteus medius,Gluteus minimus and Tensor fascia lata.
the arterial supply to these
deep lateral rotators- muscles is mostly via the
group of smaller muscles that act to laterally rotate the femur, superior and inferior gluteal
includes the quadratus femoris,piriformis,gamellus superior, arteries-branches of the internal
gamellus inferior and obturator internus. iliac artery.venous drainage
follows the arterial supply
they are alll inervated by the femoral nerve

it is known as iliacus,psoas major.iliacus

ORIGINATE from the iliac fossa of the
pelvis psoas major originate from the
lumber vertebrae
they both INSERT into the lesser
trochanter of the femur
ACTION;flexes the thigh at the
hip joint
innervation;psoas major is innervated by anterior rami
of 1-3while the iliacus is innervated by the femoral nerve
it is the longest muscle in the body.

femoral nerve
is a flat muscle that forms the base of
the femoral triangle

femoral nerve.may also receive a branch from obturator


femoral nerve
also known as the hip adductors

5.obturator externus
obturator externus:posterior aspect of the greater trochanter
hunter's canal

lateral:vastus medialis

serves as a passageway for structures

moving between the anterior thigh and
posterior leg.

clinical relevance:adductor canal block

adductor canal compression syndrome
fibular part
Adductor magnus:is the largest muscle in the medial lies
posterirly to other muscles

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