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Student Performance Contract S.

6 Sciences 2023
This contract aims to establish clear expectations and goals for ________________________________
to enhance my academic performance, overall engagement in school, and implement effective
strategies for improvement.

I believe that a collaborative effort between the school, the student, and my parents or guardians can
significantly contribute to my academic success. By entering into this performance contract, I outline my
responsibilities and commitments on how to succeed in this educational journey.

The terms and conditions of the student performance contract, along with the strategies for
improvement, are as follows:

1. Attendance and Punctuality:

a) I agree to attend school regularly and arrive on time for all classes, unless there is a valid reason
for absence which I will inform the teacher concerned or at the earliest time possible.
b) The school will keep accurate records of my attendance and notify my parents or guardians
promptly of any unexcused absences or delay.

2. Academic Performance:

a. I commit to putting forth my best effort in all academic endeavors, completing

assignments on time, and actively participating in class.
b. I will establish a study routine, including dedicated study time, organizing study
materials, and seeking clarification from teachers when needed.
c. I will set specific academic goals in collaboration with teachers, track my progress, and
regularly review and adjust my strategies accordingly.

3. Behavior and Conduct:

a. I agree to adhere to the school's code of conduct and demonstrate respectful behavior
towards peers, teachers, and staff.
b. I will develop self-discipline strategies, such as active listening, following instructions,
and seeking constructive feedback, to enhance my behavior and conduct in the
classroom and outside the classroom environment.

4. Communication:

a. My parents or guardians commit to maintaining regular communication with the school

to stay informed about my progress and address any concerns or challenges.
b. The school will provide regular updates on my academic progress, behavior, and any
other relevant information.
c. I will establish open lines of communication with teachers, actively seek their guidance,
and ask questions when clarification is needed.

5. Support and Encouragement:

a. I agree to seek encouragement and support through mentorship, guidance, and access
to academic and extracurricular resources.
b. I will actively engage in available support systems, such as tutoring, mentoring
programs, or study groups, to strengthen their academic skills.

6. Review and Evaluation:

a. Myself, my parents or guardians, and the class teacher will meet periodically to review
my progress, discuss any challenges, and make necessary adjustments to the contract
and strategies if needed.
b. I will reflect on their progress regularly, identify areas of improvement, and seek
guidance from teachers and parents/guardians to develop effective strategies for
overcoming challenges.

7. Other information attached herein include:

a) My study routine
b) Other strategies tailored for my academic success
c) My results for term one and target for mid term, End of term, Mocks and UNEB

By signing below, I acknowledge my commitment to the terms and conditions outlined in this student
performance contract and the implementation of the proposed student strategies for improvement.

Name: Sign: Date:

Parent/Guardian's Name: Sign: Date

Class Teacher’s Name: Sign: Date

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