How Pre Service Teachers Understandand Perform Science Process Skills 4238

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Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education

How Pre-service Teachers’ Understand

and Perform Science Process Skills

Vivien Mweene Chabalengula, Frackson Mumba & Simeon

Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA

Received 15 September 2010; accepted 15 December 2011

Published on 18 August 2012

APA style referencing for this article: Chabalengula, V.M., Mumba, F. & Mbewe, S. (2012) How
Pre-service Teachers’ Understand and Perform Science Process Skills. Eurasia Journal of
Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 8(3), 167-176.
Linking to this article: DOI: 10.12973/eurasia.2012.832a

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Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 2012, 8(3), 167-176

How Pre-service Teachers’

Understand and Perform Science
Process Skills
Vivien Mweene Chabalengula, Frackson Mumba and Simeon Mbewe
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA

Received 15 September 2010; accepted 15 December 2011

This study explored pre-service teachers’ conceptual understanding and performance on

science process skills. A sample comprised 91 elementary pre-service teachers at a
university in the Midwest of the USA. Participants were enrolled in two science education
courses; introductory science teaching methods course and advanced science methods
course. Data were collected through a questionnaire. Results showed that pre-service
teachers had limited conceptual understanding of science process skills. On the other
hand, they had higher performance on the science process skills. Whilst majority of the
participants were unable to provide correct definitions of the science process skills, they
performed well on the test that involved novel situations of the process skills. The
findings have implications for science teaching, learning and teacher education.

Keywords: conceptual understanding, performance, pre-service teacher, science process


INTRODUCTION science classrooms. Anderson (2002) also states that

science process skills form an important part of
Science process skills are transferable intellectual
scientific inquiry and consequently promote scientific
skills, appropriate to all scientific endeavors (NSTA,
literacy among students. Therefore, science teachers
2000). Science process skills are in two categories which
must be proficient in science process skills on a
are basic and integrated skills. Basic process skills
multitude of levels, and must have the knowledge and
include observing, inferring, measuring, communicating,
understanding to teach the science process skills. In
classifying, predicting, using time space relations and
view of this, several studies have been done on inquiry
using numbers. Integrated process skills include
science teaching and learning among teachers
controlling variables, defining operationally, formulating
(Boardman & Zembal-Saul 2000; Dana, Boardman,
hypotheses, formulating models, interpreting data and
Friedrichsen, Taylor, & Zembal-Saul 2000; Zembal &
experimenting,). Current USA science education
Oliver 1998), conceptions of science teaching (Gao,
reforms (American Associaton for the Advancement of
2002), and teachers’ familiarity and interest in science
Science [AAAS], 1993) and National Science Education
process skills (Mbewe, Chabalengula, & Mumba, 2010).
Standards (National Research Council [NRC], 1996)
However, research studies in the domain of science
emphasize the teaching of science process skills in K-12
process skills rarely discuss elementary education pre-
service teachers’ conceptual understanding of and
Correspondence to: Vivien Mweene Chabalengula, performance on the science process skills. Yet,
Lecturer of Science Education, Department of Curriculum conceptual understanding correlates highly to
and Instruction, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, performance in specific topic areas of science. As such
62901, IL, USA conceptual understanding is widely acknowledged as
E-mail: one of the central goals of science education (Barbosa &
Alexander, 2004).

Copyright © 2012 by ESER, Eurasian Society of Educational Research

ISSN: 1305-8223
V. M. Chabalengula, F. Mumba & S. Mbewe

State of the literature elementary and middle school teachers. As a result, they
proposed that science process skills serve as a very
• Though science process skills form an integral part important way for beginning teachers to learn about
of inquiry teaching (Anderson, 2002; Minstrell & science teaching. Therefore, teachers should possess a
van Zee, 2000), and emphasized in science strong conceptual understanding and be able to perform
education reforms (AAAS, 1993; NRC, 1996), well on the science process skills if they have to
some studies have demonstrated that pre-service effectively teach them in their classrooms. Scharmann
teachers have poor understanding of the process (1989) points out that science process skills foster
skills (e.g. Emereole, 2009; Mbewe, Chabalengula significant increases in subject matter understanding and
& Mumba, 2010). science content knowledge, arguing that science content
• A few studies in the domain of science process and science process skills should be taught together as
skills rarely discuss elementary education pre- they complement each other. Similarly, Rillero (1998)
service teachers’ conceptual understanding of and points out that both science content and science process
performance on the science process skills. skills are mutually valuable and complementary. Settlage
and Southerland (2007) also emphasize how the science
Contribution of this paper to the literature process skills provide a foundation for inquiry.
Though science process skills form an integral part
• Our pre-service teachers’ limited conceptual
of inquiry teaching (Anderson, 2002; Glynn & Duit,
understanding of the science process skills is
1995; Minstrell & van Zee, 2000), and emphasized in
consistent with the findings in previous studies
science education reforms (AAAS, 1993; NRC, 1996),
(e.g. Emereole, 2009; Farsakoglu, Sahin, Karsli,
some studies have demonstrated that pre-service
Akpinar & Ultay, 2008; Mbewe, Chabalengula &
teachers have poor understanding of the process skills
Mumba, 2010).
(e.g. Emereole, 2009; Mbewe, et al., 2010). For instance,
• However, a unique contribution to the literature is Emereole (2009) investigated conceptual understanding
that whilst pre-service teachers were unable to of science process skills among high school pre-service
provide correct definitions of the science process science teachers in Botswana. Emereole’s study found
skills, they performed well on the test that that pre-service high school science teachers did not
involved novel situations of the process skills. A have sufficient conceptual understanding of science
possible explanation for this good performance process skills. Similarly, many studies have examined
could be that the performance test items were teachers’ understanding of inquiry and have concluded
presented in a real-world type situation, which that they lack a sufficient understanding of such a
could have assisted the pre-service teachers in process (Lotter, Harwood, & Bonner, 2007). Mbewe,
solving them because they were familiar with the Chabalengula, and Mumba (2010) found that nearly all
contexts. pre-service elementary teachers were unable to provide
• The poor conceptual understanding held by the correct definitions and explanations of the basic and
pre-service teachers in our study is of great integrated science process skills, but the majority of
concern and a call to action on the part of science them provided partially correct and incorrect answers.
teacher education and professional development Yet, science process skills are essential for teaching
programs. As such, we recommend an explicit science content knowledge and scientific inquiry (Cain,
intervention on science process skills in teacher 2002).
education programs for pre-service teachers to Although previous research has examined teachers’
develop conceptual understanding of the science conceptual understanding of the science process skills,
processes. few studies, if any, have examined the extent to which
elementary education pre-service teachers are able to
The premium placed on conceptual understanding is translate their conceptual understanding to novel and
illustrated by its prominence as an objective in the everyday life situations involving science process skills.
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Yet, it is important for the pre-service teachers to
science assessment (O’Sullivan, Reese, & Mazzeo, demonstrate a sound conceptual understanding and be
1997). Among the definitions of characteristic elements able to perform well on test items involving novel
of knowing and doing science, conceptual situations of the science process skills in order to
understanding is included. Similarly, Settlage and effectively create conditions for their development
Southerland (2007) viewed the science process skills as among their students. Therefore, this study attempted to
an integral feature of the actions of the scientific culture, examine pre-service teachers’ conceptual understanding
although not as all there is to science. Settlage et al of and performance on science process skills.
further state that teaching with an eye toward science
process skills is an appropriate entry point for beginning

168 © 2012 ESER, Eurasia J. Math. Sci. & Tech. Ed., 8(3), 167-176
Teachers’ Understanding of and Performance on Process Skills

Research Questions and integrated science process skills: observe, classify

measure, infer, predict, communicate, hypothesize, experiment,
To what extent do elementary education pre-service identify variables, formulate models, interpret data, and graphing.
teachers conceptually understand the science process The SPPT had 48 multiple choice test items. The test
skills? To what extent are the elementary education pre- was compiled using questions from published reliable
service teachers’ understandings of science process skills and valid process skill performance tests which
influenced by demographics? What is the pre-service included: the Test of Integrated Process Skill II by
teachers’ performance level on novel situations Burns, Okey, and Wise (1985), the Test of Basic Process
involving science process skills? To what extent is the Skills by Padilla, Cronin, and Twiest (1985), the Virginia
elementary education pre-service teachers’ performance Standards of Learning Assessments by Virginia
on science process skills influenced by demographics? Department of Education (2007), and the science
What is the relationship between pre-service teachers’ assessment framework of the National Assessment of
conceptual understanding of and their performance on Educational Progress (NAEP) by the National
science process skills? Assessment Governing Board [NAGB] (2005). The
wording and format of the questions were not changed
METHODOLOGY in any way from the original instruments. Each multiple
choice item was matched with a specific science process
This study was conducted in an elementary teacher skill, determined either by the original instrument author
education program at a university in the Midwest of the or, when not available, by the researchers. The
USA. A sample comprised 91 pre-service teachers who compilation of questions was done to obtain a wide
were enrolled in two science education courses: an variety of questions and skills. Of the 48 questions, 19
introductory science teaching and advanced science questions focused on the six basic process skills; observe,
teaching methods courses. The introductory science classify, communicate measure, infer, and predict. The
methods course is mainly focused on developing science remaining 29 questions focused on the integrated
process skills among pre-service teachers while the process skills; experiment, identify variables, formulate models,
advanced science methods course is focused on science interpret data, and graphing. The researchers attempted to
concepts in life, physical, earth sciences, and how to obtain at least three questions to address each skill in
teach these concepts. None of the participants had a order to gain multiple opportunities to examine
school teaching experience. Table 1 shows the profiles performance on a particular skill without fatiguing the
of the participants. participants. By compiling all the questions and
arranging them according to the science process skill
Instrument they addressed, the researchers then picked out several
questions that assessed the particular skill using a variety
Data was collected through two tests; Science Process of formats. For example, questions on classification asked
Conceptual Understanding Test (SPCUT) and Science Process participants how they would classify a group of items, or
Performance Test (SPPT). The SPCUT had two sections. fit an item into a provided classification system. Some
The first section was intended to collect demographic questions provided scenarios and asked subsequent
information of the participants such as gender, teaching questions attending to multiple skills, thereby increasing
subject and number of science courses taken at college. the total number of items for some skills. For example,
Section 2 had the conceptual understanding science questions 5-8 all refer to a scenario about growing
process skills test items that were adapted from the test tomato plants and address the skills of hypothesizing and
developed by Emereole (2009). This section required identifying variables.
the participants to define or explain the following basic

Table1. Participants’ Profiles

Science Methods Course Level
Demographics Division N=91
Introductory (n=60) Advanced (n=31)
Science 18 9 27
Teaching subject major
Non-science 42 22 64
Yes 38 22 60
Taken integrated science courses
No 22 9 31
1-3 courses 34 3 37
Number of College Science Courses taken
4-6 courses 26 28 54
Female 50 25 75
Male 10 6 16

© 2012 ESER, Eurasia J. Math. Sci. & Tech. Ed., 8(3), 167-176 169
V. M. Chabalengula, F. Mumba & S. Mbewe
Table 2. Percentages for Conceptual Understanding of Process Skills by Course Level
Incorrect (%) Partially Correct (%) Correct (%)
SPS Name SPS Type
Classifying Basic 8.3 16.1 90.0 77.4 1.7 6.5
Observing Basic 15.0 16.1 85.0 83.9 0.0 0.0
Measuring Basic 23.3 29.0 76.7 67.7 0.0 3.2
Predicting Basic 40.0 64.5 58.3 35.5 1.7 0.0
Communication Basic 61.7 22.6 38.3 74.2 0.0 3.2
Inferring Basic 75.0 67.7 25.0 32.3 0.0 0.0
Hypothesizing Integrated 41.7 67.7 58.3 25.8 0.0 6.5
Interpreting data Integrated 55.7 51.6 43.3 35.5 0.0 12.9
Experimenting Integrated 61.7 35.5 36.7 61.3 1.7 3.2
Formulating models Integrated 88.3 93.5 11.7 6.5 0.0 0.0
Identifying variables Integrated 88.3 96.8 11.7 3.2 0.0 0.0
Graphing Integrated 95.5 100.0 3.3 0.0 1.7 0.0
IC: Introductory course
AC: Advanced Course
This shows that a large number of pre-service teachers
Data analysis did not have a complete conceptual understanding of
the science process skills. Of particular interest, the
Data analyses involved computing reliability values results show that nearly all the pre-service teachers
for conceptual understanding and performance tests. failed to provide correct definitions/explanations for
The SPCUT instrument had a very high Cronbach alpha observation, measurement, inferring, formulating
reliability value of 0.935. To ensure validity of the models and identifying variables. The analysis of the
compiled SPPT, three science education experts were open-ended responses revealed the following trends in
asked to identify each question with its associated the definitions or explanations provided by the
process skill being tested. A Cohen’s kappa score of participants: many participants used tautology in
0.764 was found, and indicates a strong inter-rater defining the terms in almost all categories. Many
reliability for the performance test. participants failed to distinguish between predicting and
Participants’ responses to the SPCUT were scored inferring. A number of them used everyday language in
and categorized as correct, partially correct, and defining communication. There was frequent use of the
incorrect. The responses were compared to the standard phrase “educated guess” on defining hypothesis, and
answers used by Emereole (2009). The correct response prediction; many defined observation in terms of senses
was assigned a value of 3, partially correct response was with the sense of sight being most prevalent; many
assigned a value of 2, and an incorrect response was defined classification on basis of similarities ignoring the
assigned a value of 1. A response was considered correct differences; and many did not mention measuring tools
if it contained all the aspects in the standard answers when defining measurement.
completely. The response was considered partially
correct if it contained some of the aspects in the Conceptual understanding by demographics
standard answer. The response was considered incorrect
if it was either completely wrong when compared to the The results show that there were no significant
standard answer or if the question was not answered or differences between pre-service teachers’ conceptual
left blank. Then, the responses were analyzed and coded understanding of science process skills and their
to identify recurring themes. Participants’ responses to demographic variables. That is, this group of pre-service
the SPPT were either scored as correct or incorrect as teachers’ conceptual understanding was similar
there was only one correct answer for each test item. regardless of whether: they were enrolled in an
Then, statistical tests were done, which included t-tests, introductory or advance science education course, their
ANOVA and person correlation coefficient. teaching subject major was science or not, they had
taken the integrated science core course or not, they had
RESULTS taken 1-3 or 4-6 university science courses, and whether
they were male or female.
Conceptual understanding of science process
Overall conceptual understanding level
Table 2 below shows that very few pre-service
teachers in both groups had “correct” answers. A Table 4 shows that the overall conceptual
majority had “partially correct” and “incorrect” answers. understanding of the process skills was not good for

170 © 2012 ESER, Eurasia J. Math. Sci. & Tech. Ed., 8(3), 167-176
Teachers’ Understanding of and Performance on Process Skills

both participants in the introductory ad advanced Comparing conceptual understanding and

courses. The level of understanding for a majority of the performance
participants ranged between 41 and 60 percent.
The extent of the difference between pre-service
Performance on science process skills teachers’ conceptual understanding and performance on
science process skills was determined using the t-test.
As shown in Table 5 below the results show that The results showed that there is a statistically significant
most of the participants in the introductory course had a difference between conceptual understanding and
very good percentage score on the performance test, performance, t (180) = -10.050, df = 180, p = 0.000,
with 36.7% of the participants scoring between 81 – 90 with performance having a higher mean [M= 31.7, SD=
percent. A similar trend was found in the advanced 13.2) than conceptual understanding [M= 17.6, SD =
science methods course. However, there was a higher 1.93].
percentage of students who scored between 21 – 30
percent in the advanced science methods course Relationship between conceptual understanding
(19.4%) than in the introductory course (1.7%). and performance

Performance on individual science process skills To determine the relationship between conceptual
understanding and performance, a Pearson correlation
In order to determine how well participants coefficient was computed. The results showed a low,
performed on each process skill, test items for each skill positive, but non-significant correlation between
were analyzed separately. Table 6 below shows that the conceptual understanding and performance, r = 0.050, n
participants performed better on the skills of modeling, = 91, p = 0.637. A positive relationship implies that
predicting, inferring, classification, and interpreting data. To the conceptual understanding is required in order for one to
contrary, they performed most poorly on experimenting, perform on science process skills tasks. However, this
identifying variables, graphing, communicating, hypothesizing and relationship is not significant enough to be certain that
observing. conceptual understanding and performance are
Comparing performance on process skills by
demographics DISCUSSION

The results in Table 7 show that there were no The purpose of this study was to examine pre-
significant differences between performance and service teachers’ conceptual understanding and
demographic variables. That is, pre-service teachers’ performance on the science process skills. The results
performance is similar regardless of whether: they were show that pre-service teachers had a poorer conceptual
enrolled in an introductory or advance science education understanding of the science process skills than their
course, their teaching subject major was science or not, performance in the science process skills. The
they had taken the integrated science core course, they definitions and explanations provided by the
had taken 1-3 or 4-6 university science courses, and participants revealed that they did not have complete
whether they were male or female. conceptual knowledge of the science processes, and had
difficulties in defining and explaining processes such as
Ratings on science process skills for conceptual inferring, communicating, formulating hypothesis, experimenting,
understanding and performance formulating models, interpreting data, predicting, identifying
variables and graphing. The poor conceptual
Table 8 shows the ratings to highlight the process understanding revealed in this study is consistent with
skills pre-service teachers understood and performed the findings in previous studies (e.g. Emereole, 2009;
well and poorly. The pre-service teachers exhibited Farsakoglu, Sahin, Karsli, Akpinar &Ultay, 2008). For
better conceptual understanding of the science process example, Emereole (2009) found that pre-service high
skills in this descending order: classifying, observing, school science teachers did not have sufficient
measuring, predicting, hypothesizing, interpreting data, conceptual understanding of science process skills.
experimenting, communicating, inferring, identifying variables, Similarly, studies on teachers’ understanding of inquiry
modeling and graphing. With respect to performance, they have reported that teachers teaching different grade
performed better on the science process skills in this levels lack sufficient understanding of science process
descending order: modeling, predicting, inferring, classifying, skills (Lotter, Harwood, & Bonner, 2007; Luft, 2001).
interpreting data, measuring, observing, hypothesizing,
communicating, graphing, identifying variables and experimenting.

© 2012 ESER, Eurasia J. Math. Sci. & Tech. Ed., 8(3), 167-176 171
V. M. Chabalengula, F. Mumba & S. Mbewe
Table 3. Comparison of conceptual understanding between demographics
Demographic N Mean (SD) t df p-value Sig
Introductory 60 17.5 (1.6)
Science education course level -0.525 89 0.60 NS
Advanced 31 17.7 (2.5)
Science 27 17.4 (1.90)
Teaching subject major -0.594 89 0.55 NS
Non-science 64 17.7 (1.95)
Yes 60 17.9 (1.96)
Taken integrated science core course 1.904 89 0.06 NS
No 31 17.1 (1.79)
1-3 courses 37 17.6 (1.52)
Number of university science courses taken -0.105 89 0.917 NS
4-6 courses 54 17.6 (2.18)
Female 75 17.7 (1.95)
Gender 1.360 89 0.177 NS
Male 16 17.0 (1.75)
Sig at p<.05; NS means Non Significant

Table 4. Percentages on conceptual understanding test

Conceptual Pre-service teachers %
understanding range (%) Introductory course (n=60) Advanced course (n=31)
0-10 0.0 0.0
11-20 0.0 0.0
21-30 0.0 0.0
31-40 1.7 0.0
41-50 61.7 64.5
51-60 36.7 29.0
61-70 0.0 3.2
71-80 0.0 3.2
81-90 0.0 0.0
91-100 0.0 0.0

Table 5. Percentages on performance test

Performance Pre-service teachers %
range (%) Introductory course (n=60) Advanced course (n=31)
0-10 0.0 0.0
11-20 3.3 3.2
21-30 1.7 19.4
31-40 6.7 9.7
41-50 3.3 6.5
51-60 1.7 9.7
61-70 10.0 3.2
71-80 16.7 16.1
81-90 36.7 22.6
91-100 20.0 9.7

Table 6. Performance on each process skill

Type of process Number of Correct Responses %
Process Skill
skill Test Items Introductory course (n=60) Advanced course (n=31)
Formulating Models Integrated 2 68 66
Predicting Basic 3 63 60
Inferring Basic 3 62 59
Classification Basic 3 58 59
Interpreting Data Integrated 3 58 56
Measuring Basic 4 52 49
Observation Basic 3 45 43
Hypothesizing Integrated 5 40 41
Communicating Basic 3 38 38
Graphing Integrated 4 22 18
Identifying Variables Integrated 11 13 10
Experimenting Integrated 4 10 12

172 © 2012 ESER, Eurasia J. Math. Sci. & Tech. Ed., 8(3), 167-176
Teachers’ Understanding of and Performance on Process Skills
Table 7. Comparison of performance between demographics
Demographic N Mean (SD) t df p-value Sig
Introductory 60 32.3 (13.8)
Science methods course 0.652 89 0.516 NS
Advanced 31 30.4 (12.1)
Science 27 29.3 (13.5)
Teaching subject major -1.101 89 0.274 NS
Non-science 64 32.7 (13.1)
Yes 60 32.0 (13.4)
Taken integrated science core course 0.351 89 0.726 NS
No 31 31.0 (13.0)
1-3 courses 37 31.9 (13.5)
Number of college science courses taken 0.141 89 0.888 NS
4-6 courses 54 31.5 (13.2)
Female 75 31.9 (13.2)
Gender 0.371 89 0.712 NS
Male 16 30.5 (13.9)
Sig at p<.05

Table 8. Ratings on Science Process Skills for Conceptual Understanding & Performance
Rating Conceptual Understanding Performance
High Understanding Classifying Modeling
& Performance Observing Predicting
Measuring Inferring
Predicting Classifying
Hypothesizing Interpreting data
Interpreting data Measuring
Experimenting Observing
Communicating Hypothesizing
Inferring Communicating
Identifying variables Graphing
Low Understanding Modeling Identifying variables
& Performance Graphing Experimenting

In this study, the majority of the pre-service teachers concept. However, our results did not support this logic
who attempted to provide traditional and correct – as illustrated by non significant correlation between
definitions of classification and experimenting, also pre-service teachers’ conceptual understanding of and
included additional incorrect statements - suggesting performance on science process skills. Therefore, these
that some participants just rote-learned the definitions. pre-service teachers do not possess adequate conceptual
In this case, it was difficult to determine for sure understanding of the science process skills despite
whether the participants really understood the process performing well on the skills test. However, the finding
skills or not. Similarly, Duit (1984) argues that it is offers some hope in that some pre-service teachers may
difficult to distinguish whether partially correct teach the science process skills because they performed
definitions and explanations of a concept provided by well on the test.
participants are based on their understanding or merely Particularly, the pre-service teachers performed well
rote-learned. on the following skills in descending order: classification,
With respect to performance, the results showed that predicting, experimenting. The skills on which they
pre-service teachers performed better on science performed most poorly were graphing, observation,
process skills compared to their conceptual identifying variables, and measuring. With respect to graphing
understanding. A possible explanation for this good skill, previous research (e.g. Roth, McGinn, & Bowen,
performance could be based on the contexts in which 1998) report that pre-service teachers have graphing
performance test items were presented (Song & Black, difficulties and such difficulties were attributed to a lack
1992). The performance test in this study presented of appropriate training in the graphing skills. Other
these skills in a real-world type situation, which could researchers have also found that teachers have
have assisted the pre-service teachers in solving them difficulties with measurements, especially in science
because they were familiar with the contexts. Multiple experiments (Rollnick, Lubben, Lotz & Dlamini, 2002).
choice questions also allow respondents a greater An interesting finding in this study is on the skills of
chance at guessing the right answer. Ideally, we argue classification and experimenting. In both conceptual
that in order for one to be able to apply their knowledge understanding and performance tests, pre-service
to given situations or scenarios, that individual must at teachers exhibited highest understanding and
least have some conceptual understanding of a given performance on these two skills. One possible

© 2012 ESER, Eurasia J. Math. Sci. & Tech. Ed., 8(3), 167-176 173
V. M. Chabalengula, F. Mumba & S. Mbewe
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