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1. Can you name the behaviors that you are doing at all times?
2. Can you name the emotions that you are feeling at all times?
3. Can you identify what causes a shift to negative emotions?
4. Can you name the emotional patterns you experience the most?
5. Can you name your deepest fear triggers?
6. Can you name your deepest shame triggers?
7. Can you name the principles and values you believe in the most?
8. How much do you consider these principles when making decisions?
9. Can you name the passions that you have and lose track of time while
10.Can you state a list of goals and ambitions you have for yourself?
11.Can you describe the environment you thrive in the most?
12.Can you identify a list of personal strengths and how they manifest
themselves in your life?
13.Can you identify a list of shortcomings and how they manifest themselves in
your life?
14.Can you describe your typical reaction to new information, whether it be
positive or negative?
15.Can you name what you need in your relationships to feel fulfilled?
16.Can you list the relationships in your life and which ones meet your needs?
17.Can you accurately describe the impact you have on others?
18.Can you identify where in your life biases and natural human tendencies
play a role in your thinking?
19.Can you name your primary coping mechanisms, and what triggers them?
20.Can you evaluate how much of an impact cultural narratives have on you,
and can you identify where they influence your thinking?

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