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Electrical Fields and Point Charges

Zacharie Demers

Demers, Zacharie, student #0420576, PHYS 1007E-Lab 1 Page 1 of 8

Question 1

Figure 1 represents a graph of the electric potential in a region of space versus

position x, where the electric field is parallel to the x axis. Draw a graph of the x
component of the electric field versus x in this region. (5 Marks) Explain the
method of evaluation and show calculations. (5 Marks)

Figure 1: Graph and Proof for question 1

Demers, Zacharie, student #0420576, PHYS 1007E-Lab 1 Page 2 of 8
Simulation 1

● 2 plots (8 Marks)

Figure 2: Point Charge simulation 1 Figure 3: Electric field line simulation


● V(x,y) = 4.3169e+05 at origin. (2 Marks)

● Ex = 1.3372e+04 (2 Marks), Ey = -2.0979e+04 (2 Marks) at the

origin. The corresponding magnitude E (3 Marks) and angle 𝐸 makes
with x axis (3 Marks).

Figure 4: Calculation of theta and magnitude of E for Simulation 1

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Simulation 2

● 2 plot (2 Marks)

Figure 5: Point charge simulation 2 Figure 6: Electric fields simulation 2

● V(x,y) = -1.0792e+06 at the origin. (2 Marks)

● Ex = -3.3431e+04 (2 Marks) and Ey = 5.2449e+04 (2 Marks) at the

origin. The corresponding magnitude E (3 Marks) and angle 𝐸 makes
with x axis (3 Marks)

Figure 7: Calculations for the magnitude of E and theta for simulation 2

● Explanation of differences seen via simulations 1 and 2. (6 Marks)

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The difference between simulation 1 and 2 is that one charge is positive (sim 1) and
the other is negative (sim 2). This makes the electric fields go in different directions.
For the negative point charge, the electric field goes towards that point charge while
for the positive point charge, the electric field points away from that point charge.

Simulation 3

● 2 plots (5 marks)

Figure 8: Point charges simulation 3 Figure 9: Electric fields simulation 2

● Determine the dipole moment magnitude and orientation with respect to the
x-axis. (6 marks)
P=3.34E-06 C/M

Theta = 121.1 degrees

● Identify locations of positive and negative charges on plot of

equipotentials. (4 marks)

The positive charge is located on the left side of the graph where the electric field is
going away from the point charge. The negative charge is located on the right side of
graph where the electric fields are going towards the point charge.

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Simulation 4

● 1 plot (3 marks)

Figure 10: Electric fields simulation 3

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● Via analysis of the plot calculate the magnitude of the electric field. Show
your calculation with explanation. (12 Marks)

Marking Scheme
Title Page 10 Marks
Answer the Question 1 in the introduction. 10 Marks
Simulation 1 20 Marks
Simulation 2 20 Marks
Simulation 3 15 Marks
Simulation 4 15 Marks
Required footer, neatness/clarity, uploaded to d2l as a single pdf file+ 10 Marks
TOTAL 100 Marks

pdf file name for the d2l dropbox:
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Note: Properly label your figures.

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