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Final Project Proposal Form

Dr Xiang Song

M450 MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Final Project Proposal Form

• Fill in the boxes in this BSc Project Proposal Form by typing instead of hand-writing.
• Boxes can be expanded or reduced at your discretion.
• Print both sides of a A4 paper so your proposal can be contained in a single sheet.
• This form must be agreed by your supervisor and then emailed to your supervisor by the
deadline on Moodle.

Student Name HARIS WAHEED Student Number UP2083176

Email Telephone Number

Use of discrete Simulation on Tesla’s electric car

Project Title
manufacturing process to cover high demand.

Project Supervisor Chee Khian Sim

A: Project Background

Tesla is one of the world’s leading company, who manufacturing car

and energy. It is famous for its electric cars. Tesla roadster is the
company very first success in 2008, its their first electric sports car.

Since 2016, the Model S is the second most bestselling plug-in electric
car while Nissan Leaf is the first. As the demand is too high for the
Model S how will be the company manages that high volume
production model. How will Tesla manages speed up high production
for future. As we see, for every company its challenging to build a new
plant and adopt a change that might take too long to overcome these
difficulties. Facing a huge challenge is a Tesla thing,

Final Project Proposal Form
Dr Xiang Song
As we all know Tesla done an incredible job to do unexpected, there is
no doubt about that Tesla don’t have the power to become high volume

This project is about Tesla’s manufacturing system improve through

Assembly line balancing, Capacity planning, Capacity planning,
Production planning and inventory control and Just-in-time production
by using Simulation in manufacturing systems software.

References: -

The company behind one of the best-selling electric cars in history. What
is Tesla? By Vinod, March 27, 2017

Tesla Motors: A case study in disruptive innovation

07 October 2014, Andrew Rassweiler, Stephanie Brinley

B: Aims and Objectives

What will your research achieve?
Aim(s) – The aim of this project to understand the company strategy to overcome the
Difficulties like high demand, managing resources, customer satisfaction etc. By Going
to the depth of Tesla production system doing research to increase product supply
through the help of discrete event simulation.
Objectives –
The objective is to know how Tesla is operating manufacturing system.
Define the operation model by doing the research on this specific system.

Final Project Proposal Form
Dr Xiang Song
Simulate a model on manufacturing system strategy.
Recommendations to speed up high production, increase sales and effectiveness in

C: Methodologies (state how to solve your project and to achieve the objectives)
How to solve your project and achieve your objectives
Data collection will be collective from Books, Tesla Case study, academic articles,
researching journals, Web and social sites.
• Analyse the data.
• Use the experimental results to evaluate the performance of the company.
• Use of SIMUL8 software to find the optimal solution.

D: Work Plan
Task Duration Start Finish
1 Writing final project proposal 7 Days 28-11-2022 04-12-2022
2 Submit the final project proposal 1 Day 05-12-2022 05-12-2022
3 Writing a draft literature review 30 Days 09-02-2023 07-03-2023
4 Submit the draft literature review 1 Day 08-03-2023 08-03-2023
5 Collecting data 7 Days 09-03-2023 16-03-2023
6 Build the model to analysis data 20 Days 17-03-2023 06-03-2023
7 Writing Interim Report 11 Days 06-04-2023 18-04-2023
8 Submit Interim Report 1 Day 19-04-2023 19-04-2023
9 Writing Dissertation 31 Days 20-04-2023 21-05-2023
10 Oral Presentation 9 Days 22-05-2023 22-05-2023
11 Refining Dissertation 3 Days 23-05-2023 25-05-2023
12 Submission of the Dissertation 1 Day 26-05-2023 26-05-2023

E: Resource Requirements and Availability (equipment, materials, software, etc)


Final Project Proposal Form
Dr Xiang Song
Published research paper, books, historical data on Tesla website, Surveys, Questioners,
Articles, web.

F: Approval and Signature

Student Signature Date

Academic Supervisor Date


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