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This document explains steps for Data Migration from
(current BC gmail id) to (zoho mail)
All of you to activate two factor authentication on your ids.

Steps to do:
1. Login by entering gmail id and password
2. Select icon on the right and click Manage google account

3. Go to security tab on the left

4. Select two factor authentication (if its off) → get started

5. Select device → enter mobile number → enter otp → turn on

6. Turn ON
7. Refresh the page → Scroll to the end of the page and select App Password option

8. Select others → enter Zoho -→ click generate →

9. Once Generated this page will pop up with a password on the right yellow highlighted.
Copy the same and save it. 16 alphabet password.

10. SHARE THE EMAIL ID AND PASSWORD WITH (HR) and do not sign out from
gmail id until migration is done.

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