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Final Suggestion for BUET MSc Admission (EEE) -2021

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1)DC circuit:
1. Y-Delta
2. Supernode,Supermesh
3. Thevenin.Norton
4. Maximum power transmission
5. Thevenin equivalent ( AC, DC dependent source )
6. capacitor ,inductor (step response)

2)AC Circuit
1. 3-Phase
2. Resonance circuit(series,parallel)
3. Phasor Diagram
4. Filter Design (Sadiku 14 +Caughin chap 11)
5. Bode Plot
6. Power factor correction
7. Magnetic Coupling math

1. Diode
2. Zener Diode
3. Design Clipper Clamp
5. BJT math DC
4) Electronics -2

Op Amp related maths

5) Digital Electronics
1. CMOS design
2. POS
3. SOP
5. Difference latch & flip flop
6. Graphs of different Flip flops
7. NAND, NOR implementation
6) Energy-Conversion-1
Transformer :
1. Eqv ckt
2. Sources of loss(related graphs)
3. Open ckt test
4. Short ckt test
5. Per unit analysis related math
6. Regulation related maths
7. Phasor diagram due to different loads
8. Efficiency related math
9. Xmpl 2.5 must
10. Auto Xer
11. Problems of using Y-Y ( third harmonic, overheating, Over
voltage due to series resonance, large voltage drop for
unbalanced phasor to neutral load)
How to solve:
Solidly grounded neutral
Tertiary winging use in delta. Add up . circulating current
12. Conditions of Xer paralleling
Induction motor:
1. Eqv ckt
2. Pag,Pconv related math
3. Pole related math
4. Torque speed characteristic
5. Maximum power related R2
6. Tau vs nm for different R2 graph
7. Damper Winding

7) Energy-Conversion-2
Synchronous generator
1. Eqv ckt
2. Amrature reaction
3. Power, Troque
4. Phasor dgm
5. OCC
6. SCC
7. How to determine Xs
8. Graphs of SCC & OCC
9. Why SCC doesn’t become saturated?
10. Short ckt ratio
11. Generator working alone(effect of changing load & If)
12. Generator in parallel conditions
13. Why oncoming gen freq needs to be slightly higher?
14. Effect of changing governor set point & If in house diagram &
phasor diagram
15. When a generator works as a motor?(freq low)
16. 2 generators house dgm (all) change fsys & Vt effect
Synchronous motor
1. Difference IM & SM (self starting y/n, constantspeeed n/y)
2. Phasor diagram due to changing If & load
3. The V curve
4. Power Factor correction
5. Synchronous motor as capacitor
6. Methods of starting sync motor
DC generator:
1. Speed control methods
2. Torque-speed graphs
3. Armature winding
4. Compensation winding
DC motor:
terminal voltage control

8) Power System-1:
1. Pu conversion (26-30)
2. Base change Pu conversion
3. Single line dgm
4. Impedance dgm
5. Reactance dgm
6. Different symbols
7. Symmetric Components
8. Unsymmetric math
9. Zero sqn dgm
10. Sequence diagram for (LG,LLG)
11. Transmission line (regulation,
9) Com theory:
1. PCM
2. Line coding
4. Shanoon
5. Entropy
6. AM (graphs of DSB,SSC,VSB, efficiency)
7. Noise figure
8. FM (Carson’s rule)
9. PAM,PWM,PPM,PTM(graph)
10. ASK,PSK,FSK(graph)
11. PCM steps(sampling , quantization,coding)
12. Multiplexing vs Multiple Access

10) DSP:
1. Period
2. Digital conversion
3. Aliasing, determine aliased freq.
4. DFT
5. Circular convolution
6. Filter (basic)

11) Control:
Chap-4(Nise): Rise Time ,Settling Time,Overshoot & Related

12) Microprocessor & Interfacing

1. Addressing memory
2. Basic of Assembly Language

13) Continuous Signal & Linear System :

1. Energy/Power Singnal
2. Period
3. LTI characteristic
4. Fourier Transform
5. Nyquist Theorem

14) Solid State Device :

1. Fermi Dirac probability function

2. Fermi level
3. holes & electrons concentration
4. important graphs

15) Electrical Properties of Materials :

1. Hall effect
2. Cole Cole plot
3. Dielectric Loss
4. polarization mechanism
5.Atomic Concentration,APF, plane, direction

16) Electromagnetics:

1. Magnetic Force
2. Magnetic Torque
3.Time Varying Electromagnetics
4. Doppler Effect
5. EM Power flow & Poynting Theorem

( i will suggest to skip this course)

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