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Review article

Supported by a grant from AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals

Nasal provocation testing: a review

Ludmila I. Litvyakova, MD, PhD* and James N. Baraniuk, MD†

Objective: This review focuses on the uses of nasal provocation testing (NPT) for effects. The possibility that an allergen
scientific investigations of the mechanisms of allergic and nonallergic rhinitis. It may cause a positive nasal response,
also describes the use of NPT as a diagnostic tool in clinical practice. The indica- but not be relevant to a subject’s
tions, contraindications, advantages, and limitations of different techniques for asthma must be considered.15 The
evaluation of nasal responses are reviewed. The paper familiarizes investigators same dilemma occurs with allergen
with particulars of different nasal delivery systems, provocation agents, nasal skin testing for prediction of bronchial
patency measurements, secretion collection, and nasal lavage techniques. responses to allergen. Despite these
Data Sources: Relevant publications obtained from a literature review. concerns NPT generally offers a safer
Study Selection: Relevant publications on the topics of NPT, allergic, and alternative to bronchial provocation
nonallergic rhinitis were critically evaluated. when evaluating the role of specific
Results and Conclusions: To date, NPT has been used primarily as a research allergens in a patients’ asthma. Indica-
tool for the investigation of allergic and nonallergic rhinitis with a wide variety of tions for scientific investigations have
techniques depending on the specific scientific purposes. NPT will continue to been described (Table 2) because NPT
provide useful information about the pathogenesis of airway diseases. Standardized allows ready access to respiratory mu-
nasal provocation testing has the potential to become a more frequently used clinical cosa for sampling of mediators, cells,
test in the diagnosis of allergic and occupational rhinitis and for determination of the and secretions.
appropriate and focused therapy.
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2001;86:355–365. CONTRAINDICATIONS
Acute bacterial or viral mucosal in-
INTRODUCTION niques, the absence of standardization flammation is accompanied by rhinor-
Nasal provocation testing (NPT) has for methods and some reagents, and rhea, stuffy nose, and nonspecific hy-
been crucial for the scientific investi- lack of validated direct comparisons perreactivity, which preclude NPT
gation of the pathophysiology, immu- between methods. The absence of data (Table 3). In accordance to the general
nology, and pharmacotherapy of aller- regarding inter- and intra-subject vari- approach in allergy, generalized aller-
gic and nonallergic rhinitis. These ability needs to be addressed to stan- gic reactions, including anaphylactic
studies also offer insights into the dardize allergen NPT so that it may shock and severe bronchospasm and
pathophysiology of hyperreactivity in become a more widely accepted diag- status asthmaticus can occurr in pa-
lower airways because of the similarity nostic method.1,2 tients during the acute phase or exac-
of the response to allergen challenge of erbation of their allergic disease (rhi-
the upper and lower airways. Several INDICATIONS nitis, food allergy, drug allergy, insect
techniques of NPT have been used de- NPT is mainly used for scientific pur- allergy, urticaria) or in patients with
pending on purpose of the investiga- poses in the United States,3 but in sev- previous anaphylactic reactions to the
tion. Each method has its own advan- eral European countries, it is used for allergen of interest. NPT should not be
tages and disadvantages. Limitations clinical evaluation.4,5 conducted in patients with restricted
include the wide variety of test tech- Indications for NPT as an office pro- lung capacity. The danger of miscar-
cedure range from diagnosis of com- riage due to anaphylaxis prohibits NPT
plicated clinical cases to selection of during pregnancy. A wide variety of
optimal therapy (Table 1). Nasal aller- drugs can cause false-negative NPT
* International Center of Interdisciplinary Stud-
ies of Immunology, Georgetown University, gic reactions are thought to be predic- and should be withdrawn before test-
Washington, DC. tive of bronchial responses. This can ing (Table 4). Nasal congestion may
† Division of Rheumatology, Immunology, and occur only if both target organs are also result from oral contraceptives
Allergy, Georgetown University, Washington, DC. sensitized and responsive to the same and preparations containing sulfite pre-
Supported by PHS Award RO1 AI42403.
Received for publication May 12, 2000. allergen. Under this frequent circum- servatives such as bronchodilator solu-
Accepted for publication in revised form De- stance, nasal provocations will likely tions (metaproterenol, isoproterenol,
cember 30, 2000. be predictive of bronchial, asthmatic isoetharine), analgesics (meperidine),

VOLUME 86, APRIL, 2001 355

Table 1. Clinical Indications for NPT increase false-positive results. Viral in- European practice, but are not ac-
1. To identify a role of an individual, fections alter patterns of vascular per- cepted for clinical use in the United
nonstandardized, novel, or unique meability and mucus macromolecule States. Testing should be performed by
specific allergen in the nasal target exocytosis and induce mucosal hyper- well trained personnel in a well
organ using allergen preparations.6 responsiveness.33 NPT should be de- equipped unit under standard condi-
2. To confirm the role of a special layed to 2 to 4 weeks after an infection. tions4 to readily identify and limit non-
occupational agent, such as baker’s Nasal reactivity is also decreased for 4 specific irritant effects, and treat aller-
yeast and dusts, carpenter’s saw dusts,
to 8 weeks after nasal or sinus surgery gic side effects as soon as they appear.
or latex.7,8
3. To confirm the clinical relevance of a
since atypical reactions may be in- The best time for NPT is in the morn-
specific allergen in patients with duced.21 Nasal pathology such as pol- ing, before lunch time because this
multiple positive allergy skin tests.6 yps, atrophic rhinitis, and septal devi- limits effects of daily-life stimuli
4. To assess the role of allergens ation can give false-positive or false- (fumes, cold air, spicy food, physical
implicated by a patient’s history when negative results in NPT depending on exercise). After adaptation to room
allergy skin test and/or RAST are their severity.34 temperature for 30 minutes, clinical
negative or when the reactions of the symptom score and basal nasal func-
nasal mucosa to an allergen are more TECHNIQUES tion should be evaluated. Basal nasal
pronounced than those of skin.9,10 Rhinoscopic examination should pre- function can be measured by nasal
5. To investigate food-induced
cede any nasal provocation to inspect peak expiratory flow rate [NPEFR], or
6. To determine if nasal application of
the baseline condition of nasal mucosa nasal peak inspiratory flow rate
allergen can induce symptoms in the and evaluate structural pathology such [NPIFR], anterior or posterior rhino-
conjunctiva, middle ear, sinus, and as polyps, septal deviation, atrophic manometry, or acoustic rhinometry
lower respiratory airways.12–14 rhinitis or sinusitis. If significant (gives volume of nasal cavity). Method
7. To confirm the allergic nature of pathologic changes are found, NPT of NPEFR is not accepted by experts in
asthma, since positive nasal reactions may not be required. Subjects should the United States. These measures are
may be obtained when the have previous skin tests or/and RAST repeated three times and the mean
corresponding bronchial provocation performed to evaluate the likely atopic value is recorded. Each measurement
tests are negative15 or can not be safely sensitivities. should differ from the mean by less
For clinical purposes, the most prac- than 10% to 15%.35,37 Values within
8. To confirm nasal reactivity before
starting local nasal immunotherapy.16
tical method is simple, safe, and easily 15% of normal are recommended be-
repeatable (Fig 1).4,34 –36 Most of the cause preexisting nasal obstruction
clinical protocols are consistent with may lead to false-negative results be-
cause further obstruction may not be
and eye drops (sulfacetamide, pred- Table 2. Indications for the possible, measurable or significant.
nisolone, dexamethasone). Oral con- Scientific Investigations The wider side of the nose is used for
traceptives may also influence NPT challenge, but airway obstruction mea-
1. To investigate the spectrum of allergen-
since women taking these drugs show surements are performed on both sides
induced immediate and late phase
squamous metaplasia, interepithelial responses and the dose dependent
during NPT to identify nasal cycle ef-
edema, glandular hyperplasia, histio- nature of these reactions.17–19 fects.4
The nasal provocation begins with
cytic proliferation, and fibrous tissue 2. To identify the morphological and
cellular responses to inhaled allergens administration of a known volume of a
deposition similar to those patients
using nasal lavage, biopsy, and diluent solution such as phosphate-
with chronic hypertrophic nonallergic brushing.20,21
rhinitis.31 The need for withdrawal of 3. To detect chemical mediators, markers
these medications before the nasal of glandular exocytosis, and vascular
Table 3. Absolute Contraindications
challenge is not clear. permeability in nasal lavage following 1. Acute bacterial or viral rhinitis or
Recent rhinitis can result in nasal allergen provocation.22,23 sinusitis
priming to allergen or upregulation of 4. To assess the response of nasal airways 2. Acute period or exacerbation of allergic
the mechanisms of nasal hyperreactiv- to allergens and nonallergic provocative disease (rhinitis, food allergy, drug
agents and following changes in allergy, insect allergy, urticaria)
ity.32 NPT should be performed at least bronchial responsiveness.24–26 3. Previous anaphylactic reaction to an
2 to 4 weeks after any acute allergic 5. To examine the therapeutic effects of allergen
episode or seasonal allergic rhinitis. drugs such as antihistamines, 4. Severe general diseases or acute
Differentiation of allergic perennial corticosteroids, cromoglycate, period of diseases, especially severe
rhinitis from nonallergic represents a anticholinergic medications, and asthma, obstructive bronchial diseases,
difficult problem because nonallergic vasoconstrictors on acute, late phase, cardiopulmonary diseases with
mechanisms may lead to chronic nonspecific, and other aspects of restricted lung capacity
airway diseases.27 5. Pregnancy
changes in nasal reactivity and may


buffered saline with 0.4% phenol, lac- 3 to 4 ⫽ 1 point; 5 or more ⫽ 3 blockage and itching.3,37 Changes in
tated Ringer’s solution, or normal sa- points), pruritus (nose, palate or ear ⫽ the nasal temperature (using thermog-
line into one or both nostrils using a 1 point each), rhinorrhea (0 to 3 raphy) and the pH of nasal secretions
metered dose delivery device. This points), blockage (1 to 3 points), and have also been proposed as endpoints.
challenge will detect nonspecific re- ocular symptoms (1 point). The end- Allergen challenge makes the pH more
sponses. Over the next 15 minutes, point is the amount of antigen required alkaline, while the temperature in-
sneezes are counted, nasal discharges to produce a total symptom score of 5 creases.40,41 These latter methods are
are collected, and pruritus, rhinorrhea, of a maximum of 13. The severity of not widely used.
nasal blockage, and ocular symptoms each sensation can also be evaluated False-positive results can be caused
are scored. Symptom scoring systems by 10-cm linear visual analog scale: by preservatives in extracts such as
including 10-cm linear analog scales, mild, 1 to 3 cm; moderate, 4 to 7 cm; phenol, glycerol, benzalkonium chlo-
4-point severity scales, and other ordi- and severe, 8 to 10 cm at the dose that ride; extremes of extract pH, tempera-
nal methods have been used. If there caused a positive response.38 Accord- ture, and osmolarity; evaluation within
are no clinical symptoms or significant ing to German guidelines, positive test 2 to 4 weeks of allergic, viral or bac-
changes of rhinomanometric measure- criteria should include flow reduc- terial rhinitis; and when allergen ex-
ments (reduction ⬍ 20% by baseline), tion ⬎ 40% and/or more than three tract concentrations reach 1:500 wt/vol
then allergen is deposited into the score points: secretion, 0 to 2 points or higher.28,34,35 Appropriate vehicle
nose. An approximate guide for the (moderate, 1 point; severe, 2 points); control solutions are essential to iden-
starting dose is determined before NPT sneezing, 0 to 2 points (0 to 2 tify nonspecific irritant reactions and
(see “Outcomes”). During allergen ap- sneezes ⫽ 0 point; 3 to 5 sneezes ⫽ 1 prevent false-positive test results. Ex-
plication the patient must hold his point; ⬎5 sneezes ⫽ 2 points); addi- tracts should be used at room temper-
breath to avoid inhaling allergen into tional symptoms such as tearing, itch- ature and pH of 5 to 8.28 The allergen
the larynx or lower airways. If the ini- ing (eyes, throat) ⫽ 1 point; conjunc- should be diluted in isoosmolar solu-
tial nasal allergen response is negative tivitis, cough, urticaria, and/or tion such as 0.9% saline or lactated
after 15 minutes, then the extract con- dyspnea ⫽ 2 points.39 Another investi- Ringer’s solution. These issues are es-
centration can be increased 3-fold. gators considered the positive NPT pecially important if the allergen ex-
These sequential increments can be with a decrease of 20% or more in tracts are prepared by the investigator.
given at 15-minute intervals. Doses are NEPFR and occurrence of nasal symp- Latex solution provides a good illus-
increased in step-wise fashion until a toms such as sneezes, rhinorrhea, nasal tration of these problems.42
positive result is obtained, a maximum The NPT is considered to be true
concentration is given without any sig- negative if the patient has no clinical
Table 4. Relative Contraindications
nificant reaction, or concentrations of symptoms and no changes of nasal pa-
1:500 wt/vol or higher are reached that 1. Episodes of allergic or infectious rhinitis tency after receiving the 1:1,000 wt/
cause nonspecific irritant effects in (2 to 4 weeks) vol extract or maximum allergen
nonallergic control subjects, and espe- 2. Nasal surgery (6 to 8 weeks after nasal dose.35
cially at levels above 1:100 with house False-negative NPT occur after the
3. Nasal pathology such as polyps,
dust and fungus extracts.35 atrophic rhinitis, or a deviated nasal
use of contraindicated medications;
septum. within 8 weeks of nasal surgery, in
OUTCOMES 4. Treatment with certain medications. patients with atrophic rhinitis, nasal
Clinical symptoms of sneezing, itch- Recommended withdrawal periods for polyps, or occasionally after specific
ing, rhinorrhea, and obstructed nasal drugs before NPT21,28–30 immunotherapy. Subjects with chronic
airflow, and measures of nasal patency a. antihistamines (48 hours to 1 week) sinusitis may also have abnormal re-
are evaluated before administration of b. astemizole (4 to 12 weeks) sults since they have high levels of
each dose of allergen. NPT is stopped c. ketotifen (2 weeks) baseline mucous secretion, but do not
when a positive response occurs. The d. nasal corticosteroids (6 hours to 2 or respond to secretagogues such as
3–6 weeks)
intensity of the response is evaluated methacholine.43
e. sodium cromoglycate (1 or 3 weeks)
by dose of allergen given to patient and f. nasal ␣-adrenergic agonist (0 or 1
by total system score. True positive day)
response occurs at an allergen concen- g. oral corticosteroids ⬎10 mg (2 to 4 As a safety measure, it is recom-
tration causing at least two of the fol- weeks) mended to begin with a low allergen
lowing three criteria: 5 sneezes, 50% h. nonsteroidal analgesics (1 week) concentration. For skin test-negative
fall in NPEFR, or rhinorrhea.7 Other i. central nervous antihypertensives patients, the initial dose of allergen
symptom scoring systems have also such as reserpine, clonidine (3 should be in the range of 1:10,000 to
been used.4,38 For example, one previ- weeks) 1:5,000 wt/vol, or 50 to 100 PNU
ously validated system38 scores the j. imipramines and related tricyclic (overall pollen protein concentra-
drugs (2 to 3 weeks)
number of sneezes (0 to 2 ⫽ 0 points; tion).35 If the initial allergen applica-

VOLUME 86, APRIL, 2001 357

onyssinus was tested in patients with
mild and moderate skin reactions using
5, 50, 250, 500, and 1000 AU/mL ap-
plied in a fixed volume of 0.1 mL
aqueous solution per puff into each
nostril using metered dose pump
spray.10 Nasal immunotitration with 5,
10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 120, 160, and 240
AU was used before local immuno-
therapy with birch pollen aerosol and
powder methods. The initial treatment
dose was defined as the provocation
dose giving a positive reaction.46,47
Identification of a role of Blomia tropi-
calis as a cause of allergic rhinitis was
performed with concentrations of
1:125,000, 1:25,000, 1:5,000 vol/vol,
1:1,000, and 1:200 vol/vol.48 Compar-
isons of nasal reactions to house dust
and dust mite allergen extracts in skin
positive subjects with perennial rhinitis
were performed with 10, 100, 1,000,
and 2,000 PNU (house dust) and 5, 50,
and 500 PNU (dust mites). Allergic
patients varied considerably in nasal
sensitivity but all reacted to the final
dose.49 Identification of latex allergy
by NPT was performed with a
0.0005% latex solution.42 As can be
seen, the different methods of allergen
standardization such as allergy units
(AU) or biologic units (BU) and mea-
sures of overall pollen protein concen-
tration (PNU, wt/vol) make compari-
sons between studies difficult.

Figure 1. Protocol of NPT with allergens. DELIVERY SYSTEMS

For clinical purposes the most accept-
able simple techniques with good re-
tion is negative, then the extract con- disk method a 10-␮L dose and 4-mm producibility involve delivering aque-
centration can be increased in 3-fold paper disk could be applied.44 ous allergen extract by syringe, bottle
sequential increments at 15-minute in- A number of dosing regimens has dropper, micropipette or pump action
tervals (1:10,000, 1:3,000, 1:1,000 wt/ been used previously in NPT research nasal spray devices.14,35,50,51 Additional
vol).34,35 For subjects with positive protocols that may be applied to diag- techniques for research purposes in-
scratch and puncture tests, skin titra- nostic investigations.3 The dose de- clude: a powder and pollen grain in-
tion is performed with 3-fold dilutions pends on the technique of delivery, sufflator52,53; a “nasal pool” device for
of extracts. The concentration causing allergen preparation, and the purpose aqueous allergen extracts and soluble
a 3-mm wheal can be used for nasal of investigation. For the diagnosis of agents54; saturated wads of cotton wool
provocation.2 For intradermal tests, the dust mite allergy in childhood asthma, that are placed under the medial con-
lowest concentration generating a 10,000 AU/mL in one puff (0.01 to cha of the nose55; impregnated paper
wheal can be determined, and a con- 0.05 mL) was sprayed into each nasal discs placed on the inferior turbinate or
centration 10 times more dilute used cavity by a metered dose pump-spray nasal septum with forceps24,56; and
for NPT.34 For atomizer-dosimeter, a insufflator with a total dose of 800 to modified airbrush techniques.57 Each
dose of 0.1 mL of allergen per spray 1,000 AU for both nostrils.45 Nasal method has its own advantages and
could be used, whereas for the paper- sensitivity to Dermatophagoides pter limitations.


The area of distribution of solutions sponses in subjects who are studied out ter) that are dry can be placed to collect
deposited via syringes and droppers of the pollen season. Hydration of small, undiluted samples of nasal fluid.
cannot be readily predicted. These dried, defatted pollen grains leads to For example, the osmolarity of the ab-
bulk application methods have the risk the explosive release of a pollen eluate sorbed secretions was evaluated after
that, in some cases, fluid may be aspi- with high osmolarity60 that may be suf- nasal provocation with cold dry air and
rated into the larynx, inducing cough, ficient to cause irritation reactions in after stimulation with hypertonic saline
laryngeal irritation, edema, or bron- patients with nonspecific nasal hyper- and mannitol solutions (800 to 1,000
chospasm. These unwanted side ef- reactivity. Similarly, some patients mOsmol/kg H2O).63 The discs may
fects are very rare if care is taken to may have nonspecific reactions to the preferentially sample the sol phase of
instruct the patient not to inhale force- lactose that is used to pack the pollen the epithelial lining fluid, but may also
fully or bend their head backwards af- grains into inert capsules. Generally, promote transepithelial exudation of
ter the allergen is placed. Carriage of the dose of lactose is insufficient to interstitial fluid from the upper lamina
the allergen posteriorly by mucociliary cause symptoms in lactose-intolerant propria.64
clearance past the orifice of the Eusta- subjects. The option of using either unilateral
chian tube and into the pharynx may The “nasal pool” device, a com- or bilateral challenges is a great advan-
lead to nasopharyngeal swelling, itch, pressible plastic container with a nasal tage over bronchial provocations. Af-
or middle ear discomfort or dysfunc- adapter, offers significant improve- ter unilateral challenge, ipsilateral re-
tion.56 The use of 5- to 10-␮L pipettes ments of provocation and lavage tech- sponses are due to local, direct effects
allows the deposition of small, exact nique.54 The device can hold a soluble and recruited parasympathetic reflex
volumes of the allergen directly onto agent of known volume and concentra- effects whereas responses in the con-
the turbinate under direct rhinoscopic tion. The adapter is pressed to the nos- tralateral nostril represent “pure” para-
control. tril and the container compressed to sympathetic reflex effects (Fig 2).65
Nasal pump spray devices improve push the fluid into the nose for a pre-
contact of the provocative agent with the cise time and in the defined space of NASAL PATENCY
nasal mucosa by distributing it over the the anterior nasal cavity. The lavage MEASUREMENTS
exposed anterior nasal cavity surfaces. fluid is collected when the container is Nasal patency is extremely dependent
Precise volumes on the order of 100 ␮L re-expanded. Any soluble agent can be on structures such as the septum and
are applied that generally do not lead to tested. Even children can use the de- nasal valve. The degree of swelling of
bronchospastic reactions. Unfortunately, vice correctly. A disadvantage of this venous sinusoids deep in the mucosa
the popular beclomethasone (Vancenase, technique is the unknown dilutional ef- regulates mucosal thickness, air space
Schering-Plough, Kenilworth, NJ and fect of nasal secretions by lavage fluid. volume and nasal patency. Other fac-
Beconase, Glaxo Wellcome, Research The devices are no longer available in tors that may also participate are mu-
Triangle Park, NC) spray bottles have the United States. cosal edema, cellular infiltration, and
become difficult to obtain because these Topical application of allergenic ex- the presence of luminal secretions.
products have been largely replaced in tracts by means of cotton wool swabs Several methods are available to mea-
the market place. Hand-held automizers in the middle meatus under the medial sure nasal airflow resistance: NPIFRs,
generate large-diameter particles, which concha, impregnated paper discs, or a NPEFRs, nasal spirometry, passive an-
helps to avoid the delivery of allergens to modified airbrush technique for appli- terior rhinomanometry, active anterior
the lower airways. Volumes of 0.2 to 0.5 cation onto the inferior turbinate have rhinomanometry, active posterior rhi-
mL per nostril are arbitrarily but com- been used mostly for scientific inves- nomanometry, balloon method/intra-
monly used.58 The materials suspended tigations. The site of provocation is nasal pressure measurements, and os-
in the mist may be more readily ab- relatively small, but changes in muco- cillometry.35,36 The nasal volume can
sorbed by the mucosa than with the bulk sal appearance can be observed at both be measured by acoustic rhinometry.66
application methods mentioned previ- the local site and more distant mucosal The nasal peak flow method is easy to
ously. Allergen meter-dose pump spray locations. Placing allergens in the mid- perform, inexpensive, and reasonably
was recommended for clinical routine dle meatus seems dangerous and po- well correlated with rhinomanometry,
and research in Europe.4 tentially could lead to sinusitis. but is less reproducible.36,67 Passive an-
Pollen grain insufflations can be Filter paper discs (3-mm diameter) terior rhinomanometry is a suitable
used to imitate natural exposures. This impregnated with allergen solution can technique for recording air pressure
technique is simple and the dose of be placed bilaterally by forceps on the and airflow during breath-holding and
pollen grains can be well controlled.59 anterior part of the inferior turbinate or has been used in children, patients with
However, most investigators prefer to nasal septum.61,62 Doses can be in- problematic dental prostheses, or with
use aqueous extracts because of the creased in step-wise fashion, but the an overactive gag reflex. In contrast,
hydroscopic properties of pollen. Very concentrations used may need to be this technique does not truly represent
high doses of pollens are generally re- individualized based upon the extract the physiologic breathing process.68
quired to obtain large magnitude re- potency.61 Larger discs (8-mm diame- Active anterior rhinomanometry eval-

VOLUME 86, APRIL, 2001 359

uates the pressure/volume or pressure/
flow relationship for the nostril during
tidal breathing. It is the most widely
used technique. However, the active
inspirations cause significant changes
in the nasal valve, resulting in breath-
to-breath variability in measurements.
This technique cannot be used for pa-
tients with fragile and bleeding nasal
mucosa or with frequent sneezing, be-
cause the insertion of nasal adapter of
device can alter the nasal valve.
Changes in resistance may be limited
when there is severe occlusion of a
nostril by turbinate hypertrophy, pol-
yps, septal deviation, or severe rhinor-
rhea at the onset of the study.69 Active
posterior rhinomanometry also records
pressure, volume and flow rates during
tidal breathing. This technique is not
suitable for children, patients unable to Figure 2. Nasal Provocation. Unilateral administration of allergen or other materials may lead to local,
tolerate the close-fitting masks, and ipsilateral responses, and parasympathetic reflex effects. Allergen leads to mast cell degranulation with
patients who cannot satisfactorily co- the release of histamine, LTC4/D4/E4, tryptase, and other mediators. Histamine acts upon H1-receptors
on endothelium to cause vascular permeability and exudation of an albumin-rich, watery discharge.
ordinate the required nasal, palate,
H1-receptors on nociceptive nerves lead to the sensation of itch. The neural mechanism leading to the
glottic, and breathing maneuvers.70 sensation of nasal congestion is not clearly understood. Nociceptive nerves may release neuropeptides
Acoustic rhinometry is a newer when activated (“axon response” mechanism). Substance P may cause glandular secretion, whereas
technique that measures the cross-sec- calcitonin gene-related peptide may cause vasodilation. Vasodilation with swelling of venous sinusoids
tional area of the nasal cavity.71 Pulsed leads to thickening of the mucosa and obstruction to nasal airflow. Histamine, as well as other mediators
sounds are broadcast into the nose. and cytokines, plays a key role in regulating cellular infiltration as seen in the late phase response and
Signals are reflected from the mucosal clinical allergic rhinitis. Activation of nociceptive nerves recruits bilateral parasympathetic reflexes that
walls back to a microphone. After cause acetylcholine-mediated glandular exocytosis.
spectral analysis, the cross-sectional
area is plotted as a function of distance
from the tip of the instrument. Changes different forms of rhinitis and in re- anterior flexion of the head combined
in the minimum cross-sectional area sponse to different provocation agents with nasal exhalation. This method
and volume of the cavity can be deter- and methods of collection. In clinical samples nasal and nasopharyngeal air-
mined. practice, secretions may be collected ways. ␣-Adrenergic agonists have
Nasal microcirculation has been by blowing directly onto a plastic film been used to improve fluid recovery.
used as an endpoint. Laser Doppler or into a funnel, cup, or tube. However, Druce and Raphael58,76 began using
velocimetry evaluates capillary blood interpretation may be difficult if the pump spray devices and collected se-
flow in the superficial mucosa.72 Ra- fluid is viscous or swallowed, collec- cretions by placing a small, soft, red,
dioactive xenon washout and clearance tions are incomplete, or the volumes of rubber 8F urethral catheter along the
of hydrogen (3H2) into exhaled nasal secretions are small. Secretion of 0.5 floor of the nostril. Unilateral provoca-
air are limited to research institu- mL (0.5 g) with 5 or more sneezes and tions could be performed with secre-
tions.73 Colorimetric evaluation of mu- ⬎20% decrease in peak flow is con- tions continuously collected from both
cosal erythema has also been used.74 sidered a positive test.37 sides. As described above, the nasal
Introduction of nasal lavage fluid pool device is a further refinement for
COLLECTION OF NASAL promotes collection for biochemical challenge, lavage, and collection.54
SECRETIONS AND analysis, but raises the problem of se- These techniques sample large sur-
LAVAGE FLUID cretion dilution. Naclerio75 pioneered face areas of mucosa, and can quantify
The amount, viscosity, and spinability the method of instilling 4 to 5 mL of vascular, glandular, neuronal, and cel-
of the nasal mucous discharge, and lavage fluid directly into the nose us- lular events simultaneously. Nasal la-
quantity of the mediators, cytokines, ing a pipette. Subjects are required to vages with isoosmolar saline can be
plasma proteins, glandular secretory hyperextend their necks and obstruct performed repeatedly without causing
products, extracellular matrix mole- their posterior nasopharynx by palatal nasal mucosal irritation. The disadvan-
cules and cells in lavage fluids vary in closure. Lavage fluid is recovered by tages of repeated nasal lavages are the


dilution of samples, the removal of im- mast cell mediators. The clinical nonspecific nasal hyperreactivity. Cap-
portant target cells such as adherent symptoms of the late phase response saicin stimulates nociceptive type C
eosinophils or metachromatic cells are limited to nasal congestion, poste- fibers and neuropeptide release from
during the initial provocations, and al- rior drainage of secretions, and sinus their sensory nerve endings. Capsaicin
terations in the dynamics of fluid flux or facial pressure. Cell, mediators, cy- provocations stimulate excessive glan-
across the mucosal barrier. In each tokines, and neurohormones in the na- dular secretion in a subset of vasomo-
method, the degree of dilution of the sal secretions of the late phase re- tor rhinitis subjects.91 Capsaicin also
original epithelial lining fluid cannot sponse are different from those of damages C fibers, and has been pro-
be determined. However, the addition acute response.18,85,86 The clinical im- posed as a treatment for nonallergic
of exogenous radiolabeled albumin or plications of having a late phase re- rhinitis.92 Bradykinin (BK) induces va-
lithium to the lavage fluid permits cal- sponse after NPT are still debated. The sodilatation and vascular permeability
culation of the percentage of recovery European Academy of Allergy and because of the stimulation of vascular
in research studies.77,78 These tech- Clinical Immunology’s recommenda- BK-B2 receptors.89,93 BK receptors on
niques have provided useful informa- tions for investigation of late-phase re- sensory nerves are upregulated in se-
tion about the amount of secretions, actions entail assessments at 0.5, 10, vere allergic rhinitis and lead to acti-
but they do not define their source, 20, 30, 45, 60 minutes, then every hour vation of cholinergic reflexes.94 Nico-
physical properties, or composition. to 10 hours after provocation.2 If a tine and serotonin also induce sensory
Measurement of urea in plasma and positive allergen response occurs, then nerve stimulation with presumed axon
lavage fluid provides an estimate of the the subject should be challenged with responses and cholinergic reflexes. Ir-
volume of epithelial lining fluid sam- the diluent to determine whether it had ritants such as ozone, sulfur dioxide,
pled.79 These methods are impractical induced a false-positive response. The formaldehyde, cigarette smoke, organ-
for office practice. Dry filter paper times for evaluation after the vehicle ic-solvent fumes, and cold air (or re-
discs collect only small quantities of challenge should be exactly the same warming after cold exposure) induce
undiluted secretions, limiting the num- as after the allergen. Both placebo re- nasal obstruction and rhinorrhea that
ber of analytes that can be assayed actors and subjects with nonspecific may be attributable to mast or epithe-
with precision. hyperresponsiveness will be detected. lial cell damage, the stimulation and
depolarization of trigeminal sensory
NASAL CYTOLOGY OTHER PROVOCATION nerves, and the induction of axon re-
Cellular changes during NPT can be AGENTS sponses and parasympathetic reflex-
evaluated by nasal smear, blown secre- Histamine produces the triple response es.65 Nasal and bronchial inhalations of
tions, cotton swabs, imprints, nasal of nerves in the skin and causes an hypertonic solutions of saline, manni-
scraping, nasal brushes, and biopsy. analogous pattern in the nose: stimula- tol or other solutes have been used to
Multiple methods of biochemical, his- tion of a population of H1-receptor investigate nonspecific irritant and
tochemical, immunochemical, and bearing type C neurons that mediate neural sensitivity, and may offer in-
electron micrographic can then be ap- itch that recruit cholinergic parasym- sights into exercise-induced asth-
plied.80 Collection of cells with cotton pathetic reflexes that induce glandular ma.60,95–98 NPT with acetylsalicylic
swabs is a simple but low reproducibil- exocytosis; stimulation of plasma ex- acid and lysyl-acetylsalicylic acid is a
ity technique.81 The advantage of im- travasation with stimulation of endo- helpful procedure for diagnosis of as-
prints and scrapings is that monocytes thelial H1-receptors leads to exudation pirin-sensitive asthma, but is less sen-
and lymphocytes can be enumerat- of plasma into the lamina propria lead- sitive than oral challenge.99 Lysyl-ace-
ed.82– 84 Nasal biopsy is rarely used for ing to edema with hydrostatically tylsalicylic acid is not approved for use
diagnostic purposes in rhinitis, but it driven exudation across the epithelium in the United States.
has provided valuable information into the nasal cavity to cause watery
about the ciliary dysfunction, role of rhinorrhea and vasodilatation of deep CONCLUSION
lymphocytes and cytokines in allergic venous sinusoids leading to mucosal As the methods of NPT become more
reactions. Biopsies are the only means thickening, reduced nasal patency, and standardized, we anticipate that NPT
to study the structural elements. The obstruction to airflow. All of these may become a more frequently used
nature of cellular infiltrates can be mechanisms are seen on the ipsilateral clinical tool. Its place will be to define
evaluated, but persistent bleeding may side after unilateral histamine provoca- the presence of allergic rhinitis when
follow the trauma of the biopsy. tion, whereas only the reflex-induced the history is highly suggestive but
glandular secretion is seen in the con- skin testing and RAST testing are neg-
LATE-PHASE RESPONSE tralateral nonchallenged nasal cavi- ative, for the evaluation of unique or
The immediate allergic response is ty.87– 89 Methacholine induces glandu- occupational allergens, and to demon-
characterized by itch, sneezing, rhinor- lar secretion only.90 Challenge with strate nonallergic, irritant, or nasal hy-
rhea, plasma exudation, and glandular histamine and methacholine have been perresponsiveness mechanisms. In
secretion attributable to the release of widely carried out for exploring of these instances, the NPT responses

VOLUME 86, APRIL, 2001 361

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CME Examination
1–5, Baraniuk JN and Lityakova LI. 2001;86:355–365

CME Test Questions c. To identify a novel allergen 2. Which of the following is NOT an
causing allergic rhinitis absolute contraindication for
1. Indications for the use of NPT in NPT?
clinical practice include all of the d. To confirm nasal reactivity to
allergen before starting immu- a. Acute period of allergic rhinitis
following EXCEPT:
a. To confirm the role of allergen in notherapy b. Mild asthma in remission
cases of disagreement of pa- e. To prove the allergic nature c. Previous anaphylactic reaction
tient’s history and skin testing of asthma when correspond- to an allergen
and/or RAST ing bronchial allergen provo- d. Acute viral or bacterial rhinitis
b. For the diagnosis of occupa- cation tests are postivie and sinusitis
tional allergic rhinitis e. Pregnancy


3. Which of these statements is patients with restricted lung ca- a. NPT is a well standardized
false? pacity (TLC ⬍60%) method and is frequently used
a. NPT can be done 4 weeks after 4. A positive NPT is determined by: in clinical practice in the
the episode of allergic or infec- a. The maximum allergen dose United States
tious rhinitis that patient received b. NPT has shown promise for the
b. Polyps, atrophic rhinitis, and b. Self-report scoring of clinical diagnosis of allergic and occu-
deviated nasal septum are ab- symptoms pational rhinits
solute contraindications for c. 10-cm linear visual analog c. The analysis of mechanisms of
NPT scales of symptoms NPT responses may lead to a
c. NPT can be done 6 weeks after d. Measures of nasal patency more appropriate and focused
nasal or sinus surgery e. The assessment of clinical therapy
d. Nasal congestion can result symptoms scores, nasal secre- d. There is a wide variety of NPT
from oral contraceptives and tion, and nasal patency mea- test techniques for research
preparations containing sulfite surements e. NPT provides useful informa-
preservatives 5. Which of these statements is tion about the pathogenesis of
e. NPT should not be done in false? airway diseases

Answers found on page 386.

VOLUME 86, APRIL, 2001 365

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