Special Gorenstein Projective Modules Via A Matrix Approach

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The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Volume 35, Number 2D November 2010, Pages 110


MOHAMMED TAMEKKANTE To my professor Najib Mahdou Abstract. In this paper, we introduce a particular class of Gorenstein projective modules which we call special Gorenstein projective modules. We study nitely generated special Gorenstein projective modules via a matrix approach.

1. I n t r o d u c t i o n Throughout this paper, all rings are commutative with identity element and all modules are unital. Let R be a ring, and let M be an R-module. As usual, we use pdR M, idR M, and fdR M to denote, respectively, the classical projective dimension, injective dimension, and at dimension of M, and by gldimR, we denote the classical global dimension of R. For arbitrary R-modules A and B and for each R-morphism u : A ! B, denote u : HomR u; R : HomR B; R ! HomR A; R h 7! h  u

For a two-sided Noetherian ring R, Auslander and Bridger [1] introduced the G-dimension, GdimR M, for every nitely generated R-module M. They showed that GdimR M a pdR M for all nitely generated R-modules M, and equality holds if pdR M is nite. Several decades later, Enochs and Jenda [9, 10] introduced the notion of Gorenstein projective dimension (G-projective dimension for short), as an extension of G-dimension to modules that are not necessarily nitely generated, and the Gorenstein injective dimension (G-injective dimension for short) as a dual notion of Gorenstein projective dimension. Then, to complete the analogy with the classical homological dimension, Enochs, Jenda, and Torrecillas [12] introduced the Gorenstein at dimension. Some references concerning the Gorenstein projective, injective, and at dimensions are [7en-dash13]. Recall that an R-module M is called Gorenstein projective if there exists an exact sequence of projective R-modules P: ! P1 ! P0 ! P 0 ! P 1 !

such that M G ImP0 ! P 0 and such that the functor HomR ; Q leaves P exact whenever Q is a projective R-module. The resolution P is called a complete projective resolution. A Gorenstein injective R-module is dened dually, and the Gorenstein projective (resp., Gorenstein injective) dimensions are dened in terms of Gorenstein projective (resp., Gorenstein injective) resolutions, and denoted by Gpd (resp., Gid); see [7] and [13]. Note that the notion of Gorenstein projective (resp., Gorenstein injective) module is dened by Enochs and Jenda [9, 10] over an arbitrary associative ring. However, in this paper, we are interested in the commutative case. In [2], the authors studied a particular class of Gorenstein projective modules which they called strongly Gorenstein projective modules. We recall that a module M is said to be strongly Gorenstein projective, if there exists an exact sequence of projective modules of the form P: ! P ! P ! P ! P !
Received aa; Accepted aa. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classication. 13D02, 13D05, 13D07. Key words and phrases. Gorenstein projective module, strongly Gorenstein projective module, G-dimension, G-projective dimension, matrices. 1
f f f

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such that M G Im f and such that HomR ; Q leaves P exact whenever Q is projective. The resolution P is called a strongly complete projective resolution. The principal role of the strongly Gorenstein projective modules is to give a simple characterization of the Gorenstein projective ones; see [2, Theorem 2.7]. Moreover, they are more simple to characterize; see [2, Proposition 2.9]. Our aim in this paper is to nd a class of Gorenstein modules that plays a similar role to free modules in classical Homological Algebra for the case of Gorenstein Homological Algebra and that can be described easily via a matrix approach. To do so, we will consider a particular class of strongly Gorenstein projective modules that we will call special Gorenstein projective. The main result of this paper is Theorem 3.3, where we characterize the nitely generated special Gorenstein modules with a given set of matrices. This is used then to study the properties of this new class of modules. 2. S p ec i a l Go r e n s t e i n p r o j e c t i v e m o d u l e s In this section, we introduce and study a particular class of strongly Gorenstein projective modules. Denition 2.1. A module M is said to be special Gorenstein projective, if there exists an exact sequence of free modules of the form F: ! F ! F ! F ! F !
f f f

such that M G Im f and such that HomR ; P leaves the sequence F exact whenever P is projective. The resolution F is called a complete free resolution. Note that every special Gorenstein projective module is strongly Gorenstein projective. As for (nitely generated) strongly Gorenstein projective modules, (nitely generated) special Gorenstein projective modules have a simple characterization. Proposition 2.2. Let R be a ring. (1) An R-module M is special Gorenstein projective if and only if there exists an exact sequence of R-modules 0!M!F !M!0
1 where F is a free R-module and ExtR M; Q 0 for every projective R-module Q. (2) An R-module M is nitely generated special Gorenstein projective if and only if there exists an exact sequence of R-modules

0!M!F !M!0
1 where F is a nitely generated free R-module and ExtR M; R 0.

Proof. (1) Let M be a special Gorenstein projective module. There exists a complete free resolution of R-modules F: ! F ! F ! F ! F !
f f f

such that M G Im f . We can assume that M Im f . Consider the epimorphism of R-modules b : F ! M dened by setting ba f a for each a A F . Clearly, kerb ker f Im f M. Hence, we have the short exact sequence of R-modules 0 ! M H F ! M ! 0: ! In addition, since every special Gorenstein projective module is strongly Gorenstein projective, it is clear 1 that ExtR M; P 0 for every projective R-module P (by [2, Proposition 2.9]). Conversely, let M be an R-module such that there exists an exact sequence of R-modules 0!M!F !M!0
1 where F is a free R-module and such that ExtR M; P 0 for every projective R-module P. Setting f a  b, we have the exact sequence of free R-modules: a b b

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1 Moreover, given an arbitrary projective R-module P, since ExtR M; P 0, the short sequence

0 ! HomR M; P ! HomR F ; P ! HomR M; P ! 0 is exact. In addition, it is clear that b  a HomR b; P  HomR a; P HomR a  b; P HomR f ; P : f : Hence, we have the exact sequence

Accordingly, F is a complete free resolution. Finally, M G Im a Im f is a special Gorenstein projective R-module. (2) Let M be a nitely generated special Gorenstein projective R-module. For such a module, there exists an exact sequence of R-modules 0!M!F !M!0 where F is free (by 1 above) and which must be nitely generated. In addition, by 1 above, we have 1 ExtR M; R 0. Conversely, let M be an R-module such that there exists an exact sequence of R-modules * 0!M!F !M!0

1 where F is a nitely generated free R-module and such that ExtR M; R 0. Clearly, M is nitely 1 presented (from *). Then, the functor ExtR M; commutes with any coproducts of R-modules (by 1 combining [6, Exercise 3, p. 187] with [14, Example 20 0 , p. 41]). Hence, since ExtR M; R 0, we deduce 1 that ExtR M; L 0 for every free R-module L. Since every projective module is a direct summand of a 1 free R-module, ExtR M; P 0 for every projective R-module P. Consequently, from 1 above, M is a special Gorenstein projective module which is nitely generated. r

Proposition 2.3. For every strongly Gorenstein projective module M, there exists a free module L such that M l L is special Gorenstein projective. Proof. Let M be a strongly Gorenstein projective module. For such a module, there exists an exact sequence * 0 ! M ! P ! M ! 0 where P is projective. Let Q be a projective module such that P l Q is free. If we set L Q l P l Q l P . . . , we have P l L P l Q l P l Q . . . G L. Consider the split short exact sequence ** 0 ! L ! L l L ! L ! 0:

By adding * to **, we get the short exact sequence 0 ! M l L ! P l L l L ! M l L ! 0: Clearly, P l L l L G L is a free module. In addition, Ext 1 M l L; Q G Ext 1 M; Q l Ext 1 L; Q 0 for every projective module Q (since M is strongly Gorenstein projective). Accordingly, M l L is special Gorenstein projective. r

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Corollary 2.4. A module M is Gorenstein projective if and only if it is a direct summand of a special Gorenstein projective module. Proof. Let M be an arbitrary Gorenstein projective module. By [2, Theorem 2.7], M is a direct summand of a strongly Gorenstein projective module N, which is, in its turn, a direct summand of a special Gorenstein projective module (by Proposition 2.3). Consequently, M is a direct summand of a special Gorenstein projective module. Conversely, it is clear that every special Gorenstein projective module is Gorenstein projective. Thus, by [13, Theorem 2.5], every direct summand of a special Gorenstein projective module is Gorenstein projective. r The strongly Gorenstein projective modules are not necessarily special Gorenstein projective, as shown by the following example: Example 2.5. Consider the ring R : KX =X 2 where K is a eld, and denote by X the residue class in R of X . Consider also a semisimple ring S which is not a eld. Let x be a zero divisor in S. Then, X xS is a strongly Gorenstein projective R S-module which is not special Gorenstein projective. Proof. Firstly, note that S cannot be a domain. Otherwise, it becomes a eld. Hence, the existence of x is guaranteed. Moreover, since xR is a nitely generated ideal of S, it is generated by an idempotent element a of S. See that a 0 1. Otherwise, xR R. Then, x is invertible, which is impossible since it is a zero divisor in S. We can assume that x a. On the other hand, xR is a projective S-module. Then, it is a strongly Gorenstein projective S-module. In addition, by [2, Example 2.5], X is a strongly Gorenstein projective R-module. Thus, by [5, Lemma 3.2], X xS is a strongly Gorenstein projective R S-module. Now, suppose that X xS is a special Gorenstein projective R S-module. Then, there exists an exact sequence of R S-modules * 0 ! X xS ! F ! X xS ! 0

where F is free. Since S is a projective R S-module, by applying the functor nRS S to *, we obtain the short exact sequence of S-modules ** 0 ! X xS nRS S ! F nRS S ! X xS nRS S ! 0: Moreover, X xS nRS S G xS. Hence, from **, xS l xS G F nRS S is a free S-module. However, for each a; b A S, x 1 ax; bx ax 2 x; bx 2 x 0; 0. Accordingly, xS l xS cannot be free. Consequently, X xS is not a special Gorenstein projective R S-module. r 3. S p ec i a l Go r e n s t e i n p r o j e c t i v e m o d u l e s v i a m a t r i x a p p r o a c h The main goal of this section is to study nitely generated special Gorenstein projective modules via a matrix approach. Let R be a ring. As usual, we denote by Mn R the ring of n n matrices and Mn; 1 R the additive abelian group of n 1 matrices over R. Given D A Mn R, we denote annD fa A Mn; 1 R j Da 0g and With these notations, we set En R : fD A Mn R j annD ImD and annD T ImD T g where D T is the transpose matrix of D. In particular, E1 R fx A R j annR x xRg. Finally, we set ER : 6n En R. We can easily see that if D A ER, then D T A ER. Note that ER is not empty as shown by the following result. Proposition 3.1. For each positive integer n > 0 and for each invertible matrix A in M2n R, the matrices     0 In 0 0 A A 1 and A A 1 are elements of ER where In is the identity element of Mn R. 0 0 In 0 ImD fDa j a A Mn; 1 Rg:

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  0 In Proof. Set M A A 1 . Clearly, 0 00 0 1 1 0 a1 b1 B . C B . C B @ . A A annM and set @ . A A 1 @ . . a2n 0 B B B B B B B @ bn1 . C . C  . C 0 C b2n C C 0 0 C A . . . 1 b2n 0  In B @ 0

we have M 2 0. Then, ImM J annM. Now, let 1 a1 . C . A. We have . a2n

1 b1  0 . C . A A 1 A . 0 b2n

0  In B A 1 @ 0

1 0 1 a1 a1 . C . A A 1 M B . C 0: @ . A . . a2n a2n

Thus, bi 0 for each i A fn 1; . . . ; 2ng. Hence, b1 B . C B . C a1  B . C 0 B C B . C @ . A AB bn C A . B C 0 B0C a2n @ A . . . 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 B . C B . C B . C B . C . B . C B C B0C B0C In B C B C B C MAB C: B b1 C 0 B b1 C B C B C B . C B . C . A @ . @ . A . 0 bn bn

Accordingly, ImM annM. Similarly, we can prove that M T satises the same condition. Consequently, M A ER, as desired.     0 0 0 In It is clear that A A 1 is the transpose matrix of A T 1 A T . On the other hand, from 0  0 In 0    0 0 T 1 0 In T the rst part of this proof A A A ER. Consequently, A A 1 A ER, as desired. 0 0 In 0 r Denition 3.2. The elements of ER in Proposition 3.1 will be called trivial elements of ER. Let n be a positive integer. For any matrix D aij A Mn R, denote by fD the R-homomorphism fD : R n ! R n associated to D via the standard free basis of R n ; fe1 1; 0; . . . ; 0; e2 0; 1; 0; . . . ; 0; . . . ; Pn en 0; . . . ; 0; 1g (i.e., fD is such that fD ej i1 aij ei ). Conversely, for each R-homomorphism f : R n ! R n , denote by Df the element of Mn R associated to f via the standard basis of R n (i.e., Pn Df aij is such that f ej i1 aij ei for each i 1; . . . ; n). The main result of this paper is the following theorem: Theorem 3.3. An R-module M is nitely generated special Gorenstein projective if and only if there exists D A ER such that M G Im fD . Proof. Let M be a nitely generated special Gorenstein projective module. By Proposition 2.2, there exists an exact sequence * 0!M!F !M!0
a b

1 where F G R n is a nitely generated free module (for some integer n > 0) and such that ExtR M; R 0. n n One can assume F R with the standard free basis fe1 ; . . . ; en g. If not, let f : F ! R be the isomorphism which transmits the basis of F to the free standard basis of R n . Hence, we have the short exact sequence

0 ! M ! R n ! M ! 0: For no more details, we may assume F R n with the standard free basis fe1 ; . . . ; en g. Set f a  b. We have Im f aM G M. We claim that Df A ER.


bf 1

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From the short exact sequence *, we have ker f Im f since kerb Ima. This means that 1 annDf ImDf . Moreover, since ExtR M; R 0, we have the short exact sequence ** 0 ! HomR M; R ! HomR R n ; R ! HomR M; R ! 0:
b a

Clearly, f HomR f ; R HomR a  b; R HomR b; R  HomR a; R b  a : Then, from the short exact sequence **, we have Im f ker f . Consider the R-homomorphism c : HomR R n ; R ! R n h 7!
n X i1

hei ei :

The morphism c is an isomorphism by construction. Then, set g c  f  c 1 : R n ! R n . We have Img Imc  f cIm f cker f kerg. Hence, annDg ImDg . 0 1 a11 a1n B . . C .. . A. For each i; j A f1; . . . ; ng, we have Set Df @ . . . . an1


f  c ei ej f c 1 ei ej c 1 ei  f ej c 1 ei f ej ! n n X X 1 akj ek akj c 1 ei ek c ei
k1 k1 1


since c ei ei 1 and c 1 ei ek 0 for each k 0 i:

Then, for each i A f1; . . . ; ng, we have: gei c  f  c 1 ei 0

n X j1

f  c 1 ei ej ej

n X j1

aij ej :

1 a11 an1 B . . C .. . A Df T , and we have just proved that annDg ImDg . Consequently, Dg @ . . . . a1n ann Accordingly, annDf T ImDf T . Consequently, Df A ER, as desired. Conversely, suppose the existence of D A ER such that M G Im fD and let n be the size of D. We claim that M is a nitely generated special Gorenstein projective module. We have ker fD Im fD since annD ImD. Hence, we obtain the exact sequence of free R-modules: F: ! Rn ! Rn ! Rn ! :
fD fD

To show that M is special Gorenstein projective, it suces, by combining the denition of special Gorenstein projective modules with Proposition 2.2 (2), to prove that the functor HomR ; R leaves F exact. Consider the following diagram:

We have ker fD T Im fD T since annD T Im D T . Then, the upper sequence in the above diagram is exact. Moreover, we can prove as in the rst part of this proof that Dc fD c 1 DfD T D T . Then, fD T c  fD  c 1 . Therefore, all squares in this diagram are commutative. Consequently, the down sequence is exact. Accordingly, M is a nitely generated special Gorenstein projective module. r Remark 3.4. Given a ring R, Theorem 3.3 can be useful to nd a concrete example of nitely generated special Gorenstein projective modules. For example, if R Z=4Z, a simple calculation shows that   0 1 is an element of ER. Then, Im fD R l 2R G Z=4Z l Z=2Z is a nitely generated D 2 0 special Gorenstein projective Z=4Z-module.

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In [3], for any associative ring R, the authors proved the equality supfGpdM j M is a left R-moduleg supfGidM j M is a left R-moduleg: They called the common value of the above quantities the left Gorenstein global dimension of R, and denoted it by l:GgldimR. Since in this paper, all rings are commutative, we drop the letter l. For concrete example of rings with nite Gorenstein global dimension, one can see [4]. If GgldimR < y, the expression of ER becomes more simple, as shown by the following result. Corollary 3.5. Let R be a ring with GgldimR < y, and set MR 6n Mn R. Then, ER fD A MR j annD ImDg. In other words, for each D A MR, annD ImD if and only if annD T ImD T . Proof. The inclusion ER J fD A MR j annD ImDg is clear. Now, let D A MR of size n such that annD ImD and set M Im fD ker fD . We have the short exact sequence i e * 0 ! M ker fD ! R n ! Im fD M ! 0 where i is the inclusion morphism of M into R n and e is dened by setting ea fD a for each a A R n . Since GgldimR < y, GpdR M < y. Hence, by [13, Theorem 2.20], there exists a positive integer m m such that ExtR M; R 0. From the short exact sequence *, we have
1 2 m ExtR M; R ExtR M; R ExtR M; R 0:

Then, M is a nitely generated special Gorenstein projective module and fD i  e. Thus, as in the proof of Theorem 3.3, we can prove that ImD T annD T , as desired. r Corollary 3.6. Let R be a local ring and x A R. Then, xR is non-free strongly Gorenstein projective if and only if annR x xR. Proof. Assume that xR is non-free strongly Gorenstein projective. Since xR is not free, annR x 0 0. Then, by [5, Lemma 3.4], annxR xR. Conversely, if annx xR, then x A E1 R. Therefore, xR Im fx is special Gorenstein projective (and so strongly Gorenstein projective) where fx : R ! R is the multiplication by x. r Proposition 3.7. Let R be a ring and consider D A ER. Then, D is trivial if and only if Im fD is free.   0 In Proof. Let  > 0 be a positive integer and let A be an invertible matrix in M2n R. Set M0 n  0 0 0 0 and M1 . We have Im fM0 R n l 0 and Im fM1 0 l R n . Then, In 0 Im fAM0 A 1 fA  fM0  fA 1 R 2n fA R n l 0 G R n l 0 G R n : Similarly, we prove that Im fAM1 A 1 G R n . Conversely, let D A En R such that M Im fD ker fD is free with basis fb1 ; . . . ; bp g. For each i A f1; . . . ; pg, consider bpi A R n such that bi f bpi . Let x be an arbitrary element of R n . Since fD x A M, there exists a unique set fxi j 1 p a i a 2pg of coecients in R such that ! p p p X X X fD x xip bi xip fD bpi fD xip bpi : Then, x
p X i1 i1 i1 i1

xip bpi A ker fD M. Therefore, there exists a unique set fxi j 1 a i a pg of coecients
p X i1 p X i1

in R such that x Hence, x

p X i1

xip bpi

xi bi :

xip bpi

p X i1

xi bi

2p X i1

x i bi :

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Moreover, this expression is unique over B fbi j 1 a i a 2pg. Then, B is a basis set of R n . Therefore, n 2p. Consider the R-isomorphism g : R n ! R n which transmits the basis B to the standard free basis of R n as follows: gbi ei . For each i A f1; . . . ; pg, we have g  fD  g 1 ei g  fD bi 0 since bi A M ker fD , and g  fD  g 1 eip g  fD bip gbi ei . Then,   0 Ip 1 Dg DDg Dg fD g 1 : 0 0   1 0 Ip Accordingly, D Dg r Dg . Consequently, D is trivial, as desired. 0 0 From Theorem 3.3 and Proposition 3.7, we conclude that the non-trivial elements of ER represent the non-free nitely generated special Gorenstein projective modules. However, if R is local with gldimR < y, the set of nitely generated special Gorenstein projective modules coincides with that of nitely generated free modules (by [13, Proposition 2.27] and since R is local). Hence, we have the immediate result: Corollary 3.8. Let R be a local ring with gldimR < y. Then, ER ftrivial elementsg. Proof. Let D be an element of ER. Then, by Theorem 3.3, Im fD is a nitely generated special Gorenstein projective R-module. Therefore, it is projective (by [13, Proposition 2.27]), and hence it is free since R is local. Consequently, by Proposition 3.7, D is trivial. Thus, we have ER J ftrivial elementsg. The other inclusion is immediate. r As usual, we use IdemR to denote the set of nite idempotent matrices over R. For each P A IdemR and each D A ER, we dene the multiplication P:D as follows: Let n and m be the sizes of P and D, 0 1   D 0 0 P 0 respectively, and set k supfn; mg. Consider P1 and D1 @ 0 0 Ikm A such 0 I2knm 0 0 0 that P1 and D1 are both nite square matrices with the same size 2k m. Finally, we set P:D P1 D1 . A simple verication shows that P1 A IdemR and D1 A ER. Proposition 3.9. For each P A IdemR and each D A ER, the R-module Im fP:D is nitely generated Gorenstein projective. Proof. Consider P1 A IdemR and D1 A ER with the same size n such that P:D P1 D1 . Then, fP:D fP1  fD1 . By Theorem 3.3, M Im fD1 ker fD1 is a special nitely generated Gorenstein projective module. In addition, fP1 2 fP1 since P1 is an idempotent element of Mn R. Consider the following map: o : M ! Im fP1 D1 l ker fP1 m 7! fP1 m; m fP1 m: The map o is well dened. Indeed, for each m A M there exists a A R n such that m fD1 a, and then, fP1 m fP1  fD1 a A Im fP1 D1 . Moreover, fP1 m fP1 m fP1 m fP1 2 m 0 since P1 is idempotent: It is clear that o is an injective R-morphism. On the other hand, for each fP1 m; x A Im fP1 D1 l ker fP1 ; (m A M), we have fP1 m; x o fP1 m x. Then, o is an R-isomorphism. Therefore, Im fP1 D1 is isomorphic to a direct summand of M (and so nitely generated). Accordingly, it is a nitely generated Gorenstein projective module (by Corollary 2.4). r Acknowledgement. The author would like to express his sincere thanks to the referees for their helpful suggestions and comments, which have greatly improved this paper. R ef e r e n c es
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