Leading Teams 3617

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Kareem Mohsen ElTair


Part A

The term leader Influencing an organized group toward accomplishing its goals, it is not only about the
skills, it is about a combination of skills, expertise and personality which makes him a unique person to
acquire a position the leader do the below organically

- Innovate
- Develop
- Inspire
- Has long term view
- Always ask what and why
- Originate
- Challenge the status que for a better decision
- Do the right things, right in time and right in action

Leader should have a clear vision about his position and clear vision about the people he will lead.

He or she should has the ability and the skills able to convince the international organization to commit
the funds.

He or she should has the technical expertise along with diplomatic skills to has a good exposure to the
international organization.

Should has the ability to inspire the followers like what Sheikh Mohamed is doing always inspiring by the
way he is talking the way he is walking even the way he is dealing with normal people.

Also, empowering the motivation inside his team member is a big factor in defining a leader.

Can do right coaching and managing the people and off course the right forecast about the problems
and situation might be happen, taking all possibilities to reach a solution and seeing an opportunity in
each struggle or problem.

Leader will lead people to achieve and this achievement should be in favor of his benefit and also his
team benefit, he must compromise between two to lead the ship to the safe land.

Leader in me believe will not follow the standard he will be always have his own stranded to work in
favor of his success.

And finally has the synergy to inspire.

Leadership is a relationship between individuals, it is not a characteristic of a solitary leader it is all about
aspects of power and influence.

The main leadership values we will look for

1. Science and tech expertise

Ability to add value to the position and convince the international organization by these values
to commit the funds.

2. Recognition

For his team members, and also for everyone, will give more power for achieving the target.

3. Power

Knows when he should be tough and when he should be lean, dealing with situation with
flexibility to overcome any obstacles.

4. Hedonism

Whenever he is there people are happy with his appearance not hiding from his, he will be
always comfortable to speak with.

5. Altruism

Always recognizing his team efforts and always saying this achievement is not his only but by the
collaboration with all the team member.

6. Affiliation

One of the important values of a leader to have connections and associations which give a big
value and power to his ideas and appearance anywhere.

Will be trusted when he or she speaks.

7. Tradition

Will give more respect to him and in people eyes a leader who has tradition and always insisting
on it will be always respectful.

8. Security

9. Commerce

10. Aesthetics

Leaders deal with people with respect and with inspiration not order rather than managers who all their
target it to do things right despite if it is the right thing or not.

Leaders have visions and always inspire people not control them also developing relations either
between team members or between external parties rather than managers who only maintain what
they have and not willing to enhance.

Leaders always challenge the current situations to get the best of it while managers accepting whatever
is there to just to the task.

Leaders have clear vision not as managers working on plans cannot be touched or changed.

Leaders motivate people by inspiration not by rewards so people can do even without any cost rather
than expecting paid or rewarded back, this is a very important this cause it can be used in wrong actions,
by inspiration you can control people.

Leaders looking to the big pictures where a big revenue coming but managers looking only on costs
associated with these action no matter the output will come after that.

Leaders always working on possibilities they don’t care about procedures , there are always window to
break rules to get more from the situation , managers are restricted to procedures even it will slow the
outcomes. ( even sometimes its better to stick to procedures but always give a space to innovate).

Leaders likes to receives feedback but managers like to give orders.

Leaders are working on their problems but managers have ego to expose it.

Leaders Managers

Innovate Administer

Develop Maintain

Inspire Control

Long-term view Short-term view

Ask what and why Ask how and when

Originate Initiate

Challenge the status Accept the status quo

Do the right things Do things right

Leadership=Change Management=Control
Vision Plan

Inspire Reward

Empower Direct

Coach Train

Revenues Expenses

Forecasts Budgets

Possibilities Procedures

Opportunity Schedule

Synergy Coordinate

Key Characteristics of a Leader

1. Intelligence
2. initiative
3. stress tolerance
4. responsibility
5. friendliness and dominance

6. Clear mission

7. high performance standards

8. The ability to get along with others and build teams

9. The ability to make sound and timely decisions

10. The ability to get things done

11. Planning

12. Organizing

13. Communication
14. Minimal interpersonal conflict

Part B

French and Raven described five bases of power:


Where the leader has a formal power or right to order or to initiate instructions and he is expecting the
followers to be complaint.

Like he has authority as an expert: military positon this normally founded by situations

Or having a position which give this legitimate power to order like judge.

A president has power but after he loses his position he might lose his power , he extracts his power
from his position only not from his skills so after leaving the position people not influenced anymore.


Where the leader in this case getting the ability to get the followers obey his orders by compensating
them by a reward.

Normally like boss he is compensating you for following his orders.

Here it appears the true leadership as he is matching the three circles followers, situation and leader

As long as people can see that they will be rewarded for their actions they will follow orders.

The problem with that kind of power is in most of the time is limited and always that kind of leaders in
some situations cannot do more than his power.


Where the leader has high levels of skill and knowledge and be able to judgment situations based on his
level of experience.

Like surgent.

People listen and trust when they feel the confident and level of experience of the leader and respect all
what is coming from your side this a good leader skills but it needs to be enhanced to be more effective.


Where the leader perceived appeal, trust and right to others' respect and also with his high profile and

Like a teacher.
People get inspired and influenced by referent power like celebrities but the problem that you lead a
generation they have a big reasonability toward people who influenced by

Relying on referent power alone is not a good as for a leader who wants sustainability and respect. It has
to be linked with other powers to be very successful.


Where the leader believes that he can punish others for noncompliance or not obeying his orders.

Like is some situations coaches.

This type of power can be abused and lead to follower dissatisfaction.

Leader with these powers should be careful from bullying followers.

Theory X and Theory Y 

Are philosophies of human motivation and management.

They were created and developed by Douglas McGregor

These two theories explain two models of workforce and employee’s motivations to be applied by
companies to develop people.

Where x is adapting the tight supervision, and rewarding as part of achievements and punishment or
penalties in case of failure.

Theory X - authoritarian, repressive style. Tight control, no development. Produces limited, depressed

Managers who adapt theory x believes that workers are less intelligent and need a close and tight
supervision to complete work also no work will be done unless penalties and promotions (rewards) are

Giving the worker less choices to innovate and work in his own creativity will give more output as no
trust in worker’s capabilities.

They believes that workers need more supervision and punishment techniques to perform well.

And Y is adapting motivation upon satisfaction of business environment and give employees the free
space to think and act innovatively without supervision.

Theory Y - liberating and developmental. Control, achievement and continuous improvement achieved
by enabling, empowering and giving responsibility.

Y is adapting the all opposite than X where worker is free to work on his own way no supervision needed
but all control is about his output.
No tight to ideas or legacy systems.

I believe that nowadays no more place to Theory X and it is not valid anymore in this competitive market
where we can see companies like Google and Facebook enhancing the relations and work environment
for the worker to get the best results out from him.

Opening the way to more innovative ways of thinking will have better outputs for the companies.

Also, adopting theory Y is giving chance to have a better value to the company as when the workers
believes that his is working freely and his input is trusted and can be done he will start to put all his
effort to grow the company and get the best for it.


Components of Creative Intelligence

• Synthetic Ability

• See things in a new way, being more innovative and looking differently to things will
lead to more better outputs.

• Connect unrelated concepts, will give more holistic vision.

• Analytic Intelligence

• Evaluate potential solutions, having the ability to find out potential solutions and
evaluate it to decide what is the best fit in position.

• Sort information, colleting the information start analyzing it putting it in order and get
the priority.

• Practical Intelligence

• Novel solutions, where after analyzing all alternatives can decide what the practical
solution could work and why.

• Relevant knowledge & experience, will give an edge to get out the practical solution.

• Thinking Style

• Modify what exists building on what exist not throwing all back once you took the
position, you still can use it for your benefit.

• Start with new solutions, innovating and searching for alternatives thinking, seeing the
different angle.

• Personality Factors

• Higher openness to experience, no one is perfect and every day you learn a new thing so
open yourself to more.

• Higher surgency scores.

• Intrinsic Motivation

• Generate more creative solutions, don’t stop thinking for more innovative ideas, work
on teams or group to brain storming and look to situation in different angle.

• Influence people to innovate, help people to start thinking differently and support them.

• Environmental Factors

• Supportive leadership, be supportive and don’t bully other for their thinking or anything

• Team stability, insure the best for your team to get the perfect results.


Building Blocks of Leadership Skills

Two big parts

Easier to change

- Skills, you still can adapt more skills all the way during your life like Intrapersonal Skills (Adapting
to stress, Goal orientation, Adhering to rules) , Interpersonal Skills(Communicating, Building
relationships) , Leadership Skills (Building teams ,Getting a job done) , Business Skills (Analyzing
issues , Financial savvy) , Strategic thinking

- Competencies, Building Technical Competence, Determine how the job contributes to the
overall mission , Become an expert on the job , Seek opportunities to broaden experiences.

- Knowledge, gaining more knowledge ,, achieving certificates and awards.

- Experience, day by day you are gaining a new experience maybe in the same field or on a new
one adding to your expertise.

More difficult to Change

- Intelligence, more harder to acquire but it is not impossible to change , it need more focus and
hard work to change.

- Personality, there are 5 factor model of personalities and based on each type of it you can see
the behavior and how to react to that.

- Traits

- Types

- Values, cannot be changed.

- Interests, more difficult to change but you can adapt more interest during your life journey.
- Motives, hard to change but not impossible, keep changing the motive enhance your

- Goals, I personally believe that goals changes from time to time.

Part C


Source of power defined as the position which the leader hold during his leadership actions, this
position inherited from a previous experience of position or expertise this leader holds before like judge
or military position which give a legitimate power to the leader but the problem in this case that the
leader loses his power by losing his position and in special case he or she became dictatorial.

Also, it might be expert power where the leader has a differentiator experience, knowledge or skill he
can influence people with but this type of powers needs a supportive skills to enhance his position.

reward Where the leader in this case getting the ability to get the followers obey his orders by
compensating them by a reward.

So the source of power mainly adopted by nature from previous position of the leader and affect all his
leadership skills toward people he leads.

Sometimes it became for followers goods and sometime it is for bad.

But all we can say that the leader power needs some skills and experience adoption to enhance there
leadership power.


Bright side of personality treats it explains the main factor dimensions in personality and explain its

First dimension is assurgency where the leader has the ambition to have responsibility to people.

And social ability is high (has a large no. of friends)

Agreeableness where the interpersonal sensitivity is sympathetic person.

Dependability where the leader is usually make to do lists, I practice what I preach, I rarely get into

Adjustment where I remain calm in pressure situations, I take personal criticism well

Openness to Experience where leader like travelling to foreign countries or the learning approach is
liking staying up to speed on certain topics.

All these are the bright side of personality treats where the leader should maintain and enhance.

Emotional intelligence

Is the skill where the leader can interact emotionally with other, and the ability to identify and manage
own emotions and also manage the other emotions.

It has the below characteristic

Self Awareness

Emotional Awareness

Accurate Self-assesment














Steve covey’s principle of centered leadership , it indicates main attributes where leader should have
and enhance to be a good and trusted leader at certain dimensions

• Personal

▫ Trustworthy: capable to gain this

• Interpersonal

▫ Trusting relationships

• Managerial
▫ Empowering style

▫ Organizational

▫ Vision aligned

• Authentic Leadership

▫ True to self

▫ Ethical

▫ Value based

• Servant Leadership

▫ Listening

▫ Empathy

▫ Healing

▫ Awareness

▫ Persuasion

▫ Conceptualization

▫ Foresight

▫ Stewardship

▫ Commitment to others growth

▫ Building community

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