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OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

Lab 3: Configuration of OIM to manage user accounts

lifecycle in DSEE application

Lab 3: Configuration of OIM to manage user accounts lifecycle in DSEE application .................................. 1

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 2

2. Contents.................................................................................................................................................... 2

2.1. Install DSEE Connector ..................................................................................................................... 3

2.2. Create IT Resources ........................................................................................................................... 8
2.3. Execute Direct Provisioning for Connector health-check ........................................................... 16
2.4. Extend OIM User schema to add custom attributes .................................................................... 23
2.5. Extend the connector to add support of custom attributes ........................................................ 31
2.6. Execute required Lookup reconciliation scheduled jobs ............................................................ 37
2.7. Configure Pre-populate adapters .................................................................................................. 40
2.8. Configure few Important Parameters for Request and RBAC based provisioning scenarios49
3. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 52

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

1. Introduction

ACME CAPITAL is all set to extend the provisioning solution to accommodate extra applications coming onboard from

MEDICLAIM acquisition. The Permanent Contact Number information for ACME OIM Users needs to be maintained. ACME

DSEE application is the source of this information where homePhone attribute is being maintained with the required value.

Also OIM has to be used to provision to ACME DSEE application instances and LCM of the DSEE accounts of existing

MEDICLAIM users would also be done from OIM, moving forward, account reconciliation would be needed from initially from


The need is recognized to install the OIM iPlanet connector pack to provide ACME the user/account provisioning/reconciliation

capabilities w.r.t. ACME DSEE application instances and also extend the connector to support the attribute homePhone storing the

Permanent Contact Number information.

2. Contents
2.1. Install DSEE Connector

2.2. Create IT Resources

2.3. Execute Direct Provisioning for Connector health-check

2.4. Extend OIM User schema to add custom attributes

2.5. Extend the connector to add support of custom attributes

2.6. Execute required Lookup reconciliation scheduled jobs

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

2.7. Configure Pre-populate adapters

2.8. Configure few Important Parameters for Request and RBAC based provisioning scenarios

2.1.Install DSEE Connector

This step includes the configuration required to install OIM connector (SJSDS to integrate OIM with DSEE

2.1.1. Extract first and then Copy the required connector pack (SJSDS_90440.tar) and files to the relevant directory locations

Extract SJSDS_90440.tar and Copy it from /odrive/installs/oim-cp directory to


[oracle@orclfmw ~]$ cd /odrive/installs/oim-cp

[oracle@orclfmw oim-cp]$ cp -r SJSDS_90440/


Copy the required external jar file ‚ldapbp.jar‛ from /odrive/installs/oim-cp directory to


[oracle@orclfmw oim-cp]$ cp ldapbp.jar /odrive/oracle/oim11g_MWH/Oracle_IDM1/server/ThirdParty

2.1.2. In order to run the Connector Installation Wizard, log in to the Administrative and User Console by using the xelsysadm account.

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

2.1.3. Navigate to the Advanced Administration console. In the System Management Panel, click on Manage Connector.

2.1.4. A new Connector Management window will pop up. Click on Install button.

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

2.1.5. From the Connector List list, select Sun Java System Directory This list displays the names and release numbers of connectors

whose installation files you copy into the default connector installation directory:

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

2.1.6. Click Load.

2.1.7. To start the installation process, click Continue.

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

The following tasks are performed in sequence:

2.1.8. If all three tasks of the connector installation process are successful, and then a message indicating successful installation is displayed,

you can click Create IT Resource.

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

At this point you have installed the connector pack for Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition (DSEE) that is going to

be used for the next labs.

2.2.Create IT Resources

This step includes the configuration required to create an IT resource for the relevant instance of DSEE server.

2.2.1. In order to create an IT Resource for the DSEE Connector, log in to the Administrative and User Console by using the xelsysadm


2.2.2. In the Welcome page of the Advanced Administration, under Configuration, click Create IT Resource.

2.2.3. Alternatively, click the Configuration tab, click Resource Management, and then select Create IT Resource.

2.2.4. On the Step 1: Provide IT Resource Information page, enter the following information:

IT Resource Name DSEE Server ACME

IT Resource Type Select an IT resource type for the IT resource. Click the
lookup which will open another popup. On that one, select
‘LDAP Server’ and click Select.

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

IT Resource Name DSEE Server ACME

Remote Manager leave this field blank

2.2.5. Click Continue.

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

2.2.6. On the Step 2: Specify IT Resource Parameter Values page, specify values for the parameters of the IT resource, and then click


Parameter Description

Admin Id DN value of the user who has administrator rights on Sun Java System Directory
The value is: cn=Directory Manager

Admin Password Password of the user who has administrator rights on Sun Java System Directory
The value is: abcd1234

Server Address IP address of the target Sun Java System Directory server
The value is:

Port Port number to connect to the target Sun Java System Directory server
The value is: 1389

Root DN Base DN where all the user operations are to be carried out

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

Parameter Description

The value is: dc=mydomain,dc=com

SSL Specifies whether or not an SSL connection is used for communication between
Oracle Identity Manager and the target Sun Java System Directory server
The value is: false

2.2.7. On the Step 3: Set Access Permission to IT Resource page just clicks Continue.

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

2.2.8. On the Step 4: Verify IT Resource Details page, review the information that you provided on the first, second, and third pages. If you

want to make changes in the data entered on any page, click Back to revisit the page and then make the required changes.

2.2.9. To proceed with the creation of the IT resource, click Continue.

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

2.2.10.The Step 5: IT Resource Connection Result page displays the results of a connectivity test that is run using the IT resource

information. Iplanet connector which we are using in this lab does not support any connectivity test. Cick Create.

2.2.11.Click Finish.

Note: Please create three more IT resources using exactly the same connection parameters and other information as provided for the

IT resource above. These are required mandatory for configurations of Lab 5 - Advanced Provisioning Infrastructure. Repeat the

Steps 2.2.1 to 2.2.11 with following names, and MAKE SURE to set access permissions to these IT Resources as explained below:

DSEE Server, Johannesburg

DSEE Server, Prague

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

DSEE Server, Chicago


For DSEE Server, Johannesburg, DSEE Server, Prague and DSEE Server, Chicago IT Resources make sure to do the following

procedure from the "Set Access Permission to IT Resource" step:

2.2.12.On the Step 3 : Set Access Permission to IT Resource step, click Assign Role

2.2.13.On the Assign Role step, check the assign checkbox for administrative role ALL USERS and then click Assign.

2.2.14.You will ONLY set Read Access permission to ALL USERS role

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

2.2.15.Back to the Step 3 : Set Access Permission to IT Resource page, click Continue

2.2.16.At Step 4 : Verify IT Resource Details page, click Continue

2.2.17.At Step 5 : IT Resource Connection Result page, click Continue

2.2.18.And then, click Finish

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

At this point you have just created the IT Resources that are going to be used for the next labs.

2.3.Execute Direct Provisioning for Connector health-check

This step is required to test if the provisioning module of installed DSEE connector is working properly. Reconciliation module of

the same connector will get verified in Lab 3 On-boarding, Reconciliation from applications (FlatFileApp, DSEE) used by the acquisition


2.3.1. Ensure that DSEE Server is started and running successfully in the VM (Lab 1 has the relevant details for the steps involved).

2.3.2. For testing purposes create a user called zDSEEtest as the picture below.

Organization: ACME Health Insurance

User Type: Full-Time Employee

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

Note: Before starting to try direct provisioning, one issue with the iplanet connector installation needs to be fixed. There is a

problem with pre-population of a field ‚common name‛. Launch the Design console, Under folder Development Tools Form

Designer For the process form UD_IPNT_USR Button Create New Version Provide a Label value as fix –

Prepopulation and click Save icon. Make it the Current version. Click the tab Pre-Populate, remove the existing Pre populate

adapter associated with the field ‚common name‛, attach 'iPlanetPP String' adapter and map the field to User->Display Name.

Finally activate this particular version of the form.

2.3.3. Provision DSEE resource manually to test the integration for connectivity. Click tab Resources and choose option Add

2.3.4. Select iPlanet User and click Continue.

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

2.3.5. Click Continue.

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

2.3.6. In the Server attribute, select the lookup to choose the appropriate instance of DSEE:

Note : On this screen

2.3.7. Select ‘DSEE Server ACME’ and click Close.

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

2.3.8. This simple test requires neither DSEE Role nor Group. Just click Continue.

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

2.3.9. The last step is shown a Summary to the user. Review it and click Continue.

2.3.10.The provisioning for the user will be initiated.

2.3.11.Close window then click Refresh.

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

2.3.12.Using LDAP Browser or any other tool of your choice, verify in the DSEE server if the user got successfully provisioned.

In this step you just created a user and executed a direct provisioning to test the connector.

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

2.4.Extend OIM User schema to add custom attributes

This step includes the configuration required to extend OIM User schema to add a custom attribute Permanent Contact Number. In

this procedure, you will:

 Extend OIM User Schema

 Create Authorization Policy ‘CustomAttr_Perm_Contact_Number’

Detailed steps for adding custom attributes are already mentioned in Lab 2 - User Mgmt FGA. This section only provides you the

relevant screenshots to add the custom attribute Permanent Contact Number

Extend OIM User Schema

Create an attribute using the following information:

Attribute Category Name Back-end Attribute Display Type Properties

Name Name

Permanent Basic User USR_UDF_CONNUM String Size: 50

Contact Information

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

Create Authorization Policy ‘CustomAttr_Perm_Contact_Number’

2.3.13.Create an Authorization Policy with Policy Name ‘CustomAttr_Perm_Contact_Number’, Description ‘AuthZ required to let

XELSYSADM view the custom attributes on modify user page’, Entity Name ‘User Management’. Give it Permissions to ‘View User

Details’ (select ‘All’ attributes) and ‘Modify User Profile’ (select ‘Permanent Contact Number’ attribute). Specify Data Constraints as

‘All Users’. In Assignment specify Assign by Role as ‘SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS’.

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

Finally the attribute Permanent Contact Number should be visible in the User Configuration.

2.5.Extend the connector to add support of custom attributes

This step includes the configuration required to extend the OIM connector (SJSDS to add the support for one more DSEE

user account attribute: homePhone.


Extend the process form to add the support for homePhone attribute

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

This will add the ‘Permanent Contact Number’ attribute on the DSEE connector process form UD_IPNT_USR

2.5.1. Under folder Development Tools  Form Form Designer  For the process form UD_IPNT_USR  Button Create New Version 

Provide a Label value as ‘add - Permanent Contact Number’ and click Save icon.

Add Permanent Contact Number attribute

2.5.2. Still in Form Designer, select Additional Columns tab, and click Add

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

A new line is created

2.5.3. Use the following information for the new attribute (double click in each field to edit):

Name UD_IPNT_USR_CONNUM (just type

CONNUM as the rest is completed
Variant Type String
Length 50
Field Label Permanent Contact Number
Field Type TextField
Order Provide the right value by
incrementing one over the current
maximum figure.

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

2.5.4. Finally, choose the recently added version in the dropdown Current Version and click button Make Version Active. After the update,

ensure that the value of labels Latest Version and Active version get updated with the right text - add - Permanent Contact Number.

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

Add attribute mapping to iPlanet Lookup Definition

This will enhance the Attribute Map adding the relevant entry to the Attribute Map AttrName.Prov.Map.iPlanet

2.5.5. Under folder Administration  Form Lookup Definition  entry AttrName.Prov.Map.iPlanet  Button Add 

Code Key Permanent Contact Number

Decode homePhone

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

2.5.6. Click Save icon.

In this step you have extended the connector to support a custom attribute called Permanent Contact Number which maps the

LDAP attribute homePhone.

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

2.6.Execute required Lookup reconciliation scheduled jobs

This section includes the steps required to populate the relevant lookup codes with valid data entries present in the DSEE Server,

namely for DSEE roles and organizations. The lookup codes will then be used by LOVs on connector UI elements - process forms

and request datasets.

Execute Organization Lookup reconciliation scheduled job

2.6.1. Search for scheduled job iPlanet Organization Lookup Reconciliation and execute it after updating the following parameters with

the specified values.

ITResourceName DSEE Server ACME

SearchContext dc=mydomain,dc=com

2.6.2. Click Run Now

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

Execute Role Lookup reconciliation scheduled job

2.6.3. Search for scheduled job iPlanet Role Lookup Reconciliation and execute it after updating the following parameters with the

specified values

ITResourceName DSEE Server ACME

SearchContext dc=mydomain,dc=com

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

Each of these scheduled jobs has a parameter named LookupCodeName. Look at the value there and you should be able to find a

Lookup Definition by that name in the design console. If the scheduled job is executed correctly, the lookup definition would be

populated with data entries extracted from the DSEE server.

 For job iPlanet Organization Lookup Reconciliation, Lookup is ‘Lookup.IPNT.Organization’

 For job iPlanet Role Lookup Reconciliation, Lookup is ‘Lookup.IPNT.Role’

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

2.7.Configure Pre-populate adapters

This step describes the procedure to configure a pre-populate adapter on DSEE connector process form. In this section, you will:

 Create a pre-populate adapter definition using Design console

 Add the pre-populate adapter on the DSEE connector process form UD_IPNT_USR

Create a pre-populate adapter definition using Design console

2.7.1. Under folder Development Tools Adapter Factory Create a pre-populate adapter using the following information:

Adapter Name PrepopulateFormField

Adapter type Pre-populate Rule Generator

Description PrepopulateFormField

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

2.7.2. Click Save icon

Add variable

2.7.3. Click on tab Variable List. Click button Add. Window entitled Adapter Variable would open.

Variable Name formField

Type String

Description formField

Map To Resolve at runtime

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

2.7.4. Click Save icon

Add adapter task

2.7.5. Click on tab Adapter Tasks. Click button Add. Window entitled Adapter Task Selection would open. Select the Options :


2.7.6. Click button Continue

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

2.7.7. In the next window, Set Variable Task, set the following configurations:

Variable Name Adapter return value

Operand Type Variable

Operand Qualifier formField

2.7.8. Click Save

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

2.7.9. Close the window and compile the adapter by clicking the button Build. This should change the adapter Compile Status from

Recompile to OK. Finally, click Save icon.

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

Add the pre-populate adapter on the DSEE connector process form UD_IPNT_USR

2.7.10.Under folder Development Tools Form Designer For the process form UD_IPNT_USR Button Create New Version

Provide a Label value as add – Prepopulation and click Save icon. Make it the Current version. Click the tab Pre-Populate. Click

Add button.

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

2.7.11.On the window Pre-Populate Adapter, Set the following configuration:

Field Name Permanent Contact Number

Rule Default

Adapter PrepopulateFormField

2.7.12.Click Save. Order will get populated automatically.

2.7.13.In the section Adapter Variables, select the only entry and click Map

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

2.7.14.New window Adapter Variable will open up. Set the following configuration:

Variable Name formField

Data Type String

Map To User Definition

Qualifier Permanent Contact Number

2.7.15.Click Save. Order will get populated automatically.

2.7.16.Finally, set the form version ‘add – Prepopulation’ active. It should finally show up as the Active Version.

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3


Please remove the pre-populate adapter adpiplanetcommonnameppstring that is attached to column Common name

If you practice direct provisioning of DSEE accounts (resource object - iPlanet User) to OIM Users assigned with a value of

Permanent Contact Number, the process forms for the connector will be launched pre-populated with the right value.

2.8.Configure few Important Parameters for Request and RBAC based provisioning scenarios

This step descries the procedure to configure a pre-populate adapter on DSEE connector process form. In this section, you will:

 Update DSEE connector Resource Object

 Update DSEE connector Process Definition

Update DSEE connector Resource Object

2.8.1. Launch Design console. Under folder Resource ManagementForm Resource Object For the resource object iPlanet User

Check the checkboxes Allow Multiple and Self Request Allowed and click Save icon.

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

Allow Multiple flag is required if for the same OIM user we would want to provision more than one instances of resource object

iPlanet User.

Self Request Allowed flag is required if you want an OIM user to be able to request for resource object iPlanet User using OIM Self

service console. Also additional relevant request templates could be configured as explained in further lab

Update DSEE connector Process Definition

2.8.2. Under Folder Process ManagementForm Process Definition For the process definition iPlanet User Check the

checkboxes Auto Pre-populate and Auto Save Form and click Save icon.

OIM 11g Workshop – Lab 3

Auto Pre-populate flag is required to automatically trigger the pre-populate adapters configured on the process form of resource

object iPlanet User when provisioning operation is getting executed for the same. If this flag is not checked, Pre-populate button has

to be clicked to fill in the form on the OIM UI if direct provisioning is taken into practice.

Auto Save Form flag is required for automatically saving the instance of process form of resource object iPlanet User during a

provisioning operation. If this flag is not checked, the process form would launch on the OIM UI with pre-populated data (if pre-

populate adapters and the Auto Pre-populate flag are configured) or blank before provisioning data is finally saved and passed

forward to the provisioning target.

OIM 11g Workshop - Lab 3

3. Conclusion
In this lab, you accomplished the following:

 Install Connector

 Create IT Resources

 Extend Attribute Mapping

 Create Pre-populate adapters

Relevant features that you should explore further:

 Extending/Customizing User Create-Update-Delete events by adding custom java code. This can be achieved by adding

pre-process, validation and post-process orchestration handlers on the OIM User entity, as explained in Lab 4.


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