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Unit 5

Vocabulary I

Exercise 1

1 busy; 2 dirty; 3 quiet; 4 ugly; 5 cheap; 6 beautiful; 7 dirty; 8 expensive

Exercise 2

1 cheap; 2 expensive; 3 dirty; 4 beautiful; 5 busy; 6 quiet; 7 clean; 8 ugly

Exercise 3

1 beautiful; 2 quiet; 3 old; 4 dirty; 5 ugly; 6 clean; 7 expensive; 8 cheap

Vocabulary II

Exercise 1

1 fish; 2 cake; 3 chicken; 4 salad; 5 ice cream; 6 chips; 7 meat; 8 potatoes

Exercise 2

1 crisps; 2 Sandwiches; 3 salad; 4 fish; 5 cake; 6 Ice cream; 7 meat; 8 potatoes

Exercise 3

1 meat; 2 chicken; 3 fish; 4 salad; 5 potatoes; 6 crisps; 7 cake; 8 ice cream

Grammar I

Exercise 1

1 a lot of; 2 a; 3 any; 4 an; 5 some; 6 any; 7 any

Exercise 2

1 any; 2 any; 3 some; 4 any; 5 an; 6 a; 7 any; 8 a lot of

Exercise 3

1 a lot of; 2 some; 3 any; 4 a; 5 any; 6 a lot of; 7 any; 8 a; 9 some; 10 a; 11 some

Grammar II

Exercise 1

1 How much; 2 must; 3 mustn’t; 4 cats are there; 5 How many vegetables; 6 I must; 7 How
much; 8 mustn’t

Exercise 2

1 must; 2 How many; 3 How much; 4 mustn’t; 5 must; 6 How much; 7 How many; 8 must

Exercise 3

1 how many; 2 mustn’t; 3 mustn’t; 4 How much; 5 how many; 6 How many; 7 must

On the Pulse 2nd Edition 1 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2021


Exercise 1

1 year; 2 islands; 3 lakes; 4 can’t; 5 swimming; 6 are many; 7 sea, land and air

Exercise 2

1 New Zealand is in the South Pacific Ocean. 2 There are some glaciers, deserts, forests and
some beautiful beaches. 3 It’s an old volcano. 4 Because there isn’t anywhere to buy food
there. 5 Because of The Lord of the Rings film. 6 You can go kayaking around the coast.
7 You can see sea and land animals.


Interviewer: Today on Radio Wales, we’re at the Gower Peninsula. Excuse me, are you here
on holiday?
Man: Yes, we are. We come here for our summer holiday every year.
Interviewer: Why do you like it here?
Man: Well, we love the beautiful landscape. It’s really quiet. There isn’t any noisy
traffic and there aren’t many shops, but there’s lots to do.
Interviewer: Where do you stay?
Man: We stay in a hotel near the beach. It’s a beautiful, long beach with white sand,
and big waves. It’s cold but we go swimming every day. There are forests and
some beautiful lakes here and we like visiting them. And of course, there are the
mountains. Sometimes we go walking in the mountains. There’s snow on the
mountains in the winter but not in the summer. In the summer, they’re good
places for walking.
Tom: Yes, Dad, but what about the outdoor centre? There’s an outdoor centre near
here and it’s fantastic!
Interviewer: Really?
Man: Yes, my son Tom goes there with his brother, Daniel. They like doing the outdoor
activities. They go climbing.
Interviewer: Well, thank you very much for talking to us today …

Exercise 1

1 It’s for a radio programme. 2 It’s summer. 3 Because it’s quiet, there isn’t any noisy traffic
and there’s lots to do. 4 They star in a hotel near the beach. 5 They go walking in the
mountains. 6 He likes the outdoor centre. 7 They go climbing.

Exercise 2

1 year; 2 lots to do; 3 near the beach; 4 white sand; 5 river; 6 summer; 7 brother


Students’ own answers

On the Pulse 2nd Edition 1 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2021

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