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Post Graduate Diploma course

PG Diploma in Hospital Administration and Health Care Management

Chinmaya Institute of Management

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Karnataka Chinmaya Seva Trust

Deenabandhu Devasthanam
CMH Road,Indiranagar,Bangalore -560038
Ph: 080-25281756

Course Matrix for PG Diploma In Hospital Administration and Health Care Management
Core Papers
1. Management Process
2. Business Ethics/Human Values
3. Organisational Behaviour and Development
4. Organisational Communication
Special Papers
5. Environment for Health Care Management
6. Hospital Operations Management
7. Accounting and Finance for Health Care Management
8. Marketing of Health Car Services

a. To expose students to an overview of the management processes.
b. To develop skills in students in handling each element in the management process.
Module - 1:
The concept of management – The evolution of management though - The process of management : Planning-
Organising staffing directing – controlling : systems approach to management.

Module – 2:
Planning : the nature and purpose of planning, types of plans : objectives – policies, procedures and types,
methods forecasting and planning, steps in planning, decision making, MBO.

Module – 3:
Organizing : nature and purpose of internal organization of a business enterprise principles of organization span
of management – levels of management – departmentation – de-centralisation of authority and responsibility –
delegation of authority – committees.

Module – 4:
Controlling : Management control – types of control – modern control techniques - management audit –
management in the future – human resource factor – influence of changing value systems – quality of life –
manager obsolescence – manager of the future.


1. Koontz and O’ Donnel : Principles of Management, McGraw Hill
2. George Terry and Franklin : Principles of management, All India Traveller Book Sellers, Delhi
3. W. Hayncs : Principles and Practice of Management, New Central Book Agency.
4. Louis Allen : Management of Tomorrow, New York, McGraw Hill.
5. Dale : Management Theory and Practice, New York, McGraw Hill.
6. Peter F. Drucker : Tasks, Responsibilities & Practices.
7. Dr. Tripathi, P.C & Dr. Reddy P.N. : Principles of Management, THM, New Delhi.
8. Stoner James A.F. : Management Prentice Hall, India.
9 Rustom S. Davar : The Management Process : Bombay, Progressive corporation.

1. To familiarise students with principles if human and organizational behaviour.
2. To internalize the principles so as to understand one self and others better.
Module 1 :
Nature and scope of organizational behaviour, why study OB, an organizational behaviour model.
Organizational and global economy, multinational corporations, international challenges, understanding our own
culture, behaviour across cultures.
Module 2 :
Foundations of individual behaviour, environmental factors, personal factors, psychological factors.
Personality, shaping of personality, determinants of personality, personality types.
Module 3 :
Foundations of group behaviour, usefulness of groups, cohesiveness, group norms.
- Leadership theories, leadership styles.
- Power and politics, power indicators, bases of power, acquisition of power, ethics of power and politics.
- Communication, interpersonal, organizational, barriers and ways of overcoming barriers.
- Conflict, changing views of conflict process, conflict levels, conflict resolution.
Module 4 :
Organization structure, internal structure-behavioural implications, informal organizations,
- organizational culture, cultural dimensions, culture creation, culture sustenance, changes in culture.
- Organizational change and development, levels of change, resistance to change, implementation, planned
change, OD techniques.


1. Stephen P Robbins : Organisational Behaviour, Prentice Hall of India

2. Joe H. Chung and Lean C. Megginson : Organisational Behaviour Development Management Skills, Harper
& Row.

3. Jerry L. Gray & Prederick A Starke : Organisational Behaviour, Concepts and Applications, Macmillan.

4. Joe Kelly : Organisational Behaviour, Surjeet Publications.

5. Hielle and jiegler : Personality Theories/Basic Assumptions, Research and Applications,
McGraw Hill.

6. E.R. Hillgrad, R.C. Atkinson & R.L. Atkinson : Introduction to Psychology, Oxford.

7. John R. Schermenhom, Hunt & Osborn : Managing Organisational Behaviour John Wiley & Sons.

8. N.L. Munnetel : Introduction to Psychology, Oxford.

9. Dr. K. Aswathappa : Organisational Behaviour, Himalaya publishing House.

Objectives :
1. To make the student conscious about ethical values in real life and in business.
2. To make students internalize ethical values and practices.
Module – 1:
Ethics in business : Definition of business ethics – A model of ethics; ethics performance in business, managerial
values and attitudes; ethical congruence, managerial philosophy; types of ethics; code of ethics : important of
ethics in business.
Module – II :
Ethical theories and corporate social responsibility: cognitivism and noncognitivism; consequentialism versus
non-consequentialism – utilitarianism; religion and ethics; Kantianism versus utilitarianism : business and
religion; ethics and social responsibility : corporate social responsibility; changing expectations; diagnostics
model of social responsiveness; four faces of social responsibility-ethical climate in companies.
Module – III :
Ethics in marketing: Ethical dilemmas in marketing – unethical marketing practices – ethical and social issues in
advertising – common deceptive marketing practices-role of consumerism.
Ethics in finance: Unethical financial practices – creative accounting-hostile takeovers-tax evasion-corporate
Module –IV :
Ethics in human resources management : Human resource system-psychological expectancy model-human
resource management practices and ethical implications-individualism versus collectivism in human resource
management practices.
Ethics and information technology : Ethical issues relating to computer applications; security threats – computer
crime – computer viruses – software piracy – hacking – computer crime prevention – ethical dilemmas and


1. S.K. Chakraborthy : Foundations of Managerial Work contributions from Indian Thought, Himalaya
Publishing House, Bombay.
2. V.S. Mahesh : Thresholds of Motivation, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Pradip N. Khandwalla : Organisational designs for Excellence, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Theophane A. Mathias : Corporate Ethics, (Ed) Allied. Publishers.
5. Beanchamp Tom L : Ethical Theory and Business, Prentice Hall.
6. Behram Kack N. : Essays on Ethics in Business and the, Professions, Prentice Hall.
7. Blanchard Kenneth : The Power of Ethical Managenent, EM of Co.
8. Borchert, Donald M. : Exploring Ethics, Macmillan Pub. Co.
9. Bowie Norman E : Business Ethics, Prentice Hall.

Objectives :
To familiarise students with principles of organizational communication.

Module – 1 :
Nature of organizations – why organizations exist – organization designs and structures – factors influencing.
Module – 2:
Communication – nature – interpersonal communication – communication process types – barriers and ways of
retrieving barriers.
Module – 3:
Organizational communication – communication flows – networks barriers to organizational communication –
informal communication.
Module – 4:
Technological advancements in communication – e-mail, fax, internet, teleconferencing, video conferencing
impact of technology on organizational communication.
Module – 5:
Small group communication in organizations – nature of small groups – group decision making – small group
networks – technologies supporting group communication.
Conflict and organizational communication – sources of conflict - using technology to manage conflict.
Managing diversity – computers, networks and gender issues – computers, networks, and cultural diversity.
Module – 6:
Ethics and organizational communication – values, ethics and ethical communication technology – boom or bust,
technology code of ethics, future issues.

1. Gareth R. Jones : Organisation Theory, Pearson Education.

2. Patrica Hayes Andrews and Richard T. Herschel : Organisational Communication, AITBS Publishers and
3. Jane Whnty Gibson : Organisational Communication – A Managerial Perspective.
4. Fred Luthans : Organisational Behaviour : McGraw – Hill.
5. K. Aswathappa : Organisational Behaviour, Himalaya Publishing House.

i) To familiarise the students with legal and social environment relevant for health care management.
ii) To enable students to appreciate the health care management functions better within this broader environment.
Module – 1:
Labour laws : industrial disputes act, trade unions act, factories act, shops & establishment act, minimum wages
act, ECI act, provident fund act, payment of gratuity act.
Quarantine act, birth and death registration act, vaccination act, epidemic diseases act, drugs and cosmetics act,
food adulteration act and mental act salient features and important provisions of the above acts.
Module – 2 :
Medical licence law : the doctor – patient relationships, medical malpractices, quality and standard of medical
care, negligence, medical consent, emergency care, provisions of consumer protection act.
Module – 3:
Legal commitments of organization on : mental illness, tuberculosis, drug addicts, alcoholics, legal issues in death
cases, legal testimony in medico-legal cases, narcotic laws, drug control policy, clinical investigation and other
common laws.
Module – 4:
Importance of medical ethics, process of developing and implementing ethics and values in administration.
Social environment : Demographic pattern, vital statistics, mortality, morbidity pattern, nutrition pattern, socio-
economic indicators.
Different systems of medicine : indigenous systems of medicine – ayurvedic, homeopathy, unani, biochemic,
naturopathy… medical system in other countries.
Module – 5 :
National health policy – primary health care and community participation. NGOs in health care services.
Community health : important of community health – clinical aspects, preventive health care, promotive health
care, population policy planning and management, health care for woman, children and the senior citizens.


1. World Health Organisation (WHO): Health Care in South East Asia (SERO), New Delhi

2. Griffith John R. : The Well Managed Counting Hospitals, Ann Arbar, Health administrative press

3. Kouner Anthony and New houses : Health Administrative Press, Ann Arbar.

Objectives :
i) To familiarise the students with an overview of hospital operations.
ii) To enable students handle different aspects of hospital operations.
Module – 1:
Definition of health care – hospital as a health care delivery system – an over view of health care industry – micro
and macro systems.
Module – 2 :
Overview of hospital operations and departments – casualty, out patient, in patient, operation theatre, supporting
services – laundary, ancillary services, ambulance, pharmacy, diagnostic services, hospital lay-out different
Safety issues – hazardous waste management, solid, liquid waste handling and disposal, pest control.
Module – 3 :
Human resources at hospital – supporting staff and line staff, authority, responsibility, scheduling. Recruitment,
selection, training and development. Continuing education for the staff. Performance appraisal, compensation.
Module – 4 :
Information systems for hospital management front office management systems, human resources systems.
Patient information system, accounting systems.
IT infrastructure in healthcare systems, telecommunications networks, database and DBMS – database of patient
Module – 5 :
Strategic issues in hospital management
1. World Health Organisation (WHO): Health Care in South East Asia (SERO), New Delhi

2. Griffith John R. : The Well Managed Counting Hospitals, Ann Arbar, Health administrative press

3. Kouner Anthony and New houses : Health Administrative Press, Ann Arbar.



To make the students understand different systems and methods practiced in maintaining hospital accounts


History, principles, objectives, purpose, Organization, scope, Hospital Organization role of accounting plan.
Accounting of hospital revenue and hospital expenses.


Departmentalisation of income and expenses, account

Descriptions, standard accounting books and forms.

Accounting manual, system of maintaining – accounting record in general, procedure related to income procedure
related to recording expenses and cost.

Internal control and internal auditing. Basic structure of income, expenditure account and balance sheet.


Trust funds and investments – accounting, fund raising, donations, plant fund accounting, accounting of specific
purpose funds.


Defining cost centres, cost funding and cost control, hospital rate setting.

Preparation of operating budget and budgetary control.

Medical equipments and capital budgeting source of long-term finance debt, equity.

Medical insurance.


1. World Health Organisation (WHO) : Health Care in South East Asia (SERO) New Delhi
2. Griffith John R : The Well Managed Counting Hospitals, Ann Arbar, Health administrative
3. Kouner Anthony & Newhouse : Health Administrative press, Ann Arbar.


a. To familiarise students with basics of marketing of services.

b. To enable students to adopt a marketing approach in the management of health care service.

Introduction : Meaning of marketing, role of Marketing in modern organization marketing of health care services-
Difference in goods versus services marketing services marketing mix – customer evaluation of service – Expectations vs
perception of service quantity – service delivery quality – link between service
Quality and marketing, classification of service – development of services marketing.


Consumer behaviour in health care Service – factors influencing customer expectation of health care service – customer
perception of service – segmentation, targeting and positioning in health care sector- service leadership – service quality
as profit strategy – three stage model of services consumer behaviour in health care industry – consumer behaviour and
management decision.

MODULE – 3 :

Service pricing policy – (service pricing) – Nature of service costs – Nature of service demand – issues in pricing of
services – physical environment as a hospital marketing – tool – roles of the physical environment – communication.

Service promotion – role of marketing communication, promotion mix in health care marketing important of word – of –
mouth public relations – customer relationship management.

MODULE – 4 :

Service delivery services distribution channel – Direct marketing – service personnel – factors affecting – location of a
service – quality audit – marketing parallax on health care industry.

Complaint handling and service recovery – consumer complaining behaviour – impact of service recovery efforts on
customer loyalty – service guarantees.

Important hospital characteristics – medical factors – administrative factors – reputational factors – convenience / comfort


1. Valarie A. Zeithmal, Mary Jo bitner : Services Marketing

2. Harsh V. Verma : Marketing of Services, Global business press.
3. Zeithamal, Berry & Parasuraman : Customer Expectation of Service.

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