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(Quarter 1- Module 1/Week 1)

Department of Education
SDO- City of San Fernando (LU)
Region 1
(Quarter 1- Module 1/Week 1)
Knowing and Understanding Oneself
during Middle and Late Adolescence

Share your unique characteristics, habits

and experiences.

Our Guide
For the parents:
1. Please guide your child while he is studying and answering the tasks provided in this

2. Remind your child about his study time and schedule so he can finish the module.
3. Let your child answer the module activities independently however, assist him only
when necessary.

4. I will call on a certain time based on the schedule to explain the lessons in the module.
5. Kindly return the whole module and answer sheets on _________ during Fridays at

For the learners:

1. Read carefully the directions so that you will know what to do.

2. If there are directions or topics in the module that are difficult for you to understand,
feel free to ask from your parents or companions at home. However, if you still could
not understand, you can call me at this number, _____________so I could explain it to
you clearly.

3. Answer the activities in the module on the specific day for the subject. Use a separate
sheet of paper for your answers. Avoid writing or tearing the pages of this module
because this will be used by other pupils/students like you.

4. Write important concepts in your notebook regarding your lesson. This will help you
in your review later.

5. You need to finish the activities in this module so that you can give this to your
parents on ___________________________.

Always remember these health tips:

1. Remember to wear your face mask properly and regularly.
2. Always wash your hands with clean water and soap.
3. Cover your mouth and nose with handkerchief whenever you cough or sneeze.
4. Follow the one-meter distance so that you will prevent the spread of the virus.

Welcome to this course, PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT (PERDEV). This course is
timely and relevant for you. It can be the most rewarding course because the subject matter is
the genuine YOU!

The First Quarter shall make you take a deeper look at yourself and analyze your physical
and developmental changes in your middle and late adolescence. Also, your skills and traits
which can be honed to help you meet the various tasks that you must undertake at this point
in your life. Thesr shall provide you with some techniques to meet stress and other mental
health issues with one’s strengths and coping powers. The course shall also give you the
chance to analyze your relationships with your family, friends and significant others. Finally,
the PERDEV course shall help you take stock of where you are in your career development
and how to get to where you want to.

INTRODUCTION is a brief presentation of the subject, and the

subject teacher. It begins with a topic that provides a road map that
outlines main points.
LESSON OBJECTIVES are listed at the start of every lesson to help
monitor and keep the discussion on the right direction. The objectives
emphasize the practice and development of target language skills and
knowledge which are based on the Most Essential Learning
Competency proposed by DepEd.
PRE-TEST unlocks the background knowledge to determine and
assess the baseline knowledge and serves as the introduction of the
topic. The result of this task determines the competencies needed to be
LESSON PROPER is the part of the module which shares relevant
information on key concepts and ideas about the lesson.
GENERALIZATIONS are summary statements of relationships
between concepts, summary statements of cause and effect, summary
statements of predictions of future relationships, and a generalized
condition of fact.

ACTIVITIES include varied tasks which have common objective

of engaging students in authentic activities.

ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES can either be the task or sets of task
to serve as additional support for learning. Through this, students can
actively participate in and contribute to self and social transformation.
Rubrics are provided to let students assess their work and to show the
target learning goal.
POST-TEST provides an avenue through which students can evaluate
the learning they have gained. They assess their progress and learnings
comparing their knowledge of the topic before and after discussion.


Hello, there! How are you doing? I am so glad to hear from you.
By the way, my name is Romel Christian Z. Miano. I will be your
teacher in Personal Development. We have a lot of topics to cover in
this module so I expect you to cooperate well. Please perform all the
activities included in this module. Read and follow instructions
carefully, answer all questions correctly, and most importantly enjoy
learning all the concepts, facts and information found in this module.

To give you a little hint about our first topic, let me ask you
these questions:
How much do you know about yourself?
What talents, skills and fears do you have?
If you do not know the answers to these questions, you are on
the right track. Let us find out in our first lesson which focuses
on Self-concept and Personal Effectiveness.

(1st Sem SY 2020-2021)


This part of our module spells out the

learning objectives.
It tells us what you will be doing at the end
of our lesson as results of the activities,
reading and learnings that have taken place.

At the end of the lesson, you should be able


MELC#1: share your unique characteristics, habits and


CODE: EsP-PD11/12KO-la-1.2


The purpose of this pre-test is to

assess your prior knowledge on our
lesson. This will help your teacher
determine your strengths and
weaknesses. Do not worry because
your score on this test will not be part
of your grade, so kindly answer the
questions honestly.

I. Multiple Choice. Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the
correct answer.
1. It is the union of elements, namely: body, thoughts, feeling or emotions,
and sensations that constitute the individuality and identity of a person.

A. self B. personality C. trait D. soul

2. It is the one you hope will possess characteristics similar to that of a mentor or
some other worldly figure.

A. actual self B. ideal self C. real self D. false

3. It constitutes your physical attributes, your health and your posture and

A. body B. emotions C. mind D. soul

4. This includes the way you think, and how you perceive things around

A. body B. emotions C. mind D. soul

5. It is a person's ability to plan and control how they spend their time to effectively
accomplish their goals.

A. creativity B. determination C. stress management D. time management

6. It allows you to find extraordinary ways to carry out a specific action that no one
has tried to use.

A. creativity B. determination C. stress management D. time management

7. Despite the countless paper works teacher Christian has to submit, he manages to
stay calm and relaxed. Which of the following personal effectiveness skills is being
exemplified in this situation?

A. creativity B. determination C. stress management D. time management

8. Effective people must believe that there is much to achieve and much good in the
world and that it is worth fighting for.

A. creativity B. determination C. optimism D. persistence

9. It refers to your awareness of yourself.

A. Self-assessment B. self-concept C. self -reflection D. persistence

10. These elements make up your character or personality and essentially

distinguishes you from others.
A. body B. emotions and sensation C. mind D. soul

II. True or False. Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is wrong.

1. Managing stress makes you keep moving forward regardless of

emerging obstacles – problems, laziness, bad emotional state, etc.

2. Creativity allows you to find extraordinary ways to carry out a

specific action that no one has tried to use.

3. Self- confidence allows you to focus only on achieving a specific

goal without being distracted by less important things or spontaneous desires.

4. Problem-solving skills help cope with the problems encountered with a

lack of experience.

5. Generating ideas helps you achieve goals using new,

original, unconventional ideas



Congratulations, you have just reached our lesson

proper! I hope you were able to enjoy all the activities
in the previous pages of this module.
I know you still want more. Do not worry, there
will be more activities and I assure you that these
would be meaningful to you. You just have to wait
and read a little more.

UNIT 1: Self-Development
MODULE 1: Knowing and Understanding
Oneself during Middle and Late Adolescence

Self is the union of elements, namely: body, thoughts,

feeling or emotions, and sensations that constitute the
individuality and identity of a person or emotions,
and sensations that constitute the individuality and identity of a person. The union
of these elements make up your character or personality and essentially
distinguishes you from others.

 Body
The body constitutes your physical attributes, your
health and your posture and poise.

 Thoughts
Your thoughts, the way you think, and how you perceive
things around you affect how you feel about them and
bring about sensations.

 Emotions & Sensations
Your experience prompt you to act and behave the way
you do.

The union of these elements make up your character or

personality and essentially distinguishes you from others



1. Get to Know Your Personality

Understanding your own personality is the first key. You have the collective
opinion of others which is one aspect.
You also have your own database of information about what your personality is really
like, and who you are in your private moments as well as in your public ones.
The idea is to get to know your personality inside out, to know what you are and what
you are not like. Understand what makes you react a certain way in life’s myriad of
situations. Ask yourself “Why did I do that?” and answer it.

2. Get to Know Your Core Values

Your core values are the morale codes and the principles you hold near and dear to
your heart. When I work with my clients, one of the first things I ask prior to our
coaching sessions is a list of their top eight core values.
You probably have more than eight values, but the top eight play the big roles in
decision-making, influencing, persuading, conflict- resolution, communication, and
living your day-to-day life.
In your work, in your home, in all aspects of your life, which values can you never
compromise? Those are your core values.

3. Get to Know Your Body

Youth is such foolishness. In my 20s, I used to think I know my body. I was but a
child. The more I learn about my body, the more mysterious it becomes and the more I
push my body, the more it surprises and delights and amazes me. Yours can too.
How well do you know your body, your breathing, your abilities, your limits of
balance and flexibility?
Have you ever said “my body can’t do this” and that “my body type won’t do
that” without even trying a physical challenge? Before you close the door to
wonderful possibilities, take another look. Take the time to become truly intimate
with the loveliest temple on earth, your own body.

4. Get to Know Your Dreams

Your dreams and hopes create the pathway into your future. They help you build the
life you can be proud of living. Your dreams matter. Your dreams are important.
Your dreams are worth going after. Don’t believe anything less. And start getting to
know your dreams well. Get to know the details and the specifics. If you want to
become a musician, ask yourself: What instrument do you want to play? What level
of proficiency do you want to learn? How big a part of your life would it be? And on
and on until you know everything about your dream.

5. Get to Know your Likes and Dislikes
A lot of people go through life liking what’s popular and disliking what’s not “cool”.
Don’t do that. Take the time to define your likes and dislikes, and don’t put it up for a
vote among family and friends. You decide. Defining your own likes and especially
dislikes takes guts. It maybe impolite to dislike attending yet another baby shower or
spending 3 hours with extended relatives, but look at the alternative. If you keep doing
frustrates you and neglect what brings you joy, you give up part of who you are. It’s
the least likely path to any happiness whatsoever.


Imagine yourself looking into a mirror. What do

you see? Do you see your ideal self or your
actual self? Your ideal self is the self that you
aspire to be. It is the one that you hope will
possess characteristics similar to that of a mentor
or some other worldly figure. Your actual self,
however, is the one that you actually see. It is the
self that has characteristics that you were
nurtured or, in some cases, born to have.

The actual self and the ideal self are two broad
categories of self-concept. Self-concept refers to your awareness of yourself. It is the
construct that negotiates these two selves. In
other words, it connotes first the identification
of the ideal self as separate from others, and
second, it encompasses all the behaviors
evaluated in the actual self that you engage in
to reach the ideal self. The actual self is built on
self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is derived
from social interactions that provide insight
into how others react to you. The actual self is
who we actually are. It is how we think, look,
and act. The actual self can be seen by others,
but because we have no way of truly knowing
how others view us the actual self is our
self-image. The ideal self is how we want to be. It is an idealized image that we
have developed over time, based on what we have learned and experienced. Th ideal
self could include components of what are parents have taught us, what we admire
in others, what our society promotes, and what we think is in our best interest.
There is negotiation that exists between the two selves which is complex because
there are numerous exchanges between the ideal and actual self. These exchanges are
exemplified in social roles that are adjusted and re-adjusted, and are derived from
outcomes of social interactions from infant to adult development. Alignment is
important. If the way that I am (the actual self) is aligned with the way that I want to
be (the ideal self), then I will feel a sense of mental well-being or peace of mind. If
the way that I am is not aligned with how I want to be, the incongruence, or lack of
alignment, will result in mental distress or anxiety. The greater the level of
incongruence between the ideal self and real self, the greater the level of resulting
distress. Personal development modules ultimate aim is greater self -knowledge that
will lead to higher alignment between these two personality domains .


This part of our module summarizes the

topic that we discussed before.

Can you still remember the most

essential information from the previous
lesson? If you don’t, just read the
summary below.

 Self is the union of elements, namely: body, thoughts, feeling or

 emotions, and sensations that constitute the individuality and identity
of a person or emotions, and sensations that constitute the individuality
and identity of a person. The union of these elements make up your
character or personality and essentially distinguishes you from others.
 The five important ways to get to know yourself include: getting
to know your personality, body, dreams, core values and likes and
 Self-concept refers to your awareness of yourself. It is the construct that
negotiates these two selves. In other words, it connotes first the
 identification of the ideal self as separate from others, and second, it
encompasses all the behaviors evaluated in the actual self that you
engage in to reach the ideal self.
 Actual self is who you really are.
 Ideal self is who you want to be.


For your next activity, I

would like you to
differentiate actual self
from ideal self.

I. Directions.Write AS if the statement describes actual self and IS if it pertains to Ideal self.

1. It is how you wish you were and how think you should be

2. It is built on self-knowledge.

3. It is the self that has characteristics that you were nurtured or, in some
cases, born to have.

4. It is the self that you aspire to be.

5. It is the one you hope will possess characteristics similar to that of a

mentor or some other worldly figure.

6. It is how you want to be.

7. It is how you want people to think of you.

8. It is your representation of the attributes that you believe you actually

possess, or that you believe others believe you possess.

9. It is one’s perception of their own attributes (intelligences,

attractiveness, athleticism, etc.)

10. It is how we think, how we feel, look and act.


Let us try to increase the level

of difficulty of your next
activity. Are you ready?

Identification . Identify
what is being asked or
described in each statement.

1. This exists between two selves which is complex because there are numerous
exchanges between the ideal and actual self.

2. The word used to describe lack of alignment between actual self

and ideal self.

3. It is an idealized image that we have developed over time,

based on what we have learned and experienced.

4. It refers to your awareness of yourself.

5. It is derived from social interactions that provide insight into

how others react to you.
6. It is how we think, how we feel, look and act.

7. The actual self can be seen by others, but because we have no way of truly knowing
how others view us, our actual self is also our _________.

8. It is the one you hope will possess characteristics similar to that

of a mentor or some other worldly figure.

9. It is your representation of the attributes that you believe

you actually possess, or that you believe others believe you possess.

10. Lack of alignment between actual self and ideal self often
result to mental _____________or _____________


To further test your knowledge

on yourself, do the activity
below. The continuation of this
activity can be seen on the next
pages. I also encourage you to
work on those activities.


Take a look at your own self-concept and answer the following self-concept inventory
in your journal. Give yourself a rating using the scale: 0 = very weak; 1 = weak;
2 = somewhat weak or somewhat strong; 3 = strong; 4 = very strong

1. I have strong sex appeal.

2. I am proud of my physical figure.
3. I am physically attractive and beautiful/handsome.
4. I exude with charm and poise.
5. I am easy to get along with.
6. I can adjust to different people and different situations.
7. I am approachable; other people are at ease and comfortable with me.
8. I am lovable and easy to love.
9. I am a fast learner, can understand with one instruction.
10. I am intelligent.
11. I have special talents and abilities.
12. I can easily analyze situations and make right judgments.
13. I can be trusted in any transaction.
14. I have a clean conscience and carry no guilty feeling.
15. I have integrity and good reputation.
16. My friends and classmates can look up to me as a model worth emulating.
17. I can express my ideas without difficulty.
18. I talk in a persuasive manner that I can easily get people to accept what I
19. I can express y ideas in writing without difficulty
20. I am a good listener
21. I am emotionally stable and not easily rattled when faced with trouble
22. I am logical and rational in my outlook and decisions.
23. I feel and act with confidence
24. I am a mature person

This is the continuation of
your activity a while ago.

I. Direction. Write your

score after each number and
get the subtotal.

Physical Appeal Human Relations Intelligence

1 5 9
2 6 10
3 7 11
4 8 12
Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal:

Character Communications Maturity

13 17 21
14 18 22
15 19 23
16 Subtotal: 20 Subtotal: 24

Look at the results of your self-
concept inventory and answer
the following: questions.

1. In what areas do you consider yourself strong (with score 14-16

or somewhat weak (score of 10-13) and very weak (below 10)

2. Are there qualities you consider as your weakness but other people
con-sider as your strength? What are these? Check with a partner.

3. How realistic is your self- image?

4. To what extent does it reflect your real self?


Personal effectiveness means making use of all

the resources (both personal and professional)
you have at your disposal. (i.e. your talents,
strengths, skills, energy and time)

UNIT 1: Self-Development
MODULE 1: Knowing and Understanding
Oneself during Middle and Late Adolescence


 Personal effectiveness means making use of all the personal

resources – talents, skills, energy and time, to enable you to achieve life
Your knowledge of yourself and how you manage yourself impacts
directly on your personal effectiveness. Being self-aware, making the most
of your strengths, learning new skills and techniques and behavioral
flexibility are all keys to improving your personal performance.

 Our personal effectiveness depends on our innate characteristics – talent

and experience accumulated in the process of personal development.
 Talents first are needed to be identified and then developed to be used in
a particular subject area (science, literature, sports, politics, etc.).
 Experience includes knowledge and skills that we acquire in the process
of cognitive and practical activities.

Knowledge is required for setting goals, defining an action plan to achieve them and risk

Skills also determine whether real actions are performed in accordance with the plan. If
the same ability is used many times in the same situation, then it becomes a habit that runs
automatically, subconsciously.

In order to increase or change our personal effectiveness or performance, we need to take

time out to reflect to see where we currently are. Once we know this, we can then take
action and monitor our behavior to see if we are getting the results we would like.

Some ideas on how you can increase your personal effectiveness include identifying
what you really want, giving. yourself permission to follow your dreams and look at any
distorted thinking around your wants/dreams identifying your values and reflecting if you
are currently living in alignment with them, identifying where your time is going and seeing
if that is linking in with your values (we have a simple time audit here), identifying your
priorities in life and putting first things first, and asking for feedback from people who you
trust and feel comfortable with ( a coach or mentor) as we don't know what we don't
know .If you are ready to take yourself on the adventure of getting to know yourself (your
true self). Here are some skills that will greatly increase the efficiency of any person who
owns them:

1. Determination. It allows you to focus only on achieving a specific goal without

being distracted by less important things or spontaneous desires. It may be developed
with the help of self-discipline exercise.

2. Self-confidence. It appears in the process of personal development, as a result of getting

aware of yourself, your actions and their consequences. Self-confidence is manifested in
speech, appearance, dressing, gait, and physical condition. To develop it, you need to
learn yourself and your capabilities, gain positive attitude and believe that by performing
right actions and achieving right goals you will certainly reach success.

3. Persistence. It makes you keep moving forward regardless of emerging obstacles –

problems, laziness, bad emotional state, etc. It reduces the costs of overcoming obsta-
cles. It can also be developed with the help of self- discipline exercise.

4. Managing stress. It helps combat stress that arises in daily life from the environment
and other people. Stress arises from the uncertainty in an unknown situation when a
lack of information creates the risk of negative consequences of your actions.
It increases efficiency in the actively changing environment.

5. Problem-solving skills. They help cope with the problems encountered with a lack
of experience. It increases efficiency by adopting new ways of achieving goals when
obtaining a new experience.

6. Creativity. It allows you to find extraordinary ways to carry out a specific action
that no one has tried to use. It can lead to a decrease or an increase of costs, but
usually the speed of action is greatly increased when using creative tools.

7. Generating ideas. It helps you achieve goals using new, original, unconventional
ideas. Idea is a mental image of an object formed by the human mind, which can be
changed before being implemented in the real world. For generating ideas you can use
a method of mental maps, which allows you to materialize, visualize and scrutinize all
your ideas, which in turn contributes to the emergence of new ideas. These are just
some, but the most important personal effectiveness skills which make the
achievement of any goal easier and less costly.
8. Optimism. Effective people must believe that there is much to achieve and much
good in the world and that it is worth fighting for. It is only by believing that the
future can be better will you step up and take the responsibility for making it so.

9. Time management. Time management is a person's ability to plan and control

how they spend their time to effectively accomplish their goals. Without proper
time management, achievement of goals would take too long and thus negatively
affect personal effectiveness

10. Planning. They say not planning is planning to fail, and I think they're right.
Planning should be done for every minute of time you have so as to avoid wastage.
Planning brings you calmness, enables you to achieve more, gives you time to rest and
will greatly increase your personal effectiveness.


This part of our module summarizes the

topic that we discussed before.

Can you still remember the most

essential information from the previous
lesson? If you don’t, just read the
summary below.

 Personal effectiveness means making use of all the personal resources –

talents, skills, energy and time, to enable you to achieve life goals.
 Our personal effectiveness depends on our innate characteristics –
talent and experience accumulated in the process of personal 17

Talents first are needed to be identified and then developed to be

used in a particular subject area (science, literature, sports, politics,

 Skills that will greatly increase the efficiency of any person who owns
them include: determination, confidence, persistence, creativity,
problem-solving, generating new ideas, planning, managing stress,
optimism, and time management.

I. Modified True or False. Write
TRUE if the statement is
correct, otherwise change the
underlined word/s to make the
statement correct on the space
provided before each number.

1. Managing stress makes you keep moving forward regardless of emerging

obstacles – problems, laziness, bad emotional state, etc.

2. Creativity allows you to find extraordinary ways to

carry out a specific action that no one has tried to use.

3. Self- confidence allows you to focus only on achieving

a specific goal without being distracted by less important things or
spontaneous desires.

4. Problem-solving skills help cope with the problems

encountered with a lack of experience.

5. Generating ideas helps you achieve goals using new,

original, unconventional ideas


I. Situational Analysis. Identify

which personal effectiveness skill is
being applied in each statement.

1. Despite the countless paper works teacher Christian has to submit, he manages
to stay calm and relaxed.

2. Lovely is a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education

from a prestigious university. Though she has failed twice in the Licensure
Examination for Teachers, she still has the guts to retake the exam. She is now
on her third attempt of passing the LET exam.

3. Miss Francine looks happy and proud as she delivers

her valedictory speech in front of her classmates.

4. A scientist from US has developed a robot designed to help

prevent the spread of coronavirus by identifying people not wearing a mask.

5. Although Roderick is dating his new classmate, he

promises his mom that he will graduate senior high school with flying colors.

6. Mark Lester comes up with a new solution to a

mathematical problem by deriving formulas.

7. Mary Ann plays with her dogs whenever she feels sad.
8. Michaela conducts a science investigatory project to know
the effectiveness of oyster as soil neutralizer.

9. Joshua, an IT student from a well-known campus,

prepares a PowerPoint Presentation for his report. He uses advanced
features and put animations and sound effects in his PowerPoint

10. Jonathan has been rejected many times by the person

whom he admires and yet he continues to court her. He believes that one day he
will win the heart of the girl of his dreams.


ESSAY. Answer the

following questions briefly but

1. Which among the 7 personal effectiveness skills that we have discussed

do you possess? Explain you answers.

2. How can you further improve your personal effectiveness as a student and
as a child?

3. What is the importance of personal effectiveness in achieving life goals?


The purpose of this post-test is to assess

whether you have learned the concepts
from our lesson. Remember the pretest
you answered before actually has the
same questions. Let’s see if there is any
difference in your score! Good luck!

I. Multiple Choice. Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the
correct answer.
1. It is the union of elements, namely: body, thoughts, feeling or emotions,
and sensations that constitute the individuality and identity of a person.

A. self B. personality C. trait D. soul

2. It is the one you hope will possess characteristics similar to that of a mentor or
some other worldly figure.

A. actual self B. ideal self C. real self D. false

3. It constitutes your physical attributes, your health and your posture and

A. body B. emotions C. mind D. soul

4. This includes the way you think, and how you perceive things around

A. body B. emotions C. mind D. soul

5.It is a person's ability to plan and control how they spend their time to effectively
accomplish their goals.

A. creativity B. determination C. stress management D. time management

6. It allows you to find extraordinary ways to carry out a specific action that no one
has tried to use.

A. creativity B. determination C. stress management D. time management

7. Despite the countless paper works teacher Christian has to submit, he manages to
stay calm and relaxed. Which of the following personal effectiveness skills is being
exemplified in this situation?

A. creativity B. determination C. stress management D. time management

8. Effective people must believe that there is much to achieve and much good in the
world and that it is worth fighting for.

A. creativity B. determination C. optimism D. persistence

9. It refers to your awareness of yourself.

A. Self-assessment B. self-concept C. self -reflection D. persistence

10.These elements make up your character or personality and essentially

distinguishes you from others
A. body B. emotions and sensation C. mind D. soul

III.True or False. Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is wrong.

1. Managing stress makes you keep moving forward regardless of

emerging obstacles – problems, laziness, bad emotional state, etc.

2. Creativity allows you to find extraordinary ways to carry out a

specific action that no one has tried to use.

3. Self- confidence allows you to focus only on achieving a specific

goal without being distracted by less important things or spontaneous desires.

4. Problem-solving skills help cope with the problems encountered with a

lack of experience.

5. Generating ideas helps you achieve goals using new,

original, unconventional ideas


Activity 1 Activity 3 Modified True

1. IS or False
2. AS
3. AS 1. Persistence
4. IS 2. TRUE
5. IS 3. Determination
6. IS 4. TRUE
7. IS 5. TRUE
8. AS
9. AS
10. AS
Activity 4 Situational
Activity 2 Analysis
1. Negotiation 1. Managing stress
2. Incongruence 2. Persistence
3. Ideal self 3. Self-confidence
4. self-concept 4. Creativity
5. self-knowledge 5. Determination
6. actual self 6. Problem-solving
7. self-image 7. Managing stress
8. Ideal self 8. Generating ideas
9. actual self 9. Creativity
10. emotional distress 10. Persistence


2. B
3. A
4. C
5. D
6. A
7. C
8. C
9. B
10. B
II. T or F

1. F
2. T
3. F
4. T
5.T 23


Mr. Miano is currently taking up Master of Arts in Science Education at Don

Mariano Marcos Memorial State University in San Fernando City, La Union. He earned his
Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Education major in Biological Science from Saint Louis
College where he received several major awards including loyalty award, Latin award
(Cum Laude) and DOST award. He is presently teaching in La Union National High
School – Senior High School as one of the faculty member who teaches Personal
Development Senior High School teacher at La Union National High School.


Writer : Romel Christian Z. MIano

Illustrator : ___________________________
Evaluators/ Editors : Brenda A. Sabado, Principal IV
Thea Zonette S.Medrano, OIC-Assistant Principal
Precilda B. Sanchez, Master Teacher II
Krysna N. Milanes, Teacher II
Roxane P. Ducusin, Teacher II

Maria Rhea C. Reyes
Education Program Supervisor in ESP

1. Roldan, Amelia S. (2003). On Becoming a Winner: A Workbook on Personality
Development and Character Building. AR Skills Development and Management
Services (SDMS), Paranaque City, Metro Manila.


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