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It’s possible that you guys have seriously underestimated the scope of what’s

unfolding here. It may be that I’ve been around long enough to fully uncover the
significance of this for myself in my coming to know it as irrefutably true and
experienced. The implication of these movements is not a mere physical phenomenon,
but symbolic of the nature of transfiguration itself, and of the individuation
process. For each of these key areas of the body Karan’s showed you, there exists a
serious rupture in your capacity for the fullness of your emotional, psychological
expression from most basal control to the most supernal and intellectual fluence
and freedom, which is written on your face and displayed to all as juxtaposed to
your forced actions, for each center there can be a cluster of dysfunction
contingent on other centers which themselves may very well, and well… 100% DO,
themselves, have clusters of chronic neural (subconscious, uncontrollable) disarray
and misfiring or say, a blind or virtually paralyzed spot around which other
corners/hinges of the network have to compensate in three dimensions, exhausting
tremendous energy to carry out, which to your poisoned, defunct modernized husk is
beyond the scope of its ability to keep pace with, and too is it beyond your
understanding in its complexity to attempt to undo by posturing your body to look
like those who seem to have it made or figured out.

It does you no good to posture as one who is free, in all that you do, it’s
counterproductive to posture, if it seems as if it's the best option, that's
because youre far from the context of attending to the practice and meeting the
self where is is at and deferring to its sophistication and to the natural order,
the logical extension to this in social life can sound rude, but is revelatory if
you understand what posturing is, it's a lie, since you operate in the same
normative, everyday bounds as the dysfunction which contradicts your resisting it;
no, the dysfunction is NOT you, but if youre NOT retreating to your inmost, you're
playing a persona, and if you're playing a persona, it's right to say that in some
sense there's no defying, with your attempted behaviors and attitudes, your level
of physical disharmony with nature which people naturally detect in your beauty:
you would look like an affront to nature or unrightfully full of yourself should
you employ a kind of fake-it-till-you-make-it front, and people see through it just
as well as you in your deep straining when you try to feign some masculine,
challenging and proud personality in an attempt to overturn this accurately
perceived, accelerating degeneration; your intentions are noble, but you're not
going deep enough, it's not sustainable and fundamental enough, you are,
analogically speaking, leveraging your maxilla with your tongue instead of Whole
Body Breathing into the deep reiterative pattern and thus the cranial base on which
the maxilla, a visual product of your character that you find unsatisfactory, is
hinged and depends. Your body is a real part of you, rather than disidentify with
it, you reconcile it with consciousness, but no one does this. And this is a
pattern I just can’t unsee, so common is it like a great lesion in the world spirit
that even in this little community and that out of which it emerged it’s still
rampant. If you strongly disagree, and I anticipate that you probably do, you might
hear me out a little longer.

To go on as you are, satisfied with the life youve been presented with is posturing
plain and simple, have you not realized by now that these concepts and people which
you hold dear are so limited and contrived the way that they are, so held back?
There may be real love or friendship through mutual suffering, but its love with
straining and effort and consistent convincing of yourself which eventually bubbles
up again, as with anything you attempt with all your might to change against your
nature, and you like bone taken too far out of its own tensive bounds are resorbed
back into the grand scheme, the overarching pattern of life itself for you, outer
and inner: such things are not natural, they’re so very dim in their participation
with the source and the noumenal macrocosm after which, like poor skeletal form,
pale in beauty in their partial, incomplete scaffolding. Life is meant to be easy,
you’ve been told that it should be difficult, the journey back from straining and
difficulty will of course be difficult, since as I’ve said before, the way the
knife went in is how it must come out. There should be no need for excessive
communication and of seeking help from professionals or for medication and for
putting your body to intense work or for laboring under delusion, not in
harmoniousness. Are you aware that there are actual physical, tangible obstructions
in your very body and joined with your neurology: hardened materials and industrial
toxicity, actually distorting your mind and who you are at some of your most
vulnerable, do you think that any of that is divorced from this primary respiration
concept? And therefore, knowing how closely intermingled these processes are with
who we are as a personality, it's right to say that you are also literally,
physically, internally obstructed from self actualization and the fullness of life
and the way you perceive the outside world and the richness and content of
experience in each moment; for you, reality is gray and slipping by faster from
your relative sense and internal projecting outward, and you just want to sink your
head in the sand and treat this practice like a hobby? This is life. Nature has
treated you harshly, but is only serving you by closing itself off so that you may
come to humble yourself and come into harmony by inward retreat and reflection on
the body’s whispers. And it will be all the more extravagant to resurface from this
into life from the context of cyclical suffering and of drear stagnation.
Everything and everyone you love and hold close will be there when you come back,
just as when you enter deep practice or fall into sleep and forget yourself, both
of which, I might add, exist partly to sweep away and ease the same subconscious
strain for the purposes of regeneration. To, out of a lack of conviction stay in
place, is to, on the contrary, limit the essence of the things you have come to
appreciate so far.

Can you really say that you’re fine going on like this until you die? Are you not
exhausted? Is this all that you want, can you really say about this whole scenario:
this is representative of who I am in my completeness? I’m not speaking to the
fake-nice public, “mature” personality that you all may have adopted as I once felt
the need to, but to the child in you not yet willing to give up the present moment
and mystery and myth now well alive for some dysfunctional modern farce and its
arbitration and commands and its ranks and lies and warped notions and distorted,
petrified likenesses, melted faces and its even less meaningful future concepts.
Will you, as the rabble do in ignorance, continue to offer yourself up in all that
you are and have been given and had beaten out of you, as one cog, one node, among
a thousand thousand, three times a thousands of other nodes who serve one node who
serves another whose service goes to yet another in the impersonal, deadening
pussywhipped spirit of the last yuga? People who are more open than you and more
realized, body and mind, beautiful and cunning, and who have taken up bestial
covenants for the kingdoms of the earth, delaying enlightenment, have got you
ripping yourself to shreds with your very own imagination and contending with their
lies so as to shut down what in nature would be for you, an invitation to go
inward, for their purposes and for the purposes of their own, and their spell like
a vortex. No, they don't look like decrepit old men, money is nothing to them, and
no they don’t care about depraved acts, which are dysfunctional acts of
frustration, as has been put in your head to rile up a false hope of revolution in
you so that they can refresh your pendulating ideology and restore your sense of
trust by saving you from an imaginary villain and from extreme class imbalance and
supreme evil.
Know now that by natural order, not everyone will make it, and its entirely up to
you whether you take consistent steps or two steps up for every stepping down in
your ascent to the absolute, to perfected beauty and eventually pure consciousness
as when the seer turns in on itself, in that moment where the exquisiteness of the
torture so far in its context of blackness colors resurrection a bright white
uncovered: when the stone is rolled away from your tomb's entry, when the passage
is free and the spirit we all share fills you with the real presence and maternal
warmth in mutual dwelling, when the channel gushes forth, when divine reception is
opened in every aspect of your unconscious bodymind, when the lowest is reconciled
to the utmost, and the temple veil is rent in lower earthly convulsions, when the
fulcrum is leveled at the mount of the skull between two sinners in you as like the
horns of moses and the last dural compensation lifted, when the divine drama and
the form of the fathers very own individuation is fulfilled in you microcosmically,
when balance is restored and the chalice is emptied, the image restored, and God
himself pours into you just for you to you offer it back up one last time in your
vulnerable limit, its for that precious moment that I will myself to the practice,
and its for all those reasons you mention and far more that I won’t turn back half
way up golgotha mangled and brutalized, I've ventured too far and I'm taking my
burdens to the source.

This is so much more than facial growth, if you understand what I'm saying, and
unlike me (evidently) prefer to merely see and withhold opinion, well see to this:
Sell everything or do everything within your power to seclude yourself comfortably
and reliably with enough animals, keep your eyes on yourself for the promise of
seeing a lifetime’s latent psychic torture-forms and early images, thoughts, mental
objects, bodily sensations and aromas emerge and pass before your mind's eye in a
bath of piping hot milk and water. You want this to surface, leave no stone
unturned, so if there is chatter to go through at first, hear the chattering and
don't be frustrated or turn away for breaks, hear what the body is saying to you
however accusatory or venomous- hell's angels are messengers too, harken to the
whispers of nature and the crying out of your unconscious spirit to be understood
and acknowledged, that is, to be made conscious. Then, attend to jhana like a baby
attends to beam-like conscious meditation on walls and musical crib mobiles. More
than anything, you want to be heard, so shut out everything and listen. To save
others you must save yourself, it’s not pride to start with yourself, but a great
humility- because there will be humbling, a lot of humbling. When you see that
you’re coming into shape and have grown curious about it, you go on ahead and play
with the world as you have missed it, just come back when you’re ready for the last
ascent, dissatisfied with all else, happening to lay waste to that last samskaric
iteration, having had your fill of the world, no longer attached, or maybe you're a
hero and you need to fulfill some principle of nobility in you, personally thats
not me, but maybe I may spur your heroic pattern into unfolding by mere typing
here, who am I to say what people will be receptive to, but as for me, I let the
dead bury their own. It's individuals who ask me for more that I might lend a hand
and even then I’m preoccupied with myself, not faceless crowds and movements. Again
I reiterate as others have before us: the greatest gift you can offer is the truest
realization of yourself.
Good luck, all.

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